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Better jedi killer?


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Ignoring the trooper and smuggler completely, who in your mind would be the better jedi killer? The bounty hunter with all sorts of heavy armor and varied weapons from missiles to a flamethrower, or the Imperial Agent who understands the nature of force users and has extremely specialized training (as well as either long range sniping and probes or a stealth generator depending on AC)?
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Think this jedi said it better than I could:



Imperial intelligence operatives are clearly just as deadly as their Sith superiors." ―Jedi Master Gnost-Dural


I don't think that quote was meant literally, though I might be wrong. The IA is dangerous, but most of that comes from his ability to infiltrate and hide I'd think. Honestly I prefer the IA, but I feel like the BH just has the firepower to get the job done better.

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I don't think that quote was meant literally, though I might be wrong. The IA is dangerous, but most of that comes from his ability to infiltrate and hide I'd think. Honestly I prefer the IA, but I feel like the BH just has the firepower to get the job done better.


Bigger and more firepower doesn't always get the job done, remember that. The jedi can see the bounty hunter coming and prepare for them.


Does that mean they can't no, just means a lot of time it is tougher.


Even the agent would have a hard time.


It would take a very well trained individual and they would need to do it when the jedi is unprepared.



Even Jango as good as he was had a problem with Mace since Mace saw him coming.



I think the best solution is based on a case by case and on the individual.

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Bigger and more firepower doesn't always get the job done, remember that. The jedi can see the bounty hunter coming and prepare for them.


Does that mean they can't no, just means a lot of time it is tougher.


Even the agent would have a hard time.


It would take a very well trained individual and they would need to do it when the jedi is unprepared.



Even Jango as good as he was had a problem with Mace since Mace saw him coming.



I think the best solution is based on a case by case and on the individual.


In Jango's defense, he would have flown away had his jetpack not JUST been broken. Also Mace Windu was one of the most skilled of the Jedi, but I do see your point. I think I worded what I said wrong. Rather than more firepower I meant...more tools in the firepower. Flamethrowers, tracer missiles, grenades. Things that a Jedi can't readily block and defend against without a lot of distracting effort.

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In general, accounting for each individual's strengths and weakness, looking at but not restricting yourself to game mechanics and narrative, and assuming all parties are of relatively equal standing, I'd say an Agent would be better suited for quick takedowns whilst a Bounty Hunter would fair better in more dragged out fights comparatively. The Agent has to overcome a Jedi's 'spiritual' prowess (heightened senses, limited precognition) whilst the Bounty Hunter would have to deal with a Jedi's 'martial' prowess (melee combat, increased endurance).


Both Agent specializations would likely have to rely on the element of surprise, utilizing a long rang kill shot or a close range stealth strike. If force to engage in prolonged combat, they would likely use poisons to dull to hamper the Jedi's senses and physicality, leveling the playing field.


For a Bounty Hunter, the best defense is a good offense or the best offense is a good defense. A Jedi is deadly, hard to kill, and versatile, so a Bounty Hunter has to be the same. Any sufficiently trained Jedi can deflect blaster bolts, but the average Knight might have trouble blocking a flamethrower or stopping a missile in its tracks. Throw in some extra tools like grenades, remote charges, electricity and a Hunter should be able to overcome the Jedi's defenses while staying alive long enough to use them.


I'd say the Agent specializes in taking down a single target quick and getting out of there before they've even drawn attention, whilst the Bounty Hunter specializes in preparing an arsenal that's capable walking into (and out of) the greatest variety of situations.

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Why are so many people saying IA? Imo that's one of the only classes which keeps true to the movies in the sense that everyone's like **** A LIGHTSABER. Unlike the bounty hunter who kills jedi and sith left and right.


Why does everyone forget the force? That is the biggest Jedi or Sith's ally, that is what allows them to use just a lightsaber. Every single non force user is at a huge disadvantage to a force user, there is no contest. The only way is if that force user is distracted in some way/trying to fight many at once beyond his training.


Anything that any "non force user" uses, a force user can be trained to use as well. It would depend on the context, so the jedi could not bring the force to bear on the enemy, in what ever way that is.

Edited by GenBelisarius
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Why does everyone forget the force? That is the biggest Jedi or Sith's ally, that is what allows them to use just a lightsaber. Every single non force user is at a huge disadvantage to a force user, there is no contest. The only way is if that force user is distracted in some way/trying to fight many at once beyond his training.


Anything that any "non force user" uses, a force user can be trained to use as well. It would depend on the context, so the jedi could not bring the force to bear on the enemy, in what ever way that is.


I seem to recall quite a few Jedi Masters getting mowed down by a few grunts with blaster rifles. That whole 'Order 66' thing.


Unless you're talking about the EU, where Force Users play pinball with planets, only to have their tremendous cosmic powers mysteriously fail at inopportune, usually fatal, moments. :p

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It would be the bounty hunter with their explosives and other weapons, in Kotor HK-47 goes over effective tactics for killing jedi, and presumably the bounty hunter and probably even the agent would have access to these things.


As a Jedi hunter, HK-47 was knowledgeable in many techniques for assassinating Jedi, which he explained to Meetra Surik so that she could better defend herself against her enemies. When faced with a Jedi, HK-47 utilized various weapons specifically selected to be most effective against lightsaber techniques, such as grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets, plasma charges, poison gas, and mines. These weapons could not be deflected by a lightsaber, and sonic weapons were useful in shattering a Jedi's concentration, preventing one's use of Force powers. Mines and gas were useful in catching a Jedi by surprise, giving HK-47 the advantage in combat. HK-47 also mentioned using a sniper rifle to attack from long range in order to avoid detection. In addition to these weapons, HK-47 often attempted to erode the will of his opponents and make them doubt their beliefs, which he found to be an effective method for weakening their concentration and disrupting their connection to the Force. The droid also found attacking a Jedi's allies or Padawan to be a sound tactic, as Jedi would often sacrifice themselves to save an ally
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It would be the bounty hunter with their explosives and other weapons, in Kotor HK-47 goes over effective tactics for killing jedi, and presumably the bounty hunter and probably even the agent would have access to these things.


Stating tactics and using them, are two very different things however.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Anything that any "non force user" uses, a force user can be trained to use as well.


Well, sure, but if the Force user trained to use that non-Force thing, that would be less time he would be able to dedicate to perfecting his use of the Force (and vice-versa). The Force is a tool...there are going to be individuals who will be good or bad with using it, but can make up for that by learning to use some other tool.


Simply being able to use the Force isn't the be all/end all; if it was Raina Temple could have singlehandedly sacked the whole of Ord Mantell.

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