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More proof BioWare hates crafters and those using the GTN


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I have to agree. When looking for specific mods, one typically uses the number designation to limit to those specifically. I don;t need to see, 18, 20, 24 when I am looking for a 27.


Very very ill thought out change.


Agreed. While I could see limiting the overall search entry to at least 3 characters in total, restricting any term that is less than 3 characters makes searching for mods a pain.

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Yeah I noticed this last night without knowing it was changed and thought ***? Then I have seen this today and I am astonished that this was even considered let alone implemented!


I am pretty moderate usually towards EA/Bioware and never quite as vocal as many on these forums but this one has to be said, roll it back, you can't afford to annoy more people at this stage...

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it's just annoying as hell, change it back the way it was NAO. Which incompetent dev suggested/coded this kind of BS change and who the hell on QA team (is there even one?) gave the green for this? :rak_02: Edited by POPsi
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Terrible change. The GTN is clunky enough as it is, and it takes long enough to search for things as it is. It's far quicker to just type "Item 27" than narrow the fields down to item level 50 - 50 and then sort through a few pages of 24s, 25s, 26s, and 27s (which there always are on the Harbinger) to find what I want. This might be a minor change to some, but I do this throughout the day on multiple characters, and it begins to add up.
Wow. Poster is understandably upset that ANOTHER mechanic gets broken with a patch, not tested on the server CREATED to test things, and then makes an inflammatory forum thread.


Then CS shows up and validates the entire thing.


This change is a huge step BACK in terms of GTN usability. It's another in a long line of things that you could test for feedback on by using the PTS. It's a terrible change for users, whatever performance benefits it supposedly brings.


As someone mentioned, align item level with item ranking and allow searches by that criteria. The way your itemization is set up, this utterly inane change has effectively broken the GTN.

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  • Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
  • In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.


The worst part of this is that the change will fix the GTN problem. Not being able to search for what you want will mean reduceds usage. So breaking the search function fixes their problem.


Changes to the database are not going to happen without some massive reason and this isn't it. So no, blahblah mod 21 isn't being renamed to 021 or something like that. Best we can hope for is a rollback of this "fix".


Don't hold your breath.

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Hi folks, I just wanted to step in here and apologize that this change did not make the patch notes earlier today. This was due to a miscommunication and we have now updated the patch notes to reflect this change. Please note that this change was made in order to improve overall GTN performance:



  • Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
  • In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.


Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring player feedback and performance with these changes and we will update if we have any new information. Thank you and apologies once again.


  1. You can still get more than 4000 results, 500 pages. I'm looking at 988 pages right now, "ent" in the search field in case you're wondering.
  2. Your search engine is overly complex. Who is going to search for "morin ski arm" or "ing ing ing"? Or I should say, who is going to search for that and seriously expect to get a listing of all skill armorings? Cause those ACTUALLY work in your search engine. If you use a simple algorithm where subsequent substrings step through the searched string instead of each being recursive, which is all that is expected here anyway, then even 1 character substrings for search criteria shouldn't be an issue.

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Yes, Bioware has to hate crafting - if they didn't, no one would buy their cartel market crap.


So all crafters can make is low-level crap and ugly garbage, while all the cool new gear will appear on the market. If you don't like that, go play pretty much any other game that isn't trying to exploit whatever they can from the Star Wars brand name before shutting down.

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Hi folks, I just wanted to step in here and apologize that this change did not make the patch notes earlier today. This was due to a miscommunication and we have now updated the patch notes to reflect this change. Please note that this change was made in order to improve overall GTN performance:



  • Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
  • In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.


Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring player feedback and performance with these changes and we will update if we have any new information. Thank you and apologies once again.

Can you make an exception for numbers? I still like to search item numbers like ’22', '26' and ’27'?

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Please allow numbers to be used again. It would seem to me that allowing us to use numbers to minimize search results would ease database strain as opposed to increasing it. (if that was the goal/reason for this change in the first place)



BW, please fix the GTN search function

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I assume that people must be searching for things like "a m" or "e 26", it seem like just setting the max results would help. But I suppose you could get away with the 3 character per word thing if you didn't apply it to numerics. Edited by nbayer
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never before ive seen a such fail ah feature in any game, not only its bad, its the baddest

do they even consider listening to players or will this be another star wars mmorpg that by doing the opposite that players want will end?

deja vu anyone?

i dont wanna select artifact, select lvl and search between 30 pages to find an item wich since the games birth i just used to type skill armoring 18 and find what i wanted in 1 second

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Hi folks, I just wanted to step in here and apologize that this change did not make the patch notes earlier today. This was due to a miscommunication and we have now updated the patch notes to reflect this change. Please note that this change was made in order to improve overall GTN performance:



  • Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
  • In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.


Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring player feedback and performance with these changes and we will update if we have any new information. Thank you and apologies once again.


Horrible change. How about you make it more functional before you worry about performance.

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Horrible change. How about you make it more functional before you worry about performance.


I totally agree

Dont give a Sh** about if i had to wait 3 secs for the items to show up, now searching on items like mods and enchants are way more annoying since the "Item i want to find 20" method for some reason dont return any results at all for me.

On top is it totaly bull that you need to know about stuff like "Put things in markers" to be able to use the GTN at the first place, it should be intuitive.

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  1. You can still get more than 4000 results, 500 pages. I'm looking at 988 pages right now, "ent" in the search field in case you're wondering.
  2. Your search engine is overly complex. Who is going to search for "morin ski arm" or "ing ing ing"? Or I should say, who is going to search for that and seriously expect to get a listing of all skill armorings? Cause those ACTUALLY work in your search engine. If you use a simple algorithm where subsequent substrings step through the searched string instead of each being recursive, which is all that is expected here anyway, then even 1 character substrings for search criteria shouldn't be an issue.


Hahaha oh wow. I had no idea those searches would actually work in the current engine. What is this I can't even


CSIII indeed.

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Joveth, here's some feedback for your dev's


1) This was simply a stupid idea. I cannot remember anyone seriously complaining about GMT performance. "My GTN searches are too slow! fix this nao!" yeah...don't think so. More then likely this was an attempt to reduce stress on the engine. which was a poor choice. I agree that this kills crafting, trading....a host of things. Please improved the game where you can, but not at our sacrifice.


2) This shows that the Dev's have ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION WITH THE PEOPLE THAT PLAY THIS GAME. i haven't even logged in yet to check these changes out, and after reading the first post here I knew it was a bad choice. WHY DIDN'T THE DEV'S UNDERSTAND THIS AS WELL !!!!!


the reason is simple. they don't play the game seriously, and they don't have any firm connection with the player base. Im sure they are sitting somewhere in a cubicle far separated from the player base and they wait for CSR's to interpret whats going on with players. they probably get their info about player responses in the forms of a graph on an email. horrible idea. simply horrible.


And I really fear for the changes that are coming to our classes, because I play my toons EVERY DAY, and I'm pretty sure that whoever is making these changes DO NOT. reverse this...if you guys are having issues with efficiency in your engine or game mechanics, DON'T PUNISH THE PLAYER BASE BECAUSE OF IT.


Man...the more changes they make, the more they irritate the player base. I am playing another game that I can say is thoroughly enjoyable... and pleasant to play. the dev's are actually active....in the forums...talking to the player base! and their changes usually improve the game, not brake it more. and when it breaks, fixes are usually only days away, not weeks like that one time where Bio broke an entire classes quest storyline, and didn't fix it for weeks. players had to level another toon because of it.


and no, this amazing game isn't an indie company, and it isn't some new game that's going to be a flash in the pan. It's actually a rather large one that has beena round for many years, will continue to do so, and set a standard in the f2p industry...LotRO. It's been around long enough to learn from it's mistakes. I hope Bio learns from them, and starts to get involved with the people that pay the bills. Please stop putting more cartel items in the ship, and fix the game. you can start here.

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Hi folks, I just wanted to step in here and apologize that this change did not make the patch notes earlier today. This was due to a miscommunication and we have now updated the patch notes to reflect this change. Please note that this change was made in order to improve overall GTN performance:



  • Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
  • In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.


Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring player feedback and performance with these changes and we will update if we have any new information. Thank you and apologies once again.


This was a poorly designed change that indicates developers alter in-game mechanics they do not understand.


This change actually makes it more difficult to refine our search criteria; Selling my newly crafted 26s at the proper price point took about ten seconds Monday night. This morning I had to shift through every single level 50 24, 25, 26, and 27 mod on the GTN.


This was a mistake.


Revert it.

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