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Is SWTOR making an appearance at Pax East 2013?


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?? how did the CS confirm your reply?


Im not sure if English is your primary language so please do not take offense, as I sincerly am not trying to offend. I have no doubt that your english is much much better than my [insert your languge here] would be.


I'll try to make this a little more easy to understand and I apologize for not making it clearer to begin with. I accept that responsibility.


Please read the beginning of the post where the OP (original post(er)) asks if SWTOR will be at PAX East. I replied there is no way the SWTOR development team is going to show up at this venue.


Later in the thread a moderator replies that SWTOR will not be at Pax East -- CONFIRMING my original reply of "No way will they show up at PAX East".


Im sorry for the original confusion and hope my latest attempt clears it up. If not let me know and i'll give it another shot.


Take care my friend.

Edited by Klarick
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it's the ONLY gaming convention on the east coast.


It's also pretty small compared to Pax Prime, E3, Comic Con and others. Makeb is coming out in the next month why waste money and resources going to a smaller convenion when the big on is still E3 and Pax Prime??


You honestly beleive they are going to spend millions of dollars on Makeb and then just give up??? What world do you live in?




WoW only goes to Blizzcon and they only do Blizzcon when they have something new to announce. They didn't even hold a blizzcon last year.


But please tell me what MMOs are going to be at Pax East?


The Repopulation will be there, its on their website.

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Yeah, no. They only had around 1.5 million to begin with, if 1.5 million left there would be practically no one left in the game. Somewhere after the 6ish month mark they lost about half their players I remember hearing in the past.


Please do your homework. It is easy -- just use google and find out the number of reported sales. Hint: It was WAAAAAY above 2 million.


Further research and you will discover the many articles concerning everything I posted. It is old news my friend.


Welcome to SWTOR.

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You do realize that SWTOR, using an IP that can NOT fail, lost over 1.5 MILLION customer after the first three months right?


Where the hell are you getting your numbers from? They got to 1.7 million subscribers, lost 400k after 3 months, and lost 800k total... 1.5million is literally no where in there... Stop making up nonsense. Also, since f2p dropped, rumor is that they are swimming in money right now with increased subscriber numbers and phenomenal Cartel Market numbers... Why do you think EA has decided to bring microtransactions to ALL of their games come 2014?

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Please do your homework. It is easy -- just use google and find out the number of reported sales. Hint: It was WAAAAAY above 2 million.


Further research and you will discover the many articles concerning everything I posted. It is old news my friend.


Welcome to SWTOR.


if you are going to make wild claims please link your sources.


otherwise you are just making numbers up.

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if you are going to make wild claims please link your sources.


otherwise you are just making numbers up.


He's got to be trolling because no one could be that stupid. I especially like the part where he tells someone else to use Google to find "facts," yet his all of his "facts" in this thread contain random numbers pulled from thin air.

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Everyone please calm down. Is it really that hard to do your own research? Google is your friend. Im not going to do it for you. I'm just not. This topic has already been BEAT - TO - DEATH here in these very forums -- and not by me.


You guys are obviously new to SWTOR, since you seem oblivious to its history. Easy way to research this (hey, Im nice I will help you in your history lesson):


1. Research the topic in these forums. Again this issue was a MAJOR thread and post grabber around the games 4th month.


2. Research SWTOR by using google. You willl find more info than you could possibly need.


3. Don't worry about coming back here and apologizing to me. Your apology is accepted.


Now -- rush upon those tubes of the internet and do your homework!

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Everyone please calm down. Is it really that hard to do your own research? Google is your friend. Im not going to do it for you. I'm just not. This topic has already been BEAT - TO - DEATH here in these very forums -- and not by me.


You guys are obviously new to SWTOR, since you seem oblivious to its history. Easy way to research this (hey, Im nice I will help you in your history lesson):


1. Research the topic in these forums. Again this issue was a MAJOR thread and post grabber around the games 4th month.


2. Research SWTOR by using google. You willl find more info than you could possibly need.


3. Don't worry about coming back here and apologizing to me. Your apology is accepted.


Now -- rush upon those tubes of the internet and do your homework!


I just did and the only person talking about 1.5 million swtor loses is YOU



look for yourself "swtor loses 1.5 millon" only leads to your own posts. NO ONE ELSE ON THE INTERNT IS SAYING IT

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age are not MMOs. Dragon Age is an upcoming game


Neverwinter is also not yet released hence the reason you will see it there.


I don't see anything about STO being there. Not even on their official forums.


But again you never answered my question. Do you base what MMO you play around weather or not they are at conventions?



mass effect and dragon age are made by...EA. So EA will be there just not the SWTOR team...that tells me that EA is putting it's money elsewhere.

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mass effect and dragon age are made by...EA. So EA will be there just not the SWTOR team...that tells me that EA is putting it's money elsewhere.


different branches of Bioware. By your logic because EA has a booth there they must show off every game they have otherwise they are not funding some games.


Or at the Community Cantina they must have more then just SWTOR there or EA is not funding their other games.


here's the thing there is very little reason for SWTOR to actually be there. Everyone knows what SWTOR is, it's F2P so anyone can try it on their own. Pax East is a small convention compared to E3 and other so why waste resources going there?


This isnt the first Convention that SWTOR skipped and yet SWTOR is still here with major content still being added and devleoped. It costs A LOT of money to set up booths at conventions.



This is why they do the Community Cantinas. They cost less and get to their target audience and actually get to speak to the players. People who don't play the game won't bother going. But at Conventions yes you MIGHT meet some potential but more likely you will meet very few actual players.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know while we will not be at PAX East, the Community Cantina Tour will be continuing and we will have more information for you next week.


Well My consumer confidence just hit a new low ...

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Avoiding conventions with a large audience from a broad spectrum of players shows weakness . All gaming conventions are a chance to win new people over . PAX is a big one .


Pax PRIME is a big one Pax East is very small


So what you are saying is that Blizzard and WoW have been showing weakness since the game launched? Blizzard doesn't go to conventions

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Pax PRIME is a big one Pax East is very small


So what you are saying is that Blizzard and WoW have been showing weakness since the game launched? Blizzard doesn't go to conventions


Blizzard's WoW is not a new MMO . This one is "One" year old .

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Blizzard is going to announce a NEW game at Pax East, not showing off their existing games... what he meant to say was that Blizzard has never gone to any conventions for their existing games, besides BlizzCon. Considering an average of 25,000 people attend BlizzCon and Pax East only has an average of 3,500 attendees, I think it's a waste for Blizzard to even go to Pax East, they may as well save it for Pax Prime.


Also, to say that Bioware "reached a new low" by not attending such a tiny event is ridiculous. Heaven forbid they don't reach 3,500 more people... most of those people would probably be just like you and no one wants those types of people added to the community anyway.

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Blizzard is going to announce a NEW game at Pax East, not showing off their existing games... what he meant to say was that Blizzard has never gone to any conventions for their existing games, besides BlizzCon. Considering an average of 25,000 people attend BlizzCon and Pax East only has an average of 3,500 attendees, I think it's a waste for Blizzard to even go to Pax East, they may as well save it for Pax Prime.


Also, to say that Bioware "reached a new low" by not attending such a tiny event is ridiculous. Heaven forbid they don't reach 3,500 more people... most of those people would probably be just like you and no one wants those types of people added to the community anyway.


Because My consumer confidence has gone down I'm now an undesirable in the community ? This is terrible news !

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Because My consumer confidence has gone down I'm now an undesirable in the community ? This is terrible news !


.... so your confidence is down even though they reported exceeding all their expectations for the last quarter and F2P is a huge success. Additionally they are about to launch a huge content update as well as doing a tour around the country to various venues to speak directly to the playerbase.


But the only way to raise your confidence is to show up at a convention????

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.... so your confidence is down even though they reported exceeding all their expectations for the last quarter and F2P is a huge success. Additionally they are about to launch a huge content update as well as doing a tour around the country to various venues to speak directly to the playerbase.


But the only way to raise your confidence is to show up at a convention????


A Catina tour where all the aspects can be controlled completely by the company holding it is not what I would consider a relevant show of confidence in the larger gaming arena . You confidence in the game is stable ? Good . Good for You . Mines not and it's based on F2P in first year , Loss of over 50% initial player base and this sort of convention avoidance . I believe we'll see SWTOR dodging more in the future instead of reaching out .

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Blizzard is going to announce a NEW game at Pax East, not showing off their existing games... what he meant to say was that Blizzard has never gone to any conventions for their existing games, besides BlizzCon. Considering an average of 25,000 people attend BlizzCon and Pax East only has an average of 3,500 attendees, I think it's a waste for Blizzard to even go to Pax East, they may as well save it for Pax Prime.


Also, to say that Bioware "reached a new low" by not attending such a tiny event is ridiculous. Heaven forbid they don't reach 3,500 more people... most of those people would probably be just like you and no one wants those types of people added to the community anyway.



lol at your 3500 number...PAX east has ALOT more attendees that that! PAX East is the LARGEST gaming convention on the Eastern Seaboard...

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