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Scripts in PVP


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Think of a bot that does.....EVERYTHING! And does it well. Running WoW BG's my bot would often be close to the top in DPS, and made logical decisions on where to go based upon map activity. You could even set it up at the PvP vendor to buy an equip the proper gear. If I wasn't botting BG's I was set up for massive resource gathering that would mail to alts when bags were full, and repair if needed. leveling professions....yep. I honestly stopped actually playing the game, and just botted.


Another quote from a different person. Maybe 2 quotes will get bioware to speak up.

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Scripts/bots that play pvp for you WELL don't exist in any MMO. The only thing you could probably script is healing with healthbar percentages and it wouldn't script CC'ing interrupting a target, or using an escape mechanic.


Now I have seen healers in some MMO's that stand there like they are just morons. That could be automated, or they could just be really bad at looking at bars and having awareness at the same time.


Bottom line? If you EVER die to a bot/script? You are downright horrible. The only thing scripts/bots effect is the economy, and a gear grind. There is no gear grind in this game for pvp (compared to something like WoW), and I imagine Bioware did this to counter bot's (good idea).


If they did add a bigger separation of gear between EWH and WH, you WOULD see a lot more bots running around. Also for those thinking that this is a problem in one singular MMO you are wrong. The last time I played WoW if I solo queued, there were times I was the ONLY real player in a battleground. That was due to gear grind.


Trust me, you don't want bots/scripted pvp players on your team. You are going to lose, and you are going to lose badly.

Edited by biowareftw
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There are already whole guilds who wont do rateds due to this issue. Mine being the least of them. We have not done rateds since before the POT5 merger due solely to this issue. The fact that ingorance is bliss doesnt mean I shouldnt bring up what I see to be a major issue.


I need names of guilds since I never see your guild. Wait, has any one see you in rateds ever? I'm lost on how you know people are "cheating"

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I need names of guilds since I never see your guild. Wait, has any one see you in rateds ever? I'm lost on how you know people are "cheating"


^. If you EVER played a team of bot's/scripts you would do better against them then with even mediocre players actually playing the character.


The OP claimed it was a sin/shadow if I remember right the first time it was posted? That in itself is a joke. There is a delay between force/melee, tech/ranged attacks Even if you could somehow bind all these abilities in a "macro", it would just screw you over by the animation looping over and over again. The only class that doesn't use two different trees is sage/sorc dps and those are so easy to play, why the hell would anyone need to script one?


SWTOR is probably the most anti bot/script game I have ever seen. Most specs have procs and procs that build charges. You can't just use them whenever you want, and if you wait till a complete stack depending on the fight? You are going to die. You can't script that crap. You also can't script using a CC that breaks on dmg, trying to bait a trinket, so that you can hard stun them on a sin. You can't script target switches, interrupts, CC either. Scripting a infiltration shadow would be simply impossible for pvp, which makes the first post a elaborate joke.


It is most likely a bad player who was mad he sucked with a "macro program" in a game designed to counter it, and he wants the company shut down because he feels he wasted his money. LOL at him.


Now could you argue that an elaborate program could maybe be written for a "patchwork like fight" for dps (no movement/nothing hindering a standard rotation). Sure. That is PVE. That is never going to be ideal in pvp.


Seeing that patchwork fights are few and far between in any raid? That is also a complete non issue. A PLAYER is always going to beat a script and is going to do so by A LOT.


The only worry anyone should have is about the economy in game. Bioware/EA can see when someone is logged in 24/7, sending companions on missions. It isn't hard to find those players and ban them lol.


If you are worried about bot's/scripts in pvp? You are completely clueless. You literally have nothing to worry about. Now if you want to be a SWTOR mogul as far as money and the GTN? You might have something to complain about lol.

Edited by biowareftw
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Its funny Biowareftw, everything you say that script programs cant do is exactly what they can do.


The discussion runs in vicious circles here, something like:


A: Scripts can make smart decisions.

B: The decision scripts make can never be smart enough.

A: Can, too!

B: Nuh-uh!



How smart a script plays is a judgment call. So different people make different conclusions, even looking at the same script.


How could we break this vicious cycle? One way would be to agree on a definition of what "smart decisions" are, in different aspects of playing. For example, aspects like using medpacs, using stuns and stun breakers, or cleansing debuffs. Then we would need to run statistical experiments of scripted play vs. non-scripted play.


But wait, we can't, we are forbidden by rules. We are even forbidden to discuss details of scripts on forums.


So, I don't see a good way out of that vicious circle of arguing about value judgments. Do you?

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The discussion runs in vicious circles here, something like:


A: Scripts can make smart decisions.

B: The decision scripts make can never be smart enough.

A: Can, too!

B: Nuh-uh!



How smart a script plays is a judgment call. So different people make different conclusions, even looking at the same script.


How could we break this vicious cycle? One way would be to agree on a definition of what "smart decisions" are, in different aspects of playing. For example, aspects like using medpacs, using stuns and stun breakers, or cleansing debuffs. Then we would need to run statistical experiments of scripted play vs. non-scripted play.


But wait, we can't, we are forbidden by rules. We are even forbidden to discuss details of scripts on forums.


So, I don't see a good way out of that vicious circle of arguing about value judgments. Do you?


Nope, but it keeps the thread in view. It gets people thinking about it, so im all for positive and negative feedback.

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The discussion runs in vicious circles here, something like:


A: Scripts can make smart decisions.

B: The decision scripts make can never be smart enough.

A: Can, too!

B: Nuh-uh!



How smart a script plays is a judgment call. So different people make different conclusions, even looking at the same script.


How could we break this vicious cycle? One way would be to agree on a definition of what "smart decisions" are, in different aspects of playing. For example, aspects like using medpacs, using stuns and stun breakers, or cleansing debuffs. Then we would need to run statistical experiments of scripted play vs. non-scripted play.


But wait, we can't, we are forbidden by rules. We are even forbidden to discuss details of scripts on forums.


So, I don't see a good way out of that vicious circle of arguing about value judgments. Do you?




Then the competent among us say "Why the **** would u need a script to hit abils on a global?" Oh that's right no one decent does.


Then we come here and berate anyone who says different. Thats the best part

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I need names of guilds since I never see your guild. Wait, has any one see you in rateds ever? I'm lost on how you know people are "cheating"


did you even read what you quoted. I havent done rateds since before the 2nd server merger. So no I doubt you have seen me in rateds, and you probably never will. I found out about these script programs back when we were still on The Fatman and havent done a rated game since then. I have never said people are cheating, never accused anyone or any guild of it. What I have said is what is possible with these scripts is impressive and game breaking. I would like to know what if anything bioware is/can do to stop 3rd party programs from running with the game. Thank you for helping to keep my thread on the first page. Much appreciated.

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Don't really care for bots/scripts etc... The main thing I get from this post and all other "cheating" related posts, is the amount of irl noobs who unoquivically deny the fact that there are cheats in this game (+ all other mmo's)!


Can only think that those denying this fact r real life noobs (see above) or cheats themselves!!!


Personal xp: Start of NC, an enemy between us and southern base as we were exiting start up area for 1st time!

HB: Scoring from mid! Yes, I know, How so u ask? ME TOO!

VS: Capping a door while not being there! (Probs more an exploit as in inside door etc)


And if you deny the speed hax, ultimate jumps, immune 2 all stuns (Yes i know chars and resolve can do this for a few secs... not minutes!!!)


To those about to call me a liar... ur a cheat or a noob... u pick!


Pick = choose, but u could always add a R as ur probs 1 of them 2 :p

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Script is a script, and some guilds are using 3rd party programs and are good at using it.


What I am wondering is Bioware going to comment on this very issue or keep the subs and FTP wondering if they care about exploits, and what do they attend to do about it.


I guess we will sit here and wait till mold is on this thread before we get a honest answer.

Edited by Caeliux
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Ever since I saw the OP's post, and having seen the "original" (from xerain or whoever) as well, I thought it was just a marketing campaign from the folks that wrote the script software described. I mean, the opening even has the tone of one of those emails your dumb mother-in-law forwards you, you know the "Important!!! Please read!!! Dihydrogen Monoxide is poisoning all our lakes and rivers" kind of thing.
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Ever since I saw the OP's post, and having seen the "original" (from xerain or whoever) as well, I thought it was just a marketing campaign from the folks that wrote the script software described. I mean, the opening even has the tone of one of those emails your dumb mother-in-law forwards you, you know the "Important!!! Please read!!! Dihydrogen Monoxide is poisoning all our lakes and rivers" kind of thing.


Ok I lol'd at the dihydrogen monoxide part, but in im not hawking anything. Just trying to get a dev response.

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Bunko \Bun"ko\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bunkoed; p. pr. & vb. n. Bunkoing.


To swindle by a bunko game or scheme; to cheat or victimize in any similar way, as by a confidence game, passing a bad check, etc.


Pretty much. :sul_frown:

Edited by Caeliux
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I know the person that brought this subject up to the OP, and he is not making this up. I was at first shocked and in denile that it could happen, but it can and continues to happen.


I remember playing against some who started using these scripts when rateds came out, I remember in regular wz's beating the snot out of some of them, sure and losing to others, but then came rateds and none of them could be touched. It was like night and day and I never could figure it out, the player I could 1v1 in regular wz's was now unbeatable.


Fact is that player had the same gear as the day before when I beat him and dont try and tell me that overnight he ltp so much better just because the wz was called a rated.


You wont see a dev respond to this thread, because BW doesnt have a solution to this problem, hell they dont have a clue how to stop the other hacks/exploits, this is way beyound their abilities.


I realise there will always be some that dont believe this is actually happened/happens, but that doesnt change the fact that is did and still does.


I have not done a rated wz since I found out about this and found it to be true nor will I until it is address and fixed along wiht the other hacks/exploits.

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There are guilds on my server (of whom I know many people), whose players will openly admit to using these tools in TS/Mumble and will highly encourage others to download them as well (as well as providing links). It exists, it's rampant.
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Bunko \Bun"ko\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bunkoed; p. pr. & vb. n. Bunkoing.


To swindle by a bunko game or scheme; to cheat or victimize in any similar way, as by a confidence game, passing a bad check, etc.


Pretty much. :sul_frown:


I thought that was a new forum hip thing honestly :)

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