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Premades vs PUGs changed?


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This isn't a daily complaint thread, quite the opposite actually.

Has anybody else noticed that the match ups have gotten better in the last few weeks?


I always PUG and a month ago 95% of the match ups were against Premades. But for the last few weeks 70-80 % have been PUG vs PUG match ups. I've still gone up against premades but alot of those I had a premade on my team too.


Frankly it's been awesome. I don't mind the occasional premade group as long as the match up system is trying to properly match up as much as it can.


Any other PUGers noticing more fair fights recently?

Or Premades noticing they're going up against more competitive premade teams than before?

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there is no "matchup system" as you say.


its complete luck of the draw. and you have no way of knowing whether or not there is a premade with/against you. not all premades are from the same guild


You don't know that anymore than I'm 100% sure they were matching premades against PUGs. But there are many people here with documented matchup statistics that are beyond random probability. Until recently it was easy to prove by playing 4 games on one faction then 4 on the other and feeling (as many people in the complaint threads say) "one faction has many premades, and the other doesnt". You find out it's not true. Each faction has about the same amount of premades (at least on my busy server).


But the last month or so it feels like all the premades quit. No matter the faction l play I hardly ever see them anymore. Maybe 1 in 4 games. That's my question; does anybody else feel like the number of premades has suddenly dropped alot? And it important to add If you play as a PUG or Premade when you answer.


P. S.: While some non-guild groups may team up they are less common than guild premades and even more rarely have teamspeak which is where the unfair advantage comes in. Frankly I could care less being teamed with/against non-teamspeak premades, they're on the same rules as the rest of us rather than having a communication advantage from a third party add on. Non-teamspeak premades are fine in my opinion.

Edited by Kerensk
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there is no "matchup system" as you say.


its complete luck of the draw. and you have no way of knowing whether or not there is a premade with/against you. not all premades are from the same guild

Best way to spot a premade is to look how organized and fast they are.. if they are all at the same gear rating/ lvl.. If your op against a group and they all have elite warhero, odds are they are a premade..pugs are unbalanced gear wise


There is still no match making system... agree on that one

Edited by Soulwave
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I've noticed it too on The Red Eclipse but before I give Bioware any credit it for it the new event and the fact that ranked warzones are running more frequently could be keeping a lot of premades out of the normal queues when I queue. So we'll see how it is in a couple of weeks.

I did spend an hour in a premade myself last week and expected 4 easy wins but 3 of 4 were against another team with a premade so it was 1 easy and 3 tough wins. Sample size sucks though so could easily just be luck of the draw.

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You don't know that anymore than I'm 100% sure they were matching premades against PUGs. But there are many people here with documented matchup statistics that are beyond random probability.

No, there aren't.


Plus, if you make a hypothesis ("there is matchmaking") you need to prove it. Otherwise we have to assume there is none. My experience of general randomness makes me tend to believe there's no matchmaking, and if we're going on gut instinct I turst mine better than yours, but neither is proof.


Until recently it was easy to prove by playing 4 games on one faction then 4 on the other and feeling (as many people in the complaint threads say) "one faction has many premades, and the other doesnt" .

And this isn't even on the same planet as "proof", let alone statistically significant proof.


Which isn't to say that there may be fewer organised groups in warzones currently - as another poster said, they could all be knocking around in Ilum with the current event, so the original post has some value - but don't kid yourself that any proof Bioware has a matchmaking system has been presented.

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Regular PVPers are busy camping and ganking on Ilum, so warzones have a higher percentage of casuals, stab farmers and just plain weird people.


probably This^



not every time you see same guild, it's a premade. more then once I've been in one WZ with 2-4 guildies and all of us que solo, ofcourse we still win most of those games, but just becose we trust each other to do right thing

premades are sneaky and take different guild tags.

Best way to spot a premade is to look how organized and fast they are.. if they are all at the same gear rating/ lvl.. If your op against a group and they all have elite warhero, odds are they are a premade..pugs are unbalanced gear wis

so in short 'if we lose, it's a premade and they have voice chat + 25% dmg dealth cheat bonus and don't forget haxorz'

cool story

Edited by Atramar
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