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Update 3.0 Rumors and Truths


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So the only real rumor I get from this is.... there's going to be a Cathar race.


A few tips:


Much better production quality is needed here if you want people to keep watching these.


1. Better Lighting

2. Hair Brush

3. Wardrobe

4. Script

5. Delivery

6. Most importantly... it needs actual information.


All these times where the speaker is just going "bleh blah blah meh MYAH!" do nothing but destroy the video. In a clip that only takes 5 minutes to deliver, if you screw up that badly in the delivery of what you want to say, then you either need to start over again from scratch or start using editing tools to cut out the mistakes and make sure the only parts left are flawless. Leaving it in this state when it would have taken 5 minutes to try again isn't really acceptable if you want to be taken seriously as something other than a kid with a web cam who likes to see himself on screen.


A tighter script that actually has more pertinent information, something worth watching for, and a steady flow from one subject into the next is also needed. Organize the content, prepare it in the proper order, and deliver it as many times as necessary until the take is perfect.


Not a complete and utter disaster meaning your only possible future is sewer repair, but with some tuning, improvements, and subject matter, might be worth a view in the future. Good luck!

Edited by Kubernetic
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Essentially, what Kubernetic said. The lighting needs to be more on your face, for starts. You have potential, but you need to invest more time and effort. Great videos don't just happen, they require hard work.


And understand that you are seriously handicapped by your Y chromosome; you don't have ***** to flash. If you don't think I'm serious, take a brief, (very brief, please God), look at the videos of MissHannahMinx, who has absolutely nothing else to offer, and yet reliably gets over 8 million views per video.


Also, beware of tldr; syndrome. Remember that the average internet user has an attention span of no more than two minutes, and keep your videos under this limit. Short, sharp, and meaty. Keep it relevant.


Do not let any of this discourage you. You can do it. You just need to keep trying, and never give up.

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And understand that you are seriously handicapped by your Y chromosome; you don't have ***** to flash. If you don't think I'm serious, take a brief, (very brief, please God), look at the videos of MissHannahMinx, who has absolutely nothing else to offer, and yet reliably gets over 8 million views per video.




Couldn't resist,went to have a look.


All i can say is,what da ....

Edited by biguydeadd
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Really? THESE are the types of people I'm up against in WZ's?


I am afraid losing the match will hurt that much more knowing this now..LOL or even worse the are on my team /hair pull..LOL


But really, can I get a refund on 4.47 minutes of my life..LOL

Edited by kevlarto
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At first I thought you were being mean, but that dressing gown is really kind of creepy.


Also, OP, you're an historian? Why are you talking about future things?

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