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i love the prequels as much as the originals


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I liked the Prequels. Sure they had issues, but I don't let those issues get in the way of my enjoyment of the movies.


I think my favorite part of the Prequels was Order 66. Prior to seeing the movie, I had thought long and hard on how the Jedi would be destroyed, but Order 66 never occurred to me. The surprise and moving music of Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple was one of the best moments in the Prequels.


After that, I think the two duels against Sidious are also my favorite moments.


But for those who didn't like the Prequels. Entertainment is subjective. Just roll with it.


The two things that annoyed me about the prequels

1. Jar jar binks!

2. too much anakin romance, could of been achieved in less time and given more action.


other than those little annoyances, i loved all the movies.

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I liked the Prequels. Sure they had issues, but I don't let those issues get in the way of my enjoyment of the movies.


I think my favorite part of the Prequels was Order 66. Prior to seeing the movie, I had thought long and hard on how the Jedi would be destroyed, but Order 66 never occurred to me. The surprise and moving music of Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple was one of the best moments in the Prequels.


After that, I think the two duels against Sidious are also my favorite moments.


But for those who didn't like the Prequels. Entertainment is subjective. Just roll with it.

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Red letter media's review on YouTube is all I can say...well worth watch and they are hilarious.


I really just think the prequel trilogies had too many flaws overall. For instance one thing that has always stood out to me is the fact that Count Dooku is a horrible villain. If you just base him off of what you see in the movies, he does NOTHING at all to make us dislike him. He isn't really that evil, isn't really rude, doesn't run around choking and electrocuting everybody for fun...we have been given no real reason to dislike this character at all. The goal should be to make an emotional connection of hate between the villain and audience watching. However since we are really given no reason to dislike him or really see him as "evil" it really just makes him a weak character overall.


When we look at Darth Vader in the original trilogy we first see him as a big black armor suited powerful figure, chasing what seems to be a pitiful ship and physically picking somebody up by the neck, choking them and throwing them to the ground dead. Right there we know how sinister and dark this character is and are given an immediate reason to dislike him. Darth Vader is one of if not the most iconic and recognizable villain to anything ever.


It's those kind of things that *really* separate the prequels from the original in my opinion. Those were just a couple of many examples that you could say, and there are more things wrong than just the characters.


If a prequel is on TV and nothing else is on I might give it a watch, but I would almost never put it in my blu ray player to watch any of them because I just wanted to. I would much rather stick in the original trilogy, or The Lord of the Rings.

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I can't even watch those reviews all the way, cause of the guy's voice...more to that its just his opinion so why should I care? In all honesty, people shouldn't have other people make their own opinions/views on things that should come from yourself, not some guy on the internet. Though from what I recall, the guy was being so nitpicking about stupid things that could be explained if you think about it and do research.


But anyway, off of the tangent there. I like the movies all of em, they fit nice together.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I can't even watch those reviews all the way, cause of the guy's voice...more to that its just his opinion so why should I care? In all honesty, people shouldn't have other people make their own opinions/views on things that should come from yourself, not some guy on the internet. Though from what I recall, the guy was being so nitpicking about stupid things that could be explained if you think about it and do research.


But anyway, off of the tangent there. I like the movies all of em, they fit nice together.


The voice was intentional, and quite hilarious. I think the allusion was that he was some elderly ******/serial killer type. But also a grandfather... basically just a running gag throughout the reviews.


And watching an entertaining review which happens to highlight the awful flaws of the prequels isn't having my opinion come from "some guy on the internet", I just happen to agree with everything he says, and he says in an entertaining manner. Of course it's just his opinion, but he backs it up with specific, detailed examples and conducts a thorough review of the films. Aside from the jokes and creepy voice, the reviews are orderly and address the logical issues with the plot and directing in the prequel trilogy.


He was only being "nitpicky" about minor details... like gaping holes in the plot, static cinematography, and utterly absurd conclusions that characters appear to reach in the process of furthering the plot.


As for the Clone Army being explained... kinda? Obi-Wan figured out that Master Sifo-Diyas ordered the clones... but was apparently dead at the time the order was placed. Also, who paid for it? Those Kaminoan cloners just took an IOU from a dead Jedi?


Now, I know that the banking clans secretly financed the army, and Dooku/Plagueis were using Sifo-Diyas to place the order, but NO ONE IN THE REPUBLIC LOOKS INTO THIS. There is no effort by the Jedi to check out the immensely sketchy details behind this war. It was like after the battle of Geonosis the Jedi just forgot about all the highly suspicious things that had been happening right before hand. Like that whole assassination attempt that led them to Kamino in the first place? No one worried that Jango Fett was working with Dooku AND was the template for the Clones?


And, yes, the ideas in the prequels are all really cool. It's the "concepts" which make Star Wars so enjoyable and fun, but there's just no way around how utterly idiotic the Jedi behave in the Prequels. Not to mention the incredibly weak romance between Anakin and Padme. George Lucas fundamentally does not understand how human romances occur, which makes me wonder if that's why Jedi are forbidden to love or marry. Seems like more of a convenient way not to have to deal with that subject in the Jedi Order. Have you noticed that no one in the prequels has a family? (The exception is Bail Organa, but we see his wife for like ten seconds, and that's only because they adopted Leia. Technically, Schmi married Lars, but we only heard about that. She died conveniently before we saw them together.)

Edited by Ventessel
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The voice was intentional, and quite hilarious. I think the allusion was that he was some elderly ******/serial killer type. But also a grandfather... basically just a running gag throughout the reviews.


And watching an entertaining review which happens to highlight the awful flaws of the prequels isn't having my opinion come from "some guy on the internet", I just happen to agree with everything he says, and he says in an entertaining manner. Of course it's just his opinion, but he backs it up with specific, detailed examples and conducts a thorough review of the films. Aside from the jokes and creepy voice, the reviews are orderly and address the logical issues with the plot and directing in the prequel trilogy.



I probably should have clairfied, not EVERYONE but it seems that a lot of people just seem to point to those reviews instead of giving their own views on the PT. Though I am not really interested in watching them, mostly cause I really cannot stand his voice, I would like to know these points with which he makes. Am not addressing you to do them specifically, this is more a general post here so if anyone cares to bring up the points I would like to give them a read, doesn't need to be detailed, bullet points would be fine.

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I probably should have clairfied, not EVERYONE but it seems that a lot of people just seem to point to those reviews instead of giving their own views on the PT. Though I am not really interested in watching them, mostly cause I really cannot stand his voice, I would like to know these points with which he makes. Am not addressing you to do them specifically, this is more a general post here so if anyone cares to bring up the points I would like to give them a read, doesn't need to be detailed, bullet points would be fine.


I'd love to give you a breakdown of them, but they're rather long and go into detail on each point. I don't have the time to do a comprehensive overview, but hopefully someone can make a "Cliff Notes to Red Letter Media".

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I think the prequels are quite under-rated. Certainly they aren't as good as the original films (which are ironically somewhat over-rated, I mean ANH was just literally just a case of a fairy tale 'rescue the princess, defeat the evil king' transplanted into a scifi setting) but they are entertaining and enjoyable enough if you don't go in with ridiculous expectations of some kind of cinematic masterpiece. Which the original films were not.


Which isn't to say the prequels do not have issues, I find the best way to cope with them is to forward through the Anakin and Jar Jar scenes in EpI and the romance scenes in EpII and you get a much better experience. EpIII is actually one of my favourite films in the whole series and there is nothing particularly wrong with it. Watching Order 66 being enacted chills me to the core every time and I don't even like Jedi much (except Aayla Secura and Ahsoka).


I'd give the original film trilogy and a 4 out of 5 and the prequels 3 out of five. Not great but not the monstrosities the fanbois like to make out.

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I'd give the original film trilogy and a 4 out of 5 and the prequels 3 out of five. Not great but not the monstrosities the fanbois like to make out.

Exactly, people hate on these films like they were the worst things ever made. Compared to other sci-fi films out there they're pretty impressive. But as always people insist on comparing them to their rosy-coloured view of the Original Trilogy. Edited by Beniboybling
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Exactly, people hate on these films like they were the worst things ever made. Compared to other sci-fi films out there they're pretty impressive. But as always people insist on comparing them to their rosy-coloured view of the Original Trilogy.


I've never had a professor reference the prequels for examples of good cinematic tension, or characterization, or meaningful use of camera angles for story telling purposes. Interestingly enough, The Empire Strikes back is frequently referenced for these purposes, and the conclusion of ANH is considered one of the tightest editing sequences in terms of wrapping up all the emotional tension of the entire movie in one swoop, all set to John William's brilliant score.


The problem with the prequels is that they're chock full of great sci-fi visuals, but there is no emotional tension. There's just flat action sequences interspersed with irrelevant dialogue, shot from uninspired camera angles against a green screen. If there had been the time taken to build up the characters, and to invest the audience emotionally in the conflicts at hand, then the action sequences would be exciting, because there would be something at stake.


Allow me to compare the concluding duels of both trilogies; Luke vs. Vader on the Death Star and Anakin vs. Obi-Wan on Mustafar.


In the original, you have Luke Skywalker, the protagonist we've gotten to know over the whole series. He's a little whiny at first, but he matures considerably and forges fast friendships with Han and the other Rebels. He confronts his father, whom he has been instructed by Yoda to kill, but willingly surrenders because he wants to redeem Darth Vader. The Emperor threatens his friends, reveals that it was a trap (heh heh), and enrages Luke until he attacks him with his "Jedi weapon" (I always liked that the Emperor disdained lightsabers, it made him seem more menacing. None of the nonsense with him dueling people when he could kill with the Force).


They duel, and the fight ebbs and flows. Luke realizes that he won't kill Vader, and so he disengages and refuses to fight. Vader taunts him, and then threatens Leia. This draws Luke out, and he savagely beats down Vader and cuts off his hand. Then he realizes that he is becoming his father, giving in to his anger for the Emperor's amusement. Again, he refuses to comply, and throws away his weapon. He is the image of a Jedi Knight, victorious in battle but still valiantly resisting the Emperor's will. His journey is complete, he has gone from the farmboy to being the first of the new Jedi (the Jedi have, you know, Returned.)


Contrast this with Revenge of the Sith. Obi-Wan goes to confront Vader, again on Yoda's wishes. However, he doesn't really try to redeem him, they just argue and pose a little before starting their duel. Intense, super fast swordplay ensues. It goes on as they fight their way across the base, flash flash flash, almost faster than you can really process. There's no real tension though, since you know Obi-Wan cripples Vader. The fight is extended so long, so ceaselessly that it ceases to be interesting. They swashbuckle and swing from cables. They balance on dangerous platforms and jump between hovering platforms, but the status quo never changes from the first moment they crossed blades. The whole duel could have happened on the landing platform.


The only interesting part of the duel comes at the very end. Finally, Obi-Wan breaks off and takes the high ground. Vader, arrogant as usual, attempts to leap to him and gets dismembered. Obi-Wan leaves. Not all that exciting really, given the amount of screen time devoted to the duel.

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I think the problem is a lot of people take too much of Star Wars for granted. The Original Trilogy was such a big hit because it was new and exciting, with incredibly imaginative concepts and amazing visuals. But now we just take all that for granted, completely ignoring all the amazing new concepts that the Prequels brought to the universe - the Rule of Two, clone and droid armies, warships and dreadnoughts, a galactic senate, the Geonosian Arena, the origins of the Death Star, the Jedi Temple - instead they just complain about bad acting, poor love stories etc. etc. But is that what Star Wars is really about? For me Star Wars is a concept, its much much more than just a movie.


^ what this guy said

Edited by Kaedusz
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I enjoy most of the Star Wars movies but not many of them are re-watchable in my opinion. I'm one of these people who likes the EU -- especially the Old Republic period -- more than the on-screen universe.


- Arcada

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I enjoy most of the Star Wars movies but not many of them are re-watchable in my opinion. I'm one of these people who likes the EU -- especially the Old Republic period -- more than the on-screen universe.


- Arcada

I'm sort of in the same boat with you. While I love the Star Wars movies a lot, to me the games, books, movies etc. are all the same. Its all Star Wars. Like I said Star Wars is more than just a movie, its a concept.
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