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- 30% reduction in healing received for engaging in PvP? Basically what you're saying is, nerf healers in pvp, or healers don't bother pvping, we've reduced your value by 30%?

- A warzone packed with ramps where any form of knockback (from any class) is an I win button?

- Raid frames broken so that health in them can never be trusted?

- Absolutely no reward whatsoever for open world pvp?

- Targets (and yourself!) disappearing through the floor Void Star?

- Resolve (CC immunity) completely failing to make any difference whatsoever in the majority of cases?

- Chain CC a serious problem where skill counts for nothing?

- An attractiveness of certain classes that means that almost 80% of an opponents team has ranged stun, slow, damage, healing, knock back and force speed?


I seriously can't be bothered to type any more than that. The list goes on and on. PvP is so frustrating in swtor it's unbelievable.


* In before the muppets: L2P > TLDR > go play something else > lose much > day 1 nerf call?


Frankly, those that cannot recognise any issues at all with pvp really don't have a clue what they're talking about.


IMPORTANT: By the way - allow us to choose which warzone we go into and all these issues are acceptable - I will just avoid Huttball completely.


Actually... Nerfing healers in pvp is not a bad thing. What you have failed to realize is that surge, crit, expertise, and power all increase healing potential as well as damage potential... I still see people crit healing for high 3000s all the time.


Healing is fine, you just never looked at the large picture. I have... Year vet here. There are a lot of cc's, but there are these classes called mages and sorcs that can take those debuffs off... A good one will, a bad one will just care about damage.

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It's funny that people are making fun of the OP when he is right about most things.


I don't agree with your complaint about healing being reduced tbh.

Healers are designed to keep an entire party alive in PVE. If their healing wasn't reduced in PVP you'd get unstoppbale clerics just running around with little to no way to kill them 1v1.


2 things I really agree with though,


No reward for open world PVP.

No, it's not just about "the fun of doing it"

It's pretty simple ,I'll still go after every Sith I run in to on any planet, but the difference is, most people won't bother coming out to PVP unless there is a reward, or a zerg being put together.

You know, the kind of PVP where people are being carried by their entire group to hide the fact they suck in PVP.


The majority of people will simply try to avoid solo pVP because there is no point to it.



My second concern is the resolve thing.

It doesn't seem to work very good and on top of that: what's with the CC breaker anyway.

It would be nice if they added atleast a 2 or 3 second immunity atfer it's been used.

Right now, you get stunned, you break it and people stun you right away right after it. It doesn't really help.



Other than that, this game is fine considering it's 1 day after official launch.

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I’m only level 20, I played it all day long with no problem, had a great time, and even kept pace with guys who were much higher level then myself. Obviously the game is balanced so what’s your gripe?


Maybe your gripe is that you want an UNbalanced game, where one class outdoes them all, so you can play that class and win every time? Eh? This was the problem with that other Star Wars game, and what lead to its ultimate undoing.


You had a group of very vocal people who were both Jedi’s and BH’s, and they would whine on the BBS system every time the other guy ganked them, even if it was simply that the other guy was BETTER then they were (because of course no one that was playing fairly could possibly kill their uber elite toon). That companies biggest mistake was to start listening to those groups, and spending 99% of their time adjusting one or the other, while ignoring the real problems then finally revamping the whole combat system because of it.


So lets be honest here, is the game unbalanced, or do you just think that you’re so uber that you should not have died at all in PVP?


-30% heal reduction? Who cares, healing worked just fine for me.

-Ramps? Really! Ramps?!? They are meant to be part of the play strategy. Why do you think they put pools of acid and flames in there? So people would fall or be knocked into them… Duh!

-Raid frame broken? Who cares, turn on your overhead health bars.

-80% certain classes? What you want them to do only offer certain classes to a small select group?


You know what, enjoy the game for what it is, and realize that in a balanced game you’re going to die… A LOT… And that is a sign of good character balance. If you are not getting capped on a regular basis THEN there is something out of balance with the game, and with your character. A balanced fight means it could go 50/50, and on average, 50% of the time your going to be on the losing end of that stick no matter how good you think you are.

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"-Raid frame broken? Who cares, turn on your overhead health bars."


you're kidding right, i don't know of ANY mmo that forces you to try to click on peoples nameplates to heal them in the middle of combat with a dozen different nameplates running around beside them. The broken raid frame is probably the single largest contributor for the lack of healers atm.

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I've been playing a Consular Seer (healer), and honestly... the 30% reduction doesn't really matter, unless I don't do my healing near perfectly. I can still keep someone up taking focus fire from 2, sometimes 3 enemies for a solid 15 seconds. In the last match of Aldaraan I did, I had 179k healing. It's been a blast.


And while I'll agree that it's super annoying to have a ton of Inquisitors around, it's not something I'd get upset over. I'll take dealing with an Inquisitor over an Imperial Agent any day (They TEAR through my cloth way faster than I can stop them or heal it).


The only thing that's had me really confused is why Imperial Agents can't be interrupted? I don't know if it's a certain spec, or even if the Smugglers are the same. But that does seem a little... ridiculous.

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- 30% reduction in healing received for engaging in PvP? Basically what you're saying is, nerf healers in pvp, or healers don't bother pvping, we've reduced your value by 30%? - Get to level 50 then complain about healing

- A warzone packed with ramps where any form of knockback (from any class) is an I win button? - Every class has something to contribute whether it's leaps/pulls/knockbacks. Learn your roll and play it.

- Raid frames broken so that health in them can never be trusted? - True- Absolutely no reward whatsoever for open world pvp? - It's a reward in itself when you stomp the enemy faction, stop screaming "gimme! gimme! gimme!"

- Targets (and yourself!) disappearing through the floor Void Star? - True

- Resolve (CC immunity) completely failing to make any difference whatsoever in the majority of cases? - Works just fine if you play as a team, I find myself with resolve maxxed constantly. Going 1 vs 3-4 and of course your resolve won't last long enough.

- Chain CC a serious problem where skill counts for nothing? - Skill is knowing who to CC when. If i'm a tank and their team blows all their CC on me because i'm the first one in, they are now hindered when the dps jump on them. Not an issue in my opinion, just a matter of you got beat and don't like it.

- An attractiveness of certain classes that means that almost 80% of an opponents team has ranged stun, slow, damage, healing, knock back and force speed? - FoTM, it happens in EVERY MMO and will continue to happen in every MMO as long as the genre exists. Get over it, play your class. Be happy they are all one class, makes you more desirable in groups because you bring something they don't have.


I seriously can't be bothered to type any more than that. The list goes on and on. PvP is so frustrating in swtor it's unbelievable.


* In before the muppets: L2P > TLDR > go play something else > lose much > day 1 nerf call?


Frankly, those that cannot recognise any issues at all with pvp really don't have a clue what they're talking about.


IMPORTANT: By the way - allow us to choose which warzone we go into and all these issues are acceptable - I will just avoid Huttball completely.


Really, most of your points are invalid, some are valid though. I play a tank in pvp and love every minute of it. I had 1 stun(1 min cooldown) 10-29 and didn't get my 2nd until 30, so I know what it's like to be on the short end of the stick when it comes to CC etc. But, it's part of the game. Sure a SI or Sage can stun/root/snare the hell out of me, but the odds of them killing me are slim to none unless they knock me off a cliff or into fire. Here is a key...learn to position yourself better. Use terrain/path's to prevent it from happening. You KNOW by now what EVERY FoTM class plans to do...they are that class for that reason. Adapt and adjust or fail.

Edited by Xippin
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- The healing is somewhat balanced and can definitely be the difference in a fight. I played a Merc healer and i successfully healed through a 3v4, keeping my 2 teammates alive. Keep in mind this was at level 15, so healing is most likely more useful at level 50

-I really do hate this, but you need to adapt. Yea, i think its very lazy for them to give every class a knockback + CC + CC-breaker but there isnt much you can do about it. Just adapt. In Huttball if you someone is nearing you, get in a better position or pass the damn ball. Ive seen it too many times where people are open for a pass but feel they can take it all the way only to get knocked off/



-Not that huge of an issue, but definitely needs to be fixed

-The fact that every class has a CC and Resolve is ridiculous. In 1v1 it completely eliminates both abilities, making them a waste of a keybind. And not to mention the chain stuns in Huttball. When you are on the last burner to cap but you just seem to receive 5 stuns in a row so you die from fire. Stuns need to be removed and/or shortened for certain classes and Resolve needs to be banished.

-There is simply nothing you can do about this. This is pretty common in all MMOs since everyone wants to play the stealth classes. Dont worry, a majority of the SI/JS i see are pretty bad and easily countered.

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Huttball is so fun that anything can happen.

Even someone new to the game can kick your butt hard by using the environment to their advantage. Thats why its fun !


Healing reduced is great to have in pvp. Because imagine there was a spamming healer who taggs along with a damage dealer. Good for them, but it "can" be an overwhelming force to be reckoned with.

With healing reduction in pvp, you have to learn to CC or fight.


Thats where the fun is at.

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I have 2 guild mates at level 25-30 that they do an average 250-300K healing in every warzone....


The difference is notable from a dedicated healer.... bubbles and the lack of too much aoe helps....


Its all about the right build and L2P.....


None of you has seen end game pvp and you have started complaining already... have you spent some time reading the healer trees?


Chill and enjoy the game .... Personaly i have pvped in most mmos ....yea sure i have seen better but i am having good time and enjoying a lot TOR system so far......


my 2 cents

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