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Keybinding worth it for casual pvp players?


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If it's that chaotic, it's probably too much for a casual pvper like me to handle, no matter if I click or bind. I never use stuff like force speed while dueling etc., I'd get a few second pauses simply because I'd have no idea where my character is and where is the node/enemy/own players if I'd try to go fast and turn and attack at the same time.


You're going to be a fish in a barrel.......You better start learning to keybind like NOW, or you are going to just be molested in warzones in 2.0.

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After playing on the PTS (public test server) last night for a few waroznes, I can say with full certainty that:

"there will be no place for clickers and non-keybinders after update 2.0 comes out"


The new combat is VERY fast paced. Almost everyone has movement boost, speed increases and snare

breaks of some kind. If you get a 6v6 or 7v7 in a warzone fighitng for the same node, it looks like mass

chaos. There will be no room for casual clicker players once this update goes live. As far as pvp warzones

are concerned anyway.


This. Let me highlight for emphasis above. Going from 2.0 back to 1.7, feels like PvPing in slow motion. I do 3-5 warzones a day on the PTS. One day I brought my sorc healer over to PvP and it was brutal (I was out of practice to begin with).


I think some clicking will be managable (I don't), but keyboard turners are going to get destroyed more then ever.

Edited by islander
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^ The keybindingdoesn't affect any of the things I mentioned in the text you quoted.


Not exactly no, but based off the fact you hinted to your general lack of awareness and inability for fast response and reflexes, coupled with the fact that you don't currently key-bind; I determined that you don't have any shot at competing in warzones once 2.0 goes live. I can't explain how fast paced it is, you'll just have to see for yourself.

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^ The keybindingdoesn't affect any of the things I mentioned in the text you quoted.


Practice, practice, practice. Keybinding WOULD affect this because when you keybind, you do it intelligently, in a way that suits your playstyle/personal mechanics. No two keybind sets are ever quite the same.


Oh, and I personally find I struggle a bit if I do too much alting/character switching. A lot of people pvp with 3-4 characters a day - I don't know HOW they do it (well) honestly.

Edited by islander
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I'm still trying to figure out what being casual has to do with it. Shouldn't have to be hardcore to want to improve and adapt to a play style that will open up a lot of possibilities to do so. Even if you do indeed, do fine; it's worth exploring to see if you can do even better.
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it doesn't matter how fast you can turn if you do lost your sense of location when you do it. Also, as I said at the starting, I have 20 characters. What was one of my main worries in changing from clicking to keybinding was that my muscle memory is gonna have hard time with handeling all of them. Edited by Seireeni
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Practice, practice, practice. Keybinding WOULD affect this because when you keybind, you do it intelligently, in a way that suits your playstyle/personal mechanics. No two keybind sets are ever quite the same.


Oh, and I personally find I struggle a bit if I do too much alting/character switching. A lot of people pvp with 3-4 characters a day - I don't know HOW they do it (well) honestly.


I have 8 and I have to go do some PvE for a while to find my fingers. I've been torn recently on if I want to keep with the alts or really finally start to master my main. Sounds like the OP is way over bloated in alts beyond that.

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Meh, I really wouldn't say 2.0 is noticeably faster than live.


Maybe other people feel they can currently get away with pondering their next action for a few seconds before moving the old cursor over to click it, but that's not really my experience.


Keybinding isn't hard, you just need to get used to it. Don't be intimdated by tales of 2.0 or that keybinding is hard. It's pretty much: do it, and then you know how to do it. Like falling off a bike. Or something like that. It makes you perform better, and performing better in warzones = more fun.

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Oh, and I personally find I struggle a bit if I do too much alting/character switching. A lot of people pvp with 3-4 characters a day - I don't know HOW they do it (well) honestly.


Hah. I try to put similar abilities on the same keys, but I'll occasionally find myself going "oh yeah, taunting..." halfway into a warzone after a switch.

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it doesn't matter how fast you can turn if you do lost your sense of location when you do it. Also, as I said at the starting, I have 20 characters. What was one of my main worries in changing from clicking to keybinding was that my muscle memory is gonna have hard time with handeling all of them.


I edited one of my posts thinking you may be zoomed in to much. Is your camera zoomed out at max distance? For instance I hate getting stuck inside the bunker on NC during a scrum because it such a chaotic mess. So I do know what you mean in that respect.


Also, if you put your CD's on timers you can more accurately time how many GCD's you have till a certain ability is off CD. These help a lot.

Edited by Ridickilis
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it doesn't matter how fast you can turn if you do lost your sense of location when you do it. Also, as I said at the starting, I have 20 characters. What was one of my main worries in changing from clicking to keybinding was that my muscle memory is gonna have hard time with handeling all of them.


You've fleshed out your real 'problem' right there. Pick 2 characters that are your favorite, and focus your PvP just on them, imho.

Edited by islander
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You've fleshed out your real 'problem' right there. Pick 2 characters that are your favorite, and focus your PvP just on them, imho.

After 6 level 50s, leveling without doing wz would be unbelievably boring. Especially with dps because of the fp queue times.

So that would just mean that I'd have to quit playing this game.

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After 6 level 50s, leveling without doing wz would be unbelievably boring. Especially with dps because of the fp queue times.

So that would just mean that I'd have to quit playing this game.




Let's go!

Make no excuses now

I'm talking here and now

I'm talking here and now

Let's go!

Your time is running out

Let's go!

I'm talking here and now

I'm talking here and now


It's not about what you've done

It's about what you doing

It's all about where you going

No matter where you've been


There ain't no better time

I'm talking here and now

I'm talking here and now

Let's go!


Right now is where you shine

I'm talking here and now

I'm talking here and now


It's not about what you've done

It's about what you doing

It's all about where you going

No matter where you've been

Let's go!

Let's go!


Let's go!, Let's go!, Let's go!


Let's make it happen

Ooh, Let's make it happen tonight X 4



Well, that's my last ditch effort. If you don't want to you don't want to, I won't continue to harp on it. I would at least give it an honest try the next time you log in, that's all.

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This. Let me highlight for emphasis above. Going from 2.0 back to 1.7, feels like PvPing in slow motion. I do 3-5 warzones a day on the PTS. One day I brought my sorc healer over to PvP and it was brutal (I was out of practice to begin with).


I think some clicking will be managable (I don't), but keyboard turners are going to get destroyed more then ever.


PTS usually contain more hardcore and/or seasoned players. thus, the reg Qs feel more like rated Qs: much faster paced. I'm not saying this accounts for all of the difference, but I think it's something to consider. the PTS player pop isn't the same demographic(?) that you'll be seeing in live regs.

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Keybinding is absolutely a must.


I have a Naga at home and play with that and keybound to my keyboard before that. I played at work the other day w/o the Naga and didn't want to reset all my keybinds for one PvP match. So I clicked.


Good lord did it make everything so much harder. Turning with the mouse was impossible to do while activating an ability. Dragging stuff off the bar(I know I can lock it but it didn't occur to me to do so right away as I usually don't click). It drove me crazy. I don't think I have ever seen the "Must be facing target" message more.


Honestly buying a Naga may be somewhat pricey, got mine for $79 at Best Buy you may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere, but it's amazing. You can bind the keys to do other stuff for other programs as well so you can use it for more than just SWTOR. It really is just so much better. It will take a little while to get used to but once you do you'll wonder how you ever clicked.

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You can bind the keys to do other stuff for other programs as well so you can use it for more than just SWTOR. It really is just so much better.

No use for bindings while writing short stories, RPGing in forums or playing The Sims. I still say that would be a waste of money.


What I've actually be most interested in is that is it even possible to make keybinding to work with ridicously many characters (like my 20). But I guess there aren't that many players who prefer having a lot of characters so no one can really tell?

Edited by Seireeni
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Just set up your keybinds in a logical fashion that is somewhat similar on each toon so that there are some similarities. For instance, my interrupt ability is always the E keyon every toon. Think about which abilities you spam and make them the easiest to access.


You know those sorcs that sit there and facetank my smashes? They are clicking. They can't really kite me and do acolytes at the same time. They die. And then they come on the forums and post smash op. I dint care what any of you clickers might say, you will never be half as good as a player with good keybinds who knows how to use them. The whole point of leveling up in an mmo is to introduce new abilities gradually to give the player time to build muscle memory with them.

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The whole point of leveling up in an mmo is to introduce new abilities gradually to give the player time to build muscle memory with them.


For me the whole game is pretty much leveling up, my level 50s just park at the fleet most of the time and wait that I'd happen to feel like doing level 50 pvp. With 2 of them I don't even do that, just keep them there in case I'd need them some day.

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What I've actually be most interested in is that is it even possible to make keybinding to work with ridicously many characters (like my 20). But I guess there aren't that many players who prefer having a lot of characters so no one can really tell?


Yes, it's possible. As some eluded to already you'll eventually set up your binds in similar fashion across all toons. Your energy managing attacks (or rage builders) in the same place, cc's in the same place, snares in the same place, defenses, etc.


I have 9 toons across 4 servers, aside from my healers (which are a bit different) the tanks and dps's are set up in very similar fashion. It works. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes of pve to get used to a toon again before I'll pvp but it really does come right back in a matter of minutes.


But I wouldn't even think about that right now if I were you. I would focus on one toon and get good with that. Once you do, it will be that much easier for you to place your keybinds on the others.


+10 for trying it though. :D

Edited by Ridickilis
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After 6 level 50s, leveling without doing wz would be unbelievably boring. Especially with dps because of the fp queue times.

So that would just mean that I'd have to quit playing this game.


You don't do anything after 50? Really?

I guess if you do nothing but 1-49 content then yeah, I guess you need to quit.

Interestingly enough, I find if I do more then 3-4 warzones while leveling a day, I find myself ragelogging at the bads. I've got the 30% bonus via legacy but I can't bring myself to do constant U50 pvp - ever.

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