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Grade 7 space missions impossible?


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No matter what I do, there is NO WAY to make ith through the grade 7 space missions. I have best upgrades for my ship and use all the abilities (well, the FEW!!!) that the spaceship has. But no matter how hard I try, I can't survive more than 30 seconds in these.

The only thing I can do to survive a few seconds longer, is to only press barrel roll and stear the spaceship around like a maniac to avoid getting hit.

But seriously, where's the fun in only being able to survive for about ½ a minut without so much as being able to do 1 of the objectives.

There's absolutely NO FRIKKIN point in getting grade 7 ship upgrades other than to make grade 5 missions easier.

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I am an avid space mission runner and I cannot beat a single one of the new space missions with all grade 7 parts.


I have done every other mission with ease. They are rediculously hard. I dont do them. The developers pretty much wasted their time on these from my perspective. They are 100% undoable. Like not even close to halfway with all grade 7 parts. And I considered myself good at space missions till these came out.


Abandoned content.

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God forbid they put a little challenge in the game. I haven't seen that many complaints so a good number of people must be completing them.


Don't think I'm being all "I'm better than you" as I have only done the first space mission on 2 characters. They just aren't that interesting for me.

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I don't mind a challenge either. I love it that something is hard and not just to be walsed through. But these mission are so hard (for me at least) that it feels like I'm a lvl 1 sniper, equipped with a broken lightsaber and my mission is to defeat 5 lvl 50 operation bosses, all at once. And the only ability I have to use, is "throw lightsaber". Edited by PziCrow
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I don't mind a challenge either. I love it that something is hard and not just to be walsed through. But these mission are so hard (for me at least) that it feels like I'm a lvl 1 sniper, equipped with a broken lightsaber and my mission is to defeat 5 lvl 50 operation bosses, all at once. And the only ability I have to use, is "throw lightsaber".


Yeah, I managed to do one of them once, but I'm still dying on what dulfy says is the easiest one. The hardest one is funny. I click "engage in space combat mission" or whatever it says, and then watch my ship explode.

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I had some trouble the first time I ran them. Once you know the course and when to do certain things, like when to charge your shields and when to use your emp and such, it gets pretty easy. Less mindless then previous missions but still easy even to complete every bonus objective.


Don't give up on something because you don't insta-win. Despite Bioware giving these missions a bit of a learning curve, once you climb up that curve (it only took me 2-3 attempts per mission to nail the main objectives, maybe 1 or 2 more to start clearing all the bonuses) they become fairly easy and almost as boring to repeat as previous space missions.


Think of them almost like puzzles at first, figuring out when to do what. Once you do that, its just a matter of repeating the process that works for you each week.

Edited by Doctoglethorpe
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I agree with you completely "op". I gotta call "foul" to the ones saying after 2 or 3 attempts they can clear them easily and 2 or 3 more attempts they're clearing everything.


Sorry, don't believe it.

I've been in game since early head start, I've always done the space missions. Unlike most I kinda like them as a dieversion from planet play.


But with the way these missions are designed and the limitations of movement they are just pure frustration.

Some of you talk about people like us complaining about too hard this, and too hard that. Why make the game so easy in everyting but space missions? If it was all hard, and steep learning curves I'd say sure, that's the game you sign up for. But to make the meaningful game dead easy and the fluff side stuff like space missions total frustration doesn't make sense. Hard for hard sakes, will never equate to fun. For what? the same old rewards? Yeah, right.

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I agree with you completely "op". I gotta call "foul" to the ones saying after 2 or 3 attempts they can clear them easily and 2 or 3 more attempts they're clearing everything.


Sorry, don't believe it.




This guy has videos. Feel free not to believe, but plenty of people have done them.

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I haven't seen that many complaints so a good number of people must be completing them.


Don't think I'm being all "I'm better than you" as I have only done the first space mission on 2 characters. They just aren't that interesting for me.


The lack of complaints is more likely due to not many people doing them, I know in my guild, only the "new" players are doing them, anyone playing longer than 3 months abandoned them.

My ship has grade 3 mods, around level 25-30ish? and that was enough for me, the repetition is unnerving, at least with FP's, Ops and the like, especially when you pug can be quite different experiences and you keep upgrading, tuning and changing gear.

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When I first tried the one that Dulfy list as the easy one, after about 4 runs I beat it. I had a sliver of health left but got it done.


They are tough but with practice can be done and once you get it down ... it gets easy!


I wouldn't say "easy" but it does require you to memorize the map.


To me, that doesn't say that it is challenging, it just says that it's super cheap. It's not complex enough to offer me a challenge I'd actually be interested in, so I just don't do them, because it isn't fun.

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They are not even remotely impossible. The first character I did them all I had all of the grade 7 ship upgrades and it certainly took a few tries to get it down. I now have three toons I do them on every day with the last one only having the upgraded EMP, ECM, and concussion missile launcher being grade 7.


All of the earlier missions are faceroll easy and should not be a measure of comparison to these missions that require strategy and timing.

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They are not even remotely impossible. The first character I did them all I had all of the grade 7 ship upgrades and it certainly took a few tries to get it down. I now have three toons I do them on every day with the last one only having the upgraded EMP, ECM, and concussion missile launcher being grade 7.


All of the earlier missions are faceroll easy and should not be a measure of comparison to these missions that require strategy and timing.


Yeah, that's the other thing. No missions before the heroic level 50 space missions gave me any trouble at all, and if they did, it would have just come down to having to upgrade the ship, which I rarely did while leveling.


The jump in difficulty was staggering and unexpected.

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i was having trouble then realised it was my fundamentals that were wrong.


I solely used the mouse to steer the ship, but if you use the "wasd" keys to move it while the mouse to aim and shoot they become a breeze...shows how easy the older ones were i guess

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Well i solely use the mouse (plus number keys for abilities)and they are still a breez for me.


All i can say is,practice makes perfect.It really does,i didn't complete mine first time but once you get the layouts and where to use what figured out,they are all rather easy.

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easy is relative.

I have grade 7 upgrades on my main only and ascendancy barrier finally go relatively easy. out of new missions, the only one I've been able to finish, once was Lorta escort (though I haven't had a chance to try again - since it doesn't seem to show up on my terminal, and there's no way I'm going through that headache without at least commendation rewards)

but. I've never been able to finish Decent 2. didn't even come close. had trouble with other flight simulators as well.

some of us don't have perfect reflexes and don't do as well figuring out 3d space, rendered in 2d. so just because something is "easy" for YOU, doesn't mean its actually easy.


I'll eventually try these missions again, using these guides probably http://oneil.com.au/nefash/republic.html, if only because rep gains are tortuously slow when you only do a single space mission.

but even a friend of mine who loves space combat and found older missions super easy (unlike me, who can't even consistently do ascendancy barrier on any character other then my lvl 7 upgrade geared one) - found heroic missions very difficult.

they are not impossible. but they DO require very quick reflexes AND good knowledge of exactly what is where and just when to push what for how long

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Until I died over and over trying to learn the Heroic Space Missions, I never strafed in circles to avoid enemy fire--it wasn't necessary at all to beat the non-Heroic missions--but that one single technique made them go from impossible to easily doable.


I now have 6 level 50s, and the Heroic Space Missions are the only Dailies I do, have been for weeks. I can pretty much sleepwalk through every single one and complete all the bonus objectives, have beaten each literally dozens of times...but when I first tried them? Death after frustrating death.


It takes time to learn them, and you need to have fundamental skills (targeting specific hardpoints with missles, knowing when your 2-3 brief windows to get Proton Torpedo locks are open, when to ignore enemy fighters to focus on objectives, and STRAFING to avoid enemy fire as you attack) that you flat out DIDN'T NEED until now.


Maybe I'll get off my lazy bum and make some videos, though it seems there are plenty out there already.


Don't give up! (Though the credit rewards make them completely nonsensical to do just for money, even compared to non-Heroic missions, freakin' Bioware).

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I agree with you completely "op". I gotta call "foul" to the ones saying after 2 or 3 attempts they can clear them easily and 2 or 3 more attempts they're clearing everything.


Sorry, don't believe it.

I've been in game since early head start, I've always done the space missions. Unlike most I kinda like them as a dieversion from planet play.


But with the way these missions are designed and the limitations of movement they are just pure frustration.

Some of you talk about people like us complaining about too hard this, and too hard that. Why make the game so easy in everyting but space missions? If it was all hard, and steep learning curves I'd say sure, that's the game you sign up for. But to make the meaningful game dead easy and the fluff side stuff like space missions total frustration doesn't make sense. Hard for hard sakes, will never equate to fun. For what? the same old rewards? Yeah, right.


You better believe it. I Have these on a daily farm. They are a breeze when you know what you are doing. All about where and when to use your abilities and resource management. They have all become so easy I can get most of the bonuses in the same run.


Do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?

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Take heart, OP. I agree that the learning curve on the Heroics is incredibly steep, and I did a lot -- a LOT -- of dying despite having looked at the guides and whatnot. But now, I'm completing the dailies and grinding rep, even though I am not a twitchy teenager. Heck, I wasn't super-coordinated when I was a teenager. So if I can learn them, I suspect anyone who is persistent enough can; whether you think it's a good use of your game-time is another question, of course.


They are really hard, especially when you are learning them. But they are doable. Eventually.


They are not compulsory. If other parts of the game are more fun for you, do them instead.

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No matter what I do, there is NO WAY to make ith through the grade 7 space missions. I have best upgrades for my ship and use all the abilities (well, the FEW!!!) that the spaceship has. But no matter how hard I try, I can't survive more than 30 seconds in these.

The only thing I can do to survive a few seconds longer, is to only press barrel roll and stear the spaceship around like a maniac to avoid getting hit.

But seriously, where's the fun in only being able to survive for about ½ a minut without so much as being able to do 1 of the objectives.

There's absolutely NO FRIKKIN point in getting grade 7 ship upgrades other than to make grade 5 missions easier.


your post makes no sense, tons of people do these missions successfully with no issues I get 16 bh coms/week from these


took me about 1-3 attempts in the beginning to get each of these missions down, a couple only took me 1 try (lorta escort, far cradle strike). Now I do most of them without losing any ship health at all.


point is, the problem is you, not BW or the space missions themselves


quit complaining and get better

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