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Why no class story quests in expansion?


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You can add it to the list of Bioware's broken promises. We were promised our character's stories would expand as time went on, but I doubt we will ever see any continuation of our class stories. I hope Bioware proves me wrong, but I doubt it.


Because since it hasn't happened yet, that must mean that it never will... :rolleyes:

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Because Rise of the hUtt Cartel was not originally considered an expansion when Makeb and the level cap raise were revealed last year. It was never meant to advance class stories. When they release a true, large expansion class stories will continue. RotHC wil hold us over until then.

That's bold to say "when" not "if" they release a true expansion.

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  • 3 months later...
I understand this is now not going to happen in the expansion. What is the point of the expansion if we don't get the story to go along with it? Personally I will feel like I wasted money if there are no Class Story quests in the expansion.


Personally one of best parts of original swtor were class stories. Fully voiced, many times with moral switches, etc etc.... Best ever from any game.


I think the worst mistake they did with expansion was not to continue class story lines.


Story telling was what was driving me to finish all possible combinations! In any other game I usually stop playing any alt (and have a lot as I'm altholic :p) in second I ding at max level. Then I go to max out next alt.


Swtor was only game in my live (and being 51 this year) that I enjoyed to the very end, long after leveling. I just wanted badly to see how story will end. Sometimes I have been playing up to 3 at night even knowing will have to work in the morning. :-) Not any longer with expansion.


Now? Well .. swtor to me is still best game ever. Never enjoyed so much. Ok, Wow, but here I love more lore and it is better known to me. But truth is ... I have leveled only TWO of my 12 maxed out alts to 55 and now ... I'm just kind'a jumping from one alt to another ... I really do not feel any urge to finish story line, to see what will happen.


But I know few kids of my friends that actually do not care at all for voice acting, they would love to become instantly maxed out just to pvp or endgame ... but not me and not many many of us. And in this silly way Bioweare lost I think a lot of money. Also from me.

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I just hope BW/EA didn't eat too much of the crap that was thrown their way. The mega whine from this not being a WoW killer completely murdered the fact the they managed to make the most epic massive story line game ever created, and that is no small feat and wont be trumped for a long time.


Please BW, make more stories. Nothing in the gaming industry can even remotely compare itself with swtor here.

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I just hope BW/EA didn't eat too much of the crap that was thrown their way. The mega whine from this not being a WoW killer completely murdered the fact the they managed to make the most epic massive story line game ever created, and that is no small feat and wont be trumped for a long time.


Please BW, make more stories. Nothing in the gaming industry can even remotely compare itself with swtor here.


I agree, sad though that they now seem to focus on what all other mmo has and actually does better in many ways, raids, daily quests and pvp. Instead of focusing what is truly unique and great about this game, story and companions.

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Dailies is just the worst MMO idea ever. I haven't talked to anyone who actually enjoy them. Those who do enjoy them are a minority at best - the companies usually just push for them by making it a "must do".


No one in WoW liked them either.


Hopefully some MMO company invents more creative time sinks that are actually fun, epic, exciting, rewarding but not a must do.


Enough of that though. I just had to get it out of my system. Im glad to see you share my opinion on the stories :)

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  • 7 months later...

I for one won't settle for less and am sick of people coming up with excuses for bioware/EA and always settling for less like its ok. Swtor is an MMO and as with all MMOs they are basically game worlds that never end and always have new endgame content, market content, expansions, and so on! People invest a lot of time and money into MMOs for a reason and all those things I just mentioned are some of the reasons and things that are expected in MMOs and if you were paying 15 bucks a month then you would understand what I'm talking about and would not be settling for less or giving excuses about why and how its F2p so oh well like its expected.


I don't know how many MMOs or if even some of the people posting have played a lot of other MMOs but if you have then I don't know why some of the posts I read were posted in the first place mad how some of you could even find some of this ok. SWTOR is a great MMO that has only gotten better since launch and if given the right support it will continue to head up not down. But the bottom line is it needs a steadier flow of expansion and end game content and in fact it can be done if its given the right support and attention it needs and deserves. Its not like the money isn't there , between the subscriptions, cartel market, and all the micro transactions they get from their F2P system alone should be enough to maintain and expand the MMO other MMMOS do all this with less. So I don't think money is or has been the problem for a long time now. I think the problem lies with whoever is making the final decisions on what happens with SWTOR. Also btw there are many different types of expansions and they aren't all big and they can in fact release smaller expansions or one big expansion either way people who put a lot of their time and money into swtor would be happy.


Also all of these things we are talking about are things that you see in all of the top and even lower end MMos its normal and expected in MMOs and its not like its something new to MMOs.The truth is Swtor is still by far a young MMO that has only gotten better and is a real good MMO yet that still has so much more potential and can grow and get even better and bigger in the long run and be a big part of the future of MMOs but that's only if the people responsible for maintaining and expending it believes what I'm saying also and finally takes SWTOR a bit more serious and gives it more of what it needs.

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Also all of these things we are talking about are things that you see in all of the top and even lower end MMos its normal and expected in MMOs and its not like its something new to MMOs.


Two comments:


1) Nobody has been talking about this topic in this thread for 8 freaking months. You necro'ed an 8 month dormant thread.


2) NO other MMO is even in the same ballpark with SWTOR for mission story content (class or faction). Some try, but they are second class by comparison, which is one of the reasons people get so worked up about the devs switching from "class story" to "faction story" since RoTHC. BUT.. it's still new story content.

Edited by Andryah
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