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Two PvP ideas for the future; BW Please Read!


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First and foremost, I want to point out that I've been a fan of SWTOR since it was originally announced in 2008, in October I believe. I've been following it's development and continued (in my opinion) success since it launched in 2011. I've seen plenty of people both love it and hate it for a myriad of reasons. I personally love the game, and despite some of it's flaws (I still hate the smuggler blaster bolt bug!) I am a subscriber as often as money permits me to be. My girlfriend and I both play the game avidly, and exclusively.


With that aside, I want to share my ideas with BioWare for the future of SWTOR. Personally, there needs to be an addition of real player versus player combat throughout the game. Illum's new Gree event is cool, and it is nifty, but it's still objective based. It still essentially recreates the issues we had with the original Illum without providing any new substantive gameplay innovations. We need a real, lasting reason to go to Illum and kill Republic/Imperial players. Objectives are just going to inevitably be traded off or zerged by one faction or the other.


My solution? Introduce planetary control schemes similar to SWG, or Battlefront 1/2. Enable galaxy wide bonuses, as well as gear vendors that provide faction specific loot/gear that are exclusive enough and are excluded from the gear grind, and are sought after enough to be worth fighting over. Also provide faction specific heroics/missions that provide commendations or currency that enables you to purchase these items. This enables a real, specific reason to not just trade off objectives, but to fight and control a specific planet for a specific gain. Enable this mechanic on places like Corellia, Tatooine (for lower levels - make the gear level specific) and Illum.


Another addition would obviously be space combat on a large scale. Introduce guild capital ships, as well as free roam space combat or arena based space combat where player versus player combat is focused on heavily. You could do this by adding in another layer to the PvP control scheme mechanic, and require both orbital and ground control for a faction to control a specific world and it's bonuses.


I'd love to hear any feedback from others, however I would also like to ask that people refrain from bashing the game. We've already heard it all. Let's try being constructive instead.

Edited by Sindorin
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i believe that Bioware is working on a "Super Secret Space Project" of some sort. I'm in hopes that involves both free roam space combat and whatnot as well as guild ships. As for the Illum idea, its a good incentive, and I think it would work.





EDIT: What if they still had the space missions they have now, in addition to free roam space. It would be cool to still get my extra XP from space missions, as well as the fleet commendations.

Edited by Bird_of_Thunder
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First and foremost, I want to point out that I've been a fan of SWTOR since it was originally announced in 2008, in October I believe. I've been following it's development and continued (in my opinion) success since it launched in 2011. I've seen plenty of people both love it and hate it for a myriad of reasons. I personally love the game, and despite some of it's flaws (I still hate the smuggler blaster bolt bug!) I am a subscriber as often as money permits me to be. My girlfriend and I both play the game avidly, and exclusively.


With that aside, I want to share my ideas with BioWare for the future of SWTOR. Personally, there needs to be an addition of real player versus player combat throughout the game. Illum's new Gree event is cool, and it is nifty, but it's still objective based. It still essentially recreates the issues we had with the original Illum without providing any new substantive gameplay innovations. We need a real, lasting reason to go to Illum and kill Republic/Imperial players. Objectives are just going to inevitably be traded off or zerged by one faction or the other.


My solution? Introduce planetary control schemes similar to SWG, or Battlefront 1/2. Enable galaxy wide bonuses, as well as gear vendors that provide faction specific loot/gear that are exclusive enough and are excluded from the gear grind, and are sought after enough to be worth fighting over. Also provide faction specific heroics/missions that provide commendations or currency that enables you to purchase these items. This enables a real, specific reason to not just trade off objectives, but to fight and control a specific planet for a specific gain. Enable this mechanic on places like Corellia, Tatooine (for lower levels - make the gear level specific) and Illum.


Another addition would obviously be space combat on a large scale. Introduce guild capital ships, as well as free roam space combat or arena based space combat where player versus player combat is focused on heavily. You could do this by adding in another layer to the PvP control scheme mechanic, and require both orbital and ground control for a faction to control a specific world and it's bonuses.


I'd love to hear any feedback from others, however I would also like to ask that people refrain from bashing the game. We've already heard it all. Let's try being constructive instead.



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Great idea throw up here. I definatly believe that some of these idea would greatly affect and enhance the open world PvP in SWTOR.


As for space missions, i do like the idea of a guild flag ship. I also wish they would implement some heroic missions where you could team up with a friend or a group of 4, to take out a mission. :)

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As far as i'm concerned if you want pvp go to pvp server, on a pve server there shouldnt be an open world pvp area at all, stick to warzones. If pvp players dont like it, let them go to a pvp server and they can open world all they like. Forcing pve players to put up with pvp crap when they dont want to and force them to loose play content becasue of it is stupid. Either that or make sure that if someone is pve set they cant go pvp unless they physically have to approve it by an ok selection. Too many times ive gone pvp flagged becasue your fighting a npc mob and you accidently target and attack a pvp flagged player. For pve servers need "you are about to attack a pvp flagged player", "contiune.. (yes).. (hell no)"


Or on pvp servers is illum a pve only world.... if not then why are pve players being discriminated against by forced pvp areas on pve servers.. making us go into pvp area just to get a hk part is a good example of forced into pvp and for a lot of pve players that constitues an aspect of the game there not interested in.


in closing.. As far as im concerned a pve server should be just that.. out side of warzones there should be no pvp area at all. If players want pvp area outside of warzones let them go to a pvp server. I didint sign up for pvp, I have no interest in pvp so as far as my subscription is concerned I shouldnt have to worry about going into a region where i get flagged, or interacting with a flagged player and getting flagged. Not interested, dont want it and shouldnt have to even worry about it, as it stands BW fails.:rak_01:

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As far as i'm concerned if you want pvp go to pvp server, on a pve server there shouldnt be an open world pvp area at all, stick to warzones. If pvp players dont like it, let them go to a pvp server and they can open world all they like. Forcing pve players to put up with pvp crap when they dont want to and force them to loose play content becasue of it is stupid. Either that or make sure that if someone is pve set they cant go pvp unless they physically have to approve it by an ok selection. Too many times ive gone pvp flagged becasue your fighting a npc mob and you accidently target and attack a pvp flagged player. For pve servers need "you are about to attack a pvp flagged player", "contiune.. (yes).. (hell no)"


Or on pvp servers is illum a pve only world.... if not then why are pve players being discriminated against by forced pvp areas on pve servers.. making us go into pvp area just to get a hk part is a good example of forced into pvp and for a lot of pve players that constitues an aspect of the game there not interested in.


in closing.. As far as im concerned a pve server should be just that.. out side of warzones there should be no pvp area at all. If players want pvp area outside of warzones let them go to a pvp server. I didint sign up for pvp, I have no interest in pvp so as far as my subscription is concerned I shouldnt have to worry about going into a region where i get flagged, or interacting with a flagged player and getting flagged. Not interested, dont want it and shouldnt have to even worry about it, as it stands BW fails.:rak_01:


I think all aspects should be enjoyed but if you simply only like fighting mobs then so be it.


"Forced pvp" is something that shouldn't happen on a pve server but in a pvp server it's what they signed up for. I love to rp pve and pvp and I can only do that on a pvp server. But this idea I feel can greatly enhance the nonexistent pvp system in this game that heavily cators to and is obviously designed for pve'ers

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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First and foremost, I want to point out that I've been a fan of SWTOR since it was originally announced in 2008, in October I believe. I've been following it's development and continued (in my opinion) success since it launched in 2011. I've seen plenty of people both love it and hate it for a myriad of reasons. I personally love the game, and despite some of it's flaws (I still hate the smuggler blaster bolt bug!) I am a subscriber as often as money permits me to be. My girlfriend and I both play the game avidly, and exclusively.


With that aside, I want to share my ideas with BioWare for the future of SWTOR. Personally, there needs to be an addition of real player versus player combat throughout the game. Illum's new Gree event is cool, and it is nifty, but it's still objective based. It still essentially recreates the issues we had with the original Illum without providing any new substantive gameplay innovations. We need a real, lasting reason to go to Illum and kill Republic/Imperial players. Objectives are just going to inevitably be traded off or zerged by one faction or the other.


My solution? Introduce planetary control schemes similar to SWG, or Battlefront 1/2. Enable galaxy wide bonuses, as well as gear vendors that provide faction specific loot/gear that are exclusive enough and are excluded from the gear grind, and are sought after enough to be worth fighting over. Also provide faction specific heroics/missions that provide commendations or currency that enables you to purchase these items. This enables a real, specific reason to not just trade off objectives, but to fight and control a specific planet for a specific gain. Enable this mechanic on places like Corellia, Tatooine (for lower levels - make the gear level specific) and Illum.


Another addition would obviously be space combat on a large scale. Introduce guild capital ships, as well as free roam space combat or arena based space combat where player versus player combat is focused on heavily. You could do this by adding in another layer to the PvP control scheme mechanic, and require both orbital and ground control for a faction to control a specific world and it's bonuses.


I'd love to hear any feedback from others, however I would also like to ask that people refrain from bashing the game. We've already heard it all. Let's try being constructive instead.


That is fine as long as it is restricted to PVP servers.You might just add that.That way folks know what the deal is.

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I love to rp pve and pvp and I can only do that on a pvp server.


Come to The Progenitor RP Server (Although some are calling it PvE) then, you will find if you ask or seek out you will find a lot of it going on, I know of at least 4-5 guilds who do it often, and they aint small time guilds



Also back on topic.. Aye add me to that list also

Edited by dacentabaal
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My solution? Introduce planetary control schemes similar to SWG, or Battlefront 1/2. Enable galaxy wide bonuses, as well as gear vendors that provide faction specific loot/gear that are exclusive enough and are excluded from the gear grind, and are sought after enough to be worth fighting over. Also provide faction specific heroics/missions that provide commendations or currency that enables you to purchase these items. This enables a real, specific reason to not just trade off objectives, but to fight and control a specific planet for a specific gain. Enable this mechanic on places like Corellia, Tatooine (for lower levels - make the gear level specific) and Illum.


Another addition would obviously be space combat on a large scale. Introduce guild capital ships, as well as free roam space combat or arena based space combat where player versus player combat is focused on heavily. You could do this by adding in another layer to the PvP control scheme mechanic, and require both orbital and ground control for a faction to control a specific world and it's bonuses.


I think you're on the right track. The Galactic Civil War has to be at the heart of any Star Wars MMO, and that really has to have player vs player mechanics at its core. For those who won't be dragged into PVP of any kind, there should be other activities that still feed into assisting your faction. A dynamic, player-driven end-game could really save this game.

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Op It will never happen. My feeling playing this game right now, star wars, and the community I belong to is the only things keeping me here. Despite the claims that the end game gear is star wars looking, it is not. Especially the new sorc set comes right out of the blizzards warlock art design. This tells me they are trying to soak peoples money up, and are moving away from star wars. Pretty soon this game will be just the old republic. Two I am hearing they have copied several of the old looks and are sticking them in this expansion, and calling it new. These to me, if it is true, tells me they are putting out a poor expansion. If they cant be bothered to get new looks that are star wars, then what hope is there for swtor. The third thing no word on this space update, I hate to say it, but it looks like those heroics were there big space project. In that case our hopes of a real star wars space sim, died when EA/LA got together, and killed swg. Pvp what can I say its a joke. Why they continue to support a system that divides your player base in two is beyond me. I will not understand this considering a understaffed swg dev team was able to keep the stats all one, and never had to come out with a special pvp stat. Overall this system of two sets of stats just ends up hurting the game and burning players out. They also seem perfectly fine allowing operatives/smugglers, and shadows/assassins rule pvp. Another thing, the devs are brain locked on thinking objective based pvp is still the way the go. Even though the old classic av proved, that the real pvpers prefer straight up slugging matches with the other team. Without objectives or time mechanics getting in the way.


This is just some of the problems this game has right now. I just dont see how your post will ever happen. I would like to be wrong about all this, but the way things are going in the mmo world, I don't see how I am.

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Illum's new Gree event is cool, and it is nifty, but it's still objective based. It still essentially recreates the issues we had with the original Illum without providing any new substantive gameplay innovations. We need a real, lasting reason to go to Illum and kill Republic/Imperial players. Objectives are just going to inevitably be traded off or zerged by one faction or the other.


Although I like your idea as a whole, I take issue with this, I love the event PvP area. It adds some well needed spice to the game and has been a refreshing change from the normal grind.. Also I think all the things you mentioned can be implemented on PvE servers if they also implement the OVERT system from SWG on PvE servers only.

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Yes.... That player communities are coming together in order to make a broken game mechanic work for them. Something that the PAID developers should be doing themselves.


What I meant to say is that if people are not doing open world PvP, maybe it is just because they don't like it. IMO, open world PvP is nothing more than a term griefers use for griefing to make themselves feel better.

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