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" failed " in crafting a relic


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Just though I'd point this one out.


Left Khem yesterday to craft overnight:

blue steadfast enhancement x3 overnight,

rakata defense relic,

the rakata crit+surge relic.


Bought the alloys just to get those relics crafted from GTN and to make sure i whoop


's sorry arse once I get there (he is quite a pain and deserves such treatment) .


This morning this is what I found.


Steadfast Enhancement x4

Rakata crit+surge Relic

both alloys are gone and so have the corusca gems.


Where's my defense relic? :confused:


If i had hit a small server setback then I would've have none of those in the inventory today, and my mats back since I clicked on the crafting tab all of the items to craft I listed above in about 10-15 seconds.


Crafting another Rakata defense relic but won't be able to access game for the next 2-3 days..


Until then I will deduct that my item crafting has, effectively failed. :(

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
mixed up my relics :P
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Stupid question, but do you have room in your inventory? If not, crafting gets sent by mail...

And to whoop class boss arse you should not need those relics, there are (sadly, for us Artificers) better Relics available on fleet from one of the pvp vendors...

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I know that if you summon a companion while they are doing a crewskill mission or crafting that it cacels out what they are doing. I did that by mistake a few times. I know for the missions I lost the Credits I spent on it. Not sure about the Crafting Resources, as I keep my Resources in my Cargo Hold.


Did you by chance Summon your Companion by mistake?

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I know that if you summon a companion while they are doing a crewskill mission or crafting that it cacels out what they are doing. I did that by mistake a few times. I know for the missions I lost the Credits I spent on it. Not sure about the Crafting Resources, as I keep my Resources in my Cargo Hold.


Did you by chance Summon your Companion by mistake?


You actually shouldn't lose those credits. They're given back to you as soon as you summon the companion and the mission is cancelled. They even show up in your chat log if you have transactions visible. If you didn't get your money back, you might want to make sure you beat your companion for their obvious misuse of resources.


As far as not getting your crafted item, that's a new one to me. Although I seem to recall a time when you could fail at crafting high end gear, but I thought that mechanic had been removed. If that's the case, it might have been a hiccup but again, it's strange. Assuming no one else has access to your account, it should be somewhere in you inventory. Sometimes things get lost in the clutter.

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I've had an item "disappear"


Nearly every item I've had disappear was an item mod. I nearly always make these in set batch sizes for listing on the GTN and I've come up short short several times.


That said, I've made thousands of crafted items and only been shorted a handful of times that I'm absolutely sure it happened.


~ it's very rare.. and it has nothing to do with the item level.


I've always just chalked it up to an incredibly rare chance of "critical failure".

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You actually shouldn't lose those credits. They're given back to you as soon as you summon the companion and the mission is cancelled. They even show up in your chat log if you have transactions visible. If you didn't get your money back, you might want to make sure you beat your companion for their obvious misuse of resources.


As far as not getting your crafted item, that's a new one to me. Although I seem to recall a time when you could fail at crafting high end gear, but I thought that mechanic had been removed. If that's the case, it might have been a hiccup but again, it's strange. Assuming no one else has access to your account, it should be somewhere in you inventory. Sometimes things get lost in the clutter.


I guess that is what I get for hanging out with Scum and Villainy. :rolleyes:


Next time it happens I'll have send each of them into a mob and let them die until one of them fesses up. :D When I find out I'll stick them in that Cage I have in my Cargo Hold and let them think about it. Of coarse if it is Bowdar I am not sure how I'll get him in there without him ripping my arms off. :p

Edited by WarbNull
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You actually shouldn't lose those credits. They're given back to you as soon as you summon the companion and the mission is cancelled.


But it wasn't a mission, it was crafting those enhancements and relics..


If i summoned my companion I wouldn't have all of those items save the relic and most definetly have my mats back, and not vanish into thin air...


Anyways once i get back on my own PC I'll be able to see if it has crafted a 2nd defense relic which i put crafting, despite what happened to the 1st one, i'll then let you know if it is the relic's creation that's bugged, or else...

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Update. Crafting a second defense relic has turned out alright, relic's sitting there, waiting for my level 50.


Still no idea on what happened at the first one. :(


It's a bug. One of my guildies crafted 3 Reflex 27 barrels the other week and only one of them showed up. Put in a ticket for the item restoration.

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I think this part of a much larger and serious bug, but one that many people don't notice, or take the time to report. The problem is when you send companions out on crew skills missions (and sometimes crafting missions) and then log out for a while. You will then have a 50-50 chance that you will lose your credits/materials and the mission will have never been completed.



I send all my companions out on missions. I then log out of the game for the night. I return the next day and log in only to find all of my companions ready to go and no completed mission items pop-up box's.


The Problem:

Logging out immediately after sending companions on missions. This is mainly for exiting the game completely, but can also happen when switching to another character for longer than the crew skill mission time or crafting item time.


The Solution:

I have found that if you wait a few minutes before logging out after sending your companions out, then you will get actual completed missions once their timer is up.

Edited by Holocron
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