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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sniper/Slinger next FoTM


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Sniper by definition cannot be FOTM. people dont like playing turret classes, yet every melee wants his agent buff.

Snipers rock in lowbie because of how stupid they made leveling up process for many classes.



This is why nobody cares about lowbie balance.



I am not saying they're FOTM but I love your defending of this topic by simply stating "people don't like playing turret classes". I have seen the class in action and have toyed around with one on the pts before and it is pretty simple and easy to pump out damage. Now most people do not play the class well but I could say that about every advanced class in PvP now.

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I am not saying they're FOTM but I love your defending of this topic by simply stating "people don't like playing turret classes". I have seen the class in action and have toyed around with one on the pts before and it is pretty simple and easy to pump out damage. Now most people do not play the class well but I could say that about every advanced class in PvP now.


Those things are connected, they dont like playing turret classes, and for this reason they play sniper how it was never supposed to be played: moving arround randomly too much for no apparent reason. Instead of placing themselves strategically and take advantage of game rearding them for staying stationary, they are trying to play the game like some sort of PT, trying to DPS on the move, trying to kite what should be CCed and gunned down instead, tons of crap like that.


Non-sniper maining usually bring the habbits from their main which is often incompatible to a sniper necessary mindset.

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The next Fotm is going to be a sniper simply b/c MM cant run out of energy and some stupid person can spam snipex2 and follow then ambush with another follow and wont even know wth hunker down is or any other move for that matter and still be able to do decent damage(this is for the stupid ppl and we all know they're a good amount). when played by somone that knows wth they're doing its going to be a scary thing. Then u have ppl that arent dumb but arent amazing either who can now actually use Leth without running out of energy with the new changes to corrosive grenade expect to see this move on just about everything and everyone. Again when this is used by some super amazing person expect to see half the team at 50% hp and healers on the fourms QQ about how absurd it is to cleanse this stuff and how even after using evasion and cleansing its back in a matter of secs and how the dots wont break cc anymore. and the ability to use a finisher with out being at 30% hp on anyone, meh forget just healers ppl in general will be QQing. Eng is Eng to me either u play it or u dont it will always do well imo its the ultimate cap stopper if u have another teamate around or even alone for a few secs.


All I can say is they took a class that I felt was the only really balanced thing in the game and took it over the top. I cant wait to see an MM,ENG,and LETH sniper all in the same warzone lol the horror:)


on a side note keep ur eyes on those concealment operatives and leth operatives they got some srs buffs and the really good ones r going to shine like never before im afraid!:eek:

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I can't think of any thing worse than a sniper FOTM, it will just wreck wz.


LOL yeah, because there's no line of sight issues in warzones.:rolleyes:



I'm honestly not seeing at all how snipers are OP in warzones. The critical hit nerf (universal) reallly prevents any "overpowering". I run with almost 38% crit in live as MM. I honestly don't do any more damage in 2.0 then I do in 1.7 now (thus far). My damage totals were within 15% of normal - well within the margin of error for a random warzone. Granted, I was not in level 55 pvp gear, but I'm half assuming most people aren't as well currently.


Other observations after one night of non-broken pvp:


- Basically EVERYONE is proportionally stronger. TTK is considerably higher, especially with healing. Had a hypergate warzone opponent with four healers on one side, three on ours, and we were al lucky to get 10 kills despite the intentional zerging that match in the middle. Some folks were suggesting healing is OP but I'm not convinced of this yet as there are no shortage of people with sub 1200 expertise (and remember, 2018 is the cap, not 1396)


- Melee in melee range still destroy me, as they should. Tank classes still take forever to kill. Although if I were running a good lethality build, this wouldn't be the case.


- I got smashed for nearly 7k, even with 2000 expertise and 22% armor. The rumors of smash being nerfed are grossly exaggerated. I obviously wasn't entrenched. I should have screenshotted it (for evidence) but I certainly will the next time it happens.


- The belief that bolster is going to make PvE gear nearly as good as PvP gear is just not looking like the case. I tried out a full set of that 169 PvE gear, had 2500 cunning etc. It gave me a 30-32% boost to damage done. Whereas in my level 50 PvP set from live, I was at 60% boost - the cap. 169 level PvE gear seems to slot in as just a bit better then recruit now.


edit: Oh, and for the record, all of our level 50 pvp gear will be modified to cap our expertise in 2.0. At least, it is on the PTS.

Edited by islander
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Marksmanship never actually had any energy management skill requirements in any of its reincarnations for PvP. Not even 1.0. It was always a spec that required least amount of our attention on energy management. In 1.7 taking the + 10 energy skill is a complete waste for any MM Sniper.


So the difference between 1.7 and 2.0 in terms of energy management is very insignificant.


Lethality however, those chages are fricking huge. But they have been done in order to help opertives.

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Those things are connected, they dont like playing turret classes, and for this reason they play sniper how it was never supposed to be played: moving arround randomly too much for no apparent reason. Instead of placing themselves strategically and take advantage of game rearding them for staying stationary, they are trying to play the game like some sort of PT, trying to DPS on the move, trying to kite what should be CCed and gunned down instead, tons of crap like that.


Non-sniper maining usually bring the habbits from their main which is often incompatible to a sniper necessary mindset.


That's just summing up what all the bad snipers are doing. The good ones don't do this and they make it rain dps.

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That's just summing up what all the bad snipers are doing. The good ones don't do this and they make it rain dps.


I m not doing bad in 1.7 if that is what you are asking. But i've yet to see me or other sniper win a fight with deception sin with reklessness opening on them. Its the literal deinition of hard counter.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I m not doing bad in 1.7 if that is what you are asking. But i've yet to see me or other sniper win a fight with deception sin with reklessness opening on them. Its the literal deinition of hard counter.


Or a smuggler that hits you from stealth with the stun/knockdown crap that takes half your life before you can even take back control of your character.

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I m not doing bad in 1.7 if that is what you are asking. But i've yet to see me or other sniper win a fight with deception sin with reklessness opening on them. Its the literal deinition of hard counter.


Which deception burst is pretty much being removed from the game in 2.0, at least the front load damage. Should have no issue with them once this expansion hits live.

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Which deception burst is pretty much being removed from the game in 2.0, at least the front load damage. Should have no issue with them once this expansion hits live.


Well that sucks. What is deception getting in return? Anything?

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Which deception burst is pretty much being removed from the game in 2.0, at least the front load damage. Should have no issue with them once this expansion hits live.


Would you be interested on practicing some duels on pts eith me next week? You open from stealth of course. I am really curious to see how this has changed.

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Are you saying that canage 2.0 burst matures slower than in 1.7?


Nope, is just the same but with added vicious throw can be even better. That's why i said "most" instead of "every".


Edit : Actually, is the spytor calculator for 2.0 accurate ? Because the 30% chance to grant the execute buff actually makes it slower for sure but would probably hit harder.

Edited by Keldaur
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All I can say is they took a class that I felt was the only really balanced thing in the game and took it over the top. I cant wait to see an MM,ENG,and LETH sniper all in the same warzone lol the horror:)



As someone who loved sniper, even back when marksman damage was mitigated more and just loved the play style of being up and scanning the entire field, acting from afar. They gave it a slight boost some time back and I was nervous, but it felt about right to the current system. Now; my biggest fear is they go a little too far while making a counter class less effective.


Here's hoping it works out ok in the end.

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I m not doing bad in 1.7 if that is what you are asking. But i've yet to see me or other sniper win a fight with deception sin with reklessness opening on them. Its the literal deinition of hard counter.


I disagree now. Having finally played on the PTS, Sins are not an issue at all really anymore as we can just roll away from them and then root and open up.


More than ever operatives are our hard counter, seeing as they can roll now and have moves to counter most of what we try.

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Yeah, this "Spotter" thing makes people like *Oh ****, snipers so OP* when they aren't. Operatives will still be the hard counter. :rak_03: More snipers, more fun baby. *Shiv*


What is interesting, is that operatives of all specs are troublesome for snipers. Healers never die, concealment hard conters. And leathality will most probably be as good as cocealment vs snipers.

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What is interesting, is that operatives of all specs are troublesome for snipers. Healers never die, concealment hard conters. And leathality will most probably be as good as cocealment vs snipers.


Ops are indeed rough. It takes all defenses available to a slinger to counter them and even then it may only be 50/50 chance if the Op makes timing errors. That said it is rarely seen by many that the Op advantage against slingers is worth they presence at all. Perhaps taking out healers warrants their spot on a team but they waste so much time in stealth to set up a kill that other classes are preferred over them.

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This has always been the case, especially in lowbies.


You would be surprised at the amount of people that either ignore us or don't even realize we are wrecking their team 1 target at a time uncontested.


You should really be worrying about PTs come the expansion.


haha this is true, with a duel spec you can take all the rail shot and fire buffs (minus the granade and heat vents) from pyro plus you can also get the auto crit on rail shot (which auto crits as often as the cd on rail shot talent) plus the retractable bleed, complete with bleed effect buffs from the AP tree, with alacrity on the duel spec the pt will be immense on the GCD

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