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Am I the only one...


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You make it sound like the elites are impossible to beat, they're not. They give an added flavor of danger to the game.


I don't want to fall asleep while I'm leveling.


They're not impossible to beat (though some were pretty close), and some classes have an easier time than others. If I wipe 3 times per elite though, and I have to kill 3 of them for every quest, I'm probably just going to log out in frustration.


Yes, I could group up, but that's beside the point. The fact of the matter is that these are SOLO quests, and the game isn't balanced properly enough for all class/companion combinations to complete them efficiently. I group up plenty of times -- for material designed around having a group complete it.

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Everyone who is serious about what an MMO should entail? You're truly asking for mindless button mashing, killing Elite mobs without losing HP?


Wow. I'm...no really...wow.


(There's a hidden message in this post for you).


No - you didn't roflmmfao...


Come one, there's a reason for lites on the starting areas if you haven't figured it out by now - duh, to prepare you for the rest of the game. Real games are all about thinking and strategy not just about creating macros to keep pressing to kill something. Hmmm... now there's a thought, I was wondering to myself yesterday as to why there aren't any macro builders here. Maybe that's why. But I too am guilty of using them as well:


/g Hello :)

/g or /p Gratz :)


but that's really the extent of it - I like to group buttons and form strategies in my head how I'm going to kick the hell out of those guys taking the least bit of damage - that's fun but that's me...

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It does not take that much to take down a single elite. I play a sith sorcerer and have no issue at all with dealing with elite and strong mobs at the same time. Bioware is basically training you for flashpoint/raid situations where you have to figure out what to do when fighting a particular mob. Use interrupts, cds, heals if you have them. You know... actually play your character to its fullest. Edited by Supersomething
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because i complain that there are elites in nearly every single quest post thirty i don't like a challenge? What about pvp? What about flashpoint bosses? What about 4-man world quests? What about operations? What about just having only a small handful of elite mobs in solo quests per each planet?


what about me?


It isnt fair, ive had enough and i want my share


cant you see? I wanna live but you take more skill than i got.

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That thinks BioWare is going to see a mass exodus of players post 30 if they don't remove or nerf the elite mobs that litter the "solo" quests for the rest of the game?


Depending on your class, it's minor frustration to beating your head against a brick wall.


You are the only one.


I love the return of world elites.

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They're not impossible to beat (though some were pretty close), and some classes have an easier time than others. If I wipe 3 times per elite though, and I have to kill 3 of them for every quest, I'm probably just going to log out in frustration.


Yes, I could group up, but that's beside the point. The fact of the matter is that these are SOLO quests, and the game isn't balanced properly enough for all class/companion combinations to complete them efficiently. I group up plenty of times -- for material designed around having a group complete it.


You don't have some sort of tank/healing companion? also, Elite mobs are suppose to be a little challenging, if they are too much so, then you just need to level up a bit more. While those quests might be "SOLO" quests, the game is balanced. Some people can heal and do moderate damage, some people can tank and do moderate damage, and then some people can put out tons of damage but have lower survivability because of that fact. The balance of classes boils down to 3 main components: Live Longer, Kill Slower or Live Shorter, Kill Faster or take an >>>------>( ( knee

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I like the difficulty that comes with this game. These elite quests remind me, for some reason of that last quest in the Mustafar Jedi storyline in SWG, when you had to kill that boss-like Dark Jedi in order to get something. And you had to do it solo. But afterwards I felt like I had accomplished something.


I found that, a lot of the time, it just involves careful use of companions and cooldowns. I remember to start with I wasn't actually using my companions and was thinking 'This is the hardest game ever...' but then I realised. :)

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It dosent help that the game require a certain companion on some story missions. An example would be jedi knight-marauder(dps) requires a dps companion for some story missions making encounters aginst elites in them extremily hard.
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That thinks BioWare is going to see a mass exodus of players post 30 if they don't remove or nerf the elite mobs that litter the "solo" quests for the rest of the game?


Depending on your class, it's minor frustration to beating your head against a brick wall.


This is why i hate wow for making it easier to level.


now people come across a game like this where you need skill and go, nope too hard back to wow where i can faceroll.

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Because I complain that there are elites in nearly every single quest post thirty I don't like a challenge? What about PvP? What about flashpoint bosses? What about 4-man world quests? What about Operations? What about just having only a small handful of elite mobs in solo quests per each planet?


Well, seeing as you can always avoid the challenge by letting others carry you through flashpoints/raids and even pvp...


You chose to pull the "everyone will quit" card and QQ instead of asking for advice. You flat out admit that you arent interested in using your brain and strategize, so yeah...

Edited by Flowerslayer
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I am amazed by some people. Anyone who cant beat an elite solo is either completely spoilt by the way other games work (WoW) or have a serious lack of skill.


I play a Sith Sorc and I am currently level 43. I have soloed Heroic 2man quests, I have died doing so but it is possible and you are taking on 2 elites at a time in some cases. Anyone that cant kill 1 elite on its own really needs to stop playing and find another game, instead of coming here and complaining and trying to get the game nerfed into a game that already exists.


If you want the faceroll gameplay of WoW, go back there and play that game please. It will help this game stay as it is and it will also help the queues disappear :)


I really hope the Dev's listen to the legitamate complaints about this game rather than spoilt skill-lacking kids.

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This is exactly what I love about questing in this game. While the model may be the same as go here and kill X number of Y, or gather X, there is variety in combat. Aoe down this pack, Mix up your abilities to kill the strong mob. Oh no, you got an elite and a strong mob, blow your cooldowns, maximize your rotation, wooot you won!


Its not mind numbing repetition.

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This is exactly what I love about questing in this game. While the model may be the same as go here and kill X number of Y, or gather X, there is variety in combat. Aoe down this pack, Mix up your abilities to kill the strong mob. Oh no, you got an elite and a strong mob, blow your cooldowns, maximize your rotation, wooot you won!


Its not mind numbing repetition.


Great post. This is one of the many reasons this game is fun. Mobs aren't packed together like sardines in most places. There's tons of variety in mob packs.

Often I even seek out those elite mobs just to see if they will drop something. If the OP is having trouble with elites, then he needs to try out a champion npc. There are several class quests that are quite difficult but nothing that can't be conquered from either leveling up, using stims, medpacks, or bringing a friend. That is one of the core aspects of the RPG genre.

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