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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Because that works so well for class balancing :p


Valor is the easiest, not the best or most intelligent/imaginative.


It scales the current problem back a decent amount, maybe enough to keep it under control, sure the plateaus might need tweaking, but still it has more going for it than against imo


That wouldn't work, Valor is a time sink. it would still have some people with low valor and better gear able to queue and still dominate due to having Legacy gear. Quite honestly, the only thing that would work that I can tell would be to give PUGs and groups completely separate queues, and assigning a random value to someone as they enter the queue so that they don't get queued with someone just because you queued at the same time.

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you misunderstand, i wasnt meaning use Valor to balance class, it was meant as a snide comment on Smash and Snipers getting buffs when they 2 of the most powerful and prevalent examples of PvP


I understood it perfectly. I was using your remark as another way to show how applying a time-based mechanic as a means to solve another issue (like class balance) doesn't make sense, just like it doesn't make sense for matchmaking.

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No. I like to run WZs with my friends. You can coordinate better that way and pull of some great stuff in Huttball.


Also, when I am a pugger, I like being teamed up with premades.


I'm sure others feel the same. Keep playing and getting better. Eventually you'll find a good group to play with.


Nothing would prevent you from grouping up with friends and queueing together, but why should a group of people who play together frequently, and can communicate with Mumble, Vent, TeamSpeak... be facing 8 random people who aren't similarly equipped. Quite honestly, going into an unranked WZ, and immediately face tanking the ground because I am focused down, as a well known above average player is horse poop.


I the Devs gave groups separate unranked queues then you would still be able to queue with friends, or solo queue. The difference would be that people that don't want, or have friends that they queue up for PVP with wouldn't have to worry about running into a group full of full EWH Augmented Min/Maxed on voice comms that aren't or won't queue up for Ranked WZs. Either it will make people go back to Ranked so that even if they lose they at least get as many ranked comms as they would wz comms or they would be able to actually work to get their win in Unranked queues.


Quite honestly we need a decent answer from BioWare on what they are planning to do to bring us back some enjoyment from Solo Queues. That should happen before the Expac comes out so that those of us that decide we want to leave because our issues aren't being addressed can ask for our refunds before it releases.

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Because that works so well for class balancing :p


Valor is the easiest, not the best or most intelligent/imaginative.


It scales the current problem back a decent amount, maybe enough to keep it under control, sure the plateaus might need tweaking, but still it has more going for it than against imo


Ok lets say that I who already have a toon that is fully geared. Then I leveled another toon without pvping at all, but used my legacy gear to gear my new 50. At 50 I am fully geared with 1 valor. Is that fair to the new 50'S if we just use valor?

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Ok lets say that I who already have a toon that is fully geared. Then I leveled another toon without pvping at all, but used my legacy gear to gear my new 50. At 50 I am fully geared with 1 valor. Is that fair to the new 50'S if we just use valor?


Agreed, valor may be easiest but it doesn't solve the problem well enough.


We really need a hidden ELO that it uses to matchmake with.

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1) Use RWZ rating system for unranked (separate score)

2) Keep each player's rating secret

3) Use the ratings for matchmaking


A) The game pulls 16 random players

B) It makes sure the top 8 are equally separated

C) It makes sure the bottom 8 are equally separated


In the case of a 4-man super group, with the 4 members rated as 1-4 in the current random 16 players:

Team A: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 13, 14, 15, 16

Team B: 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, 10, 11, 12


In the case of a 3-man premade (ranked 1,3,4) and a separate 3-man premade (ranked 2,5,7):

Team A: This team gets players 1, 3, 4. And since they got 1,3,4 they also get the opposite which is 13, 14, 16.

Team B: This team gets 2, 5, 7. And they get the opposite which is 11, 13, 15.


Remaining players are: 6, 8, 9, 10. The team WITHOUT player 1 gets priority for remaining players.

Team A: gets 8 and 10

Team B: gets 6 and 9 (they got priority of remaining players because the other team got 1st overall pick)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Nothing would prevent you from grouping up with friends and queueing together, but why should a group of people who play together frequently, and can communicate with Mumble, Vent, TeamSpeak... be facing 8 random people who aren't similarly equipped. Quite honestly, going into an unranked WZ, and immediately face tanking the ground because I am focused down, as a well known above average player is horse poop.


I the Devs gave groups separate unranked queues then you would still be able to queue with friends, or solo queue. The difference would be that people that don't want, or have friends that they queue up for PVP with wouldn't have to worry about running into a group full of full EWH Augmented Min/Maxed on voice comms that aren't or won't queue up for Ranked WZs. Either it will make people go back to Ranked so that even if they lose they at least get as many ranked comms as they would wz comms or they would be able to actually work to get their win in Unranked queues.


Quite honestly we need a decent answer from BioWare on what they are planning to do to bring us back some enjoyment from Solo Queues. That should happen before the Expac comes out so that those of us that decide we want to leave because our issues aren't being addressed can ask for our refunds before it releases.


HAHA! There is a response somewhere that BW uses a simple matchmaking system, but I am toooooo lazy to look for it. They put atleast one premade in every wz. Therefore it is that your premade or pugs are not as good as the other team. Simple as that. Another thing too so if I played with my 10 year old cousin and grouped up with him would I always have to play in the premade q? Do pugs really think that if they separate q's it will make it better. There will always be undergeared players and BADDDDDDDDD players. You cant fix BAD!!

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Can't use gear level either. You could just put on bad gear when you queue and then change once the game starts.


It should be your record in last 3 or 5 games. Everyone who's on a 5 game win streak should not be matched up against people on a 5 game losing streak. Regardless of gear or valor, those teams are not balanced.


Split up the recent winners and recent losers evenly between both teams. In the case of a premade with all 4 people being on a 5 game win streak.....it should be sure that the next best 4 players (based on recent win rate) are on the other team.


1) Use RWZ rating system for unranked (separate score)

2) Keep each player's rating secret

3) Use the ratings for matchmaking


A) The game pulls 16 random players

B) It makes sure the top 8 are equally separated

C) It makes sure the bottom 8 are equally separated


In the case of a 4-man super group, with the 4 members rated as 1-4 in the current random 16 players:

Team A: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 13, 14, 15, 16

Team B: 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, 10, 11, 12


In the case of a 3-man premade (ranked 1,3,4) and a separate 3-man premade (ranked 2,5,7):

Team A: This team gets players 1, 3, 4. And since they got 1,3,4 they also get the opposite which is 13, 14, 16.

Team B: This team gets 2, 5, 7. And they get the opposite which is 11, 13, 15.


Remaining players are: 6, 8, 9, 10. The team WITHOUT player 1 gets priority for remaining players.

Team A: gets 8 and 10

Team B: gets 6 and 9 (they got priority of remaining players because the other team got 1st overall pick)

dude, that would work perfectly if it wasn't for the fact that the game is completely split bewteen imperial/republic.


if an imperial pvp group are smashing a republic group all night, no amount of calculations and group splitting is going to help - the imperial champs can never be teamed up with the republic losers.


of course that's assuming there are only 8 people queueing on both sides, but your method only works if all 16 players can be split any way between the two teams, which (except for the rare occasion you can have imp vs imp or rep vs rep) just can't happen

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The only reason i would advocate using a time based mechanic is, by the very definition, those who have played the most have better gear, better awareness of WZ etc etc ad infinitum.


It makes the grind work as part of the matchmaking system.


And as for "transferring WH gear through Legacy Gear" Make each equipped piece of WH (armourings) contain and automatic boost to a certain valor level

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The only reason i would advocate using a time based mechanic is, by the very definition, those who have played the most have better gear, better awareness of WZ etc etc ad infinitum.


That would almost be a plausible idea except that you already have a way in the game to measure success in warzones without using a time-based mechanic that has absolutely nothing to do with success in warzones. It's called rating, and all you have to is adapt it to normal warzones and match based off that instead of guessing at valor, a level that means absolutely nothing beyond "I've farted around this much."

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I admit pre mades suck, but the problem is that Bioware haven't done anything to sort it out with Ranked. On my server I am fed up of loosing to the same pre mades all the time, I could roll empire, but my characters are here.....


This is all the fault of Bioware not implementing cross server ranked so until this happens we have to suck up loosing to premades all the time

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I admit pre mades suck, but the problem is that Bioware haven't done anything to sort it out with Ranked. On my server I am fed up of loosing to the same pre mades all the time, I could roll empire, but my characters are here.....


This is all the fault of Bioware not implementing cross server ranked so until this happens we have to suck up loosing to premades all the time

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dude, that would work perfectly if it wasn't for the fact that the game is completely split bewteen imperial/republic.


if an imperial pvp group are smashing a republic group all night, no amount of calculations and group splitting is going to help - the imperial champs can never be teamed up with the republic losers.


of course that's assuming there are only 8 people queueing on both sides, but your method only works if all 16 players can be split any way between the two teams, which (except for the rare occasion you can have imp vs imp or rep vs rep) just can't happen


Ha. youre right. Back to the drawing board. Only needed that first sentence there for me to realize it...


Well its a starting concept at least.

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these threads are quite frequent, and I made my opinion known long ago: I'd prefer to have separate queues. ...


The threads are frequently because the match making infrastructure is crap. The suggested solutions are also (usually) crap because most people latch onto the first idea that pops into their head rather thank slow down and think about the nature of the problem and the solution space available.

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Ha. youre right. Back to the drawing board. Only needed that first sentence there for me to realize it...


Well its a starting concept at least.


the problem of imp vs repub impeding match scheduling algorithms is a huge one.


That said, if we give up the sacred cow of symmetric teams and rules, a wealth of options open up. You could handicap the the stronger team by making the match 7v8 or 8v10. You could give the stronger team progressively longer spawn doors in voidstar defense.


I'm sure you could come up with 1 or 2 dozen ideas that are small tweaks to the existing game that could be used to make a match between disparate teams an actual contest once you kill the sacred cow of the symmetrical level playing field. If we do tilt the playing field to make the match interesting, the various tilts in play should be obvious before the match starts, during play and on the scoreboard at the end.


Of course a symmetric and level playing field goes without question in an esport environment where the whole point is to measure epeens.

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yes please get rid of premades. im tired of wannabe "elite" players running around saying look at my numbers even though they had another dps and healer on his butt the entire game. healer healed nobody but his buddy in another wz loss. get rid of these people. Edited by Slicktime
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yes please get rid of premades. im tired of wannabe "elite" players running around saying look at my numbers even though they had another dps and healer on his butt the entire game.


How are people being a "wannabe" grouping with guild mates and friends?


Are you mad about people being social and having fun?


Do you understand what social means?


Let me guess you went into the match without a premade, got beat up badly, and now want to rant and rave about people having fun and the reason you didn't have fun.


It's everyone elses fault when your fun sucked, and since everyone one else is having a good time it makes you very upset.


Bottom line, don't play a mmo.


Leave now and go play a solo game without people involved, because by all means if you play a mmo other people will be there grouping up.


Oh, they will be having fun.


God forbid people having fun and being social with friends in a mmo.


Shame on those people, shame.

Edited by Caeliux
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How are people being a "wannabe" grouping with guild mates and friends?


Are you mad about people being social and having fun?


Do you understand what social means?


Let me guess you went into the match without a premade, got beat up badly, and now want to rant and rave about people having fun and the reason you didn't have fun.


It's everyone elses fault when your fun sucked, and since everyone one else is having a good time it makes you very upset.


Bottom line, don't play a mmo.


Leave now and go play a solo game without people involved, because by all means if you play a mmo other people will be there grouping up.


Oh, they will be having fun.


God forbid people having fun and being social with friends in a mmo.


Shame on those people, shame.


wrong. you weren't there. we would have 2 turrets and the group would go run off and attack the 3rd. in the process we would lose 1 of the turrets we currently posesed. nobody cares about numbers. what did they help the team do to win? obviously they had a healer that did absolutely nothing to help anyone else outside their group. i lose more matches with them than i won. they need to l2p and the other people from the wz's agreed with me.



edit - so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.

Edited by Slicktime
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so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.


^ /cough cough

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