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Schematic tiptool to show that you know the schematic and also add feature so you are able to learn a schematic that you already know!


I'm sure I've learned a schematic that I bought off the GTN more than once.


Having to look at your list of known schematics is a real PAIN


Def an annoying aspect of the GTN, added it to the list.

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Def an annoying aspect of the GTN, added it to the list.


It's not an aspect of the GTN, it's schematics in general. They need to add it in the tooltip "Already known" and also disable learning it once again if you already know it.


Example, you can have 5 of the same schematic and use it 5 different times. In turn wasting the schematics and also that means less people on the server that knows it. This can be a REAL ISSUE for rare schematics

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Has anyone suggested multiple windows open at once yet?


Find it frustrating to open a window and it auto closes other windows, sometimes I just want a lot of stuff open!


(would also help the schematics issue a bit I bet)

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A re-scaling of the camera rotation speed slider. 0% is still way too fast. (And please don't say, "just turn down the pointer speed in your mouse control panel." I don't have to do that for any other game. And when I turn my mouse control panel pointer speed to the absolute minimum, and then set the camera rotation speed in SWTOR to 100%, a tiny nudge of my mouse still makes my character spin around like 10 times. Not very useful.)


Also the respawn times of bonus quest bosses needs to be lowered dramatically. I don't understand why they have such a long respawn time. I was standing around for 5 minutes in Coruscant waiting for some Guild Master or somesuch to spawn, and then I got out-tapped for him, and had to wait another 5 minutes. Lame. As much as I like this game, I'm already getting a little bit distressed by the camping and ninja-looting and grief-tapping and other bad behaviors that other MMOs seem to minimize with the design of gameplay mechanisms. The tapping mechanism is a griefer's best friend - if someone wants to be annoying (and we all know, plenty of people seem to want nothing else), they can just out-tap you all day long on mobs related to quests. Also, if I tap something and then run away until I lose aggro (or just die), those mobs go back to their starting location, heal fully... and then STAY TAPPED. That has to be fixed.

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I have an interesting suggestion, which is borrowed from LOTRO.

Well in LOTRO there's a cosmetic feature. If you don't like the look of a piece of armour, you can use the stats from it, but cosmetically equip another. This is very handy.

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Apologies if any of these have been mentioned already, I read through and didn't see them


1) Mouseover macro support

2) Improvements to the GTN

- Ability to see per unit cost when stacks of more than one item are posted

- Better search functionality, that doesn't require pre-setting all categories

- Ability to search for armor by slot within the type, for example medium armor > Wrist

3) Some kind of indicator to let me know when I'm close to pulling threat, so that I can manage my output more effectively

4) My debuffs visible on hostile nameplates, similar to how it appears on my target pane.


As well as an enthusiastic thumbs up for a number of the other enhancements others have listed.


So far I'm loving the game, but it just needs a few quality of life tweaks to make things truly amazing.


Edit to add: Allow gathering in combat please. It's really irritating to stop to scavenge and be unable to because the rest of the group has charged on ahead to pull the next pack.

Edited by Kadriya
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I have an interesting suggestion, which is borrowed from LOTRO.

Well in LOTRO there's a cosmetic feature. If you don't like the look of a piece of armour, you can use the stats from it, but cosmetically equip another. This is very handy.


This is what custom items do in SWTOR. They are just shells for looks, you add stats to them via mods, which can be unequipped from your current custom item and put into another.

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heres another. not having to press escape just to untarget? i duno if you can change that already but if not add it! :) and the "tab" system is kinda iffy. never really targets who you want


kk any suggestion on how else to detarget that I can toss in there with this one?

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