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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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You don't need to be a fanboi (stop calling people names, its trolling) to be reasonable.


Lol what are you 12? You are in a forums with a lot of pissed off people waiting in line to play. Go shed a tear somewhere else.

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As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.


With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


US-based servers


The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE

The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP


The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.



AND ANCHORHEAD, DONT COME HERE! its not advice its a freaking order!

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AND ANCHORHEAD, DONT COME HERE! its not advice its a freaking order!


QFT, talking to my guild leader right now... He says if by Christmas this isn't sorted they are all gonna re-roll... And a lot of them have 30+ level toons already...

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It's great that you're not gonna lock servers so that friends can join yet, but this is so very frustrating. I've never played on a server with a queue time... avoided them like the plague... and now because you picked what server my guild is on, I'm stuck on a server with a damn queue time. It's so very frustrating :(
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QFT, talking to my guild leader right now... He says if by Christmas this isn't sorted they are all gonna re-roll... And a lot of them have 30+ level toons already...



Sorry to hear that man, I would be pretty mad if my guild was assigned here and was dealing with this. why the didn't implement a server cap so people got spread over the servers more evenly i will never know. I swear, they prob could have hired half the forum poster and got better results with this launch. Did a majority of people who work for these guys never see or play an MMO before? Ugh, but then again, it people who roll on Full server who deserve to just get deleted and told to try again, they failed the server selection test.

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Think A lot of the issue is due to BioWare just putting all the early access people on too few servers instead of putting all the servers up prior to early access and balancing the guilds on them all not just the initial server. They knew what the server caps were and had a good idea what their presales were, so there is no excuse for servers being overloaded prior to the launch. Now after playing six days and having a toon up to 27 I am now unable to play him if I don't logon on as soon as I get home.


Pretty nice way to treat the people who pre-ordered and built guilds. :mad:

Edited by alliwen
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Some servers have 2 hour long queues while many others are under-populated. Extremely fail launch; you guys failed to properly balance the population!


This game has been under development for over 4 years yet no one came up with a script for a server transfer? Fail!


The whole development team and PR people should be sacked for incompetence.

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It's great that you're not gonna lock servers so that friends can join yet, but this is so very frustrating. I've never played on a server with a queue time... avoided them like the plague... and now because you picked what server my guild is on, I'm stuck on a server with a damn queue time. It's so very frustrating :(


Not flaming you here, but...


I am getting sick of this being parroted all over the forums... "my friends"


Listen, if you and your RL friends want to roll together GREAT, just realize that picking a serve with a high population doesn't make that choice more meaningful or what have you, it just makes the problem worse. If you know your friend doesnt have the game yet or what ever roll on a very low pop server, and wala.

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Not flaming you here, but...


I am getting sick of this being parroted all over the forums... "my friends"


Listen, if you and your RL friends want to roll together GREAT, just realize that picking a serve with a high population doesn't make that choice more meaningful or what have you, it just makes the problem worse. If you know your friend doesnt have the game yet or what ever roll on a very low pop server, and wala.


They didn't pick the server, BW did when it placed their guild there

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Yeah, so when are these forum mods going to update this post to include Anchorhead, not a joke. Queue times are higher on this server than any other yet you choose to omit it... This is kinda embarrassing for you i'm sure, so no one will flame you after you correct you mistake.
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This is definitely a pain. I had no idea how widespread or bad this problem really was until i found this thread.


My 2 cents - To those who have offered the solution to simply "lock" servers from EGA, you aren't serious right? I preorded and thoroughly enjoyed some EGA time, but I have several friends and old WoW guildies who are anxious to jump on in. Not everyone is getting the game at the same time, but we all want to play together of course. Locking a server means everyone in my circle who did get EGA basically doesn't get to play those characters anymore.


Asking paying customers to just give up there first character in an epic mmo is just mean. (I get attached...sue me). Especially when those customers were the first ones to give you money before the game even launched.


Either let me transfer my characters away from queue times for free, or I will probably be transferring back to Gnomeregan.

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Sorry to hear that man, I would be pretty mad if my guild was assigned here and was dealing with this. why the didn't implement a server cap so people got spread over the servers more evenly i will never know. I swear, they prob could have hired half the forum poster and got better results with this launch. Did a majority of people who work for these guys never see or play an MMO before? Ugh, but then again, it people who roll on Full server who deserve to just get deleted and told to try again, they failed the server selection test.


I told him not to give up on the guild we already have on Anchorhead... Just have to wait until BW offers a transfer then we can play our existing stuff again... Kinda sucks, but oh well... Not the end of the world... I'm still able to login to my alt server, for now.... It is now showing heavy pops though... I'm thinking it might be just a matter of time until it becomes full as well though....

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This is definitely a pain. I had no idea how widespread or bad this problem really was until i found this thread.


My 2 cents - To those who have offered the solution to simply "lock" servers from EGA, you aren't serious right? I preorded and thoroughly enjoyed some EGA time, but I have several friends and old WoW guildies who are anxious to jump on in. Not everyone is getting the game at the same time, but we all want to play together of course. Locking a server means everyone in my circle who did get EGA basically doesn't get to play those characters anymore.


Asking paying customers to just give up there first character in an epic mmo is just mean. (I get attached...sue me). Especially when those customers were the first ones to give you money before the game even launched.


Either let me transfer my characters away from queue times for free, or I will probably be transferring back to Gnomeregan.


When they start offering character transfers you can all meet up on the same server with your friends then.... A lock on current full servers following a character/guild transfer later, when they've got the system in place, will help both parties. Why put off the community that participated in the EGA?

Edited by Ramuaz
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I demand that you immediately raise server population caps, or transfer me and my entire guild off of Iron Citadel. We did not choose to play on this server, you, BioWare, did. I put a significant amount of time into my character already, enough that creating a new character on another server and starting from scratch is unreasonable and an absolutely unacceptable solution.


I was disconnected, I do not know why. I was on Ventrilo, and was carrying a conversation, and I magically disconnected. I immediately re-selected the server, and was placed in a queue of 1072. After 15 minutes, I have moved 100 places. At this rate I will be in queue for nearly two and a half hours. The real kicker is that I have a 8-5 job, and when I come home, I sit in queue for an hour already, now I need to wait another two and a half hours? Waiting for three and a half hours in one day, after I got off work, to play is unacceptable in every way. With a full time job, other obligations, and during this time of year, I cannot afford to waste my time waiting to play your game. I truly enjoy this game, and I would hate to not play it because of your inability to control your game, but I am not seeing much of an option if this keeps up any longer.


You took $80 of my money. You put me, my friends, and my guild on Iron Citadel. You, BioWare, need to fix this immediately, and reasonably compensate all people effected by your inability to even deploy guilds, your inability to estimate player populations and configure your hardware and software appropriately, your inability to react fast enough to fix the issue, and your absolutely insulting fix of "Roll on another server".


This current situation is absolutely unacceptable, and you need to remedy it immediately.

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