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However, I do think US has < 10 quality pvp'ers in a 140 man guild for what it's worth.


And Nebby accounts for 8 of them :p


But yeah, aside from that totally unrelated, "hey, I'm relevant" post that Nebbs made, how dare PD suqerqueue...... without me. Everyone knows that no one likes boring, one-side matches more than this guy :D


Also, to the OP, are you just throwing out pub guild names or is your tinfoil hat superglued to your head? I haven't ever seen QQ superqueue and if PD were to attempt to superqueue, it would just be us fighting ourselves over and over or taking pops into entirely different wz's because who has time to queue doge for hours to try to get into a wz with 8? :rolleyes: As for LD50, the only time I've seen 8 of them was on Troy's livestream when all of his pugs bailed, he wouldn't stop saying how he wanted to leave, and Nebby sat in the corner and refused to unstealth.


TL;DR: LD50, plz superqueque more :)

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And Nebby accounts for 8 of them :p


But yeah, aside from that totally unrelated, "hey, I'm relevant" post that Nebbs made, how dare PD suqerqueue...... without me. Everyone knows that no one likes boring, one-side matches more than this guy :D


Also, to the OP, are you just throwing out pub guild names or is your tinfoil hat superglued to your head? I haven't ever seen QQ superqueue and if PD were to attempt to superqueue, it would just be us fighting ourselves over and over or taking pops into entirely different wz's because who has time to queue doge for hours to try to get into a wz with 8? :rolleyes: As for LD50, the only time I've seen 8 of them was on Troy's livestream when all of his pugs bailed, he wouldn't stop saying how he wanted to leave, and Nebby sat in the corner and refused to unstealth.


TL;DR: LD50, plz superqueque more :)



Your rent is past due, FYI.

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For the OP:




[ ] Not superqueue

[ ] Superqueue


[X] Cash4superqueue.com

[X] No country for superqueue men

[X] Knights of the Superqueue Republic

[X] SuperqueueSpice

[x] The Elder Superqueues IV: Oblivious

[x] Command & Conquer: Superqueueberian Sun

[x] GuiSuperqueue Hero: World Superqueue

[X] Superqueue King of Boletaria

[x] Counsuperqueue Strike

[x] Unreal Superqueueament

[x] Stone-superqueue Steve Austin

[X] Half Life 2: Episode Superqueue

[x] World of Warcraft: Casuperqueueclysm

[X] Roller Coaster Superqueuecoon

[x] Assassin’s Creed: Superqueueerhood

[x] Battlesuperqueues

[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shasuperqueue of Chernobyl

[X] Superqueueasauraus Rex 2: Electric Superqueuealoo

[x] Superqueue of Duty 4: Modern Superqueuefare

[X] Pokemon Superqueue and Silver

[x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Superqueue

[X] Rampage: Superqueueal Destruction

[x] Superqueue Fortress Classic

[x] Superqueueman: Arkham Superqueue

[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Superqueue

[x] Super Mario SunSuperqueue

[x] Legend of Zelda: Superqueueacarnia of Time

[X] Superqueuestone creamery

[x] Mario Golf: Superqueuestool Tour

[X] Super Superqueue Boy

[X] Left 4 Superqueue

[X] Batsuperqueuefield: Bad Company 2

[x] Superqueueman Sachs

[X] Conker’s Bad Fur Day: Live and Resuperqueueed

[x] Lead and Superqueue: Gangs of the Wild West

[x] Porsuperqueue 2

[x] Avasuperqueue: The Last Airbender

[X] Dragon Ball Z Superqueuekaichi Budokai

[x] Superqueuecraft II: Superqueues of Superqueueberty

[x] Leo Superqueuestoy

[x] Metal Gear Superqueueid 3: Snake Eater

[X] 3D Dot Superqueue Heroes

[x] J.R.R Superqueuekien’s Lord of the Superqueue

[x] Superqueue you that ps3 has no games

[X] LitSUPERQUEUE Big Planet

[x] Rome: Superqueueal War

[x] Gran Superqueuerismo 5

[x] Superqueue Calibur 4

[x] Superqueue Fortress 2

[x] Castlevania: RonSuperqueue of Blood

[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Superqueue

[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Superqueueodile

[x] was foresuperqueue

[x] demon’s superqueue

[x] http//:http://www.yousuperqueue.com

[x] Superqueueen Sun: Dark Dawn

[x] Tic-Tac-Superqueue

[X] Biosuperqueue 2

[X] Superqueuebound

[x] icesuperqueue

[x] Superqueue of the Rings

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Lol, so much hatred for superqueues on this server. I don't understand it really. Some people are mad because certain guilds queue and play together in warzones? How dare they! How dare they have friends that they want to play with! How dare they not want to deal with having to carry crappy pugs like you in their games! How dare some people want to maximize their chance of winning! Everyone should solo queue and not play with any of their friends! Yeah!.


because it's an exploit. it's cheating. and it is detrimental to the community -- all for the benefit of 8 d-bags. assuming you even have 8 "friends," you don't need to superQ with ALL of them at the same time on the same team. it's just as entertaining to play against them as with them. in fact, it can be more so. e.g., last night I was solo queue'd while banksy, tirtle, kalak and wookie were alting in a reg Q. we wound up on opposite sides in hb, and at one point, tirtle says "I'm <location>," to which wook replies "don't...krack...he's in vent" I then laughed my *** off as I leaped to tirtle and started working him over. or when banksy snipes me while I'm punishing a gunnery commando for (existing or) trying to pick a fight with me, I'll say "hey! don't! stop! don't encourage this guy to run that fail spec by bailing him out" etc. fun back and forth. it's great.


wait. no. you just want to roll ppl. that playing with friends line was a load of c.r.a.p.


I'm not sure what you think the ranked scene is like here but there's rarely every anyone in queue. Most of the time it's just Uncensored after 8 ET and before then......no one. It would be great if we could get ranked pops all day but that's never gonna happen with swtor. Also no one is destroying the pvp scene.....it was broken before it even started. If you wanna QQ do it to bioware/ea.


Also we are far from having elitist, if you think myself and others in Uncensored, PD, LD or whoever are elitist you have a pretty big surprise in store when you play a real MMO.


c'mmon now. there are an unusual number of civil players in the better guilds, but there's still plenty of elitists and narcissists (i.e., ppl who only think they're elite)

And if YOU knew who HE was, you'd know that he's had problems with commando healers before :p Their dps is scary :rolleyes:

:cool: "I see..." wut u did thar. :D

Edited by foxmob
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QQ doesn't intentionally super-que. We never que at the same time with the intention of getting a game together (which is what super que-ing is). We get into 4 man premades so we don't go in solo. If we happen to get into the same match cool beans, if not oh well. If you are pvp'ing solo still you haven't learned anything about this game. This is a multiplayer game, shouldn't even by complaining about it.
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Prime Defense is no better than LD50 or QQ super queuing in a normal WZs. I hope you all got your rocks off farming. Enjoy your lopsided victories proving that you're better than any unorganized team full of players. Great job, you guys are the best!


You should totally get back at them by forming your own super q. Then you'll teach those bastards!

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because it's an exploit. it's cheating. and it is detrimental to the community -- all for the benefit of 8 d-bags. assuming you even have 8 "friends," you don't need to superQ with ALL of them at the same time on the same team. it's just as entertaining to play against them as with them. in fact, it can be more so. e.g., last night I was solo queue'd while banksy, tirtle, kalak and wookie were alting in a reg Q. we wound up on opposite sides in hb, and at one point, tirtle says "I'm <location>," to which wook replies "don't...krack...he's in vent" I then laughed my *** off as I leaped to tirtle and started working him over. or when banksy snipes me while I'm punishing a gunnery commando for (existing or) trying to pick a fight with me, I'll say "hey! don't! stop! don't encourage this guy to run that fail spec by bailing him out" etc. fun back and forth. it's great.


wait. no. you just want to roll ppl. that playing with friends line was a load of c.r.a.p.


No, it's not about wanting to roll people. It is the fact that when I played, baddies made me rage. I've no problem playing vs other good players, but it pisses me off when I see pugs make stupid mistakes time and time again. Why would I not minimize that risk given the chance? It is not as if other people can not get into PvP guilds of their own and queue with premades if they are good enough players. Oh and yes, I know it's hard to believe, but I do like playing with friends too as opposed to people I do not know. So no, it is not a load of c.r.a.p, as you put it.

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No, it's not about wanting to roll people. It is the fact that when I played, baddies made me rage. I've no problem playing vs other good players, but it pisses me off when I see pugs make stupid mistakes time and time again. Why would I not minimize that risk given the chance? It is not as if other people can not get into PvP guilds of their own and queue with premades if they are good enough players. Oh and yes, I know it's hard to believe, but I do like playing with friends too as opposed to people I do not know. So no, it is not a load of c.r.a.p, as you put it.


did you even read what you quoted? yo don't need to fill 8 spots in order to "play with friends." and the game is specifically designed to limit you to FOUR 'premade' players per WZ. exploit/cheat + "just want to play with friends" = B.S.


besides, if playing with 8 friends is so important and winning isn't, then there is a place designed for 8m pvp. yeah. didn't think so. are your eyes naturally brown or is it just that you're full of....

Edited by foxmob
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did you even read what you quoted? yo don't need to fill 8 spots in order to "play with friends." and the game is specifically designed to limit you to FOUR 'premade' players per WZ. exploit/cheat + "just want to play with friends" = B.S.





You could almost say that grouping with a 4 man premade is exploiting (by the defintion) if facing a group of bad imps. Or outgearing your opposition, or being on a VoIP etc....


As for cheating, report the ppl that do it. I'm sure there is something that bioware put out in their rules about not being allowed to time queues together, so that should be an easy fix. I mean, no one in the right mind would say something is "cheating" when they are just referring to an assumed rule.


besides, if playing with 8 friends is so important and winning isn't, then there is a place designed for 8m pvp. yeah. didn't think so. are your eyes naturally brown or is it just that you're full of....


This argument again? I know I haven't played in awhile, but did the rank scene just blossom to where you get queue pops constantly throughout the day against different teams every match? I can't imagine why 8 ppl would want to sit in a ranked queue for 40 mins without a pop.....or play the same team 5 games in a row.

Edited by Ravashakk
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did you even read what you quoted? yo don't need to fill 8 spots in order to "play with friends." and the game is specifically designed to limit you to FOUR 'premade' players per WZ. exploit/cheat + "just want to play with friends" = B.S.


besides, if playing with 8 friends is so important and winning isn't, then there is a place designed for 8m pvp. yeah. didn't think so. are your eyes naturally brown or is it just that you're full of....


Did YOU even read what I quoted? It's not "just" about playing with friends and it's not about rolling people. It's the fact that playing with pugs and seeing them not even be able to do the simplest of tasks made me rage. (Ex. not being able to outdps me in full tank gear in the lowest dps spec for my class. Not being able to call out inc. Walking the wrong way with the huttball, not knowing how to pass.) I'm sure the people I played with felt that way as well. If this was a cheat or an exploit Bioware would've at least said something about it being one, which they have not.

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Ok, I have to laugh at this I play more toward PST times than EST but prime defense has like 8 to 15 people most of the time I play. Yes we had so many people at one point we had to form an extra guild for the alt characters, but I have not seen more than 20 people on in months. So if we got more than one pvp group in the same match it just has to be pure luck.
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Since it seems the OP doesn't give a **** anymore, I express confidence in the guilds listed (QQ and PD) that they do not super queue. They have some good people, and any incidents of a majority number of them being on a side were just coincidences. When guilds have an active population that queues more than two, four people groups at a time, sometimes incidental super queues happen.


As far as LD, it's much the same. We have an active player base that like to form up in groups to go have fun in WZs. If we get two groups in a WZ, well, we're going to play it. However, addressing Neb's comment about off-peak hours, we don't sit around and queue up at those times on purpose, we queue up whenever people are on. It was mentioned not long ago that in one instance of an incidental super queue, Dargos took his three other players and left before the match started. While I don't have any evidence, I was there, saw it happen, but I've only seen it happen once. As far as me personally, if I don't have a four man group to queue up with, you likely wont see me in WZs. Props to the people who still have it in them to solo queue, I've had it burned out of me at this point.

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I honestly don't care about "super-queing" or whatever, people can que how they want. if they're in a guild together they should have the right to play together. But I do think it's entirely dick and unnecessary behavior when you've got a premade or two rolling in a regular wz vs 6 people in recruit gear, to three-cap, not even let them get defense medals. Or literally just keep waiting at spawn to kill them over and over and over again without capping a door in Voidstar so that you run out the time for the whole match instead of just winning.
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Did YOU even read what I quoted? It's not "just" about playing with friends and it's not about rolling people. It's the fact that playing with pugs and seeing them not even be able to do the simplest of tasks made me rage. (Ex. not being able to outdps me in full tank gear in the lowest dps spec for my class. Not being able to call out inc. Walking the wrong way with the huttball, not knowing how to pass.) I'm sure the people I played with felt that way as well. If this was a cheat or an exploit Bioware would've at least said something about it being one, which they have not.


what? and everyone else doesn't play with pugs?



yes. this argument again. uncensored queues every day, remember? go have at it. no? didn't think so.

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Uncensored does not queue 24/7 with enough teams to give some variety.


fair enough. how many times has zabusa ever put together a team and faced them? surely he can be on when they're in queue one of the seven days a week. right? I mean...he might not have the players to win, but they're competent, right? they aren't pugs, eh? what? still not doing it? uh huh.


the fact of the matter is you're too full of yourself. you can't accept a loss. you think you're better than anyone else. if you do lose, it's because of some baddie pug rather than the other guys being better in that match - or no, it's just they have a better comp, right? so on and so forth. we all get bad pugs from time to time. it's not hard to spot them.


the fact of the matter is that regular warzones are designed around a random composition with no more than 4 "premade" players. quote the dictionary all you want. it's not rocket science. they don't allow ops to queue. deductive reasoning. it works. but go on and play your dictionary games.


rated is (relatively) dead because people don't wanna lose, and that's fine. the matchmaking is poor, and that is what it is. but don't pretend for a second that playing with friends is anything other than an excuse to circumvent the regular queue system or that every other premade doesn't get grouped with inferrior randoms, randoms who don't know they're allowed to type while their character is stunned, etc. at worst, that's a bold faced lie; at best, it's self-delusion. you superQ because you want to roll pugs, which is the flip side of the coin to you think you shouldn't lose or have to deal with the same pugs as everyone else. fact: PD or LD50 or Uncensored superQs would destroy everyone, imp or rep, and they'd lock up the reg queues or send the entire server into a cycle of quit/backfill, quit/backfill.


your excuses for superQs are pathetic. I play my 50 imps like two days per week, and I somehow manage to complete the weekly. oh! woe is me. solo Qs are so tough! oh no! imp side is too imbalanced! we need to superQ! no. we aren't going to take our 8m superQ and queue for ranked in prime time. what? even if we can queue regs at the same time? no. this isn't a "real" team. blah blah blah. you're so full of it. you know darn well the superQs aren't even trying to grab a rated match.

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fair enough. how many times has zabusa ever put together a team and faced them? surely he can be on when they're in queue one of the seven days a week. right? I mean...he might not have the players to win, but they're competent, right? they aren't pugs, eh? what? still not doing it? uh huh.


the fact of the matter is you're too full of yourself. you can't accept a loss. you think you're better than anyone else. if you do lose, it's because of some baddie pug rather than the other guys being better in that match - or no, it's just they have a better comp, right? so on and so forth. we all get bad pugs from time to time. it's not hard to spot them.


the fact of the matter is that regular warzones are designed around a random composition with no more than 4 "premade" players. quote the dictionary all you want. it's not rocket science. they don't allow ops to queue. deductive reasoning. it works. but go on and play your dictionary games.


rated is (relatively) dead because people don't wanna lose, and that's fine. the matchmaking is poor, and that is what it is. but don't pretend for a second that playing with friends is anything other than an excuse to circumvent the regular queue system or that every other premade doesn't get grouped with inferrior randoms, randoms who don't know they're allowed to type while their character is stunned, etc. at worst, that's a bold faced lie; at best, it's self-delusion. you superQ because you want to roll pugs, which is the flip side of the coin to you think you shouldn't lose or have to deal with the same pugs as everyone else. fact: PD or LD50 or Uncensored superQs would destroy everyone, imp or rep, and they'd lock up the reg queues or send the entire server into a cycle of quit/backfill, quit/backfill.


your excuses for superQs are pathetic. I play my 50 imps like two days per week, and I somehow manage to complete the weekly. oh! woe is me. solo Qs are so tough! oh no! imp side is too imbalanced! we need to superQ! no. we aren't going to take our 8m superQ and queue for ranked in prime time. what? even if we can queue regs at the same time? no. this isn't a "real" team. blah blah blah. you're so full of it. you know darn well the superQs aren't even trying to grab a rated match.



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fair enough. how many times has zabusa ever put together a team and faced them? surely he can be on when they're in queue one of the seven days a week. right? I mean...he might not have the players to win, but they're competent, right? they aren't pugs, eh? what? still not doing it? uh huh.


the fact of the matter is you're too full of yourself. you can't accept a loss. you think you're better than anyone else. if you do lose, it's because of some baddie pug rather than the other guys being better in that match - or no, it's just they have a better comp, right? so on and so forth. we all get bad pugs from time to time. it's not hard to spot them.


the fact of the matter is that regular warzones are designed around a random composition with no more than 4 "premade" players. quote the dictionary all you want. it's not rocket science. they don't allow ops to queue. deductive reasoning. it works. but go on and play your dictionary games.


rated is (relatively) dead because people don't wanna lose, and that's fine. the matchmaking is poor, and that is what it is. but don't pretend for a second that playing with friends is anything other than an excuse to circumvent the regular queue system or that every other premade doesn't get grouped with inferrior randoms, randoms who don't know they're allowed to type while their character is stunned, etc. at worst, that's a bold faced lie; at best, it's self-delusion. you superQ because you want to roll pugs, which is the flip side of the coin to you think you shouldn't lose or have to deal with the same pugs as everyone else. fact: PD or LD50 or Uncensored superQs would destroy everyone, imp or rep, and they'd lock up the reg queues or send the entire server into a cycle of quit/backfill, quit/backfill.


your excuses for superQs are pathetic. I play my 50 imps like two days per week, and I somehow manage to complete the weekly. oh! woe is me. solo Qs are so tough! oh no! imp side is too imbalanced! we need to superQ! no. we aren't going to take our 8m superQ and queue for ranked in prime time. what? even if we can queue regs at the same time? no. this isn't a "real" team. blah blah blah. you're so full of it. you know darn well the superQs aren't even trying to grab a rated match.



Sigh... I was going to let this argument go, but then you called me out with ad hominem attacks so....


Lol, you think I am scared to face Uncensored? If so, you really know nothing. I played against them with LD50 and with the Watchmen, and won against them the majority of times that I played against them.(Not to say those guilds won against them more than Uncensored won against those guilds, but when I was there, I've won more than I've lost.) I would gladly face Uncensored in ranked back then when I had competent teammates. Your assumption that I am hesitant to face other good players is way off base. I also played ranked matches that were LD50 vs LD50. I'll say it again. I have no problem queueing against good players as long as I have other good players on my side. It's when my teammates are incompetent that I do not want to play with them.



You say I think I am better than everyone else. I never once claimed to be the best player on SWToR, that is merely an assumption. Do I think I was a pretty damn good player? Yes. Do I think I was the absolute best? Not really, there's never going to be a true definitive way to measure who the best player is on SWToR, and who cares?



Here's the thing, I welcome anyone else who can superqueue to do so. If you are good enough that you can get into good guilds that will almost surely win with superqueues, then do so. If you think of it in that sense, I suppose I was more deserving to not have to deal with crappy pugs because I could get into the top guilds and play in their premades? You honestly think I could get into those guilds if I sucked? So tell me how it's so different then. Are you going to say I was also undeserving to have a premade of 4 on my side and that I should deal with all pugs?



Here's my main problem. I fail to see the huge difference behind the principle of superqueues and regular premades. Aren't they created with the same thought in mind? To play with friends? To win games? To minimize the amount of crappy pugs you have to deal with? So you're saying when people make just a premade of 4 their objective is not also to roll pugs as you say? They are increasing their chances to win, and superqueueing does that even more so. I fail to see the problem? Why are premades ok but superqueues are not? Isn't this hypocrisy?



A lot of people in premades would ask you why they should waste their time solo queueing when they have 3 good players who are also their friends that they could group with and increase their chances of winning. Well I ask you the same. Why in the hell would I want to waste my time playing with pugs who make retarded mistakes when I can queue with 7 other good players/friends who vastly increase my chances of victory? I don't have fun losing because of stupid mistakes. Yet that is the purpose of a game, to have fun. You're telling me that if you had the chance to win 99% of the time with a superqueue or 40% of the time soloqueueing, you would solo queue? For what? Some stupid sense of honor on a videogame? Really? Why should I lose more games than I have to? Why should anyone?

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Why are superques even a problem lmao. 50% of Imps will quit against regular Pub pugs anyways so there's nothing stopping them from leaving against a superque. If you decided to stay and get your *** handed to you cause you got 3 recruits and 4 idiots on your team you have no one to be angry at but yourself.


Any Imp worth his salt knows that the chances of winning are unlikely in solo queue even against pugs. Just man up and either try harder, get a team or reroll.

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Here's my main problem. I fail to see the huge difference behind the principle of superqueues and regular premades.


math. it FORCES everyone to superQ in order to compete.

Edited by foxmob
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fair enough. how many times has zabusa ever put together a team and faced them? surely he can be on when they're in queue one of the seven days a week. right? I mean...he might not have the players to win, but they're competent, right? they aren't pugs, eh? what? still not doing it? uh huh.


I wouldn't pretend to know much about zabuza's playing habits since watchmen left. I'm sure he plays very little if at all.


the fact of the matter is you're too full of yourself. you can't accept a loss. you think you're better than anyone else. if you do lose, it's because of some baddie pug rather than the other guys being better in that match - or no, it's just they have a better comp, right? so on and so forth. we all get bad pugs from time to time. it's not hard to spot them.


I'm curious on what grounds you are basing this all on. (The portion calling me out specifically). I'm sure it is something you assumed just like this rule of super queueing I keep hearing you preach about.


Say what you want, but when you and the rest of your team are topping heals/dmg/protection, making little to no mistakes, and playing objectively...it is hard not to point the finger at the 38k dmg pulling marauder or the sorc healer with 2 deaths, 3k dmg and 3k healing (these are NOT exaggerated figures).


the fact of the matter is that regular warzones are designed around a random composition with no more than 4 "premade" players. quote the dictionary all you want. it's not rocket science. they don't allow ops to queue. deductive reasoning. it works. but go on and play your dictionary games.


By your logic, non super queueing double premades are breaking the "rule". Afterall, that would be more than 4 premade players.



rated is (relatively) dead because people don't wanna lose, and that's fine. the matchmaking is poor, and that is what it is.


Rated is dead because it lacks incentive, ppl aren't queueing constantly for it which means long queue times, and the matchmaking is poor. Most of the problems are tied to lack of incentive.



you superQ because you want to roll pugs, which is the flip side of the coin to you think you shouldn't lose or have to deal with the same pugs as everyone else.


Believe what you want but the small % of the time I've super queued, it was usually with a less than optimal comp with 2-3 average players or guys I've never heard of (and they're in my guild double u tee eff). I can count on one hand how many times I've SQ'ed and thought "this is a ranked quality team or one capable of rolling the average pub team". Continue believing what you want though. I know my word means nothing to you.





fact: PD or LD50 or Uncensored superQs would destroy everyone, imp or rep, and they'd lock up the reg queues or send the entire server into a cycle of quit/backfill, quit/backfill.


Mr. Schrute, you are very ill informed. There are way more games going on than those guilds could possibly be affecting with their super q's. Sure some might quit those games, but it won't lock up the reg q. What happens when they face each other? Since they are both destined to destroy each other as you put it, would it be a tie or a double win?


your excuses for superQs are pathetic. I play my 50 imps like two days per week, and I somehow manage to complete the weekly. oh! woe is me. solo Qs are so tough! oh no! imp side is too imbalanced! we need to superQ! no. we aren't going to take our 8m superQ and queue for ranked in prime time. what? even if we can queue regs at the same time? no. this isn't a "real" team. blah blah blah. you're so full of it. you know darn well the superQs aren't even trying to grab a rated match.


This matter OBVIOUSLY has upset you a lot. So let me extend this laurel from US for ruining your gaming experience.

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