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  1. Probably something to do with your sig proclaiming to the world that you are 33, yet having the debating skills, patience and conversational levels of a child. /opinion
  2. whoa wait, bioware have the manpower to move a thread but at the same time keep ominously silent?
  3. +1 Also i don't really understand these bioware paragons? as if the silence is acceptable customer service? No twitter does not *********** count.
  4. Comments like this rile me up so much. It happens at other mmo launches, it's fine, stop whining? It's not like they have previous mmo launches to look at or a definitive list of people who preordered... no, wait, they do. and yet armed with these numbers, many servers are still experiencing all day queues, and the community hasnt heard a peep about it since the great 'Just roll on another server' response. Thanks Bioware! And if its true they have put really low caps on the servers... then that's just pure *********gery. Hyping a game to increase sales at the expense of already paying customers (yes i have the game box too. i exchanged money for it, thats how this stuff works) is really NOT ok. have you seen any BW mods say anything about how out of hand its getting?
  5. bump. Do mods even read these forums? I really want to see a poor defense as to why they didn't bother with something like this >_>
  6. I gotta ask - why does it seem every single person on this forum preordered on the 13th December? you preorder that late and whine about EGA o.0 Everyone I know preordered within a week of the announcement. You know, to make sure they got in the EGA and wouldnt be caught up on the forums moaning about how lame bioware is/how lame people are for preordering on time/how retro-indie-cool waiting so late to preorder is. Suck on that late game access /rant
  7. Now that really sucks... at least I can only blame myself for my own impatience, choosing the first one I see To be honest though this launch is starting to reek really Aion-ey... don't get me wrong the game is fantastic, have loved every minute within the world. But 2 hour queues, every server full, broken promises [of how queues are unacceptable], and other queue-related rage... I dropped Aion without ever looking at the 'subscriptions' page because of that awful launch... i really hope Bioware doesn't ruin TOR for me like that :< There are sucpiciously few post from any kind of mod or admin in these forums though. Burying their heads didn't work for NCSoft boys, shape up!
  8. ^ this. Chose bloodworthy first day, boy do I regret it now. Although we didn't get a big list of empty servers to choose from... Fast forward 2 days and its jostling for the number 1 spot as 'busiest eu pvp server' with over 1hr queues all day... finally get online, dc within 10 minutes (nothing to do with swtor though) try and log back in.... end of the queue? Games that no longer have queue time problems still have failsafes for this kind of thing (eg. wow has a 2-5 min grace period where you can log back in and jump the queue if you dc) so a brand new game where you KNEW queues would be an issue and yet didnt implement something as simple as this... boggles the mind o.0 EDIT: also, am I a complete moron or is this forum terrible? I cant even search for FAQs on google because if anything tries to link me back to a thread within these forums I am greeted with 'No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator', of which 'administrator' links you back to a veeery sparse support page. I **** you not, EVERY link I have tried to click on.
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