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Wny Pay for this game?


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The devs say they always want feedback because it's "our game as much as it is theirs". We players know this is a lie. They have nothing to keep players interested in the game since the release. We all know this game was a rush job for cash. This game is listed as an mmorp"G". In reality it's an mmorp"B" for business. Business first game second. Game is not even second. I started playing in October of 2012. So I havne't been playing long. I have 2 level 50 toons and have nothing fun to do with them.


I know some of you will say PVP. The PVP I learned to love dies at level 50 because of "Expertise". Why is that stat in the game? Time sink! Expertise makes it so hard for new players to get kills in PVP. Why must I get killed over and over so I can get a few Warzone coms and buy a single piece of PVP Expertise gear? Time sink!. Expertise has one use. It makes the fights last longer. It takes waaaay longer to kill another player in level 50 PVP than in 49 and below. Time sink!


Some of you will say Heroic flashpoints. Trying to que for a regular 4 man takes FOREVER!. Now I'm spose to wait in a que for 7 other people instaed of 3?!?


Some of you might say HK-51 is something to do at level 50. I just tried doing that quest. Let me tell you it is the single bigest TIME SINK in any mmo I have ever played. Somone compared it to Archaeology from WoW. It is WAAAAAY worse. This is the HK mission. Stand still for 20 seconds. Walk 24 meters in any (most likely the wrong) direction. Stand still... No warmer or colder. No this direction. Most the sites I looked at after spending over an hour wandering around the Endar crash site area, said the hot spots for finding the piece wasn't even in the Endar Spire crash site area where the quest tells you to look!


So after pre-rebuttling those answers. Why should I pay for this game after level 50? I seriously want to know. It might seem like I'm trolling, but I would love some ideas here. I have loved Star Wars since a child. I loved this game from 1-50. I can't go back to WoW after these amazing story driven quests. I've heard good things about Operations, but my shedule doesn't allow me to be able to play in the evenings.


Please help!

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The devs say they always want feedback because it's "our game as much as it is theirs". We players know this is a lie. They have nothing to keep players interested in the game since the release. We all know this game was a rush job for cash. This game is listed as an mmorp"G". In reality it's an mmorp"B" for business. Business first game second. Game is not even second. I started playing in October of 2012. So I havne't been playing long. I have 2 level 50 toons and have nothing fun to do with them.


I know some of you will say PVP. The PVP I learned to love dies at level 50 because of "Expertise". Why is that stat in the game? Time sink! Expertise makes it so hard for new players to get kills in PVP. Why must I get killed over and over so I can get a few Warzone coms and buy a single piece of PVP Expertise gear? Time sink!. Expertise has one use. It makes the fights last longer. It takes waaaay longer to kill another player in level 50 PVP than in 49 and below. Time sink!


Some of you will say Heroic flashpoints. Trying to que for a regular 4 man takes FOREVER!. Now I'm spose to wait in a que for 7 other people instaed of 3?!?


Some of you might say HK-51 is something to do at level 50. I just tried doing that quest. Let me tell you it is the single bigest TIME SINK in any mmo I have ever played. Somone compared it to Archaeology from WoW. It is WAAAAAY worse. This is the HK mission. Stand still for 20 seconds. Walk 24 meters in any (most likely the wrong) direction. Stand still... No warmer or colder. No this direction. Most the sites I looked at after spending over an hour wandering around the Endar crash site area, said the hot spots for finding the piece wasn't even in the Endar Spire crash site area where the quest tells you to look!


So after pre-rebuttling those answers. Why should I pay for this game after level 50? I seriously want to know. It might seem like I'm trolling, but I would love some ideas here. I have loved Star Wars since a child. I loved this game from 1-50. I can't go back to WoW after these amazing story driven quests. I've heard good things about Operations, but my shedule doesn't allow me to be able to play in the evenings.


Please help!

1. I think you mean "why" not "Wny"


2. Hard Mode flashpoints have the same amount of people as regular flashpoints OP, the difference is the boss damage and health - and there's an enrage timer. 2 dps, 1 healer 1 tank same as sub 50 flashpoint. You should try them.


3. The HK-51 mission is designed that way to encourage operation groups. If you do it solo it can take a while, thus BW hopes you will group with other players for the mission (or buy the unlock). Of course, if your server/guild population isn't doing well then that poses a problem.


4. I agree in regards to expertise, it's fairly annoying. The only reason I can think of is that so people have to do 2 grinds instead of 1, however since SWTOR copies WoW in many forms I suspect this is something that was brought over from that game.

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I havent read the whole OP, just so you know.


But, to answer the title question: the exact reason i and others subscribe to this and not other F2P MMO's some of us may play.


In my case the other MMO of interest for me is is Star Trek online. I am a weird fusion of trekkie and star wars fan. But i have noticed the big problem with subbing to my other proffered MMO. There is no point. You get everything already. Other stuff you can buy for less than a subscribtion. On SWTOR there are actual limits to F2P and you get a lot if you subscribe. Yeah, sure, you get some of the downsides too. But sometimes they are worth it for the stuff that is good. Stuff that really makes this game shine: Star Wars, Voice acting which is pretty good, well written storylines(for the most part), and despite doomsayers comments to the contrary; devs who seem to be working on getting this game better (even if they make a fair few mistakes along the way. Sometimes they cant be helped).


Thats my opinion anyway. Its easy sometimes to feel a little let down at times, i find with a lot of MMO's. Especially if you let some of the sandwhich board (The game is gonna end repent etc...) holders of the forums get to you. Play it, enjoy it as much as you can , and if you still feel a little crapped out, find something that will keep you interest. It would be a shame to lose you though.


Hope that helps :)

And if i have said anything that contradicts what you have already said in your post, i apologise. :)

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I see no point in subscribing to the game anymore. The game simply does not deliver content or experience that would warrant a subscription.


Things I get as a subscriber:

- access to Operations, Flashpoints, Section X, recurring events

- customer support

- ability to hide character's head armor

- ability to match armor color scheme to the chest piece

- unlimited Warzone access

- twelve character slots

- no credit cap in my inventory


Seeing how customer support is pretty bad, how recurring events only introduce more grind, more re-skinned armors and weapons, how I can buy unlocks to access Ops and customize my character's appearance, how the PvP is terribly boring and how I can bypass the credit cap by using the guild bank I'm essentialy paying 13€/month for no credit cap and all the character slots I'm never going to use. To make matters worse, I'm paying to have the same (unfixed) bugs and crashes as a non-subbed player and I'm paying for more bugs and more crashes that each new version delivers.


It just doesn't make sense to keep paying for a service like that.


Oh and, cancelling your sub gets you infraction points you never ever got with recurring sub turned on.

Edited by slafko
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I see no point in subscribing to the game anymore. The game simply does not deliver content or experience that would warrant a subscription.


Things I get as a subscriber:

- access to Operations, Flashpoints, Section X, recurring events

- customer support

- ability to hide character's head armor

- ability to match armor color scheme to the chest piece

- unlimited Warzone access

- twelve character slots

- no credit cap in my inventory


Seeing how customer support is pretty bad, how recurring events only introduce more grind, more re-skinned armors and weapons, how I can buy unlocks to access Ops and customize my character's appearance, how the PvP is terribly boring and how I can bypass the credit cap by using the guild bank I'm essentialy paying 13€/month for no credit cap and all the character slots I'm never going to use. To make matters worse, I'm paying to have the same (unfixed) bugs and crashes as a non-subbed player and I'm paying for more bugs and more crashes that each new version delivers.


It just doesn't make sense to keep paying for a service like that.


Oh and, cancelling your sub gets you infraction points you never ever got with recurring sub turned on.


Then just cancel your sub and quit the game since you don't think it's fun. Then we can all move on with our lives

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Thanks for your clear and unbiased reply. I didn't think of taking a bunch of peeps to do the HK. Already something to do. Thank you bro.


Down with Expertise!


Why are people still complaining about Expertise? It's so easy to get full WH now. The only problem I can see is that you have two sets of gear that need augments but the actual effort required to get full WH is not tremendous

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I don't get why people whine about time sinks and grinds. It's an MMO. Every MMO that I have played (Everquest, UO, WoW, LotRO, AoC, Aion, Rift, GW2, SWToR) has had time sinks and grinds. That is sort of the purpose of MMOs. It's not as if you are paying per minute to play. They want to extend the game playabilty out as long as they can. If they can get you to play just an extra month, that's that much more money in their pocket. If you don't like this system, quit playing MMOs.
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I still play TOR because I still have fun hanging out with the guys and gals in my guild, talking smack (or jokes) in vent, running operations, helping friends out, competing for silly stuff, and finishing off my last remaining class quests.


TOR has many flaws, but I still find it fun, so I stay. I downloaded Torchlight II recently. I liked it, but after learning the Lethality / Engineering hybrid build on my Operative, the vast simplicity of the combat in Torchlight II really couldn't hold me. I played Borderlands II but the "end game gear grid" was too silly for me to get behind. I liked the new Assassin's Creed but it was over too quickly. Etc.


So I keep coming back.



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Then just cancel your sub and quit the game since you don't think it's fun. Then we can all move on with our lives


Thank you for your valuable and input allow me to make your day by informing you that my sub has been cancelled several days ago. I'm going to skip bashing your sorry *** about jumping to conclusions because you wouldn't get it anyway.


hf, xoxo

Edited by slafko
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I don't get why people whine about time sinks and grinds. It's an MMO.


That always confused me too. Maybe this is their first MMO?


Anyway, I find plenty to do on the game.


-Raid(a lot)

-Hang with friends. Sometimes I'll spend hours just sitting on fleet chatting and goofing around.

-Help friends/guild

-Dalies on my main and alts


-Obsessively grind events when they're out

-Farm mats to craft items and sell them on the GTN(gotta love creds).

-Watch the GTN for good deals.

-With my mountains of credits I buy whatever suits my fancy. Normally I buy vanity stuff like orange gear, color crystals and such then ship them off to alts. All my characters look awesome. :cool:

-Level alts for raids. I leveled/am leveling a healer, tank, ranged DPS and Melee DPS. Why? Because the experience of raids is different for each. I also enjoy learning how to play each class and gearing them with best in slot mods.


Actually I also level alts to get lv 400 crafting skills so that I can make whatever I want/need.

Edited by Radzkie
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As for expertise and PvP, I just finished to level a guardian to 50.


As soon as I dinged, I went to the War Hero vendor and bought the 14 War Hero pieces for my spec and I still had enough comms to min/max my set.


I moved all the armorings/mods/... to the orange shells I was wearing before 50, put lvl50 augments and voila !


30 mins after reaching 50, I had a lvl 50 guardian DPS in full War Hero with 20k hp, 1600+ strength, 600+ bonus damage, 1200+ expertise....


All you need to do is leveling the 6-7 last levels in warzones and buy/sell pvp weapons every 2hours to stockpile "comms" (weapons).

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I know some of you will say PVP. The PVP I learned to love dies at level 50 because of "Expertise". Why is that stat in the game? Time sink! Expertise makes it so hard for new players to get kills in PVP. Why must I get killed over and over so I can get a few Warzone coms and buy a single piece of PVP Expertise gear? Time sink!. Expertise has one use. It makes the fights last longer. It takes waaaay longer to kill another player in level 50 PVP than in 49 and below. Time sink!





Please help!



i for a long time thought the same as you in regards to pvp, and more so when they introduced elite warhero but in fact it was a good thing.


to get full warhero kit does not take that long and im only a part time player and it took me 2-3 weeks to gain full warhero and yeah it involved alot of dieing but if i was a full time player its doable in a week. people cant expect to have everything for free and once u got full warhero the level 50 pvp is actually easyier than when it used to be battle master to warhero since the gear gap between warheo and elite warhero is less than previous gear gaps.


as for taking longer to kill someone most games im in if someone is focussed fire then they die in a second same as under 50 pvp.


as for openworld pvp i believe its a joke in this game but the normal warzones are really good and fast paced.


Personally i love this game and will keep paying for it. yes there loads of things people arnt happy with, but u show me a mmo even at year point where there forums arnt full of players complaining about all the different aspects of the game?


No mmo company EVER keeps up with the release of new content in a players time frame they want.


This game still has alot to offer as well as needs to fixing, adding, removing etc.

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