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Level 50 already? Please explain...


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How people are getting to 50 so fast? It's pretty simple. Have no real life or responsibilities. The people who are 50 most likely have no responsibility or live a sheltered life. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I was like that when I was a kid playing UO and EQ. However as I grew up, things changed of course and I realized how much damage that can do to you.


P.S. I lucked out...my college dorm didn't allow the ports to go through and I was too lazy to go the whole proxy route. Whereas you have other people who never picked up responsibility in their life and ended up having issues with "real life social behavior".


P.S. - I hope that answers your question.

Edited by Excalaber
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I've only been in one WZ (Huttball) that ended early. I got 2900xp versus 8-10k for a loss or defeat? Was this hotfixed?


Haven't heard anything official other than they are investigating and will take appropriate action etc...

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/played tells u ur time person who asked.


I have done pretty much every quest on every planet ive gone to, including the bonus series missions after the main plot is over, I have done every Flashpoint available to me once. and ive done most heroic 4 mans on each planet, but not all. I am level 33 sith assassin, and my played time is 2 days and 9 hours. all my professions are level 200 and above so i have taken time to do those as well, so its just about how your spending yout time. Dont worry about it. enjoy the leveling quests and get to 50 when u get there. Enjoy!

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Leveling post EQ in any MMO has been something that anyone could accomplish in an incredibly short amount of time given a few things.


1) Time: If someone took a couple days off and set aside that time to marathon the game it is possible.

2) Focus: If you focus strictly on leveling, no other activities, it is doable in any game very quickly.

3) Efficiency: Scope where quests are, where goals are, where turn ins are and do your best to work the most efficient routes through them.

4) MMO Familiarity: At the core, all MMO's work the same. If you are familiar with the core concepts of an MMO (many are but don't consciously realize it as they don't think that way) you can keep your character efficient and moving easily.



These 4 things in conjunction will allow any player to level extremely fast in any MMO. (Again, post EQ. EQ had game design mechanics to artificially slow you down : a la hell levels etc ;) )

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I hate to bring up this game here but here goes in (WoW) when cata was released a guildie of mine was 3rd in world to get to 85... sure he had some fun (I guess) while doing it but then he slept for 24 hours and realised ... ooo **** I have no one to play with.... I havent leveled my crafting.... I havent explored the game and dont know any bit about that story... given that wow has no where the depth that swtor has... and what I said above is even more true for SWTOR. I got in during day 2 of the early access and i got my JediKnight to 22 my trooper to 20 and my Consular to 19. I have a tendancy to chew threw games.. once you have played mmo's for a long time they kinda meld together... But Swtor is an exceptional mmorpg, I havent spaced bared through any convos. The story is what makes these games.... Bottom line messege is.. your paying for this game... Play it at your pace, you have a life and family. Swtor allows you to feel rewarded for playing a few missions, it gives you that option. So why go beast mode and ruin a game you spent YEARS waiting to come out just to be lvl 50 and sit around with nothing to do, but to create a new character
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PVP matches will speed up your lvling if thats what you really want. In the Beta program I had played so much PVP that when I went to work on my quests they was greyed out. PVP give really great XP. Space Missions are also a good boost to XP, you just have to ride the rails though.
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Appreciating this isn't a race to 50..


I've played the game now since last Wednesday, put in 25+ hours of game play, some people are saying that within 10 or so hours they're the same level which I am at now which is 21, some are doing it in even less.


Meaning that by 25 hours they're at least 30.


I wouldn't say im rushing the content but im certainly going a decent pace, space-barring most boring content and only watching the main story scenes.


Can someone please explain how people are levelling so quickly, even if I was skipping most content and going as quick as i possibly could through content i'd only be level 23-24?


Are people exaggerating how quick they level or am I doing something wrong?


Maybe they took lvl 21 in 10hrs, but from like 20+ its taking some more time, ive done my 36 assassin in like 3days playtime and almost ~7hrs of that is loltime... LOL

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How people are getting to 50 so fast? It's pretty simple. Have no real life or responsibilities. The people who are 50 most likely have no responsibility or live a sheltered life. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I was like that when I was a kid playing UO and EQ. However as I grew up, things changed of course and I realized how much damage that can do to you.

No responsibility or just very good planning. I knew a few people who did server first in WoW to the maximum level in some expansion and these people had full time job or kids, etc. Some of these people were even loving a lot of RP, so they wouldn't just race through quests, they would read them.


Of course you have to plan a full week ahead of time but it is possible without too much sacrifice.


I love reading everyone just spewing stereotypes. It's all about planning folks! Personally I'm doing it pretty casually and if I look at my /played it would probably be awful since I always do 20 things while I play.

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Don't worry about how fast people are getting to 50.


My experience in MMO's tells me you want to be in/close the "wave" of people hitting max level - weather your going to PvP or PvE. I would imagine that that will not happen for a good number of weeks yet.


Right now the people hitting 50 will be waiting for cotent to catch up. Hopefully they wont be quitting the game or complaining loudly in the forums.


TLDR Version - Don't race to max level in MMO's, you'll miss allot and (especially) with new MMO's you'll be starved for content.

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Do people seriously believe the stereotype that anyone who rushes to 50 is a basement dwelling teenager? And similar randomly thrown accusations and classifications of people?


Yes, and yes.


Be proud of what you are. And paint the basement while you're down there.

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I got in on the first day, first wave of early access. I played my JK through to around 20, then worked on my Trooper some.


On Sunday night I got to level 30, and finished Chapter 1 of my class series, unlocking my legacy surname. I wasn't trying hard to rush, had 2-3 friends I've been questing with. I've had absolute fun playing, and am completely drawn into the story.


People criticizing the game are being extremely nit-picky. Yeah, there are issues. The game literally JUST came out. No title like this is going to be bug-free, why do people still expect it?


I'm enjoying the game immensely, the immersion is great, pvp is fun (even as a guardian!), and I actually like crafting! I can't say that about any MMO I've played since the original EQ.


wow you match my thoughts exactly, and especially the EQ part

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Overall everyone has there own pace, some people did studdies on faster leveling specs, or have played beta since the start and know all quests and fastest ones to do and when to do them, I would say not to worry about how fast your slow you get to 50 theres a whole lot to do after 50 and a whole lot more to come in later months.
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