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Current list of Suggestions


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Another few more:


  • Connect up the two speeder routes on Drommund Kaas
  • Put a GTN terminal and mail box on Balmorra, preferably in the building that contains the Cargo Hold terminal.
  • Companion affection changes should show up in dialogue, regardless of whether the companion is with you or not (e.g. out on a mission). After all, the affection is changed anyway.
  • Allow players to craft items themselves, and because they are investing their own time, perhaps give them an increased chance at "critting".
  • When a companion returns from a mission, the reward should go into the "Pending" queue at the top right of the screen, NOT close down all of the windows currently open (e.g. the Trade or Vendor windows).
  • The Crafting window for whatever skill you have should show the amount of skill you have as well as the schematics e.g. "Crafting : Artificing (115 / 400)"

Edited by Tarka
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  • You should be able to offer gifts to companions even when they are on a mission.
  • You should be able to compare items to what your companion is wearing even when they are on a mission.
  • All companion pathing needs sorting to stop them from running directly behind you (most annoying with Khem Val).
  • All resources should be put directly into the Cargo Hold, not in the inventory.
  • We should have the ability to "stack" same items.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned:


Some kind of system that allows a higher level character to lower his/her level to that of someone their teaming with (example the exemplar system in CoH) so as to make teaming with a lower level friend challenging and fun.

Edited by Runeshard
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Two things i would like to see in the game and not in the list:


- Target-Through (very important for DPS to target through the Tank and Healer targeting a Boss-Mobs target through it for heals)


- Transfer between chars on different sides (8 slots means for me playing all 8 professions, that means 4 on both sides and i love to craft MUCH [also 8 crafting professions])

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Reposted from another brief suggestion thread (my the community is actually being helpful about this, impressive) so apologies for any duplication:


Purple nodes on the minimap for grouped resource nodes - currently you can only see your own. It's counter-intuitive when you see your fellow players run off to point at some empty part of the world only to realise 'oh there's a node over there that I can't see'.


Clearer targeting - when I target a fellow player in a group I get a nice bright big circle around them in the vertical, as well as horizontal. When I do the same to an enemy, I just get the one at their feet, mostly hidden by grass or carpet. Makes for confusion.


Improve companion positioning - I am losing count of the number of times Khem's head is in my screen making it unable for me to click on things because he's big and he can't stay off to one side. I don't need a chaperone; let him give me a little distance! I know he loves me, but really!


Purely a personal viewpoint this one, but I'd prefer the trooper's Mortar skill to call in mortars in some way, because it looks really really odd shooting it from any old equipped gun. By comparison the Bounty Hunter's version looks very cool & fits.

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These are some things I like to see. None of them are game breaking to me, and I love this game, but rather just a few quality of life things.


-Having /who <name> actually search for that name and not just bring up the area you are in with a list of everyone.


-Be able to rt-click->whisper everyone... only seems to work in some situations?


-I 2nd (1000nd) that the GTN needs to be updated some.


-When your companion returns from a mission it SHOULDN'T knock you out of the GTN because you are then just filling out all the fields again.


-I like city guards to have some functions on them (help me get to X).

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Class specific side-quests. I'm only level 22, so this may be implemented at higher levels. However, for leveling purposes, I think this would help alleviate some of the strictly linear aspect.


As a smuggler, I'd like to see class side quest missions that have to do with...smuggling. Even if it's a repetitive quest like go pick up package from planet "x" (possible fighting involved) and deliver to planet "y" for some extra credits (possible fighting en-route to delivery as well).


I'm sure bounty hunters would enjoy looking at the mission log on their ship to find extra npc bounties on random planets. Later in development, I think player bounties would be a nice added feature as well for pvp servers.


The way each class story is designed, having little class-specific side-missions while you level up would provide a nice break from the linear story without breaking the character or the story. Your character could then revisit older planets and/or out-of-the-way locations on planets instead of the same quest hubs.

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Just a few suggestions to ways around your suggestions :D


Ability to see quest rewards - I personally would rather not, I find myself engaging in fr more missions and story because I dont know what's next. Personally I look forward to seeing what options I get when finishing mission/mission chain.


Preferences - user interface - Map - map fade value - turn to 100% = faded map problem sorted.


Preferences - controls - 'Deselect target upon clicking on terrain' = well self explanetary.


Locations names? Not sure what you mean by this but I have them on my map.


To see character sheets? Click player - right click there picture - additonal commands - inspect player?


Customisable ship? You mean like sticking plants etc around your starship not upgrades right?


If a player is in your group they can visit your ship, done it with friend and confirmed.


Other than that alot of what I see in thread looks good, would love the ability to take server wide bountys out on Empire players, great idea.


My own suggestions:


#Ability to rename companions, seems litle strange to all have the same named companions.


#Rather than WoW style LFG tools, allow us to create custom channels that other players can be invited to and are moderated by players (city of heroes does this with great effect), make them server wide. There is an option to create custom channel but seem to only be able to name it and nothing else. Might I add city of heroes has the best community in any game I have ever played and I put alot down to these player created channels.


PS: Bump for STICKY please:eek:

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#Rather than WoW style LFG tools, allow us to create custom channels that other players can be invited to and are moderated by players (city of heroes does this with great effect), there is an option to create custom channel but seem to only be able to name it and nothing else.


They have the custom channel features you're suggesting in game already actually. There's a useful guide linked here.


If you don't want to click through, the command I think you're looking for is /cinvite [channelname] [player] – Invite someone to the custom channel. There's also the usual mod abilities and the like.


What I'd prefer to see for LFG management is instead a tooltip pop up to inform players of the existing in-game Looking For Group tool when they receive their first Flashpoint or Heroic 4 quest. Maybe even a quest to encourage them to give it a try once.


EDIT: Reworded for clarity.

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They have the custom channel features you're suggesting in game already actually. There's a useful guide linked here.


If you don't want to click through, the command I think you're looking for is /cinvite [channelname] [player] – Invite someone to the custom channel. There's also the usual mod abilities and the like.


Sweet, thankyou so much for this link, I'm going to start a channel on my server tonogiht. Thankyou so much, been looking for how to do this.:D

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Sweet, thankyou so much for this link, I'm going to start a channel on my server tonogiht. Thankyou so much, been looking for how to do this.:D


You're welcome, happy to help. :)


As a side note to the OP: An alternate suggestion to my wish for mouseover macros, since macros in general seem to be a hotly divisive topic, perhaps a button to enable "cast on mouseover" to individual keybinds set on the Preferences page. This would enable healers to use their abilities on mouseover but still leave out the ability to chain multiple abilities together that people seem to have the most issue with.

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As an option for high-legacy-level players, I'd love to see some additional races implemented.


Because you've got this wonderful system of gear modification, instead of having to remodel all existing armor for the new race, you could require only certain race-specific armors (make, perhaps, 5 armor sets for a given race) that are all mod-based. This requires a legacy player because of the difficulties involved in learning the modification system while learning other game systems. In end-game content, you could provide mods specifically for the alternate races (so that rare unique item drops are still possible for the more humanoid races).


Among things I'd love to see that could take advantage of this system:

Jawa (multiple different shades of Jawa robe during char gen?). Character must be able to yell "Utinni!"

Orto (they're not all the same shade of blue, are they?)


Ithorian (although maybe with enough finesse you could use the standard armor system for them).


(reposted from a long-buried thread)

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I love alot of the suggestions in this thread.


I would like to see some Guild emblems or logos type of customizer. Similar to STO, simple but gives a guild a symbolic identity. These emblems could be put on the exterior of player ships, displayed on the guild menu and possibly used on the flags in future guild ships/housing.

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Just an fyi, the big thing about my legacy unlock for races has more to do with the modding system and the fact that you wouldn't need to remodel all armor in the game for every new race, rather than anything to do with the races themselves.


(and thanks for maintaining the list)

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Strongly consider getting rid of ability ranks and finding a better way to sink cash.


Talent trees are bloated, and button bloat is also a problem. Once there are enough max-level toons, find a way to roll together some skills and talents.


A way to right click a player's name in chat and get information about them.

Edited by Herbertllew
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Increase server population caps (romured to be around 2k), 10k would be much better, as long as servers are stable.


Get rid of second/third? instances within zones, last night 30 in tatooine 1, 32 in tatooine 2, why? One instance per server pelase.


And shameless bump :eek:

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