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Wish you could re-do your end story choice?


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Does anyone else wish they could redo there last story arc mission?

Personally i found the Imp Agent 3rd Act finish a little confusing as its not clear who you can trust, and once it becomes clear the cut scene/ dialogue is over and its too late to change your choice.

Thus i found myself choosing what ended up being a pretty disappointing ending.

I think it would be nice if there was a way to re-do that last conversation (s) or even replay that last story mission ( for every class).

Possibly this could be achieved by using a one off item that can be purchased at a vendor.

This replay would not give you the rewards again (obviously) but it would help you better finish off your characters story that you have spent hours developing and let you leave the story in a place you are content with. Instead of feeling like it was kind of a waste of time all because of ONE bad conversation choice.

What are your thoughts?

Would you like this option to be available to those of us who really care about our story lines...

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I think it would be nice if there was a way to re-do that last conversation (s) or even replay that last story mission ( for every class).


There is one already...


Each class has two advanced classes. Make and level another agent and make all the opposite choices. Probably not what you wanted, but it's there.

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You should NOT be allowed to re-do the mission on a toon you finished. If you want to make a differant choice, create a new character and play the other advanced class. Bioware stated before launch that you will have to live with your choices, there is no going back to change them. That should remain true for as long as the game is running. I only wish there werre more conbsequences for your actions so that more of your choices meant something.
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You should NOT be allowed to re-do the mission on a toon you finished. If you want to make a differant choice, create a new character and play the other advanced class. Bioware stated before launch that you will have to live with your choices, there is no going back to change them. That should remain true for as long as the game is running. I only wish there werre more conbsequences for your actions so that more of your choices meant something.


However, with Flashpoints, if you don't like the decision, just do it over again until you get an outcome you like...

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Before I clicked on the thread, I thought "This has got to be about the Agent ending."




I know exactly what point you are referring to, and I know lots of people that made once choice and when they saw they outcome, wished they had made another. I ended up happy with my decision, as my Agent's decision fit with her moral construct that evolved by Chapter 3.


Other people's mileage may differ, but for me, you have to decide early on what your agent will be. For instance:



  • Sociopathic killer (think James Bond villain)
  • Imperial Loyalist
  • Good guy doing a "bad" job
  • Nutcase
  • Greedy, narcissistic bastard
  • Rogue Agent
  • Sith puppet



(not an exhaustive list, just kinda picked the obvious possibilities)


Now, you might start as one thing and end as something else. And in my experience, the light/dark choices were a lot harder for the Agent than they were on my Inq or Warrior.


However, I ended up leveling another Agent just to make completely different decisions, and I had a blast. Actually, the first time was so stressful (first toon at launch, rush to 50, no you tube vids to review, etc), I made a point to take my time and enjoy the story the second time around. And with Legacy stuff/XP buffs, it didn't take as long as I thought and you can mainly stick to class story.


I recommend you try it again. I actually caught a whole lot more about what was going on, because the IA story was soooo dense.


Good luck ;)

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The only cutscenes I'd want to redo would be the last ones; not because my dialogue options, but my companions. I'd like to see how Torian/Blizz/Gault/Skadge recated in Mako's spot (I needed a healer at the time) during the final quests, just to see how each of them are different, ya know?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would redo the imperial agent act 1 ending that i did on my last agent.I tried to reset the quest after i entered the codes,i even left the quest area and went to imperial fleet so i can reset it, it didn't work.


I would pay big money for a cartel market bought *something* , so i can redo the imperial agent act 1 ending.

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The only cutscenes I'd want to redo would be the last ones; not because my dialogue options, but my companions. I'd like to see how Torian/Blizz/Gault/Skadge recated in Mako's spot (I needed a healer at the time) during the final quests, just to see how each of them are different, ya know?


Agree on this! On my BH I wasn't to worried, as I knew my BH and Mako were pretty much partners. But on my Sith Warrior I'm currently leveling, she doesn't have the dedicated partner mentality for me. So I'd love to see the differences between Vette, Quinn, and Jaesa.

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I just played my second Trooper to 50, this time making a lot of Dark Side decisions and chiefly juggling M1-4X or Tanno Vik as my companions. My first time through I chiefly used Dorne, but it was nice hearing the other side to a lot of those arguments and being a soldier who understands that war is an unpleasant business and some people might not sleep easy afterwards.


My first character I went all Light Side. My second character was all Dark Side. After getting both Legacy Unlocks, I really felt like this time around I was actually able to do what I wanted and be a mixture of the two, instead of exclusively one or the other.

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you know if you press esc the conversation ends and you start from the beginning right?:eek:
How exactly would this let you re-do your end story choice? You'd have to play through with one companion then reset the quest before the end to do it again with a different companion. It doesn't help if you've already done the quest since you can't reset it.
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