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Remove Phase Walk!


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On a side note, my Mara likes this change, I'm assuming I can just sit there beating on the Sage's shield, building rage, and waiting for my big hitters to come off CD...


More likely... your marauder finally gets full resolve against the stunbubbler and then he goes into "ice cube" for 10 seconds to re-start the pain.

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Someone already stated it...this is a freakout of epic nature.


It is warranted. The only ppl that are defending it are sins and shadows. Just like when knights and warriors defend smash. Or when sorcs/sages defend bubble stun. No one likes their class getting weaker.

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More likely... your marauder finally gets full resolve against the stunbubbler and then he goes into "ice cube" for 10 seconds to re-start the pain.


Yeah I've been saying this. Cooldown and resolve resets. No one will beat a good lightning sorc 1v1 with this ability. Maybe ranged in an open field.

Edited by Ravashakk
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It is warranted. The only ppl that are defending it are sins and shadows. Just like when knights and warriors defend smash. Or when sorcs/sages defend bubble stun. No one likes their class getting weaker.


Even though most of the people here have done intensive testing with this ability and have experienced it used first hands in a few hundred warzones I just don't see how it can be called op. I myself have not tested it I had issues getting my character to activate last night so I hope I can do something with it tonight.


Everyone here is theory crafting and few have actually used it and probably none have found the best way to use it. And with what I am seeing from screen shots of warzones they borked bolster and players are bugged with 700k health so I don't even know if I want to step foot in a warzone on the pts until that is resolved.

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Anyone tested whether using this ability drops the ball in Huttball?


it doesnt matter really. As a sin, mark the spot in the center. PAtrol the ramps killing folks. when ball resets, immediately pop to center to grab ball. One heck of a way to control mid. Can also set mark in endzone, jump down into pit to avoid rezzers. warp back up and receive a pass and score.


It really makes getting back to the node to defend it easy. I do not see any more ninja caps, as a defender can now chase folks or event stand 50m away and then teleport immediately back to a node, to prevent the classic 'stun-then-cap' feature...

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it doesnt matter really. As a sin, mark the spot in the center. PAtrol the ramps killing folks. when ball resets, immediately pop to center to grab ball. One heck of a way to control mid. Can also set mark in endzone, jump down into pit to avoid rezzers. warp back up and receive a pass and score.


It really makes getting back to the node to defend it easy. I do not see any more ninja caps, as a defender can now chase folks or event stand 50m away and then teleport immediately back to a node, to prevent the classic 'stun-then-cap' feature...


And how is the "jump from the pit" any different from sent/Mara/guardian/Jugg/Vanguard/power tech? Each of them can do it with the ball, no one seems to know if the Shadow/Sin can do that. You get to set 1 spot, that you can jump to 1 time, before having to reset the spot. Here is an idea for you, camp the darn spot if it presents a problem to your team. You guys are acting like you can set spots all over the map and continually jump to wherever you want.


And another thing. Based on most of the complaints so far, people have no idea on the mechanics of the move. Once you do the warp part of the ability, it goes on a 45 second CD (and the spot disappears). So it's not like you can just warp to the Hutball, reset it, and warp to the Huttball again after scoring. Again, people are freaking out over something they don't even understand yet (I guess this is pretty par for the course these days though).

Edited by DarthBama
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Phase walk must be for sorcs only, not for sins.

Sins and now way OP, but sorcs definitely need survivability buff :o


They just got a big one which is a channeled immunity (a "true" godmode which is fine they needed it). Anyways, since you hate assassins so much what ability should we have gotten?

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This is by far the worst ability they could ever add. I am takin a break as soon as 2.0 hits, I have 4 50s and a few 40s but this is stupid. I know I know don't let the door hit my *** on the way out bla blah. I am also taking a break to try out camelot unleashed (supposedly DAoC 2) while this stupid ability runs it's OP course then gets nerfed into the ground as it should be or removed entirely.
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This is by far the worst ability they could ever add. I am takin a break as soon as 2.0 hits, I have 4 50s and a few 40s but this is stupid. I know I know don't let the door hit my *** on the way out bla blah. I am also taking a break to try out camelot unleashed (supposedly DAoC 2) while this stupid ability runs it's OP course then gets nerfed into the ground as it should be or removed entirely.


Stop talking out of your behind. This is an escape. Practically everything else Shadow wise got a nerf so quit moaning. everyone else more or less gets a buff.

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i love this ability but i dont get it why the sage didnt get it. why the shadow as a meele :o


This. Phase Walk is EXACTLY like "demon circle" from WoW which was a Warlock ability. Warlock = squishy dot casting class = sage DPS.


Why on Earth would a melee class need this? They should have the God Mode bubble since they are the ones in a melee cluster ****.

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This. Phase Walk is EXACTLY like "demon circle" from WoW which was a Warlock ability. Warlock = squishy dot casting class = sage DPS.


Why on Earth would a melee class need this? They should have the God Mode bubble since they are the ones in a melee cluster ****.


Well i would be happy to take force barrier off your hands for Phase Walk, Maybe that should be the case but considering how they have messed Sins up post 2.0. We definitely need this or some kind of utility to help with survival.


Balance and infiltration Shadows have been turned into a sage without the bubble.

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I haven't read all replies but I am adding my voice to this thread.


I play a Jedi Shadow and I too think that this ability is too strong when considering the Warzones we have and the importance of objectives. Currently Jedi Shadows already have tons of utility and mobility, and they do not need more. Also, aesthetically, this ability does absolutely not fit the star wars theme.


/signed. Remove Phase Walk!

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The AOE healing will be nice in PvE. But in PvP, it'll be an open invite to everybody to please unload every possible AOE right there. I'm guessing they'll make the Huttball drop while phase walking in a near update as well. Or make it only usable while out of combat. Something like that.
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I haven't read all replies but I am adding my voice to this thread.


I play a Jedi Shadow and I too think that this ability is too strong when considering the Warzones we have and the importance of objectives. Currently Jedi Shadows already have tons of utility and mobility, and they do not need more. Also, aesthetically, this ability does absolutely not fit the star wars theme.


/signed. Remove Phase Walk!


They have just lost some of that.


20% armor Nerf,


No instant force lift or whirlwind.


Enter Phase walk.


Give me back my force lift and i say to hell with this ability.

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