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70-Day Grind for Basic Gear at 55


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Okay, I am officially calling Shenanigans.


You are ignoring posts that clearly explain how things will actually work, and choosing to respond only to posts you can easily take out of context. Your intentions are not to inform or understand, but are instead the opposite.





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Like the story mode ops they drop Arkanian and Black Market, not Basic. Dropping Basic would be pretty useless since that's the level that the 55 FPs are tuned for, and it's below the level the next tier of instances are tuned for. You get Basic commendations from Makeb leveling and dailies, and from the level 50 HM FP daily. Arkanian (Elite) is what you get from the level 55 content.


HM level 50 FP's. Just like HM FP's now drop columni. Anywho, that's my unedjumacted guess. That I ahve not tested yet.


You will get the level 50 starter kit? which is all classic gear, here though I'm not sure if you're going to get the mission If you're already 50 and received the old mission for free tionese gear.


But seriously, you have to work for things in an MMO, You had to work for columni, rakata, blackhole etc.. it's the same all over. There will be boss drops in SM, HM, there will be tons of stuff going on all over the place.


It used to take FOREVER to grind up to Champion and Battlemaster PVP Gear. Now it's all changed to instant Warlord for straight warzone token.. that is a GREAT thing imho. PVP should not be gear biased, at least not heavily... so that progression and change is good.


Point here is on the PVE side, meh, so if it takes me 2 months, what's the big deal? I have 7 level 50's. If I hit cap for the week on gear then that's PERFECT, It gives me time to go work on my 6 other toons.


That's how you keep the game fresh imho. Don't try to burn thru the content on 1 character in 2 weeks. Take you're time, enjoy the game, Dont HATE it. IF you find ways to start hating the game, then you get pissed off and you rant and rave and get everyone else pissed off.


I'm not saying you can't rant. there are times when BW/EA does something that really deserves a response... BUT this is not one of them....


I guess to me what more disappointing is the low CAP per week. What I don't understand does that limit reset if you spent the commendation tokens? IT just feels like their putting a leash on the player there and saying.. no that's too much for you.

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I think they hope we will all stay longer because we want to grind our gear to 55 ...


I won't. I'll do makeb once for my main and I'm out of this game until they learn how to make a mmo.


Why even stay then? Cut your losses now. No need to gind any longer at all.

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The Op is just building another artificial no win scenario for both BW and players by intentionally ignoring the effect of gear drops on the gear progression. The OP also appears to be assuming that players will purchase a full set of basic gear, before purchasing anything with elite commendations.


I'm not even sure what the math is behind the number of comms the Op claims will be required - considering that some pieces will be available as schematics, or will be RE'able by crafters.


Many of the pieces bought with basic comms are likely to be only be a slight upgrade over Black Hole gear - or possibly even blue quality mods RE'd from recipes bought through the crafting trainers.


Premium items like the basic relics ~ may not even be worth the investment in time to obtain, with only marginal stat or effect increases.


In short, the title of the thread doesn't describe anything like what players will experience in practice.


Just another troll thread.........

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I have 12 lvl 50's (14 or so in another week), half of which have either full WH or Rakata+ gear. It's not that hard, given the time I've already spent. If you L2Legacy transfer, you can gear up 1 char in a snap, and from there it just builds.


Oh, and as for the "no life" comment, you got me there...


Yes, and the game is 'successful' because there are enough people that play the grinds that devs make... without pause as well.


Do people still enjoiy grinds when they realize they are wastefully repeating the same content because devs designed the game in such a way?


When there could be other ways to play a game repeatedly at end game.


For example siege mechanics in game, crafting, credits that have an actual purpose, player housing, and actual choice in game.


The choice in game might make it a reason for people to play different characters, and also to play with different styles. But to force different characters to grind the same OPs/FPs/WZs just for gear is a bad design. Its a waste of time.


And it also ruins the game that gear is too important that without it any character is limited at end game.


So without sand box mechancis, and other needed features in game such as gambling, player bounties, pazaak, swoop racing, and 3d space combat (and no one was expecting all of this at once)... then there needs to be a grind.


However, it is becuse of this, they have made characters and alting a problem. What if alting as said was not about gear, but more about play style and attaining rewards that way.


Or if they designed the game with only one class... but added choice, still people would play the game to try different choices, but if they dont, they have all the gear grind on one character.


Alting and gear grinds is a terrible design when put together. Its discouraging.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Yes, and the game is 'successful' because there are enough people that play the grinds that devs make... without pause as well.


Do people still enjoiy grinds when they realize they are wastefully repeating the same content because devs designed the game in such a way?


When there could be other ways to play a game repeatedly at end game.


For example siege mechanics in game, crafting, credits that have an actual purpose, player housing, and actual choice in game.


The choice in game might make it a reason for people to play different characters, and also to play with different styles. But to force different characters to grind the same OPs/FPs/WZs just for gear is a bad design. Its a waste of time.


And it also ruins the game that gear is too important that without it any character is limited at end game.


So without sand box mechancis, and other needed features in game such as gambling, player bounties, pazaak, swoop racing, and 3d space combat (and no one was expecting all of this at once)... then there needs to be a grind.


However, it is becuse of this, they have made characters and alting a problem. What if alting as said was not about gear, but more about play style and attaining rewards that way.


Or if they designed the game with only one class... but added choice, still people would play the game to try different choices, but if they dont, they have all the gear grind on one character.


Alting and gear grinds is a terrible design when put together. Its discouraging.


Too long. .didn't read

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if im right ( not 100% sure didnt play on pts ) the sm ops version will drop that same gear aswell wich will speed up you gearing, commendations is just a 2nd way to obtain it Edited by NrDLeipe
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Maybe next time you can NOT READ IT by refusing to bump an old thread for no reason.


I believe he had a reason -- he thought it was very important for everyone to know what he did read and what he didn't. Also he hinted that shorter posts will more likely get his reading.

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