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Scripts in PVP


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I am yet to see any evidence of the existence of such super-scripts. Looks like soft sci-fi to me, not reality.

Nm, wont call anyone out: Just watch twitch tv and also watch the set up of these programs on there as well.


(edited so as not to dime anyone out)

Edited by Draych
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It's also nice when you ask someone information on a better rotation... and they respond with 'I don't know... I just run a macro program that does it for me. Go to this site to dl it'


Do you understand that these aren't macros from Rifts or WoW. These are extremely intelligent programs scripts that require a third party program just to run them.

Edited by Draych
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It does indeed give a player a massive advantage: There are many skills that are OFF GCD, meaning they can be used while the GCD is still in process. Not to mention that any pvp'er worth a grain of salt is constantly (or near-constantly) on the move. That moment it takes to glance at your buffs can allow the enemy to get way out of range when you're melee. A script (as complex as they are these days) will make you spam only a single button and it'll do the rest. Example; Cast overload saber [no active] at the same time as it 1) checks for debuffs on the opponent, checks your focus meter, and your enemy, plus the rest of your buffs their buffs and debuffs and executes a proper attack. And let me tell you... they are EXTREMELY effective. 100% of the time, without fail, it will execute the absolute most devistating attack with all things taken into consideration without human error (aside from positioning). Period. You position, spam your #1 button. That's it.


Thank you for your feedback.

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To the people who see no evidence in this thread, you're kidding yourselves.


To the people who can't seem to stop confusing bots with scripts, read slower. These things are not used to fully automate all decisions, they are used in conjugation with player input to improve player performance.


To the people who think they are not an advantage, for most players, they are an advantage. PvP is about information overload. Good scripts reduce the player's mental workload and give them a processing advantage.


To Bioware, either let us all use them, or do something to stop them. Your silence gives an advantage to those players who break your ToS at the expense of those who follow your rules.

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To the people who see no evidence in this thread, you're kidding yourselves.


To the people who can't seem to stop confusing bots with scripts, read slower. These things are not used to fully automate all decisions, they are used in conjugation with player input to improve player performance.


To the people who think they are not an advantage, for most players, they are an advantage. PvP is about information overload. Good scripts reduce the player's mental workload and give them a processing advantage.


To Bioware, either let us all use them, or do something to stop them. Your silence gives an advantage to those players who break your ToS at the expense of those who follow your rules.





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There are some advantages for scripts and smart response programs, but in this game, if you need robot or AI to be 50% more efective, you need to go back to playing Tetris in slow motion or Mario on easy.


Me? Bring script/AI player against me any time. I love playing chess with computer, I can deal with it in SWTOR.

Edited by Atramar
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I would like to *try* to answer some of this.



"scripts" a programmable 3rd party program where you can customize "scripts" or series of code that will trigger based on variables that occur or at the command of the user. Example: I want inturrupt to cast when certain enemy skill are cast and then immediately follow that up with a certain stun and attack skill. [...]



You canI hope this answers your question and again, this is based off my experience of scripts in another game (but could easily compare to SWTOR).

/end rational discussion

/begin trolling



First of all thank you for the response.


But no, it didn`t answer my question :)


To clarify: I know what scripts/bots/macros are. I also assume that all of these do exist for pvp swtor.


I only contest that


1. using extensive scripts (or bots for that matter) will help you to become good pvp player;

2. the usage of scrips (or bots) in SWTOR pvp is widespread.


Sure, running extensive scripts (or bots) might be helpful when you are really, really terrible, but so far no one has been able to explain to me what such a script would do in order to help any at least average player to become better than 95% of the others (as claimed by some).


So, as an example, would a script automatically use my medpack when my life is low?


This could be a bad idea for so many reasons, e.g. if you actually want to die because your respawn door has just opened in a wz. Or if you are out of resources. Or if dying would get you in a better position (in particular: Huttball, Voidstar). Or if is clear that since you are getting attacked by 3 DDs you will die anyway and thus don't want to waste you medpack cd. Or if dying in this situtation would be inconsequential. Or...


In order to make the right "call" which helps me a script would essentially have to read my mind.


It gets even worse than that if this script uses my skills which actually cost resources or trigger the GCD. A script that would automaticially use the one stun that I have (like you gave as an example) according to a fixed set of limited variables is a bad idea for so many reasons.


The most efficent computer known to me that I own (i.e. my brain) regulary fails to make the right calls in pvp (which is, as I have already ststed much more complex than chess). I can`t believe that a fixed script would do any better (at least for now).


So far there is 0 evidence in this theard to the contrary. Only hearsay, bold claims and naked belief ("Amen") .

I refuse to be convinced by these.

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You expect people to get a forum ban to give you "proof" when this is such common knowledgs at this point people arent even bothering to hide it. PVP endgame in this game is very close to being who has the best script written. When you see people practicing their scripts is lowbies, the conversion will be complete.
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Well, if I would script anything, I would use

-auto finisher

-auto backstab on proc for sins/shadows or when possible and energy 60%+ operatives/scoundrels


on op healer auto apply kolto probe on self and focus target (usualy tank that should guard me) / sorcerer auto bubble every one who's possible (that one dies with 2.0 as bubble stun got nerfed)


could add auto clensing, auto acid blade for concealment (this can be achieved by click pattern script).

auto cc breaker if trying to pass huttball.


nothing that would make a player any superior as atleast <insert random percentage number here> player base should be able to do those things on them selves (I'm hoping) - then again, if you are smart to write smart script, you should be able to cover these extra 3 buttons.

Unless our player base is 'slow', then I've lost all hope (would explain why I'm winning most of situational 1vs1 on all of my chars even if not trying very hard)


any more ideas on 'what button is so hard to click, we would script it'?

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So far there is 0 evidence in this thread to the contrary. Only hearsay, bold claims and naked belief ("Amen") .

I refuse to be convinced by these.


You have look with bigger eyes to see the truth, you might miss if you have doubt in your heart.



Edited by Caeliux
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You expect people to get a forum ban to give you "proof" when this is such common knowledgs at this point people arent even bothering to hide it. PVP endgame in this game is very close to being who has the best script written. When you see people practicing their scripts is lowbies, the conversion will be complete.


If it was common knowledge maybe you could come up with a video on how this affects game play?


Again there has been ZERO proof


And has been also said before IF YOU HAVE ANY *********** IDEA HOW TO PLAY YOU WILL DO BETTER without a script


Why would i want some *********** script making decisions for me when my brain works just fine


Watching some one get beat by a script would just be embarrassing for whatever noob couldn't cc.


Watching some one get beat by a speed hacker you feel empathy


That is the difference

Edited by Mookind
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If it was common knowledge maybe you could come up with a video on how this affects game play?


Again there has been ZERO proof


And has been also said before IF YOU HAVE ANY *********** IDEA HOW TO PLAY YOU WILL DO BETTER without a script


Why would i want some *********** script making decisions for me when my brain works just fine


Watching some one get beat by a script would just be embarrassing for whatever noob couldn't cc.


Watching some one get beat by a speed hacker you feel empathy


That is the difference


No, if you had any <insert curse word> Idea how to play the script would make you that much better. As has been said before by multiple people.

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No, if you had any <insert curse word> Idea how to play the script would make you that much better. As has been said before by multiple people.


also, there were many who made statments on how scripts are usless even if super smart in <THIS> game.

and if script would make you 'much better', then I pity you.

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also, there were many who made statments on how scripts are usless even if super smart in <THIS> game.

and if script would make you 'much better', then I pity you.


Then just ignore my thread man. I never asked you to post here. I have stated that this is a taint on rated warzones as a whole. I have asked Bioware what if anything they plan to do about it. I never asked for anyone who has never used a script, and has no idea what they can do, to come in here and say they are worthless and anyone that uses them are bad.

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Then just ignore my thread man. I never asked you to post here. I have stated that this is a taint on rated warzones as a whole. I have asked Bioware what if anything they plan to do about it. I never asked for anyone who has never used a script, and has no idea what they can do, to come in here and say they are worthless and anyone that uses them are bad.


I understand you only want to hear people agreeing with you.

I didn't say using script makes you bad, I wrote, that if you need script to be 'much better' then I pity you.

Doing programing for living, I know how smart programs are, and can be useful, also I played a certain game on a certain server which allowed certain program which included scripting and I did spent hours perfecting mines, I know how much help them can be.

What your thread lacks, is a real reason to use them. My self, posted few examples of what for they can be used, and many many others posted their pros and cons. Mostly it comes down to 3 buttons you could unbind if you had macro/script, and situational awareness which even best script doesn't have.

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What your thread lacks, is a real reason to use them.


This thread isn't about reason, its about questions geting answered by Bioware.


Opinions don't matter here only facts do, and the facts are Scripts are being used and some of us want to know what Bioware plans on doing about it.


It's that simple.

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This thread isn't about reason, its about questions geting answered by Bioware.


Opinions don't matter here only facts do, and the facts are Scripts are being used and some of us want to know what Bioware plans on doing about it.


It's that simple.


Then I'm sorry about off topic. Was referring to first post made by OP and got a wrong idea on what this topic is about.


I leave at peace.

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Did you notice Lance Armstrong

He apologized for lying about blood doping not the need to do it. In professorial cycling the athletes know they too will be banned if caught, but they also realize they will never get to compete if they do not do it. You can draw the conclusion from here.

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