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Scripts in PVP


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Scripts, unfortunately, are out there. Not sure if they are widespread, but they exist and are utilized by some. I, for one, never wanted to quit the game because of that, maybe since I'm not absolutely terrible :)


As for the advantage, executing a chain of actions through exploits results in a "perfect" outcome. That's just what you get, it eliminates slow human factor and executes action with a machine's precision. I hope I don't need to explain how this can be advantageous when count is for the seconds :)

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And I see nobody brought up the fact that there are many players using that program that intercepts and allows the user to directly modify calls to DirectX. Meaning easy autotargeting, maphacking, aimbotting, etc without relying on having an easily detected program attempt to inject C and Assembly code into a running .EXE.


Originally developed to be used on CS and UT, WoW, Rift and Battlefield support was added, and then Warhammer, AoC and SW:TOR when it was released. Oh, and it's now also used in games like CoD: MW3, Black OPs, Black OPs 2, etc.


This is a lot more believable


You don't have GCD and ability que to protect you here


And it doesn't require an all knowing script that apparently makes better decisions than most of you.

Edited by Mookind
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yeah, I was called a scripter/hacker last night.

Seems I had 'rage' and 'gcd' hack/script and could endlesly spam massacre, and on crutial moments even once a second when we all know gcd is 1.5 :rolleyes:

not to mention, my ravage was rooting players,

hack is obvius.

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Yeah ... sure... keep telling that to yourself.


"The Truth is out there" - Isnt that an X-files quote?


Well, if you believe in the widerspread use of powerful scripts which are essential for good players in high ranked pvp you might as well believe in alien conspiracys, I guess.


Nobody is asking for a link or anthing, however, so far NOBODY has even been able / or willing to explain the advantage of letting a script automate significant actions for you UNLESS YOU ARE TERRIBLE. I mean the advantages of macros are quite obvious (and I suppose they might be in widespread usage), but scripts?


Or to put in another way: Are you really that terrible in pvp that running a script which targets / chooses and executes your actions will improve your gameplay?


Is the advantage of having a move executed *exactly* every 1.5 seconds not enough for you?


What about the possibility of a script that moves you? Doesn't seem like a big deal, unless it also somehow detects the way your target is facing, and constantly moves you to keep you *behind* the target so they keep getting the 'must be facing target'.

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Well done quoting the X-Files, because like that programme this "enormous problem" of Scripts in PvP is a work of fiction that's been mistaken for reality by the paranoid and gullible.


It's been kept going by about four individuals repeatting the same posts, void of content or coherent argument. The devs haven't posted because it's an imaginary problem. I am now annoyed at myself for posting in it again.


I would not be surprised if this was a metagame to see how long a BS thread could be kept going. Maybe I take my paranoia differently.

Yeah ... sure... keep telling that to yourself.


"The Truth is out there" - Isnt that an X-files quote?


Well, if you believe in the widerspread use of powerful scripts which are essential for good players in high ranked pvp you might as well believe in alien conspiracys, I guess.


Nobody is asking for a link or anthing, however, so far NOBODY has even been able / or willing to explain the advantage of letting a script automate significant actions for you UNLESS YOU ARE TERRIBLE. I mean the advantages of macros are quite obvious (and I suppose they might be in widespread usage), but scripts?


Or to put in another way: Are you really that terrible in pvp that running a script which targets / chooses and executes your actions will improve your gameplay?


It's funny when you 2 quote me but completely skip all the other testaments on this thread, its like you don't to read the


truth and want to quote the guy telling you so.


Please stop quoting me unless you actually read this thread, your wasting everyone's time here that actually wants answers for this.


This thread isn't for trolls and people in denial, its for answers from Bioware and people that know what they are talking about.


Thank you.

Edited by Caeliux
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Is the advantage of having a move executed *exactly* every 1.5 seconds not enough for you?


What about the possibility of a script that moves you? Doesn't seem like a big deal, unless it also somehow detects the way your target is facing, and constantly moves you to keep you *behind* the target so they keep getting the 'must be facing target'.


So you are telling me you are NOT able to use a button once every 1.5 secs yourself (even with the help of the ability queue option) and moving behind a target is to hard for you...


Let me guess, you also use the keybord to turn, right?


Well, thanks for proving my point.


You surely would benefit from any script, no matter how bad. Heck, a cat randomly jumping on your keybord might even improve your play.

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So you are telling me you are NOT able to use a button once every 1.5 secs yourself (even with the help of the ability queue option) and moving behind a target is to hard for you...


Let me guess, you also use the keybord to turn, right?


Well, thanks for proving my point.


You surely would benefit from any script, no matter how bad. Heck, a cat randomly jumping on your keybord might even improve your play.


So your telling me that TOTALLY not having to worry about procs, energy level, or cooldowns EVER, would not free you up to pay more attention to the warzone going on around you, position yourself properly, and do the situational things like swaps and ccs would not make it easier for you to play a wz?

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So your telling me that TOTALLY not having to worry about procs, energy level, or cooldowns EVER, would not free you up to pay more attention to the warzone going on around you, position yourself properly, and do the situational things like swaps and ccs would not make it easier for you to play a wz?


How would a script decide when and how to change the target and to whom?

How does a script pay attention to my energy level? What does this even mean?

How would a script decide when to use a cc and against whom?

How would a script react to me changing the position?



Ah, right, you are not going to tell me. I mean, you surely could, but telling me would get you banned right? :D


And for the record: I consider myself an average pvp player. Maybe above average when you inculde all players who play pvp only once per week or less.


But I can still manage my procs (they usually come with a graphical effect AND sound) and my energy while moving and using a skill every 1,5 secs pretty well. it isnt that hard actually.

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Not only can I not tell you how, but I wouldnt if I could. I talk to people everyday that are currently doing this in wzs. I am sorry for my post quoting you. I dont want this to be a debate thread. I want this to be a bioware speaks on the use of 3rd party programs in this game thread. I want to use mine now, and if this thread ever dies you can make a good guess that I have started.
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How would a script decide when and how to change the target and to whom?

How does a script pay attention to my energy level? What does this even mean?

How would a script decide when to use a cc and against whom?

How would a script react to me changing the position?



Ah, right, you are not going to tell me. I mean, you surely could, but telling me would get you banned right? :D


And for the record: I consider myself an average pvp player. Maybe above average when you inculde all players who play pvp only once per week or less.


But I can still manage my procs (they usually come with a graphical effect AND sound) and my energy while moving and using a skill every 1,5 secs pretty well. it isnt that hard actually.

It depends on how it's written but it is possible. Granted not everything needs to be scripted either. It's not about necessarily using a skill every 1.5 sec but using the most effective skill everytime.

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Not only can I not tell you how, but I wouldnt if I could.


And you wonder why you are not going to convince anyone who is not already a "believer" that the problem you claim to exist is legitimate at all?


Sorry, simply saying the "truth is out here" doesn't cut it for many.


Well, unless somebody will bring just a shred of evidence that this is a serious issue at all (amazingly in 49 pages, nobody has...), I am out of here since I otherwise would just bumb this non-topic further.

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If you are one of those guys that need spoon feeding, move along, no spoon feeding here. If you know that "Google"&reading is your friend then stick around and share your thoughts :D.


You can google 'Bill G. Naked' but that doesnt mean he posed for 'over 18 yo guys magazine'

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This is when they needed to get rid of bots/scripts for multi-clicks. This article was from along time ago and FTP has really worked. They need to take it seriously. They should one up themselves and crush it


Here is my business plan.. Every person working in the office has a virtual computer with swtor. (to not get hacked on their main work comp) they download one bot a day and test it.

Edited by Kegparty
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First, a few have taken my 95% comment out of context people like Ck. I thought most people who can :(read understand that when I refer to the game population, I do not mean people who play 50 pvp everyday, sometimes for hours a day. Next, I said I did,nt think this was gamebreaking, and its not. That being said , I do see advantages that coul be given by this. Mainly, if your spamming wzs for hrs at a time this would be useful to lazy or preoccupied players . Also, someone who has alot of pvp experince but is unfamiliar with a cllass , this would provide them with a crutch. I can see this being used to cover weak links on a team. I do think they are being used, but its only a handful of people, and its not providing them with anything you cant do urself. So no I dont think ea needs to adress it. I think they should just allow everyone to use them, this would please the Op, and it would shutup all the bruised egos I see here who troll the thread with o arguments, and show just how childish they really are.
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This is a heavily edited and sanitized quote from a conversation I had with a friend. I hope no one is offended by it and I surely hope the devs have a response to this. I am frankly shocked that this type of thing can even work in an MMO and it does absolutely call into question the rateing of every single team and player in this game. It also brings up the question of why even have season 1 of rateds start when this kind of thing is possible.



Hey man. Just an FYI. I deleted ALL of my toons and unsubscribed about a week ago. Sorry. I went as far as I could with that game and it's time for me to move on. I will say that in the end, I came to realize how much automation is being used at the high end of the PvP game.

I wrote a script for my toon that could execute the best attack all the time, even look at my procs and manage

resources. All I really had to do was position myself well and the script did the rest. It tore people apart. I had a pocket healer one voidstart and hit 600k by just using my mouse/movement keys. I couldn't solo everyone, but I rarely lost a 1v1.

I wrote a smart heal for my Sage healer and started hitting even higher heals per second too.

Anyhow, after doing this, It became obvious that a lot of other players are doing the same. Little things give it away, but once you're using these scripts, you start to notice when other people are too.I played the game for the first year with the barest of automation. Just an autohotkey macro to bind my self target modifier. Clearly, I was naive to not realize so many other people were going to go a lot farther


Some background.

I am a computer programmer with 20 years experience. < not me repost from hacking site. This is whats wrong with SWTOR PVP. Some of the PUBS on Jung Ma are using it.



I was watching a video of some rated PvP and I noticed that the player's hands did not seems to be pressing the keys as frequently as I would have expected. I was aware of simple macro's to chain commands, but even that didn't appear to me to explain it.

I had used Macrogoblin to spacebot for leveling purposes. It occured to me at that time that maybe this, or something like this, was what the player was doing.

I spend a few days learning the full command set to macrogoblin as was able to write a script for my character. The first character I chose to script was a Jedi Shadow. My thinking was that since almost all of their abilities didn't require standing still, it would make the script easier to write.

The script was initated when I pressed my straff keys. I would use my mouse and straff keys to position myself behind the target, this is optimal for both offensive and defensive reasons. For the following 5 seconds after I pressed either of my straff keys, the script is designed to continuosly attack the target. It checks to see which procs are up and makes sure that I don't become resource depleted. It wil pop an offensive cooldown when the right proccs are up. It will also execute some defensive cooldowns if my health starts dropping. It will stop attacking if I cloak out or manually start activating abilities like stuns, AoE attacks, or grenades. As soon as I start straffing again, the script continues it's attack.

It will not fire things like stuns, reslience, wz medpacks and addrenals. Those are best activated by the player.

I was very surpised how effective the script was. It greatly reduced the amount of mental effort I needed to spend on my rotation and allowed me to focus on the big picture. It increased my damage in WZ total and allowed me to win almost all 1v1 fights. It allowed me to focus on timing my stuns, interupts, taunts, etc better. Most of these can be interleaved with the script easily as many don't even trigger a GCD.

Did it make me a PvP god? Yes and No. It made me FAR better than I was. It made me far better than most people I came up against. But, there are still players who can kick my ***. Just not very many.

After using the script for a while, I noticed that the other players were exhibiting certain quirky actions that my character also exhibited when using scripts. I am convinced that I am not the only one using scripts in PvP.

If there are any questions that I can answer please ask.

Edited by anfo
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Thanks for posting Anfo, please edit your post to remove the name of the program even though everyone already knows it.


done. :) u think they will ever fix it. ? i doubt it, whole game seems cash grab go me now.

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