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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just remove GTN


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Today I realized i cant search things which has less then 3 characters. I can search for "might armoring" but i cant search for "might armoring 12". This seems an intended change.They probably aim:


*Discourage players making millions of credits from GTN

*Courage players to use trade channel and secure trade instead of using GTN thus subscribe


However it harms GTN user experience.It seems like a flaw rather then a smart move. I suggest you totaly remove GTN to let players trade with each other in a marketplace close to capital cities like dromound kaas or make it work properly.

Edited by kijthae
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They have no aim. It's "Ready, FIRE! Ugh I missed" with this management team.


There are alternative ways to search. Try one important keyword, the right category, the right attribute, and a level range.


Yeah, it's a lot harder than just typing an exact name if you know exactly what you're looking for but apparently the jokers programming at EA think they're Google now... LOL!

Edited by DarthTHC
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I know right? :jawa_smile: Folks are freaking out because they might have to look at another page or so of results.


People are disappointed because at one time you could type in "Resolve Hilt 17" and get every single item whose name had ALL that text in it.


Then EA thought they'd Google-ify the search interface. Problem is, they haven't 1% of the talent Google defecates out every day so they screwed it up.

Edited by DarthTHC
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There are filters that easily take the place of typing in the exact number like 10,11,12,13 etc. Just use the level range. If you're level 44, start at level 44 and end it at 44. Then, select the options in the next set of filters...usable by YOU, and then select your base stat you're looking for. It's actually a really easy system.
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I understand why they made the change the did, but the problem people are complaining about is somewhat legitimate.


It would be nice if they did any of the following:

- Change it from 3 characters to 2

- Make is so numbers don't have a character restriction, only words do.

- Add a 0 to all the item names so it's Might Hilt 022.

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You can, however search for "might armoring" that's in the level range of what you're looking for and you'll see all those 12's.


I have to agree. This is the best suggestion. Selecting the level will narrow down the results to give you all the ones that you are looking for.

Its not really a big issue not being able to select the exact number of the mod someone is looking for. They will really only be getting a bit more result.


People are disappointed because at one time you could type in "Resolve Hilt 17" and get every single item whose name had ALL that text in it.


Then EA thought they'd Google-ify the search interface. Problem is, they haven't 1% of the talent Google defecates out every day so they screwed it up.


People really shouldn't compare a games In-Game Search to something like Google. Google has hardware and software that is solely designed for that single purpose, where as Games are running off a Game Engine that is focused mainly on the game itself. That is why you see many games use character limits for there search systems to improve stability of the system itself. It is not just games that do this as well. Many websites do this as well. It is all about making there systems more stable.





I personally do not see an issue with the character limit. I can still find the mods I am looking for and the system has a bit more chance to be stable with a character limit than it does without it. That is my opinion.

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That's like being annoyed because you have to put gas in your car, and then deciding the best solution is to just roll it off a cliff.


Lol nice. But the more appropriate analogy would be check engine light is on so you push it off a cliff. Cause it's not working right, but still works.

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