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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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I find that each match can be a surprise. For example, yesterday, I'm in a Voidstar where my sorc is the only one with 20k+ HP. Everyone else is around 16k. I figure it's a sure loss. One of the 16k heroes pipes up in ops chat and says, "This is a loss, I'm out," and quits. Guess he decided this team couldn't carry him...:rolleyes:


Anyhow, long story short; we won. It was pretty close, but we won. If you'd have asked me right before that who would win, I would have absolutely said the other team. It seems like that happens a lot, though, so I shouldn't be surprised. Kinda like Karma is rewarding me for not dropping when I see a recruit/PvE geared team.


Now, isn't that inspirational? :D

This actually happens to me pretty often. 2 or 3 people quit out after we get scored on twice in huttball, and we come back and win. It's always fun to message them after and not only tell them the result, but thank them for leaving and allowing that ops slot to be filled with someone useful.

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i went 4/5 last night on two toons last night, and the one i consider a loss is the Voidstar i left right away when I got placed into a group with 7 other people with >17k hp vs a Cates premade


The only good thing I can take away is that there is alot of new players coming into the game, and most folks generally roll IMP as they are the more "attractive" faction, peeps want to shoot lightening out their fingers :p

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This is what i imagine Combatmedicjr to be like when he loses to Unicorn Stampede lol.

And Cates he didnt exactly gives a piece of his mind when he crashed our mumble. Really he came in got made fun of a left crying lol. You give the dude too much credit. 8===================D:rak_01:


Everyone seen it on troy's stream .another dillusional f*** you're probably caigigugu (don't remember your exact name you're an awful sorc) the hillbilly i kept telling to shut up , i didn't hear any crying on my part only troy apologizing over and over and he managed to squeeze in i'm better then you which is laughable. Otherwise raging when i lose to unicorns ? lol that might happen if i'm solo q'ing otherwise if you run into our premades you get farmed.


And neb if my vocabulary is so shot , i wrote a whole paragraph , you addressed none of it cause you know what i'm saying is true you have no rebuttal and turned to the classic your vocabulary sucks.

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I get where Xzil is coming from. Most of the guys I used to PvP with have either left the game or rolled Republic so I've been resigned to solo queueing for a while now and it's finally made me lose interest all together.


Every now and then people like Rockafella or Xeoneth would hop on, or I might catch Dice and have a good healer to run with but that's about it.


So as a result I've ran one warzone in the last 3 weeks and logged off right after because it was a ****** by a pretty poor team. Played huttball and the only players who seemed to even know the rules of the game were myself and a sorc healer (Axva or something like that)


So I just play BF3 now, at least if I get lumped in with a gash team there I can go hide in the hills with my sniper rifle and still have fun.


Hopefully with returning players coming back for the expansion things may liven up a bit for a few months.

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I try and stay out of the forums, but figured I'd throw in my point of view on the matter. Xzil is absolutely right, the fact is that the republic has a lot larger and stronger player base for both PvP and PvE. That doesn't mean that the imperials don't have any good players, because we do have our fair share, but we have a lot less of them.

When it comes to pugs and solo queuing, it is very common to find yourself in a group where everyone else has terrible gear, no expertise, or are just plain stupid. To try and alleviate this occurring, imps find themselves grouping up and queuing in strong 4-mans. In my experience, when I do this, I very rarely loose. This is because when we find ourselves in tough matches we play for objectives, not numbers.

Long story short, imperials are generally forced to group up if they want to win, while the pub's larger and more experienced player pool allows them to solo que and still do well. I think that the creation of battle groups could help fix the imbalance, but until then if you want to win on imp side grouping up is your best shot.

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Everyone seen it on troy's stream .another dillusional f*** you're probably caigigugu (don't remember your exact name you're an awful sorc) the hillbilly i kept telling to shut up , i didn't hear any crying on my part only troy apologizing over and over and he managed to squeeze in i'm better then you which is laughable. Otherwise raging when i lose to unicorns ? lol that might happen if i'm solo q'ing otherwise if you run into our premades you get farmed.


And neb if my vocabulary is so shot , i wrote a whole paragraph , you addressed none of it cause you know what i'm saying is true you have no rebuttal and turned to the classic your vocabulary sucks.


I felt no need to respond to all your trash. As I said before, what you posted was glaring proof that everything I said about you to be true. So why should I spend extra time posting some huge post showing how much of a buttmunch you are?


And there is no "classic your vocabulary sucks". It is grammar and spelling that is "classic". I just honestly felt bad that all you could muster was that tired **** you posted. You did more dmg to yourself than I probably ever could. "Tis better to keep thy peace and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


I did lol at "I wrote a whole paragraph". Good for you, buddy! Keep up the good work.

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I felt no need to respond to all your trash. As I said before, what you posted was glaring proof that everything I said about you to be true. So why should I spend extra time posting some huge post showing how much of a buttmunch you are?


And there is no "classic your vocabulary sucks". It is grammar and spelling that is "classic". I just honestly felt bad that all you could muster was that tired **** you posted. You did more dmg to yourself than I probably ever could. "Tis better to keep thy peace and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


I did lol at "I wrote a whole paragraph". Good for you, buddy! Keep up the good work.


Another dodging response , i'm done with you , you can have the last word go ahead baby boi

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much as i like to pvp, im mediocre at best. i know this. i keyboard turn, i click, i look down to type, and sometimes my nails get in the way and i make typos that i feel like i must correct before hitting enter, so sometimes my calls are late. ive been called terrible, a tryhard, and a baddie many times. whatever...


in an overwhelming majority of my matches imp side, the scoreboard looks something like this...



if im a baddie, what do you call some of these people on my team? OP does have a point. i dont expect to win a whole lot solo queueing, but come on.





and this... i dont even...



if you are one of those pubs you should probably feel embarassed lol

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This is what i imagine Combatmedicjr to be like when he loses to Unicorn Stampede lol.

And Cates he didnt exactly gives a piece of his mind when he crashed our mumble. Really he came in got made fun of a left crying lol. You give the dude too much credit. 8===================D:rak_01:


I was with you until I realized that for CM to lose, Unicorns would have to win, and let's be realistic here :rolleyes: Also, the inane amount of x's in your username didn't help your case :p

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much as i like to pvp, im mediocre at best. i know this. i keyboard turn, i click, i look down to type, and sometimes my nails get in the way and i make typos that i feel like i must correct before hitting enter, so sometimes my calls are late. ive been called terrible, a tryhard, and a baddie many times. whatever...


in an overwhelming majority of my matches imp side, the scoreboard looks something like this...



if im a baddie, what do you call some of these people on my team? OP does have a point. i dont expect to win a whole lot solo queueing, but come on.





and this... i dont even...



if you are one of those pubs you should probably feel embarassed lol


Hah thats some bad dps, also i generally leave most warzones sut-tek is in :p he still holds the record for "worst gear worn in a warzone" for me :p

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Should see this mara think name is chaqita or somethin. Whole nc guy does 8k dmg. At first thought maybe he was guarding east... nope the merc there had 50k dmg. Besides the fact of letting a merc outdps you how can you only do 8k???? Imps gotta love em
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Should see this mara think name is chaqita or somethin. Whole nc guy does 8k dmg. At first thought maybe he was guarding east... nope the merc there had 50k dmg. Besides the fact of letting a merc outdps you how can you only do 8k???? Imps gotta love em


I wasn't lying earlier when I said a sorc had 3k dmg and 3k healing with 2 deaths. That means for his three lives he bubbled himself once and got 1-2 attacks off.

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much as i like to pvp, im mediocre at best. i know this. i keyboard turn, i click, i look down to type, and sometimes my nails get in the way and i make typos that i feel like i must correct before hitting enter, so sometimes my calls are late. ive been called terrible, a tryhard, and a baddie many times. whatever...


in an overwhelming majority of my matches imp side, the scoreboard looks something like this...



if im a baddie, what do you call some of these people on my team? OP does have a point. i dont expect to win a whole lot solo queueing, but come on.





and this... i dont even...



if you are one of those pubs you should probably feel embarassed lol

those screenies are tiny. I click on them but they don't enlarge. so all I see is you topping chart (arranged by medals or dmg I would guess). but hey, I tried...hard. :p

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those screenies are tiny. I click on them but they don't enlarge. so all I see is you topping chart (arranged by medals or dmg I would guess). but hey, I tried...hard. :p


(sorry about pic quality)


Not about me being at the top so much as it is none of my teammates are there with me. I spend 15 minutes thinking I've done so badly only to find out that I may have been the only one clicking/pressing buttons.


Like I said I know I'm not all that good, so when I'm top performer by that wide a margin... It's kinda disheartening. On a halfway decent team I'd be somewhere in the middle. The very few times I get in with great players I'm always at the bottom half.



On that 2nd screenshot, it shows we had 4 healers who all performed well considering the dps we were up against... so with that much healing flying around, how the heck does neither of the other dps on the team crack 100k?

Edited by ace_boogie
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much as i like to pvp, im mediocre at best. i know this. i keyboard turn, i click, i look down to type, and sometimes my nails get in the way and i make typos that i feel like i must correct before hitting enter, so sometimes my calls are late. ive been called terrible, a tryhard, and a baddie many times. whatever...


in an overwhelming majority of my matches imp side, the scoreboard looks something like this...



if im a baddie, what do you call some of these people on my team? OP does have a point. i dont expect to win a whole lot solo queueing, but come on.





and this... i dont even...



if you are one of those pubs you should probably feel embarassed lol


You're not a bad player. You're getting better! You have a lot of alts, focus on your shadow/sin and you'll get better even quicker :).

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that takes mad skills.


We started keeping tabs on the severe under performers so we know whether or not to stay in a game. It isn't too harsh considering it is only 2-3 ppl over months of playing. That sorc is one of them, a marauder and I think a merc. All of them were repeat offenders over 4-6 games I'd say. They are the "I'd rather have 7 players so I have an excuse of why we are doing poorly". Lol

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You're not a bad player. You're getting better! You have a lot of alts, focus on your shadow/sin and you'll get better even quicker :).


I believe your exact words were "Marisela... You're terrible. Reroll." Lol


I only made the shadow because some guildies wanted to try pub for a while, but they still to this day have not gotten to 50. So I did, in fact, reroll to the assassin.


But not because of you.


Plus I like lightning better than rocks anyway. I got a few friends from Mexico who play pub so sometimes I comeback for an hour or 2 but she's pretty much retired.

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and sometimes my nails get in the way and i make typos that i feel like i must correct before hitting enter, so sometimes my calls are late. ive been called terrible, a tryhard, and a baddie many times. whatever...


I would suggest getting used to moving your toon with the mouse so it completely frees up your left hand for all your skills that should be bound... but I don't really want this to turn into a click vs keybinding affair. What I do suggest is you use abbreviations for calls though. No need to type out "inc 3 west". Just throw a W3 in chat, it's much quicker and just as effective. If you see another one, just follow up with a simple "4".



Anyway, I've been lurking this thread for a while as I've been rocking my one and only toon on this server for the past couple of weeks. In my small sample size, I haven't had trouble completing the weekly in about 3-4 days each week so far. Sure I've had a few crushing defeats (100-0 NC's or 600-0 CW's. Dam you LD50 and your super-que's!) but I've also benefited just as much by getting a 4 man US in a lot of my WZ (many thanks to you guys and the feeling is mutual*)


Just last night I got into a huttball with 3 Qdodgers and one Uncensored. Needless to say we won 6-0 with 8 minutes remaning. So I have been on teams that rolled pubs in similar fashion as well.


*One of the guys on a 4 man US gave me and the other three solo puggers a shout out, each by name, "just for being you guys" at the start of an AH a few mornings ago. I didn't respond at the time, nor did the other three. The match was about to start plus I was thinking "oh great thanks, no pressure now or anything lol" But I just wanted to say thanks and I feel the same way when I see you guys in my WZ's. :D (yes, we did win that one.)

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