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Almost all EU servers are full already and it's not even launch day


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Worked all day...back to home at 20:00. Starting up...1650 ppl before me. Waiting until 22:30. "You have lost server connection".




Yea it's really bad.


I got in first day and have already invested 2 days of time into my chars on bloodworthy and now there is like 1,5 hour queutimes in there. So i'm stuck with it.


I hope it becomes better with time, otherwise I probably won't play the game more than a month or two.

Edited by StarOnEarth
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^ this.

Chose bloodworthy first day, boy do I regret it now. Although we didn't get a big list of empty servers to choose from...

Fast forward 2 days and its jostling for the number 1 spot as 'busiest eu pvp server' with over 1hr queues all day... finally get online, dc within 10 minutes (nothing to do with swtor though) try and log back in.... end of the queue? Games that no longer have queue time problems still have failsafes for this kind of thing (eg. wow has a 2-5 min grace period where you can log back in and jump the queue if you dc) so a brand new game where you KNEW queues would be an issue and yet didnt implement something as simple as this... boggles the mind o.0


EDIT: also, am I a complete moron or is this forum terrible? I cant even search for FAQs on google because if anything tries to link me back to a thread within these forums I am greeted with 'No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator', of which 'administrator' links you back to a veeery sparse support page. I **** you not, EVERY link I have tried to click on.

Edited by Djan
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^ this.

Chose bloodworthy first day, boy do I regret it now. Although we didn't get a big list of empty servers to choose from...


Atleast you chose a server yourself.. Our guild was imported and it's impossible to join it now.

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Same here .. and this is really ridiculous !! whats the point of early access if u cant login?? BAH !!! Really disappointing. I imagine what will happen when launched officially. The 4 hours will be 8? Can we cancel our preorder now? This is new game and this is not acceptable !!
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Atleast you chose a server yourself.. Our guild was imported and it's impossible to join it now.


Now that really sucks... at least I can only blame myself for my own impatience, choosing the first one I see :p

To be honest though this launch is starting to reek really Aion-ey... don't get me wrong the game is fantastic, have loved every minute within the world. But 2 hour queues, every server full, broken promises [of how queues are unacceptable], and other queue-related rage... I dropped Aion without ever looking at the 'subscriptions' page because of that awful launch... i really hope Bioware doesn't ruin TOR for me like that :<

There are sucpiciously few post from any kind of mod or admin in these forums though. Burying their heads didn't work for NCSoft boys, shape up!

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I'm reading things like "Don't worry, always happens when big mmo gets released, etc" so I'm not jumping to conclusions here but I am NOT going to pay 10+ euros a month for a game I get to play in about 40-60 mins after I click "play".


Then don't play. Less queue time for us.


Don't mean to provoke or anything but these gosh darn ridiculous queues are making me seriously consider making a bot to keep me online 24/7


It's thoughts, and plans, like these that cause queue's in the first place. It's like a popular restaurant. It takes a while to get a seat, and you keep it for ages because you had to wait. You're stubborn choice to stay forces others to wait even longer. It creates a bottleneck.




It was one of the KEY SELLING FEATURES of the pre-order package, highlighted on the ORDER PAGE, without EGA there was precious little reason to pre-order at all.


It was a selling point, true. But not a promised one. Just like with sales at a store that say "Up To" 20% off. You don't bring an item up to the register and assume it is actually 20%. "Up To" 5 days early, and "Guaranteed 5 days early", are two entirely different things. This is common sense.


You don't show much intellect here but i'll simplify for you what everyones problem is with the queues...


A car (Servers), 5 seats. You are to drive 15 people (preorders in early access) at once to the store. It dont take a genious to see they wont fit in the car. To prevent this you get a bus wich can take 30 people, and spread people out evenly inside it to make sure there's room for all and some more (20th and launch and non preorders joining)..


Now it is still not easy to understand but i think i gave you a better chance..


Given this analogy, you suggest getting a bus to support the larger number of people. At first glance, a wise move. However, after the initial launch, the servers won't always be packed. After things settle down, there will only be 5-6 people needing a ride. Then you have a massive bus using up excessive gas, wasting money, when a van might be enough.


Fact: Money doesn't grow on trees.

Another Fact: Servers don't either.


They can only provide so many servers. With enough success of the game, they will be able to setup more servers.


To be honest, I'd rather preferred that Bioware didn't launch the game before and fix it for day one.

It's been 1.5h and it said "Estimated wait <30mn"... :(

129 to go...


Then don't play until launch.


Everyone, can you at least wait to bombard Bioware with complains until AFTER the launch? Admittedly, there will still be queue's, but wait for the full complement of servers to be online, to see everything they have to offer, before you crucify them. Let's be mature about this. They keep putting more servers online. Given that, there are likely more to come. Give it AT LEAST until launch. You've waited a long time for this game. It won't kill anyone to wait for the full launch.

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No, a raving fanboy uses smiley's to convey his feelings, like anger, or yells in all caps. I'm stating simple fact.


Name a single MMO, which is even nearly as popular as SWTOR, that didn't have queue issues when it first came out. Or any issues at all. Anything in high demand will leave some people waiting. The higher the demand, the more the wait. Simple fact. People know this coming in, and they still rant and rage. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein


And for the record, insulting people, especially via name calling, is just sad. Grow up.

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Like always , Eu is the poor man who gets the rest. American server are low medium and full ! Not fair


I agree that BioWare needs to increase their server capacity. But m8, you posted this 10:27 PM, European time. What do you think the time was in the US?


I don't think the EU servers are full at 4 or 5 in the morning here in EU.


You will probably have some Americans posting exaclty the same if they looked at the EU tab during their peak time too! :p

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Perhaps all of this has been said already, but there it goes.


I understand that the launch of a new game is always difficult and has a lot of problems. Ok


But with the experience if EVERY new MMO, with ethernals queues generating the "30 days game-back to wow", i think it´s a lack of prevision from Bioware, EA, etc, not pre-fixing this.


It´s only an early game acces, and i still wait that everything goes right when launch comes. I hope. This is an awesome game, but a lot of fantastic games where garbage in 30 days with problems like this. If you sell 3000000 of copies, you NEED to make viable to play 3000000 players at the SAME TIME.


Actually in Europe:

5 servers Heavy, only one of them english(PVP)

9 Very heavy

Rest, Full, queues from 5 min (totally acceptable) to 2h 45 min (innacceptable)


And best of all. What server do i start, with EGA, with my friends no-EGA. Should I play 4 days of EGA and then delete chars and restart in a no-full server? ****


Last of all. Los españoles no INVADIMOS ningun servidor. Compramos el MISMO juego que el resto, y pagamos lo mismo tambien por jugar.


(Spanish people dont invade servers. We pay for the same game and the same money as anybody)

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This is not even funny; if they are serious about making an mmo that compete with others, they should at least have the capacity to do so... just spent 2 hours in a queue and thanks to an error i have another 2 hours of waiting... The game itself is awesome but who the hell is managing this
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Got dc today while playing my trooper on LoL, I was playing in Taris and having fun. Launcher put me in queue on spot 1183. Now 1.5 hours later I dc'd again IN THE QUEUE on spot 280. Now I'm in queue again on spot 1340. Maybe I'll try playing again tomorrow morning.. The week surrounding launch is fun. :jawa_redface:
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i think it's clear they need to open more servers , theres only 1 RPPVP EU server and thats got 20 min que's now (which actually become 40mins) .


I will admit its difficult to get it just right for bioware so i will cut them some slack for the first week or two.


Servers will take more people once everyone is spread round the zones more and not all at the start.

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