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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Feel Bad Queuing Now


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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.

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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.

You need to tell them to fec k right of don't bow too their rubbish they forget they had too start from where you are just now

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Your problem is why they are changing the bolster in 2.0 yet everyone hates the idea!? Anyway yes basically you are going to lose quite a few matches in your first 30 or so. The good news is it ist hard to get WH now and EWH isnt worth getting. You are not that far off from full min max WH so dont let a few jackarses ruin your day.
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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.


Ignore them. People in MMO's are mostly scum, and when you find the exceptions? Join them. Expansion comes out soon, and everyone will be at square 1. If they can't win with someone in recruit gear, they suck anyways. I mean if the people on that server are that bad as far as leaving the warzone? Buy fort stims off the ahouse.


Will only take a few days to get geared, and after the first character it is all downhill. You can gear your alt with your main with legacy gear (buy the 5 pcs put them in legacy set and send them to new one).


Besides learning to play without gear? Makes you better for when you do have gear, and this isn't a long process like say WoW. A week and you should be min/maxed and wrecking people.


If you see another undergeared person ask them if they want to play defense with you, tell the group, and call incomings early. You get some decent badges for defending as well, and some of the offensive badges may be hard to get undergeared.

Edited by biowareftw
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this is interesting... i'm going to guess its just the behaviour on a particular server. I left the game for 8 months and came back to pvp togged out in my old Battlemaster gear (which is only marginally better then the Recruit's). People QQ'ed a little but basically once I started to hold my own they shut up... so yeah... not much you can do about it initially but once a small group of people find that you play competently, you'll be fine.


its mostly the people who've never pvp'ed before level 50 that give 16k players a bad name...

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It's complete BS for them to QQ about your armor. A badly armored player who knows how to pvp is waaaay better than a noob in EWH. Does your armor prevent you from capping a node, stunning a healer, healing a tank and helping your teammates? No.


You will always find QQers who are mad at the world. I for example hate it when we lose a node and someone starts cursing like crazy in chat. I just tell them to play the game and accept the win or loss.

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As a pvper and part of a pvp guild, me and most of my guild do hate being grouped with people with no or very little pvp gear...but as you have recruit (and even some WH which is actually a great thing) then they should have no reason to leave.


Do not feel bad, keep queing..maybe find a group to queue with..but do not feel bad.


I mean its not like youre one of the those people wearing tionese gear and doing barely anything except breaking the death record in a wz :p

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I know how you feel, it happened with me when i hit 50, except the others didn't blame me.Queue with a friend or your guild members, it helps a lot.;) You can collect your gear rather quickly.Maybe you will lose many matches first, but if you play well, and help your group as best as you can, the others will not offend you.There are many nice people out there.:)
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I know how you feel, it happened with me when i hit 50, except the others didn't blame me.Queue with a friend or your guild members, it helps a lot.;) You can collect your gear rather quickly.Maybe you will lose many matches first, but if you play well, and help your group as best as you can, the others will not offend you.There are many nice people out there.:)


The trouble is is that I'm part of a PvE guild that wants nothing to do with PvP so I'm left kind of high and dry there. I've been actively trying to queue with a group for PvP but that doesn't seem to be working out all that well either since I'm not in min/max gear and provide a 100% win chance. lol

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Are you sure it was you who made them leave and not some other dolt who was trying to wear PVE gear? If so, sounds like they were nothing more than a group of bads who wanted to be carried, as they lack the ability to make decisive plays themselves. So don't worry about it. If they were all part of the same guild, you can keep an eye out for them and warn people of how terrible they really are.


As long as you put forth the effort to slap your PVP gear on it shouldn't matter what level it is, be it Recruit or WH. The smart players all realize this.

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Don't worry about it. You're in PvP gear, getting better stuff, and hopefully therefore have a clue. This means you'll be an asset. Raw stats aren't even half of it. I've had full EWH on my main for ages, but also have three other alts at various gear stages.


If some premade drops because there was a guy with 16k, that means they can't have much confidence in their own abilities. And God forbid they ever lose a warzone, surely the world would end: it's not like they would get nearly as many rewards and be able to queue again in ten minutes even if they lose (that last was sarcasm, in case anyone was in doubt).


Many people assume they're PvP experts when they really aren't. They're idiots. Ignore them (but don't put them on /ignore, might need to read warnings in ops chat). Carry on and have fun.

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Well number 1 you pay the same as everyone else so do what you like.


What class are you playing and what role are you playing because that makes a big difference. Also one player can be carried np, its when you have 3-4-5 weak players where the odds just become impossible.

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I joined Warzones with a 15kHP Commando back when I was gearing her. When someone talked sh-t to me, I pointed at top 3 kills and, usually, top 3 damage and objectives, very low death count and a high healing. They usually shut up at that point.


Don't feel bad. Just overcome this gear threshold and you'll be fine.

Edited by Helig
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Weird, never got qq from some one for being just recruit, you get WH fast enouth, try augumenting some of pieces you have now, this will always help.

It's how you play, not in what you play. (unless we talk about L 41 pve gear :p )

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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.


Ignore them, let them cry like the children they are - and prove them wrong.


I can't tell you how many times ppl have whined about my "low level" or "lack of gear" (When wearing recruit) -and then im the one that turn the tide of the match; interrupting the taggers, positioning myself strategically in huttball etc etc


You don't need good gear to interrupt or stun that healer, you don't need good gear to pull the ballcarrier into the fire, or your own carrier to the goalside, you dont need good gear to call out incs in time - It's not the gear that makes a player good or bad in a WZ imo.


The only thing i deem a valid complaint, is if a player show up in level 50 WZ's dressed in greens. Sure, he can still interrupt and all of the above - but the fact that he haven't bothered to even get a free set of recruit gear, kinda speaks against him being a good player.


-Even then i allways send a polite whisper to that person, informing him of the recruit gear vendor. Many of those whispers gets the reply "Oh, sorry i didn't know that"...which is debatable ofc, but still if he's genuine chances are he will have recruit in the next WZ he enters, unlike if everyone just flame him and leave which instead could result in 1 less player in the queue.


So yeah, ignore the selfrightious children and play your game. Have fun ^^

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Weird, never got qq from some one for being just recruit, you get WH fast enouth, try augumenting some of pieces you have now, this will always help.

It's how you play, not in what you play. (unless we talk about L 41 pve gear :p )


you are right, OP don't worry..they were idiots, it's clear that you cannot survive a premade in the other team but depending on what class you are you can be more than useful from your first WZ..with a commando healer my experience wasn't so different from now with WH and EWH gear..unnoticed=big heals, marked=sure death in seconds, buffed and with protections and stims you can always do your job..and i've been mvp once with recruit gear tank..just passing the ball on huttball when i run out of hp..

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One person in WZ with 16K HPor less — it sucks but I will not leave.

Two persons in WZ with 16K HP or less — depends on class and WZ and my mood. 75% on that i leave.

More than 2 persons with less than 16K — i leave instantly.


Reasoning? I play to have fun for myself and not to provide fun for others.

That is honest and hard truth.

Edited by Missandei
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One person in WZ with 16K HPor less — it sucks but I will not leave.

Two persons in WZ with 16K HP or less — depends on class and WZ and my mood. 75% on that i leave.

More than 2 persons with less than 16K — i leave instantly.


Reasoning? I play to have fun for myself and not to provide fun for others.

That is honest and hard truth.

The honest and hard truth is that you look like a subpar player who needs statistical advantage and getting carried to even participate in competitive-type gameplay.

Edited by Helig
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The honest and hard truth is that you look like a selfish and subpar player

Never stated that i more than an average skilled player.


who needs statistical advantage to even participate in competitive-type gameplay.



I just a realist. I need statistical equality to play.

On our server that is very common to play against Imp premades that have BiS gear.


Anyway - by my leaving i will not spoil the fun for 15K HP people who dont need statistical advantage having BiS geared me in their team.

Edited by Missandei
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I just a realist. I need statistical equality to play.

On our server that is very common to play against Imp premades in BiS gear.

Because Imps don't have 15-16kHP gearing players, right?


Red Eclipse, my main server, is a high-pop server with plenty of active premades on both sides. If Imps are more active on your server, than it's more of a community problem and needs more active Republic PvPers, not quitters.


I played too many "underdog" matches to discount undergeared teams. They may surprise you, especially if you don't play hero and try to carry those who don't really need to be carried.

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Red Eclipse, my main server, is a high-pop server with plenty of active premades on both sides. If Imps are more active on your server, than it's more of a community problem and needs more active Republic PvPers, not quitters.


You are welcome to join ToFN and improve the republic PvP quality.


I played too many "underdog" matches to discount undergeared teams. They may surprise you, especially if you don't play hero and try to carry those who don't really need to be carried.


Just recently was such a match. Alderaan. againt Imp preamde of 8(!) players. (You know - some people like to exploit the system by simultaneously que in 2 4-man groups...) We actually won something like 10-0. I was constantly capping one of the nodes while our team loses another. The resulting list was like every Imp has 50-60 kills and our team have 3-4 at max.

But that was an exception.


More likely scenario -- headless chickens running the field...


Furthermore - there is several guilds on our server that when i join and see their premaid in our Group - i leaving even if they have 20K HP each..

Edited by Missandei
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Basically the situation is simple enough — some people like PvP and dont like do PvE.. Such people displeased when they are forced to do PvE.

The same is with «leavers». Some like to do WZ but not with 15K HP people. Why do you need to force them to play the WZ match they do not like?

And why do you so unhappy with leavers? The spot is instantly filled with another player...

Edited by Missandei
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