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Not sure if you can really fault Dargos for being smash spec, considering the other option is Vig, and that's like playing with 1 hand because who needs to get the most out of a class :p Also since he plays it better than 100% of the guys in your current guild...



Dargos is good. No doubt about it. But I enjoy the company of my current guild 1000% more than dargos and a select few in ld....regardless of playing ability.

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Well, I get what you and Foxmob are both trying to say. If Bioware had wanted there to be no 8 man queues for regular however, they did a poor job of enforcing that, and they have never even come out and said that they are against 8 man normal queues. It's fine though, I've said what I needed to say already.


I can't be the only lightning rod of hate here.


*hand cuffs zab to the thread*

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If anyone was slobbering over my cocktail weenie it was dargos of the smash legacy. "Neb we NEED you for ranked" despite there being other scoundrel healers or healers in general online. In fact, you threatened to boot me on several occassions. One for playing pug ranked then not dropping in the middle to form an ld-50 super group (you guys wanted uncensored....). Another for not playing ranked cuz I didn't feel like it. "You're here to pvp. If you don't pvp then you're no use to me". This is not my job, so you can continue to gobble down my johnsonville brat (cut in half).


The threaten u with my guild tag was me asking if me not playing with a certain member was going to be a problem with the guild leadership. When I said it during that moment, I wasn't being facetious. I have stayed friends with most of the guys I cared about. You on the other hand, took the snot nosed 4 yr old approach of taking your toys home by asking me to leave the ld50 channel. If you have something super serial to say to guildies, that is what guild chat is for. We both knew the real reason....which is why you felt the need to lash out in this thread.


You should really learn from utopi. He is light years ahead of you in guild leadership.


God you are so wrong in almost every aspect of this post, its disgusting.


When I say we "need" you for rated, that is purely an expression. You were a top choice for any healing position in our rated groups. Did we ever not run because you said no? Nope, we grabbed someone else. Every. Single. Time. This guild is not about you or any other singular person, and you never realized that.


So far as the pug rated is concerned, I've never asked anyone ever, ever to leave in the middle of a rated game. I asked you to drop your group after you were done with that game just like I asked EVERYONE ELSE to do the same because our competition was queuing. You decided to rage log, for the tenth time in a week.


"You're here to pvp. If you don't pvp then you're no use to me". Here's actually what I said. "You're here to PvP, you have no obligation to this guild other than to PvP, which already has no "real" time obligation. Right now you are being unreliable, I can't count on you to come to rateds when I want to field a top squad. If I cant rely on you, then you're of no use to me". That was said after your third consecutive "no" to rateds.


I took no "snot-nosed" approach to asking you to leave OUR(guild) channel, I've done the same with every other member who decided it would be okay to hang around in said channel after they were no longer welcome in our guild. OUR channel is used for communicative purposes between both LD50 and its sister guild, as well as a way to stay in contact with the ever growing number of alts we have. It is essentially another guild chat system for our exclusive use.


You should really learn from utopi. He is light years ahead of you in guild leadership.


What guild am I leading again? I know my strengths and I play to them.

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Hey dargos,



Don't try to convince Neb to see things in any way other than his own.


You embelish a lot btw. I did enjoy riling you up so much that you ran out of the mumble channel you pulled me into.


I will never let a game be my job again. If I don't feel like doing something that I didn't specifically say ill do (yeah I'll be there for _________) then I'm not going to do it. Im not going to give you a doctor's note explaining my absence from ranked on any particular night.


If being hot headed is a strength then you play to it well.

Edited by Ravashakk
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I'll take that as a white flag. Carry on.


Actually I edited it for conservation of thread pages. You can continue to get caught up in forum drama...which if memory serves YOUR guild frowned upon such acts.


I know you'd like me to wave a white flag, but that just won't happen. Contrary to your gaming, you can't smash anyone on these forums. My reputation means very little to me, but I bet yours means something to you.

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Oh and since I'm the creator of the pubpvp channel, I'm going to have to ask you to leave it. It is designated for anyone on the republic side not tied to your account so they can coordinate pvp. Since I left the ld50 channel upon your request, I expect the same courtesy from you.
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Haha, I've said everything I needed to say though, anything else would be merely going in circles. I was watching for 2 weeks as this hatred of superqueues has unfolded.


It isn't so much hatred as bemusement, since I personally haven't lost a match to a US superqueue in a little over a month. It's more like poking at people because even 8 of them isn't enough to beat 4 and some pugs (or as little as 2 and some pugs). Maybe if they could queue with 9....

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It isn't so much hatred as bemusement, since I personally haven't lost a match to a US superqueue in a little over a month. It's more like poking at people because even 8 of them isn't enough to beat 4 and some pugs (or as little as 2 and some pugs). Maybe if they could queue with 9....


So if i beat 4 man PD premades soloqueing. Which side of the argument am I on?

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So i came back to this game after a months hiatus to focus on my job and such and decided seeing I would be playing a bit less and a bit more casual I'ld just run guildless for the time being.


Now I used to run with 4 man queues back when I was in US and we would probably win around 50% of games (depending on who I was teamed with as that guild has a larger skill gap between PvPr's than most of the other PvP orientated guilds on this server, which Reps can't seems to get their head around without taking a jab at people).


Anyway, I'm off topic, I'm not here to defend US's super queues, I really don't care.


The main issue I''m raising, which was what this original post is about, is the fact that Solo queuing as an Imp on this server is rather ridiculous, as I would reckon around maybe 70% of games I get (I've pretty much solo queued almost exclusively the last week since my return), are against a 4 or more man rep premades.



Now you can say, WE dont super queue that much, stop crying blah blah blah, I win most of MY games when i play imp cause im so super lol.


But the fact of the matter is more often than not the rep PvP team compositions have established PvP'rs and established guilds running in small/medium groups. Whereas imps have usually maybe 1 guy you've ever heard of with the rest of teh team being comprised of extremely more casual players.


I have played maybe 3 days in the last week for periods of maybe 3-5 hours? And I think I've barely got a weekly done on one toon solo queuing.


So if we take that information, and boil it down to the main point and conclusion. Solo queuing imp side is rough, why? because all the "hardcore" pvprs almost ALL play exclusively rep. Which is kinda funny because I've seen a TONNE of imp pvprs reroll rep side, and heard about all the guys from canderous ordo who were imp before rerolling rep back before I came to this server (you know who you are), and Ive yet to see any of them once play their imp toons.


So you want some challenge and diversity to pvp on our server?


Man up and reroll imps for your main. Stop all rerolling Rep so you can join up with other PvP guilds. I mean if BW wont give us diversity in the queues (Cross server) then why would you all roll the same faction. derp derp derp...











Oh yeah It's so you can have fun stomping the casuals (the majority of a PvE server, and mostly Imps), game after game after game. Sorry, I didn't want to ruin your fun by suggesting otherwise.

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So if i beat 4 man PD premades soloqueing. Which side of the argument am I on?


Either the side of you having a great premade to back you up (and probably facing 4 of PD not allstar members, since everyone isn't Barbie, the twins, and Decimate), or you finally recovered from that head trauma I guess I gave you when I won 100% of my duels against your sin with increasing handicaps each match and have unleashed a new level of super saiyan :p If you're going to say something, please either include all the details or be good at what you do

Edited by Carter_Mathis
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Ugg. Who cares if people super q or not. Most guilds running 4 man premades on both sides will eventually get 2 premades in the same warzone. Happens all the time. I've q'd with my guild and gotten the other 4 man in our warzone being a premade too. Did we plan this? no, it's just the way the dice fell. Take it with a grain of salt and play or leave.


I've run into tons of uncensored, PD, Ld-50 etc groups. Sure ithere's a better chance i'll lose but do i just totally give up? no i play my best, try to focus objectives and study what the other team is doing so when the day comes that i do have to face that team in a ranked warzone, i'm better prepared on what to expect. I come away from facing double premades as a learning experience. I may not learn a crapton from getting roflstomped or spending half the match in the deadbox, but every game helps me to understand what works and what doesn't. If you face a double premade or super q and it bothers you that much, there's a "leave warzone" button next to your map. Use it and get out of their rotation.

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Ugg. Who cares if people super q or not. Most guilds running 4 man premades on both sides will eventually get 2 premades in the same warzone. Happens all the time. I've q'd with my guild and gotten the other 4 man in our warzone being a premade too. Did we plan this? no, it's just the way the dice fell. Take it with a grain of salt and play or leave.

time out. yes. there are fewer imps in queue, ESPECIALLY late at night. thus, you will find two 4-mans on the same team, but they queued independently rather than as a superQ. that's strictly a numbers game and happens because it HAS TO HAPPEN, else the queues wouldn't pop. please don't associate that with intentionally queueing two grps at the same time and then dropping Q if you don't get both grps in the same WZ on the same team. that's 8m, probably in voice, working together, knowing each other...it's a rated grp vs. a bunch of pugs. you'll get rolled if 4 uncensored and 4 LD50s/PDs also land in the same WZ, but they roll you because their combined skill lvl is just higher than yours - significantly. they aren't scheming ways to circumvent the queue system in order to maximize their chance at victory. that's cheating. neb and zab and w/e else can rationalize to themselves or their gods anyway they want. I'm not stupid. most ppl aren't stupid. it's cheating.


AND it breaks the queue. how? there are a couple scenarios in play:


Scenario 1

superQ gets pop at same time with both grps, so they enter WZ. uh oh! they didn't get on the same team. 4 players leave two separate teams at the same time. Backfill now has to fill 8 spaces in less than 1.5 minutes. One team is virtually assured of starting shorthanded. especially when Troyy's 4m decides to leave. I don't know what it is with him, but when he does take his 4m with him in the WZs that I'm in, it's always close to the start time. Maybe that's just dumb luck. maybe it takes him 60s to inspect his team. iunno. the point is, it's not like 4 ppl drop instantly. they waste time and hurt the rest of the team - ESPECIALLY if the opponent team isn't the same team that the other 4 members of the superQ dropped from. this is the less detrimental of the two scenarios. It's more annoying or pathetic than game breaking


Scenario 2

The superQ actually does get on the same team. The likelihood that they will not only be victorious in the WZ, but actually dominate it has just skyrocketed. In fact, they are guaranteed to roll any opponent that doesn't have at least one 4m team of players from an elite grp (here, I would include LD50, Uncensored, PD, QQ, and there are a few others that could at least put up a fight). Even these 4ms, however, are going down if they don't get legit help from their pugs (usually in terms of node defense). However, the most common scenario is that the successful superQ hits an "ops" of pugs or, at best, one decent 4m but not nearly enough firepower to compensate for 4 pugs vs. a superQ.


what happens in these situations? ppl drop. and they don't drop in the spawn. they drop when the match is in progress and are getting rolled. guess what? more ppl back fill. for every drop, there is a back fill. when 4 ppl drop, you can even get a 4m grp in back fill (so now queueing in grps isn't even a guarantee of safety from back fill). Can you blame a pug for ditching a WZ when faced against a superQ? no. not really. but when they drop, MORE people are sucked into the clusterf*(k. it becomes an endless line of drop and fill, drop and fill, until, mercifully, the superQ finally wins.


This is what I mean when I say it breaks the queue. the backfill system is not designed to accommodate superQs and mass exoduses. it's not very intuitive. and what system is ever designed to accommodate for CHEATING in the first place? but that's another matter. back fill is going to prolong a broken WZ - i.e., a lopsided match in which players continually backfill and then drop. upshot: superQs don't just victimize 8 ppl who play by the rules on the opposing team. it victimizes 12-16 ppl who back fill and resets their queue priority if they choose not to get rolled by a bunch of ppl who can't play the same rules as everyone else.


premade or super q and it bothers you that much, there's a "leave warzone" button next to your map. Use it and get out of their rotation.

yeah. you can do that. see scenario 2. it just screws over more ppl. great job. I know there's no honor in pvp, but you're making life worse for everyone. and everyone who follows your lead will, in turn, make it worse for you. why would you actively - and knowingly - perpetuate that kind of behavior? I know you. I've teamed with you. you're a good guy. is that really something you want to do?

Edited by foxmob
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Either the side of you having a great premade to back you up (and probably facing 4 of PD not allstar members, since everyone isn't Barbie, the twins, and Decimate), or you finally recovered from that head trauma I guess I gave you when I won 100% of my duels against your sin with increasing handicaps each match and have unleashed a new level of super saiyan :p If you're going to say something, please either include all the details or be good at what you do


Toth I love you and all but I agree with Vasyel not because he is my scoundrel:p but we do have good ppl in our guild with different skill levels and I think I am okay:) but I barely see any pugs beat PD unless it was a tough premade. I know in my premades we barely lose. I know some other PD member premades barely lose too but we all have from time to time Just depends really. But all bs aside super q's suck we do not mean to get in some warzones together. We have 20+ members in guild so 3-4 premades can be running if we are not in the mood for ranked. I think US should que for rank more than doing super q's on purpose.

Edited by Partygurl
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Vasyel I said that for the same reason you said you do not lose to unicorn premades we have 150 members id say around 50 active not everyone is a superstar sadly. And when do I play my sin lol? I was dueling you to get better not to show off my failness lol. Barbie, of course but it happens I am not hating on your guys guild just pointing out that some people just cause they rep a guild tag doesn't make it an accomplishment to beat :)
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Toth I love you and all but I agree with Vasyel not because he is my scoundrel:p but we do have good ppl in our guild with different skill levels and I think I am okay:) but I barely see any pugs beat PD unless it was a tough premade. I know in my premades we barely lose. I know some other PD member premades lose. Just depends really. But all bs aside super q's suck we do not mean to get in some warzones together. We have 20+ members in guild so 3-4 premades can be running if we are not in the mood for ranked. I think US should que for rank more than doing super q's on purpose.


The only thing I HATE about PD premades is all your gotdamn bubbles. And the the fact that I usually seem to be the only one to even bother going after you (the healer) and being severely punished, repeatedly, for it lol.


And Vaseyl too, just cause... Nerf ops and scoundrels.

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The only thing I HATE about PD premades is all your gotdamn bubbles. And the the fact that I usually seem to be the only one to even bother going after you (the healer) and being severely punished, repeatedly, for it lol.


And Vaseyl too, just cause... Nerf ops and scoundrels.


When in doubt, nerf operatives

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The only thing I HATE about PD premades is all your gotdamn bubbles. And the the fact that I usually seem to be the only one to even bother going after you (the healer) and being severely punished, repeatedly, for it lol.


And Vaseyl too, just cause... Nerf ops and scoundrels.


it's usually <bad rep> that brings all the bubbles to my mind. but that could've been a match with synseer and barbie on the same team? I know when yuri's on his root machine, it definitely heightens the feeling. :(

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