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Why am I still penalized for a neutral alignment?


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I thought there was a discussion over a year ago about fixing this, yet what has changed?


How are you penalized?


Alignment isnt required to get any end-game gear, PVP or PVE, it isn't required for anything, there are some cosmetic things available for those who choose to max out one or the other, but i really don't see other than not having some cosmetic rewards, how you are in the least bit "penalized" for being neutral....

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10-49 light sabers and relics... being neutral limitates what you can use. How do you not understand this? It was mentioned a year ago that they were going to even out neutral so you weren't forcibly made to make the same dark or light side choice consistently to use gear. It's pretty damn obvious what I'm talking about. Edited by chriscshunter
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10-49 light sabers and relics... being neutral limitates what you can use. How do you not understand this? It was mentioned a year ago that they were going to even out neutral so you weren't forcibly made to make the same dark or light side choice consistently to use gear. It's pretty damn obvious what I'm talking about.


Why don't you get over the idea that we should lose an interresting aspect of the game? It's a MMORPG, not only that it's a STORY DRIVEN MMOR(ole)P(laying)G(ame).


It's always nice to see people try to get rid of the roleplaying aspect of a roleplaying game *thumbs up*

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Why don't you get over the idea that we should lose an interresting aspect of the game? It's a MMORPG, not only that it's a STORY DRIVEN MMOR(ole)P(laying)G(ame).


It's always nice to see people try to get rid of the roleplaying aspect of a roleplaying game *thumbs up*


Why can't people roleplay as neutral alignment..? I'd quite like to, to be honest.

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Why can't people roleplay as neutral alignment..? I'd quite like to, to be honest.


You can! But doing so means you take a hit in some area. Like not being able to use Lightside 5 or Darkside 5 (or whatever LS or DS) item.


There's is nothing wrong with this. And if you're playing a RPG, and not playing a game of min/max, then that hit isn't bad, it's part of roleplaying.


No. What people want is to beable to min/max better. That's all this request is. I think the devs would have been better off to never have a neutral relic, and said you can either play as your character would, or you can play to min/max.


Now obviously some characters would be RPed as LS/DS maxxed. So they get the relics! But no, people complained, because they don't know what roleplaying is.


Kinda like how people complained when they killed their companions. Of course you lost your healer! You killed him/her!

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You can! But doing so means you take a hit in some area. Like not being able to use Lightside 5 or Darkside 5 (or whatever LS or DS) item.


There's is nothing wrong with this. And if you're playing a RPG, and not playing a game of min/max, then that hit isn't bad, it's part of roleplaying.


No. What people want is to beable to min/max better. That's all this request is. I think the devs would have been better off to never have a neutral relic, and said you can either play as your character would, or you can play to min/max.


Now obviously some characters would be RPed as LS/DS maxxed. So they get the relics! But no, people complained, because they don't know what roleplaying is.


Kinda like how people complained when they killed their companions. Of course you lost your healer! You killed him/her!

I'm making my characters light side, for the most part, but I personally prefer the ideals of Neutral/Grey Jedi, or those of the Je'Daii Order, and I'm sure that there were similar people within the Old Republic era. I'd quite like to play something that offered me the chance to be neither Jedi nor Sith, but something in between; it'd be an excellent story to pursue, but unfortunately, SWTOR is not that game. At least, not yet; maybe later.

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the light/darkside light sabers? Called build your own? Ya know, the custom built light sabers, then just build them up.


Hell if you get the moddable ligthsabers that require light/darkside, just strip the mods out of the saber and sell it. Problem solved.

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You are not being penalised for being neutral, you're just not being rewarded for ie either. Not getting rewarded is not the same as being penalised.


Quite a few people don't take their alignment all the way, they usually make choices that roleplay well but don't advance their LS/DS points, or slightly counter them, which retricts what they can choose, and they are ok with it.

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10-49 light sabers and relics... being neutral limitates what you can use. How do you not understand this? It was mentioned a year ago that they were going to even out neutral so you weren't forcibly made to make the same dark or light side choice consistently to use gear. It's pretty damn obvious what I'm talking about.


You will always find neutral weapon as well, I never had any problem and do not see that as an issue at all!

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You can! But doing so means you take a hit in some area. Like not being able to use Lightside 5 or Darkside 5 (or whatever LS or DS) item.


There's is nothing wrong with this. And if you're playing a RPG, and not playing a game of min/max, then that hit isn't bad, it's part of roleplaying.


No. What people want is to beable to min/max better. That's all this request is. I think the devs would have been better off to never have a neutral relic, and said you can either play as your character would, or you can play to min/max.


Now obviously some characters would be RPed as LS/DS maxxed. So they get the relics! But no, people complained, because they don't know what roleplaying is.


Kinda like how people complained when they killed their companions. Of course you lost your healer! You killed him/her!


What's the actual in-game impact of alignments ? It's just having the option of showing a mild case of flesh eating bacteria on your character or not. And ability to wear some relics, wich provide identical stats and bonuses, kinda equating being a massive d-bag to a being a saint in that regard, total nonsense. Silly to keep that up.


IMO, alignment requirement on gear was an afterthought on the game's design that they didn't bother getting rid of entirely yet. They removed the aligment requirement on crystals, remember ?

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Every reasoning that has been given against this has been a complete load of crap. Besides that I don't care about your opinions of why or why not.


I'm talking about the fact that over a year ago they said they would fix this issue. And they did nothing but fix the stupid crystals... What the hell???

Edited by chriscshunter
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What's the actual in-game impact of alignments ? It's just having the option of showing a mild case of flesh eating bacteria on your character or not. And ability to wear some relics, wich provide identical stats and bonuses, kinda equating being a massive d-bag to a being a saint in that regard, total nonsense. Silly to keep that up.


IMO, alignment requirement on gear was an afterthought on the game's design that they didn't bother getting rid of entirely yet. They removed the aligment requirement on crystals, remember ?


I think it was less an after-thought, and more along the lines of them not getting rid of completely when players whined about it. :p


"We want choice! We just don't want to live with our choices!"

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Simply implement relics/gear limited to Neutral characters, same as with LS and DS. Problem solved. Everyone's happy.


Relics are quite useful levels X-49 in my opinion. And all of them (at least until 50) are limited to LS/DS. Sure there's matrix cubes, but not everyone is a completionist who has the patience to obtain them.

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Simply implement relics/gear limited to Neutral characters, same as with LS and DS. Problem solved. Everyone's happy.


Relics are quite useful levels X-49 in my opinion. And all of them (at least until 50) are limited to LS/DS. Sure there's matrix cubes, but not everyone is a completionist who has the patience to obtain them.

You can only have one matrix and there are some gaps between them.


Lowbie relics recipes for Artifice. They kinda screwed up the color crystal market. It's only fair they give something to compensate :)

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Simply implement relics/gear limited to Neutral characters, same as with LS and DS. Problem solved. Everyone's happy.


Relics are quite useful levels X-49 in my opinion. And all of them (at least until 50) are limited to LS/DS. Sure there's matrix cubes, but not everyone is a completionist who has the patience to obtain them.


How does thismake everyone happy? As someone who's played characters who teetered between one alignment and neutral (had to carry a backup lightsaber, as I liked the DS1 Lightsaber), I'm happy that there's still a few things that are actually effected by alignment.


Putting in neautral alignment relics, makes alignment mean nothing.

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How does thismake everyone happy? As someone who's played characters who teetered between one alignment and neutral (had to carry a backup lightsaber, as I liked the DS1 Lightsaber), I'm happy that there's still a few things that are actually effected by alignment.


Putting in neautral alignment relics, makes alignment mean nothing.


In terms of combat/stats/whateves alignment is meaningless already. Your character doesn't get exclusive new abilities based on alignment (the legacy abilites dont count, since those are more like a milestone and once you unlock them with 1 character you have them with all your toons), nor alignement has any impact on how the abilities work. At all. Alignment doesn't matter for combat.


If alignment meant something, then LS relics would provide different bonus and/or stats than DS relics. If that's the case, then there should be neutral relics with bonuses different to both LS and DS relics. None of this happens.

Right now, the ultimate d-bag get the same benefits as the ultimate saint. That's nonsense.


BW should either re-think the whole thing about alignment not having an impact on gameplay or get rid of these silly restrictions.

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What's the actual in-game impact of alignments ? It's just having the option of showing a mild case of flesh eating bacteria on your character or not. And ability to wear some relics, wich provide identical stats and bonuses, kinda equating being a massive d-bag to a being a saint in that regard, total nonsense. Silly to keep that up.


IMO, alignment requirement on gear was an afterthought on the game's design that they didn't bother getting rid of entirely yet. They removed the aligment requirement on crystals, remember ?


Agreed! Except I'd prefere they made advantages for dark side/light side...different at that, instead of getting rid of it all together.


Maybe +DMG the more Dark Side you get, and +HP the more Light Side you get. Yeah...it might put the pressure on some to hit that DS or LS V, but I'd find it interresting in the fact, that I'm curious to how many would actually stay true to the Storyline Aspect of this MMORPG, and how many would just be "MINMAX! WHOOOO!" :p


When staying true to the character, I've generally found I lean part way, except my Sith Warrior, so far she's level 33 and still neutral. Was leaning LS untill corrupting Jaesa moved it to DS leaning.

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