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Inventory deleted when using sort button.


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So I used the sort button while I had my mailbox open, and my inventory was deleted. I created a ticket explaining the situation and received a response saying to update the ticket giving specific items of what was deleted. I know a few items, but my inventory is huge, so I have no idea how they expect me to know all of it. They also smoothly closed the ticket, making it impossible to update.


I'm sad because I'm an original subscriber, and feel like I'm not going to get my inventory back.:(

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If they asked you what was in your inventory, either they don't know or are too lazy to check themselves.


If they don't know, maybe you should say that you had 80 stacks of Molecular Stabilizers or something and get rich.


Edit: If this works, I accept donations.

Edited by KTap
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Reminds me of a time I came across a bug. I submitted a ticket. I got a reply back asking for more details, and that I should "respond to this e-mail" (exact wording in the ticket).


So, I thought, maybe they sent an e-mail to my account address.


Nope, nothing there. Since the ticket was closed, couldn't respond to them that way either.




Just, remember what you can, and be fair about what you can't exactly remember. Hopefully, you'll get back most of what you lost.

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I am really sorry that this is happening to you. The only thing that I would suggest you do, if you have not already done so, is post on the customer service forums and make a call into their call center.


The call center has a long hold time, but have always been able to sort out issues for me like this. I had one recently where I made a substantial Cartel Market purchase. My coins were subtracted from my account but I never received the item. My in-game ticket response simply told me to submit a bug report (no response to my request for refund, no initiative taken or suggestions made to fix the issue). I gave up after 1 attempt there, immediately went to customer service via phone. Three calls later it was resolved, and that took 3 calls only because I called during the holidays and my issue needed to be forwarded to a specialist because it is their policy to never allow CM refunds, but this was a bug so they'd investigate it further via telephone. In total, I think I spent an hour and a half to two hours on the phone, max.


I do not use the in-game ticket system, anymore. It is almost entirely unreliable. Sad that we really enjoy this game but it probably has the worst live services department of any major title MMO, ever.


In the mean time, I would resort to avoiding features in the game that are not a need. I tend to just avoid new features that I do not trust in this game until I hear enough people using them with success.

Edited by Rezakh
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I do not use the in-game ticket system, anymore. It is almost entirely unreliable. Sad that we really enjoy this game but it probably has the worst live services department of any major title MMO, ever.

This. As a person who is used to a much better service, i'm simply amazed by the quality of CS here. But what is even worse, the developers are not much better. If you know that a certain feature can cause such severe damage to players as deleting their in-game property, why not disable it until the fix is ready? But no, why would they bother. Who cares about more and more players becoming affected by this as time goes by.


Speaking about this particular case of OP, i find the CS attitude very unprofessional. They should have logs of everything owned by a player and by no means make him form a list of deleted items himself. As for me, i don't remember 80% of the stuff i have in any of my character's inventory until i see it in-game.

In a different MMO, my account was hacked once. When i've finally managed to get it back, i've found the inventories of two of my characters completely empty, as well as all of my in-game currency gone. As soon as i logged back on my main character, i got a mail from the local CS team with apologies, advices on how to avoid being hacked again in the future, every single item and all money i've lost. For my second character i had to write a separate ticket, but he received the same mail in a couple of hours as well. On a side note, it wasn't even their main CS department that helped me, i was dealing with a russian branch of their european branch. THIS is how CS should work.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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My ticket would be something like: "Do you know how annoying it is to amass my 15 White Lightsaber crystals, 22 Darth Revan Masks and my 18 Lightsaber Hilt 27's only to have them lost by your poor programming?"


Sorry bit of fun there. I would definitely follow the advice in the other posts and speak to someone on the helpline, I had no end of problems reporting things with tickets in the past and never really got anywhere with it, like you and others have said they get closed and that's it. I had heard bad reports about telephone support so was dreading it but to be honest ...they were fantastic. The two occasions I have had to call them, they were helpful, knowledgeable and resolved my problem. One was billing, one was and in game glitch that had happened to me. I am not saying all people have such positive results but it worked for me anyway.


I hope it works out for you, I know I would be very unhappy if my inventory did a vanishing act. All the best.

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They also smoothly closed the ticket, making it impossible to update.

This is the thing i forgot to comment on.

SWTOR is my first game where a CS representative has a right to close tickets himself. In my eyes this is ridiculous... I mean isn't it up to a player to decide wether his issue is resolved or not? in every other game i've seen it is.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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Hey Bioware i lost myy 20 White color crystals, and uhm my 6 Meditation speeders and my 5 hypercrates !!!

pls give back



back to topic:


OP pls keep us informed , im curious if you can get your stuff back oO

Edited by Prysha
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From the known issues post:


Using the inventory sort feature while any items are currently being used in another window (such as mail, GTN, or trade) can cause items to be destroyed from the inventory.




Holy crap...that's a kinda big thing. Why can't they make that warning a HUGE pop-up warning dialog?!

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