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PVP for lowbies.. WZ strategy


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So If you read my last post I talked about the importance of gear and how it applies to PVP.. After what I'm sure has been one of the worst days in faction history in under 50 PVP. Lets talk about the individual maps for a second and what your SUPPOSED TO BE DOING in each one.




Galactic football more or less... complete with acid traps and fire traps which will kill you. Use them to your advantage I guarantee you, your opponent will. There are two teams Frog Dogs and Rotworms.. Pay attention to what team your on. If its IMPS against PUBS you will always be the Rotworms but if your playing against the same faction you might be a Frog Dog.


HOW TO WIN : score 6 goals before the opposing team does. ( If the score is tied with seconds left the team that controls the ball last wins ). You will excel at this if you can apply your individual skillsets to achieve victory. Support the ball.. Always be around the ball.. If the other team has it. try to stop them... Do not let them sit on your goal line.. Stuns and slow down abilities will not work if the opposing players resolve bar ( the little silver bar above a players head ) is full. You have no choice but to burn them down if possible.


Successful teams will be positioned in key areas of the Arena. Tanks will be up top waiting for someone to pass them the ball. They will most often be supported by healers and support DPS.. burn down the healer.. A tank with a pocket healer is virtually indestructible. The team that controls the middle will be most successful in moving the ball. Snipers and other ranged dps can accomplish this with the help of a marauder, PT or other dps quite easily.The ball is your objective not running around mindlessly killing while the opponent keeps scoring on you. KEEP YOUR GOAL LINE AREA CLEAR.. IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL LOSE..





How to win : Secure two out of 3 nodes until the counter up top reaches 0 and the opposing ship is completely destroyed.


You have 3 nodes Left ( snow ) Center ( mid ) or Right ( grass) for Imperial. If you play republic its the mirror opposite. the names in parentheses are how they are most commonly referred to. A node is the shiny thing you click on to secure it ( takes 8 seconds ) You also MUST guard captured nodes and hold them. ALWAYS FIGHT ON THE NODE I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH.. If you are drawn away a stealthy ( shadow or smuggler / Op or assasin can sneak past you and cap the node you are supposed to be guarding. ( call incoming on all nodes example if your guarding east ( inc east 2 ) tells your team you have two players on you at a node your guarding.


VOIDSTAR : ( My personal Favorite )


How to win : Download the data core faster then the opposing team


A timed two phase warzone where the objective is to bust through 3 sets of doors and secure the data core. Look up top right when the WZ begins.. if it says ATTACKER its your turn to be the aggressor. If it says DEFENDER do i really need to explain that ? There are two sets of doors Left and right.. You see the first door in your sight.. run up and plant the bomb.. (note a bomb can be disarmed in 3 seconds do not let the other team near a planted bomb) The idea is to catch your opponent off guard use numbers to your advantage.. If you overload one side its a good idea to send a stealthy to the weak side to see if a door can be stealth capped.. OK so your first door is down.. run down the tunnel as fast as you can.. you see the bridge console glowing.. try and secure it so you can extend the bridge.. There is also a bridge on both sides. Now lets say you extended the bridge and you see the next door in your sight..make it across the bridge fast as you can to the next set of doors.. ( careful knockbacks will send you flying to your death ) Once you've secured the second door you become the runnin man again.. down the tunnel.. Now you have to shut down the forcefield ( same as the bridge basically ) now things change slightly.. there is one door to directly in front of you and the other is off to the left.. Rinse and repeat as before.. Now Lets say you have made through the third set of doors.. now you run down the hall and turn right or left depending on which door you ran through you see a big console in front of you ( Thats the data core ) click on it and you have secured the data core.


Let's say you did it in 5:30 there will be 5:30 on the clock and you will be set to defend.. remember how your team overloaded one side in the beginning.. Your opponent will be most likely doing the same thing. Watch before you jump down.. where your opponent is going and move in to intercept.. IF they get to the data core faster.. YOU LOSE.


Novare Coast :


How to win : Secure two out of 3 nodes ( just like civil war )


These nodes are a little different they are inside bunkers but the basic principle applies.The major difference is these nodes can be range capped.. ( from roughly 5 meters out) Capture, guard and defend. call incoming so your team can come help you. The Terrain might be a little different but the Idea is the same.




This is a new map even for me. I left before it was implemented.. Basically you have two pylons north and south for all intents and purposes.. secure one for sure.. both if your able to. Head to the middle you see 4 boxes two on each side. click on a box and obtain a charge and run it back to your pylon. Be aware of outnumbered situations Player kills do count toward score. Im not sure what percentage or how much.. Some will even say that killing is more efficient than charging each pylon. I don't know how true this is. Once your pylon is charged it will become unstable as soon as you hear the alarm sound head toward the middle.. if your caught outside the middle area as the shock wave passes you will be killed instantly.


As in huttball control of the middle will ensure success.. focus fire enemies with your team mates burn the opposing players down as a unit.. not individuals. ( If anyone has anything to add pertaining to actual scores or objectives needed to win feel free to add anything below. any helpful additions will be appreciated )


As you see all these war zones have a common theme.. TEAMWORK. Now I'm aware that team imbalances can be a factor ( no healers etc ) and can contribute to a loss. But if you do these things consistently you will be a better player and you'll get coms alot faster.


These are just the basic strategies, there are advanced strategic moves you can make and you will learn these as you go.. Its a good idea to hook up with a good pvp guild if this is your interest or run with some regulars who are experienced players. As I said before I am by no means an expert but I'd be happy to pass on what I've learned to help make pvp more enjoyable for everyone.. see you on the battlefield.

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The way I see it there is a ton of information out there between sites like sith specs and noxxic to help with rotation and standard things. My goal here is to get people to learn how to work in a cohesive unit in wz's so we can all enjoy PVP rather than being rolled cause half the team knows whats going on and the other half just dont know.. The first 4 maps were explained to me in detail right down to the advanced strategies... So I thought it might be a good idea to pay a little forward..
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Maybe even putting some noxxic links in will help people with their rotations... I seen a deception assassin using his recklessness for force lighting.... YAY! lowibe pvp.... What a drag


It's useful to swipe someone with low health who's making a run for it. Otherwise, never touch it.

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What's funny is that you pretty much said what everyone already knows. What's funnier is that it needed to be said because no one is doing it...


Do you know whats really sad ? Everyone is angry that there are so many players that aren't doing what needs to be done to win wz's but all you'll ever hear is negativity about it.. It needed to be said because nobody else was saying it. Instead of blasting a player for the failure of the team I decided to take the initiative and attempt to reach some of the players that maybe didnt know and help them become better players.

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Maybe even putting some noxxic links in will help people with their rotations... I seen a deception assassin using his recklessness for force lighting.... YAY! lowibe pvp.... What a drag


I've been having to burn recklessness and force lightening quite often lately in lowbie wzs in order to stop caps in front of a mindless ally, right on the node mind you, who is oblivious

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I've been having to burn recklessness and force lightening quite often lately in lowbie wzs in order to stop caps in front of a mindless ally, right on the node mind you, who is oblivious


Well when you get force storm.. problem solved ... drag and drop they cant capture a node while thats active.. Not sure what level you are..

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True Story: New Player thought the bright light before a CAP change was part of the mechanix. (Ummm. Yes, it's the other guy grabbing it).


He was really embarrassed after he was called out on why didn't he stop the guy from capping. (2 feet from him)


I kinda felt bad for him, but I kinda understood at the same time. He had never been in a WZ before apparently. (At least he was wearing recruit gear and not PVE).


Great POST - I think it's a pretty good start for folks looking for info on the Forums. Might post in PVP section so other servers see it as well.

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Calling the sides on CW grass and snow is really silly, it requires you to actually know the battlefield, whereas calling them east and west (like the other warzones) requires you to have attended pre-school. Left and Right have the same problem as it is based on perspective. Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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I've actually never played lowbie PVP before, so was wondering does expertise even matter? reason i'm askin is once my jug hits 40, i'm gonna do it, and was seeing if i should even bother getting a couple +41 expertise crystal...


Get your imp to 50 with double xp naow!

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Calling the sides on CW grass and snow is really silly, it requires you to actually know the battlefield, whereas calling them east and west (like the other warzones) requires you to have attended pre-school. Left and Right have the same problem as it is based on perspective.


In my opinion the left/right kinda makes sense and people usually have a good sense of direction (although its very annoying when someone calls left when they meant right, and we lose the game). I completely agree with grass/snow though. Why even say that? It's harder for you to tell, and its harder for us to tell too. All you have to do is look at your map. Taking more time doesn't help anyone but the other team.

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In my opinion the left/right kinda makes sense and people usually have a good sense of direction (although its very annoying when someone calls left when they meant right, and we lose the game). I completely agree with grass/snow though. Why even say that? It's harder for you to tell, and its harder for us to tell too. All you have to do is look at your map. Taking more time doesn't help anyone but the other team.


Grass and snow is much easier. Idk why anybody would call it something else...

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I'm a huge van of NESW instead of 'left' and 'right'.


It's the best for calling Voidstar Doors, it's also useful as a Sorc in Huttball when Im calling on my team as to which platforms I am on and able to pull the ball carrier (North or South).


Left and Right is subjective as to which way you are facing, instinct could pull the person in the wrong direction. The cardinal directions are absolute. :p

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I'm a huge van of NESW instead of 'left' and 'right'.


It's the best for calling Voidstar Doors, it's also useful as a Sorc in Huttball when Im calling on my team as to which platforms I am on and able to pull the ball carrier (North or South).


Left and Right is subjective as to which way you are facing, instinct could pull the person in the wrong direction. The cardinal directions are absolute. :p


Psh scrub left and right #master race

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Grass and snow is much easier. Idk why anybody would call it something else...


Please give a reason why G/S is the easier option. And I don't mean why it is easier for you or me, I mean for a lowbie who has never stepped on CW before.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Please give a reason why G/S is the easier option. And I don't mean why it is easier for you or me, I mean for a lowbie who has never stepped on CW before.


When you fly in on the speeder or look out of the spawn you obviously can see which is which. Stupid people will be turned around and if you call left they might go right. Also if I call is g/s in 50 it should be the same for lowbie.

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Lets be honest here It's been called grass or snow since launch in every single group I've been in..They are Clearly and distinctively different.. one has Grass and the other is covered in snow.. If a player ( doesn't matter what level ) can't decipher that.. Id prefer they didn't queue up in the first place. So I really don't get why you're all going on about this.. Left or right is relative to whatever direction you may be facing... Grass or snow really eliminates confusion IMO. As the player above states clearly you can see the difference from the spawn point.. which we happen to be at for over a minute prior to the start of the match.. So to the new players I say this.. Look out the window.. see what were talking about and adapt from there..
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Calling the sides on CW grass and snow is really silly, it requires you to actually know the battlefield, whereas calling them east and west (like the other warzones) requires you to have attended pre-school. Left and Right have the same problem as it is based on perspective.


This is why I call "sand" and "less sand" in Ancient Hypergate. :)

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I've actually never played lowbie PVP before, so was wondering does expertise even matter? reason i'm askin is once my jug hits 40, i'm gonna do it, and was seeing if i should even bother getting a couple +41 expertise crystal...


Well expertise matters just as much in lowbie as it does in 50 (it calculates the same), there is just obviously not as much to be had. I think if you really wanna twink out your toon ripping mods from PvP weapons, you can end up with like 300 or something. But I am pretty sure the only people that do that, are the ones that have no intention of hitting 50.


But yes, point for point, War Hero crystals would be the most powerful crystal available in lowbie pvp. The only reason people ditch them at 50, is they are at or near the DR for expertise, and crystals offer the best trade-off in expertise/stats being 41/41.

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