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I wanna play as a yoda!


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I'm sure this has been said a million times, but I still want it :)


You don't realize what your asking, Yoda is one of the last REAL mysteries of StarWars. Very little is known about his people and their past and George Lucas insists on keeping that way. By shrouding Yoda and his people in mysteries you create a character that keeps peoples attention. The moment you tell all about his people and their history the mystery is gone and so is the a lure of the Character. it's not a perfect comparison but, you could compare Yoda to J.R. Tolken Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Ring's. Tom has amazing powers but one stands out above the rest. He is able to wield the Ring of POWER. the One Ring has no power over Bombadil; he can see Frodo when the Ring makes him invisible to others, and can wear it himself with no effect. He even tosses the Ring in the air and makes it disappear, but then produces it from his other hand and returns it to Frodo. This seems to demonstrate that he has a unique and mysterious power over the Ring. This is the kind of mystery that keep people wondering about Tom and its the same idea with Yoda.

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You don't realize what your asking, Yoda is one of the last REAL mysteries of StarWars. Very little is known about his people and their past and George Lucas insists on keeping that way. By shrouding Yoda and his people in mysteries you create a character that keeps peoples attention. The moment you tell all about his people and their history the mystery is gone and so is the a lure of the Character. it's not a perfect comparison but, you could compare Yoda to J.R. Tolken Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Ring's. Tom has amazing powers but one stands out above the rest. He is able to wield the Ring of POWER. the One Ring has no power over Bombadil; he can see Frodo when the Ring makes him invisible to others, and can wear it himself with no effect. He even tosses the Ring in the air and makes it disappear, but then produces it from his other hand and returns it to Frodo. This seems to demonstrate that he has a unique and mysterious power over the Ring. This is the kind of mystery that keep people wondering about Tom and its the same idea with Yoda.


Too bad old George sold out and now Disney can do whatever they please.

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Too bad old George sold out and now Disney can do whatever they please.


First of all, no they can't. There are a few caveats that Lucas made sure were agreed to on paper before the sale. One of them is final word over any lore changes.


Secondly, Disney is not running this game and BioWare still has to go by the words of its contract with Lucasarts, which means... dum dum daaaaaah! ... no Yoda species.


Get used to it.



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First of all, no they can't. There are a few caveats that Lucas made sure were agreed to on paper before the sale. One of them is final word over any lore changes.


Secondly, Disney is not running this game and BioWare still has to go by the words of its contract with Lucasarts, which means... dum dum daaaaaah! ... no Yoda species.


Get used to it.




Eventually they will get around to it maybe not when Lucas is alive, but eventually they will because it makes money.

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First of all, no they can't. There are a few caveats that Lucas made sure were agreed to on paper before the sale. One of them is final word over any lore changes.


Secondly, Disney is not running this game and BioWare still has to go by the words of its contract with Lucasarts, which means... dum dum daaaaaah! ... no Yoda species.


Get used to it.




And you knowe this becouse ? I've search and can find nothing to support your claim. Please point me to your source.


I did find this on techcrunch.com

"I felt that I really wanted to put the company somewhere in a larger entity which could protect it. Disney is a huge corporation. They have all kinds of capabilities and facilities, so that there’s a lot of strength that is gained by this.


…I’m doing this so that the films will have a longer life, and so that more fans and people can enjoy them in the future. It’s a very big universe I’ve created and there are a lot of stories that are sitting in there.”


theres a video interview as well. They do say they want to protect the characters and keep them the way george created them, but that doesn't mean we won't see a Yoda movie at some point.

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And you knowe this becouse ? I've search and can find nothing to support your claim. Please point me to your source.


I did find this on techcrunch.com

"I felt that I really wanted to put the company somewhere in a larger entity which could protect it. Disney is a huge corporation. They have all kinds of capabilities and facilities, so that there’s a lot of strength that is gained by this.


…I’m doing this so that the films will have a longer life, and so that more fans and people can enjoy them in the future. It’s a very big universe I’ve created and there are a lot of stories that are sitting in there.”


theres a video interview as well. They do say they want to protect the characters and keep them the way george created them, but that doesn't mean we won't see a Yoda movie at some point.


Im pretty sure the legal ins and outs are not the sort of thing we will ever see discussed in an interview.. I suspect (in fact its a definate there will be) a lot of protection clauses re character and story in the same way other estates (even after the creators passing) get final approval. However what those are we will never know.

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You don't realize what your asking, Yoda is one of the last REAL mysteries of StarWars. Very little is known about his people and their past and George Lucas insists on keeping that way. By shrouding Yoda and his people in mysteries you create a character that keeps peoples attention. The moment you tell all about his people and their history the mystery is gone and so is the a lure of the Character. it's not a perfect comparison but, you could compare Yoda to J.R. Tolken Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Ring's. Tom has amazing powers but one stands out above the rest. He is able to wield the Ring of POWER. the One Ring has no power over Bombadil; he can see Frodo when the Ring makes him invisible to others, and can wear it himself with no effect. He even tosses the Ring in the air and makes it disappear, but then produces it from his other hand and returns it to Frodo. This seems to demonstrate that he has a unique and mysterious power over the Ring. This is the kind of mystery that keep people wondering about Tom and its the same idea with Yoda.


So, I still want it :o

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I want to play as a spock.


About as likely (and about as accurate since "yoda" isnt the name of the species, even tho the species has no official name)


No official name, but they call it yoda's specie...

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such desires and wants can only lead to the dark side :D



several old threads about this issue had a post or two mentioning that the race wasn't going to be in the game. i am not sure where the information was obtained to substantiate the claim but i doubt the race will be playable. there is a npc in this game though but only one.

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Read more here: Yoda's Species @ Wookieepedia


This much is clear: Lucas had a long standing track record of denying any attempt to explore Yoda's background or the background of his species. It's not even named.


Disney is unlikely to change things. The new head of Lucasfilm (which Lucasarts is a part of) is a Disney executive officially, but was hand-picked by Lucas and has been working closely with Lucas for years.


The game will be dead (and probably the next MMO after this) before we would be likely to see a Lucasfilm head who was willing to toss aside one of the most consistent rules of the lore.

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Please stop saying Disney will do this and bla bla. Disney also owns Marvel and what happened to Wolverine does he wear mouse ears? Disney is a company and aims to earn money, if revealing yoda's secret is less profitable than keeping it as a secret/mystery, they wudnt reveal it.
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You don't realize what your asking, Yoda is one of the last REAL mysteries of StarWars. Very little is known about his people and their past and George Lucas insists on keeping that way. By shrouding Yoda and his people in mysteries you create a character that keeps peoples attention. The moment you tell all about his people and their history the mystery is gone and so is the a lure of the Character. it's not a perfect comparison but, you could compare Yoda to J.R. Tolken Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Ring's. Tom has amazing powers but one stands out above the rest. He is able to wield the Ring of POWER. the One Ring has no power over Bombadil; he can see Frodo when the Ring makes him invisible to others, and can wear it himself with no effect. He even tosses the Ring in the air and makes it disappear, but then produces it from his other hand and returns it to Frodo. This seems to demonstrate that he has a unique and mysterious power over the Ring. This is the kind of mystery that keep people wondering about Tom and its the same idea with Yoda.


Tom Bombadil is definitely an anomaly in LOTR. However, most Tolkien fanatics and researchers have found that the character of Tom Bombadil is probably the closest thing to a manefestation of Tolkien's "God" of the world he created. If you look at it that way, it is rather nice Tom's role was not as a deus ex machina, and played a rather aloof and side role.


Yoda plays a similar role, but is directly involved in the Star Wars story arc. However, the veil of mystery around him makes his character essential. I did hear once that many people believe him to not be a separate race but just an incredibly ancient and shrunken human being.

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