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Time for a new (desperate) change of tactic...


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Okay, so Bioware reads the forums, the classes that say they need buffs get nerfs (e.g. sorcs), and the ones that need nerfs, get buffs (e.g. maras). Hence the only conclusion I can draw to help us out is to vociferously complain about how overpowered we are.


So, I guess spam the PTS forum with threads on how awesome sorcs are.

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Okay, so Bioware reads the forums, the classes that say they need buffs get nerfs (e.g. sorcs), and the ones that need nerfs, get buffs (e.g. maras). Hence the only conclusion I can draw to help us out is to vociferously complain about how overpowered we are.


So, I guess spam the PTS forum with threads on how awesome sorcs are.


You don't believe they actually listen to our feedback, do you?

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So 2.0 hasn't even gone live yet and the bads are already QQing. It's not the class. It's you.


Yeah, must be my imagination then that classes like marauders and powertechs are simply outclassing sorcerers in dps for wzs, or operative healers are simply the better choice as a wz healer. :rolleyes:


Am I simply misremembering sorcs have been successively nerfed since 1.2? Guess so. Wow, I must really get my memory checked. :rolleyes:


And 2.0 might not be live, but PTS is a strong indication, and all I see are nerfs, because relatively speaking other classes get buffs too, and we are in a worse place. Bubble stun gone, instant whirlwind gone and instead of a proper defensive on a decent cooldown we get a stupid self-stun on 3m cooldown. And how often does Bioware change stuff on PTS to live? How about almost never.




But hey you keep calling people bads and declaring sorcerers the FOTM OP class, must be working since you seem oblivious to the next round of incoming nerfs. Well done you! I'm glad you're happy.

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The thing that is so infuriating with Bioware is that they get things so close to correct, but.just **** stuff up in such a way to prove that they don't understand what they're doing. Madness with the damage changes they made would be.pretty close to a viable build in 2.0 but then they take away the kiting tools from the class. Lightning would be.a solid turret, maybe even rivaling snipers, if they had some turret friendly add ons or whatever. Give a lightning Sorc cover, and they would be pretty balanced. Instead they give the turret build all of the kiting tools.


Other classes were given game changing abilities that they can use in as little as 18-20 seconds. Sorcerers were given a situational, but not game changing, ability on a 3 minute ability. It's silly really. The funny thing is they could have come up with this 10 second self stun on a 3 min timer and then tried to find a class for it. Going through the list, they couldn't find any other class that even wanted the stupid thing. Can you imagine a mara or sniper ever using it? They had to give both of those classes a great ability for it to even be noticeable on top of what they already have. And who would buy the expansion for something that wasn't a buff? We were just in such a bad place that even a crappy ability once every 3 mins is better than nothing.

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No, because BW refuses to listen to sorcs no matter what.


I believe the desperate solution is for us to all roll smashmonkies, and complain and QQ about how little challenge there is in sorc smashing.


Honestly I think the reason Bioware ignores sorcs/sages is because of all the people who complain about sorc/sage survivability hurting the credibility of the class ;).


Once bubble stun goes away, the smash monkey will lose its seat of power - the only reason it is very good right now is because every time you try to channel or set up a DPS rotation you get bubble stunned which breaks the rotation.


Though, with all the changes on 2.0, I'm sure there will be new FOTM's to take its place. My vote is for assassin.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Yeah, must be my imagination then that classes like marauders and powertechs are simply outclassing sorcerers in dps for wzs, or operative healers are simply the better choice as a wz healer. :rolleyes:


Am I simply misremembering sorcs have been successively nerfed since 1.2? Guess so. Wow, I must really get my memory checked. :rolleyes:


And 2.0 might not be live, but PTS is a strong indication, and all I see are nerfs, because relatively speaking other classes get buffs too, and we are in a worse place. Bubble stun gone, instant whirlwind gone and instead of a proper defensive on a decent cooldown we get a stupid self-stun on 3m cooldown. And how often does Bioware change stuff on PTS to live? How about almost never.




But hey you keep calling people bads and declaring sorcerers the FOTM OP class, must be working since you seem oblivious to the next round of incoming nerfs. Well done you! I'm glad you're happy.


A sorc can easily, easily top DPS in a warzone. If you're getting outdamaged by a smash monkey or a PT you're doing something incredibly wrong. Same applies for survivability (at least, with PTs - not so much with marauders with all their defensive CDs) - if a PT has more survivability than you its because you forgot about half your skills - not because their class has more survivability than yours. A pyro PT has two defensive cooldowns - one that does 25% damage reduction and the other does a very minor HoT. You've got bubble, speed, an instant self heal, spammable healing spells, a cleanse, 3 snares, 3 CCs and (if skilled for) a root. Chaining those things together it should take a very long time for someone to solo you.

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My vote is for assassin.


And the kings return...


And im not disagreeing that we can top the pvp damage at the end but right now Pyromaniacs and Smash n Dash are right up there and it has nothing to do with a Sorc playing incorrectly its just Pyro RS spam and Smash n Dash. While i would expect a Sniper to outdps me in the end (as my Lethality one outdps my Madness sorc) ive have been beat out by PTs or Smashers and yeah its really annoying I think because yeah PT dps defenses are poor (dont know about Smashers) and while ours arent the best we could generally last longer. But you also have to understand a Smashers Hulk smash will beat us down before we can kill them. So yeah its just the burst they hsve over us that makes them outdps us at times

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Yeah, must be my imagination then that classes like marauders and powertechs are simply outclassing sorcerers in dps for wzs, or operative healers are simply the better choice as a wz healer. :rolleyes:

Yeah, pretty much


Am I simply misremembering sorcs have been successively nerfed since 1.2? Guess so. Wow, I must really get my memory checked. :rolleyes: .

I miss wrath-proc'd chain lightning too, but it's been almost a year since 1.2 dropped. Move on. There are plenty of viable specs for a Sorc.


And 2.0 might not be live, but PTS is a strong indication, and all I see are nerfs, because relatively speaking other classes get buffs too, and we are in a worse place.

Then you are blind or lying. They buffed our DoT damage, which is a huge boost. They gave us several additional utility tools and made the lightning tree viable for PvP for the first time.


Bubble stun gone, instant whirlwind gone and instead of a proper defensive on a decent cooldown we get a stupid self-stun on 3m cooldown.

If you think being able to make yourself invulnerable for 10 seconds is a stupid "self stun," then you truly are terrible at this game.


But hey you keep calling people bads and declaring sorcerers the FOTM OP class, must be working since you seem oblivious to the next round of incoming nerfs. Well done you! I'm glad you're happy.


Never said we were flavor of the month or overpowered. But I enjoy the class and find it competitive in warzones. If you think it is so bad, roll a derp-smash and quit whining.

Edited by SoonerJBD
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A sorc can easily, easily top DPS in a warzone. If you're getting outdamaged by a smash monkey or a PT you're doing something incredibly wrong. Same applies for survivability (at least, with PTs - not so much with marauders with all their defensive CDs) - if a PT has more survivability than you its because you forgot about half your skills - not because their class has more survivability than yours. A pyro PT has two defensive cooldowns - one that does 25% damage reduction and the other does a very minor HoT. You've got bubble, speed, an instant self heal, spammable healing spells, a cleanse, 3 snares, 3 CCs and (if skilled for) a root. Chaining those things together it should take a very long time for someone to solo you.


Topping dps means nothing. Padded damage is all it is.

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Then you are blind or lying. They buffed our DoT damage, which is a huge boost. They gave us several additional utility tools and made the lightning tree viable for PvP for the first time.


Never said we were flavor of the month or overpowered. But I enjoy the class and find it competitive in warzones. If you think it is so bad, roll a derp-smash and quit whining.


Someone get this man a beer he knows what he's talking about!

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A load of tripe



Whatever dude, keep calling people bads, I go by the evidence.


Sorc dps is a joke.


It's poor in pve and pvp.


If it wasn't so poor, rated teams would use them more. It has an absurdly high skill level for the performance. And no I don't want to quit whining until it's brought somewhat in line with other classes. Competitive it is not.


The fact you remain oblivious to this, suggests you're the bad, not me.

Edited by Chemic_al
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Okay fair Sorcerer dps is not anything to get a round of drinks about but 2.0 seems to given us the dps boost needed to be what we once were. Yes any good Sorc could top the pvp charts but your dps is laughable because its our overall dps that we hit high not our outright dps. While I never wanted Sorcs to get a ridiculously high powerboost that some people wanted, I still wanted some boosts. Although i play Full Madness i can see that the boosts given to both Lighning and Madness spec are both much needed and seem to be great for the respective specs. So if you have played on pts and still find a problem then idky because while i have not played myself ive seen the parses of others and they have proof of the damage increase.


So fine for right now Sorc damage is all overall not dps. However, saying its still bad in 2.0 is ignorant

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Whatever dude, keep calling people bads, I go by the evidence.


Sorc dps is a joke.


It's poor in pve and pvp.


If it wasn't so poor, rated teams would use them more. It has an absurdly high skill level for the performance. And no I don't want to quit whining until it's brought somewhat in line with other classes. Competitive it is not.


The fact you remain oblivious to this, suggests you're the bad, not me.


Are the guys topping the charts at torparse ignorant bads too? What separates them from you if not skill?


Sorry man but madness is fine for PVP and both madness and lightning are fine for PVE. Both are going to get better at both in 2.0. Not sure what else it is you want - if you want to be a marauder go roll a marauder - you'll do more DPS and have a lot less team utility - but you can't have both (or you'd have all sorc teams).

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Whatever dude, keep calling people bads, I go by the evidence.


Sorc dps is a joke.


It's poor in pve and pvp.


If it wasn't so poor, rated teams would use them more. It has an absurdly high skill level for the performance. And no I don't want to quit whining until it's brought somewhat in line with other classes. Competitive it is not.


The fact you remain oblivious to this, suggests you're the bad, not me.


I DPS on a Sage and a Sorc. I've been in full war hero gear on both for months. I am nearly always top on the damage chart. I play for objectives. I've cleared every raid in the game and my DPS numbers are as good or better than anyone else I run with, but yeah, I'm the bad. You came close to a point when you said that Sorc has a high skill level for the performance. It is definitely easier to get decent results in PvP with a derp-smash spec. So if that's what you want, roll that spec. Sorc requires you be smart about positioning, kiting and using the tools at your disposal. Should some other specs (Rage in particular) probably get more of a nerf. Sure. But that doesn't mean you can't be competitive with a Sorc.


No one is saying we are OP or that we are as easy to play as a Marauder. But this sky-is-falling attitude is just over the top and uncalled for. The class isn't broken. A properly geared and skilled Sorc can clear every raid in the game with ease and be competitive in warzones. And the class is getting BETTER with 2.0. If you have specific complaints, list them. I'd like to see us get out instant Whirlwind back. I'd like to see us get an execute skill. But I'm not going to pretend it's the end of the world.

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I DPS on a Sage and a Sorc. I've been in full war hero gear on both for months. I am nearly always top on the damage chart. I play for objectives. I've cleared every raid in the game and my DPS numbers are as good or better than anyone else I run with, but yeah, I'm the bad. You came close to a point when you said that Sorc has a high skill level for the performance. It is definitely easier to get decent results in PvP with a derp-smash spec. So if that's what you want, roll that spec. Sorc requires you be smart about positioning, kiting and using the tools at your disposal. Should some other specs (Rage in particular) probably get more of a nerf. Sure. But that doesn't mean you can't be competitive with a Sorc.


No one is saying we are OP or that we are as easy to play as a Marauder. But this sky-is-falling attitude is just over the top and uncalled for. The class isn't broken. A properly geared and skilled Sorc can clear every raid in the game with ease and be competitive in warzones. And the class is getting BETTER with 2.0. If you have specific complaints, list them. I'd like to see us get out instant Whirlwind back. I'd like to see us get an execute skill. But I'm not going to pretend it's the end of the world.


I just wrote a big long response to this quote, then decided I could do it in a much shorter one.

Damage doesn't win Warzones, You're right, Sorcs can do very high numbers on the score board, but that's from DoTs and it's extremely easy to do. We have damage capability, we do not have burst. You want the enemy dead, not to tickle them over the course of a full warzone to get yourself #1 spot to fuel your ego.

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I just wrote a big long response to this quote, then decided I could do it in a much shorter one.

Damage doesn't win Warzones, You're right, Sorcs can do very high numbers on the score board, but that's from DoTs and it's extremely easy to do. We have damage capability, we do not have burst. You want the enemy dead, not to tickle them over the course of a full warzone to get yourself #1 spot to fuel your ego.


Which is why I also said I play for objectives. I don't understand why it is so hard to believe that someone could enjoy and be successful playing a DPS sorc in both PvE and warzones. For all the talk of the burst other classes have, I rarely have issues one-on-one. Burst can be negated if you use interrupts, stuns and los. Keeping melee in the 8 meter range so they can't leap or use melee attacks on you is extremely effective. Saving your KB or a stun for a Sentinel or Guardian as they start Master Strike can totally screw their burst. Creeping Terror for 2-second root followed by Force Slow plus Force Speed plus knockback, root again, stun. I mean you have so many tools to keep melee off you. I love going against melee. Will you have problems if you get focused by two or three opponents at once? Yeah, but you should. It seems like people think they should never die in PvP or something.


DoTs do damage like everything else. I love standing at range from a group, dotting everyone, then hitting them with death field. Pick out one person and force lightning/warth-proc crushing darkness. By the time someone even notices you on the fringe of the battle and switches to target you, they are at 60 percent health or less. And applying those dots to an entire group is extremely helpful to the team. It helps everyone else kill their targets faster. If you aren't using your DoTs, you are gimping your team.


It seems like the complaints boil down to the fact that we can't do the exact same damage in the exact same way as Rage Marauders. Well, no, we can't. We use different tactics and a different play-style. If you want to do damage like a Maruader, roll a Marauder. Sorcs can be extremely effective in warzones if you learn how to use them. If you want to leap at the first person you see and spam heavy attacks until they are dead, Sorc isn't meant for you.


I just don't have the problems in PvP that I see complained about on here, and I know plenty of other Sorcs and Sages who are excellent at PvP. If you can't make the class work for you, switch to another one that better suits your play style. The constant whining about the class being broken is just over the top and not true.

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I just wrote a big long response to this quote, then decided I could do it in a much shorter one.

Damage doesn't win Warzones, You're right, Sorcs can do very high numbers on the score board, but that's from DoTs and it's extremely easy to do. We have damage capability, we do not have burst. You want the enemy dead, not to tickle them over the course of a full warzone to get yourself #1 spot to fuel your ego.


Sometimes damage does actually win warzones.


If you can pressure a group your team can cut through them faster.


I've had matches where I played as my sabo gunslinger and people stood right in my AOE's where I've taken half 3/4 of the health of 5 people.


In ranked, burst and focus fire is a lot more important - but that's not because AOE pressure is bad, but rather due to the need to break spider healing - which is an element of the metagame. The metagame changes every patch, so I'm not too worried about that. In 2.0 for instance, people's life expectancy in warzones is going to go way up, with the stat adjustments to add such a massive amount more endurance to gear and improvements to tanking classes and ultimately guard and etc and in that scenario, AOE pressure will be more important than it is in ranked right now.

Edited by dcgregorya
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