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Why Part 2: Schön Ihr CM's Eric&Co.


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Based on the way you wrote, you sounded so cocky that it was very likely that your native language was English, but sorry, my bad. :)

Anyways, I'm having a few good 'online'-friends if you will from Norway and I can assure you, the education standards concerning English between Germany and Norway are 2 different worlds.


Exactly my point! Take control! Stop dubbing every single movie and game into German. Focus on English in schools. Your politicians must be complete and utter braindead for not doing this. Wouldn't it be nice if Luke Skywalker actually sounded like Mark Hamill?

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When Titanic struck the iceberg, they minimized the gravity of the disaster...:rolleyes:

It's nothing, just the beginning of the end, like a virus... Maybe nothing... Maybe nothing...

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When the fiction joins the reality...:o

Edited by Sullexus
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Wouldn't it be nice if Luke Skywalker actually sounded like Mark Hamill?


He does, all I have to do for hearing it, is to choose "english" from the menue of my Blu-Ray.

But I am glad that there is a version in the world where Darth Vader sounds like Heinz Petruo, because he is far superior to James Earl Jones. :)

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Exactly my point! Take control! Stop dubbing every single movie and game into German. Focus on English in schools. Your politicians must be complete and utter braindead for not doing this. Wouldn't it be nice if Luke Skywalker actually sounded like Mark Hamill?


I have no problems to watch Star Wars (for example) in english as I did it several times before. But it would be the same if you would watch it with (insert-another-language-than-english-here) dub. Even if you would be able to understand, there's a difference between that and enjoying a movie or a game.

Edited by Han_Salo
Schreibfehler gefunden :-(
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How bout you all suck it up and start learning English? You know... so you can actually communicate with the rest of the world. I would honestly be embarrassed and ashamed if I didn't know English.

Instead of that, how about you realize that English is not something that is vital to know for the majority of people in many many countries? They happily live their entire lives without communicationg with the rest of the world, and for such people dedicating their time, money and effort to learn English in order to just play a video game is ridiculous.

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Instead of that, how about you realize that English is not something that is vital to know for the majority of people in many many countries? They happily live their entire lives without communicationg with the rest of the world, and for such people dedicating their time, money and effort to learn English in order to just play a video game is ridiculous.


We're not talking about the majority in many many countries. We're talking about Germany and France. Smack in the middle of Europe.


I will live my entire life without ever having used algebra. I have no use of knowing what plants grow in the middle of the forest and I couldn't give a flying **** about writing poems. Yet I learned all these things and TONS of other things I will never ever have the need for in school and probably so did you. And just like me you most likely have no use of the same things, but I bet you have use for the English language. I know you do as you're communicating with me.


Out of all the things you learn throughout your life, is learning how to communicate with the modern western world really such a horrible thing?


In fact, here in Norway most people get the chance to pick between learning French, German and Spanish in school aswell. So while you are so stuck up and stubborn and won't even learn English, we learn an additional language. Just because you simply refuse to learn English.

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For those that requested the response in German:


Das letzte, was wir wollen, ist, dass ihr euch ignoriert füllt – und daher ist es mein persönliches Ziel, sicherzustellen, das genau das nicht eintritt.




lol, keine Antwort auf Tickets, keine Antwort im Forum, keine offizielle Information, dass die CM's entfernt werden und dann soll man noch glauben, das man nicht ignoriert wird? Genau dieser Fall ist doch bereits eingetroffen ...


Well dear Eric, this is not the yellow of the egg ...

Edited by CoronaSun
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So while you are so stuck up and stubborn and won't even learn English, we learn an additional language. Just because you simply refuse to learn English.

Honey, this is not about refusing to learn english. Most german people's english is quite decent.


This is about killing off a position that was filled before, thus alienating the community this position/person was supposed to care for.


Which smacks of disregard for that particular community. That's what is annoying people.

Edited by Lent_San
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Honey, this is not about refusing to learn english. Most german people's english is quite decent.


This is about killing off a position that was filled before, thus alienating the community this position/person was supposed to care for.


Which smacks of disregard for that particular community. That's what is annoying people.


If most German people's English was quite decent there would be no need for a German version of the game nor German forums.

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If most German people's English was quite decent there would be no need for a German version of the game nor German forums.

My english is decent and while I have no problem with it, why should people be forced to communicate in a different language to the one they play their game in? Heck, why have dubs in the first place? I played ME in german and english, and to be honest, the german dub seemed way more professional than the english original.


I guess they like the revenue from european players, but don't wanna pay for their support. That's irritating.

Edited by Lent_San
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We're not talking about the majority in many many countries. We're talking about Germany and France. Smack in the middle of Europe.


I will live my entire life without ever having used algebra. I have no use of knowing what plants grow in the middle of the forest and I couldn't give a flying **** about writing poems. Yet I learned all these things and TONS of other things I will never ever have the need for in school and probably so did you. And just like me you most likely have no use of the same things, but I bet you have use for the English language. I know you do as you're communicating with me.


Out of all the things you learn throughout your life, is learning how to communicate with the modern western world really such a horrible thing?


In fact, here in Norway most people get the chance to pick between learning French, German and Spanish in school aswell. So while you are so stuck up and stubborn and won't even learn English, we learn an additional language. Just because you simply refuse to learn English.

Speaking about myself, i was lucky enough to study in a foreign language oriented school, plus i had a couple of personal mentors at some point during that time. But people tend to forget stuff if they don't refresh it in their minds from time to time, so now, when 8 years have passed since i graduated from school, the only things that keep my English on more or less acceptable level are communicating with foreign people via forums and video games and occasional rare cases of self-educating.

But that's me, i've always had some sort of an affinity to foreign cultures and languages, was even planning to leave my country in order to experience the life in different ones at some point. Still, there are many people around me who are not interested in English at all. They are absolutely fine with living in Russia and communicating just with other Russians for their entire lives. And these people are playing MMO's just like the rest of us. I bet there are many people of the same attitude in both Germany and France.


Out of all the things you learn throughout your life, is learning how to communicate with the modern western world really such a horrible thing?

It's not a horrible thing, it's just a useless and irrational one to do as seen by some people. Indeed, why would you dedicate your time and money to learn something that does not interest you and you are sure you will have no use of? Isn't it better to dedicate them to something that can be helpful in, let's say, your profession or hobby?

Edited by Trollokdamus
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You don't get it.

German is the most spoken language in europe.

Because of that almost every Game was released in german language in the past 15 years.

The german gamer community ist accustomed to that fact.


Anyway some german use the english geme client or look their moovies in english language for that reason you told us. Some of them argue here whith you.

But there are a lot of other gamner who don't need their englich for the job. They have a lot of other interests than to improve thir english, particularly just for one game.

Edited by Terasexa
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They should learn to speak English is irrelevant, they were offered a service from the get go and now it has been removed. It is mediocre customer service, no doubt driven by cost cutting. If I were a French or German speaking player I too would be pissed off that they removed a service being offered since day one.
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@Trollokdamus: Thank thats my point. You just worded it alot bether than I.




I'm one of them who forgot a lot of the english stuff since my schooltime.

And I spend plenty of time just to write som centences.


And in matter of the france people: do you knew they set in a committee to protect their language from anglicism?

And set in a rate for a minimum of radio songs in france language.

They are very proud of their language.

Edited by Terasexa
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How bout you all suck it up and start learning English? You know... so you can actually communicate with the rest of the world. I would honestly be embarrassed and ashamed if I didn't know English.


Yeah, why should companies have to put effort into new markets? The customers are the ones who need to bend over backwards to give their money to foreigners - it makes total sense...

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Yeah, why should companies have to put effort into new markets? The customers are the ones who need to bend over backwards to give their money to foreigners - it makes total sense...


They want to retire out af the market. It goes on..

But care for the market? No! To expencive! (it seems they think so)

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After playing on the PTS I though €A is back on track but this slap in the face hurt so much that I'm thinking about unsubscribing for the first time.

Maybe its because its €As first MMO and they don't know how important the community is for an MMO cause with there trashy ever year the same s**** sports and shooter games they only know consumers and no customers or its because they realise that an MMO don't fit in with there new microtransaction and casual strategy.

Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if €A share the same fate as THQ within the next decade when they don't learn how customer loyalty or customer hatred can affect a company.

Edited by GettoGecko
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After playing on the PTS I though €A is back on track but this slap in the face hurt so much that I'm thinking about unsubscribing for the first time.


Because someone is no longer employed your gaming experience is so greatly wounded you feel as if you have been physically slapped in the face? So much so that you now want to unsub from a game you were clearly interested in after seeing what was coming up.


That's quite a strong reaction to something like this.:rak_mad:

Edited by Solar_Breeze
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How bout you all suck it up and start learning English? You know... so you can actually communicate with the rest of the world..........


Hmmmm.....strange opinion in my eyes...

1st who tells you we do not learn english at school?

2nd ...if a company sells a product in our market i think we have a right to demand localization and support in our native language. I wonder what you would think and say if in the future your korean, japanese or finnish cell phone, your chinese washing machine, your korean or japanese TV etc were delivered with finnish, korean, japanese or chinese manuals and displays only - and if - to receive support - you had to learn the manufacturers finnish or asian language? I guess at the moment such stuff is delivered to norway not only with an english, but mostly even with norwegian manual, display and support.


The point is: we bought a product and subscription localized for german-speaking market, advertised for german speaking market and WITH existing german-speaking services. Therefore - as long as we still pay the same price as we did from the launch - we can expect the company struggling for our money to continue the service we bought and paid.


Even if many of us learned english in school and might - with some mistakes - be able to express an opinion in english - it s still an uncomfortable EFFORT for most of us - and a company like Bioware can t expect paying customers to make EFFORTS to receive what they bought. To simplify it: it s the manufacturers response to make efforts for the customers' satisfaction - not vice versa. I understand all players who consider ending their subscriptions.

The attitude Bioware showed towards german-speaking and french-speaking markets and communities by firing their CMs is lacking respect and customer apreciation.


Forgive me my bad english - it has been more than 25 years since i learned it in school.......

Edited by SremoYzeh
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That's quite a strong reaction to something like this.:rak_mad:


Well it is and to be honest it's surprising for myself cause I never thought about it till now, neighter when the first exodus started nor when F2P came. I don't know the english community because I only read the class forum here, but the german TOR community was different from any other MMO I know. We have some 50+ and 60+ people who play there first MMO and the com behaved much more grown up than in other games. But lately there were even indirect threads for goldseller adds not to mention the growing number of troll threads. How could someone from a foreign language be able to read between the lines and understand that these aren't discussions about goldseller but adds? Assuming that they read the german forum like they said.

The other thing is why do i have to watch the english forum to get news or wait 2 days to get the news in my native language but with wrong grammar and orthography?

The main problem is that TOR was released multi-lingual and because of that much more german people bought it than if it would be only released in english cause germans are used to get subs and dubs for there films and games. We had support in our native language from the get go and now one year later we should simply accept a cut off service? Not only the 50+ and 60+ who never had english in school aren't able to adress there problems, ideas and wishes properly even I who is used to watch films in english and read english books have huge problems with writing and spelling.

The german servers have the highest population of all european server if I'm not completly wrong and together with french server these represent the majority of european TOR customers. How would you feel if a company stops supporting the majority of a whole continent without a word? You would just suck it up, wouldn't you? Right :rolleyes:

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As a gamer when I see something like this, the removal of two community mangers, and no answer to the why. This to me sends me the feeling that perhaps swtor is in worse straights then we think. The fact is this last patch was 75 percent cartel market again. They have been pushing the cartel market hard now on a regular basis. Now this happens. Until I hear a why, I am not sure how much longer swtor is going to be around. They have explained what they want to do, but they have not given the why.
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As a gamer when I see something like this, the removal of two community mangers, and no answer to the why. This to me sends me the feeling that perhaps swtor is in worse straights then we think. The fact is this last patch was 75 percent cartel market again. They have been pushing the cartel market hard now on a regular basis. Now this happens. Until I hear a why, I am not sure how much longer swtor is going to be around. They have explained what they want to do, but they have not given the why.


It's very simple: Money. There's no need to have a couple of CMs for German/French/whatever when they can just use a translation program to turn their English posts into whatever is required for the forum posting.


To be honest, foreign language CMs is very much a luxury, not a necessity.


And I fail to see why people are so very upset about it. If I suddenly became a Tolstoy fan/Wagner fan, I would expect to have to learn Russian/German to participate in the discussion of those subjects.

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