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Field Respec in Warzones


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I'll make a compromise with you: if you want Field Respec removed from the warzones, push for proper matchmaking first. Right now Field Respec is the best way of fixing your composition at the start of a round if you are too heavy in some respect (ie. too many healers, not enough DPS, no node guard, no tank, etc). If you disable this feature, you better be able to guarantee that each team is balanced in terms of its composition or the team that has the better composition will win by default. People have said that teams with multiple healers are immortal, have you noticed the rounds without any healers (hint: you are usually getting farmed out of spawn)?


As for ranked warzones, I'm indifferent to the change. I think it is fine as is and allows you to modify your composition as the match warrants (ie. I need a healer killer build, there aren't many packs of enemies bunching up so I'll use a more single-target build with less AoE, etc). I think it would be fair if: field respecs had no cost to purchase (so it is a tool all players have) and that it is disabled while in combat and/or outside of your spawn area.

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I think that any relatively intelligent person can find a reason for or against being able to respec. I agree some sort of compromise must be reached. Perhaps a limit should be introduced. For example, a team has 2 respecs per zone and only in spawn areas. Still strategy involved but can't be shamelessly exploited. Edited by sylarz
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I do it all the time in Voidstar whether on my healer or tank toon. Always spec dps for attack round. Is it kinda lame? Maybe, but often the other team is doing it and it wins games.


It should definitely NOT be removed for the very beginning of a match.


I don't see why it would be necessary in ranked.

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I field respec in warzones and I actually agree with this.


Saying this allows "fluid" changes and more "diversity" is just ********. You're switching to dps on offense and tank on defense, it isn't brain surgery and it isn't unique.


You should be restricted to the set up you brought into the warzone; that takes more synergy, that takes more skill.


Everyone respeccing during a warzone is doing it to get an advantage and in no way will it EVER make things more diverse.


If anything it makes things the same because everyone is changing to the exact same specs for the exact same points in a warzone.


What a joke.

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I have no opinion on restricting this in ranked warzones, but for regular warzones I disagree.


The first time I bought field respec was on my operative when I was still pre-50. I got into a voidstar with 5 operatives (myself included) where no one was doing enough damage to justify healing them, as they simply could not bring a target down.


When I died, I immediately purchased field respec, went concealment and got my medals to max my valor and commendations. Sometimes you just know when you're fighting a losing battle and being able to switch to DPS from healing is one of the few things I can do to make a losing game worthwhile for me.


Now, I haven't found the need to switch specs at all @ 50 since there's usually at least one DPS worth healing but pre-50 it was horrible. You shouldn't be allowed to put points into concealment until level 36 when you finally get hidden strike.

Edited by CharlieBrown
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Simply put, there have already been enough concessions for those who want a simpler/easier PvP experience. This one needs to stay in for those who like a little bit more depth to things.

Interesting viewpoint...

Edited by Ycoga
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Running ranked warzones most nights of the week, I have no problem with other teams respeccing because, of course, my team can as well. It adds depth to the game and makes ranked warzones different from regular ones. It adds a little bit of "chess" to them, and I think that's a good thing. I would much rather have to recognize what spec changes an opposing team was making and adjust to them than to simply know what is coming all the time. It just feels more like PvP to me: ever changing, no rote mechanics, human brainpower required to compete... taking out the respec would, from my point of view, make it feel more like PvE.: Oh, it's team X. They have composition Y. We "know the fight."


Bleh. Give me respec any day.


To each his own I guess I'll respectfully agree to disagree on this one. I simply do not think swapping speccs is fun part of PvP, if PvP at all.

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To each his own I guess I'll respectfully agree to disagree on this one. I simply do not think swapping speccs is fun part of PvP, if PvP at all.


It's called changing your strategy when the first one doesn't work. Strategy should be a *huge* part of PvP, but unfortunately the WoW Generation of kids and these themepark games want to dumb everything down and make it where thinking isn't required. So all that I hear is "I'm lazy and don't want people who work harder and put in more time to be better than me." Nobody is forcing you to do this and nobody is forcing you to min/max two sets of gear, but don't take that away from those of us who ONLY PVP in this game. I don't care about anything in this game besides PvP so it gives me plenty of time to work up two gear sets, I shouldn't be penalized for only PvPing.

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If you have ever played a warzone when your side has 0 healers and the other side has 2, your team loses most of the time. Allowing the respec would let people change their team comp to have a better chance to win, or they would leave the warzone knowing they would lose. Also, some people will hybrid heal/dps or tank/dps and change stances when needed. Think of it as respec in a hurry.


If you get rid of field respec in warzones, you HAVE TO get rid of stance changing too.

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I think while the pts is up we should consider the removal of the ability to use Field Respec inside of warzones, especially ranked warzones. This essentially turns most civil wars and voidstars into pound your head against the wall fights with nothing but healers and tanks on the team who is winning/defending. Removal of this would imo both make ranked group compositions more diverse and make the game more fun during ranked. Would like to hear if people believe removal of this feature from warzones would be a good idea. Could also look into only removing the ability from ranked and not in normal warzones.


Unfortunately I believe in huttball this could be exploited and people could have one person join and then see what warzone it is then have everyone respec. This could be avoided by having respecing disabled as soon as a ranked queue pops.


signed it must go for obvious reasons of fairness.

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Having the ability to field respec at the start of a warzone is about the only thing that makes pug'ing normal warzones tolerable on my sorc and sage.


If anything, it should be changed to only be useable before the warzone starts(during the opening countdown). I would accept such a change, moreso if it was just for ranked. I certainly wouldn't be in favor of any change for regular warzones, as it adds a nice layer of depth to what is a fairly shallow game.

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there are no real rules for warzones.

You can decide the make up of your teams.

You have 4 people queue up for a 8 man team.

Does not match by levels, one team full of 30s and up, the other mostly 10-19.


The entire system needs some rules in play, and let ilum and Outllaw den be the place for true free for all or team deathmatch.

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It's called changing your strategy when the first one doesn't work. Strategy should be a *huge* part of PvP, but unfortunately the WoW Generation of kids and these themepark games want to dumb everything down and make it where thinking isn't required.


Unfortunately thinking is not required to change a specc. All the best speccs and everything are online already and require 0 thinking or strategy. Builds are streamlined, for all scenarios there is always one best build. Thinking would be if there was an actual choice between the talents of a same build for example, but there is none. Citing WoW generation junk doesn't really make any sense especially since WoW PvP is much better than Star Wars one. This is a fact and not an opinion, Star Wars PvP is only a mini-game basically, gets very little attention from Devs and we all know it. I am honestly sorry to hear that you are only playing the PvP here but if you are having fun.. not mine to judge.


So all that I hear is "I'm lazy and don't want people who work harder and put in more time to be better than me."


And all that I hear is "I am abusing this game mechanic that was never intended to be used in this way, and if you disagree you are lazy"


Nobody is forcing you to do this and nobody is forcing you to min/max two sets of gear,


Nobody is forcing me to play the game either or to play PvP at all, doesn't mean that it's not stupid to make it that you need to have 2 sets of gear to be competitive.


but don't take that away from those of us who ONLY PVP in this game. I don't care about anything in this game besides PvP so it gives me plenty of time to work up two gear sets, I shouldn't be penalized for only PvPing.


I'm not taking away anything and most definitely not penalizing you. Stop being dramatic. Decision (if any) will come from Bioware and I am just saying this switch-specc-in-the-middle-of-the-fight gameplay is not fun for me and I consider it almost cheating. If you consider yourself "skilled" or something because you can quickly re-assign talents in under 10 seconds... /facepalm

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I like how people think this is an exploit.


How could they not. This is the only legacy unlock that can actually be used in a warzone along with the class buffs. Both are unfair and borderline exploit - of course supported by Bioware don't get me wrong.

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