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Final Wave Sent!


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It is not a bonus if you don't get it.


Also, there are lots of reasons to be dissatisfied if you didn't get in. Lets list a few:


1) You got in but your friends didn't, or vice-versa. Now one of you is going to be way ahead of the others and you won't get to level or play together without restarting or someone waiting. Lame.


2) The game is designed in the starting areas to not be crowded, ie instancing, so the whole normal rush of an MMO start is not an issue.


3) They had 2 million players playing over a couple of weekends. Their servers can handle it.


4) If their servers can't for some reason handle the mass of players who've already paid, they are F*d on December 20th. Trust me, as I have a lot of experience building out infrastructure. They have their final infrastructure built. Its not going to change in any substantial way in 7 days, especially since its already in production use.


5) Underpromise and over deliver. This is standard good customer service practice. Everyone was excited to hear we might get 7 days of early access instead of 5. Except, whoops, some large % of you won't actually get 7 days.


6) Game economy. The early starters will have an advantage in crafting, gathering, leveling and the AH. Sure eventually that will change, but the early starters if motovated have been made kings by BW just for being there early.




So, yeah plenty reasons to be disappointed. I've got plenty to do so its not the worst thing in the world that I'll be way behind the curve, but it would have been really nice to get in a couple days early.


^ this guy

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Actually it was, when they first announced early access it was 5 days. Later it was changed to may get 5 days. How ever they did say from the start that it was first come first serve. But the change to the 5 days was not all that long ago.


Actually it was always "UP TO" 5 days since day 1... which mean you may get 5 days or you may get 1 but you will get early access

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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..... i have been enjoying this stuff ALL day and this is just the icing on the cake.


You sir are a troll which thank you for the laugh....






You sir are representative of the rest of the uninformed about this game in its entirety.


Ermm, actually go read the forum? People are currently exploiting like mad, as we speak there are people hitting lv 30.

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Well, honestly the way to do it right and fair considering everyone paid the same amount for the preorder, is a lottery system.


Yes, just imagine that when you go to a museum and stand in line, they don't let people according to the line but a lottery. Yeah, sounds fair, after all, everyone paid the same.

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why can't I give my opinion (which is that I see nothing wrong in this situation) when you can give yours? If BW screw me over down the i'll all caps rage my arse off, but i think people are just trolling in frustration of not playing...


Nah man you're good. Everyone can say what they want, in the long run it's not going to matter much. I mean I don't think people are trolling either way, besides those nutjobs that are saying they got in and they just pre-ordered today. Frustration is normal, it's tough to see that your kid sister is riding the Loop De Loop while all you get to do is watch her.

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Well, honestly the way to do it right and fair considering everyone paid the same amount for the preorder, is a lottery system. Again, i'm not all that upset as I said earlier, but if I had paid less in November that someone else did in July, I'd be behind this system 100%. But that's not the case. I paid the same amount as you, but I don't get the same amount of early access? And in some cases, by several days.


Again, sometimes, that's just the way it is :) Just stating my opinion. I'll live, regardless.

You get the same thing they paid for 'up to 5 days Early Game Access'. That in and of itself says that not everyone will get the same thing. Not to mention the rolling handouts were noted on the page when the pre-order system first went up.


And the pre-order is to reserve your copy of the game..not EGA. It was just a bonus added to the Pre-Order and it's also starting much earlier than originally noted (and was updated to state that on the pre-order page).

Edited by Hordequester
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Yes, but when you show up to a movie theater, and theres a line ahead of you, do you tell people to get out of the line that where there first so everything can get randomized?


Considering people in line are waiting to buy their ticket, I'm not sure what your point is.

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It is not a bonus if you don't get it.


Also, there are lots of reasons to be dissatisfied if you didn't get in. Lets list a few:


1) You got in but your friends didn't, or vice-versa. Now one of you is going to be way ahead of the others and you won't get to level or play together without restarting or someone waiting. Lame.


2) The game is designed in the starting areas to not be crowded, ie instancing, so the whole normal rush of an MMO start is not an issue.


3) They had 2 million players playing over a couple of weekends. Their servers can handle it.


4) If their servers can't for some reason handle the mass of players who've already paid, they are F*d on December 20th. Trust me, as I have a lot of experience building out infrastructure. They have their final infrastructure built. Its not going to change in any substantial way in 7 days, especially since its already in production use.


5) Underpromise and over deliver. This is standard good customer service practice. Everyone was excited to hear we might get 7 days of early access instead of 5. Except, whoops, some large % of you won't actually get 7 days.


6) Game economy. The early starters will have an advantage in crafting, gathering, leveling and the AH. Sure eventually that will change, but the early starters if motovated have been made kings by BW just for being there early.




So, yeah plenty reasons to be disappointed. I've got plenty to do so its not the worst thing in the world that I'll be way behind the curve, but it would have been really nice to get in a couple days early.




Liking ittt

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Bioware obviously made mistake with this kind of release. They are rewarding ppl for nothing only bacause they bought preorder ealier for poor 5 bucks. They don't realize hundreds of thousands ppl who bought game later have the same rights. They should invite ppl by random and would be much less QQ.


Can someone tell me one logic reason why someone who don't wanna buy the game anyway (two from my friends bought pre-orders in July and they will NOT buy the game at all for sure - they changed mind after beta) are rewarded and are playing right now.

And I who have physical copy of the game beside me with 60d pre-paid card registered must watch how much fun they have, because I ordered in October (?) I bought the game with 90 days subscripton. And they are reward ppl who just spend 5 bucks ealier? (who made that idea of EGA? must be crazy guy) If I have 2 those friends in Europe, that must be many thousands overall.


They really should invite ppl by random roll.


Playing this game is not a right. It is a privilege bound by a EULA/ToS which BioWare gets to write. They have written it out and are abiding by it. Note: They get to and have decided what is fair. They get to, not you. Stop crying or return your pre-order. You haven't actually paid until the 20th.

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Bioware obviously made mistake with this kind of release. They are rewarding ppl for nothing only bacause they bought preorder ealier for poor 5 bucks. They don't realize hundreds of thousands ppl who bought game later have the same rights. They should invite ppl by random and would be much less QQ.


Can someone tell me one logic reason why someone who don't wanna buy the game anyway (two from my friends bought pre-orders in July and they will NOT buy the game at all for sure - they changed mind after beta) are rewarded and are playing right now.

And I who have physical copy of the game beside me with 60d pre-paid card registered must watch how much fun they have, because I ordered in October (?) I bought the game with 90 days subscripton. And they are reward ppl who just spend 5 bucks ealier? (who made that idea of EGA? must be crazy guy) If I have 2 those friends in Europe, that must be many thousands overall.


They really should invite ppl by random roll.


How about a wah burger with some french cries?




the way BW is doing it is just fine .. you just mad people beat you to the punch! You slacker :p LOL you snooze, you lose!!! that's life.. deal with it, we don't care!

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I hope you are applying for jobs and not just mooching off the government. And don't give me this "I can't find a job that pays more than unemployment". Maybe go back to school, so you do'nt have to get such crappy jobs.


10 bucks says he (or she)'s a crack addict.

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Ermm, actually go read the forum? People are currently exploiting like mad, as we speak there are people hitting lv 30.



Ermmm, actually read the original post this guy said in there 50's or 60's the level cap is 50. Oh i get it you didn't know either!

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Bioware obviously made mistake with this kind of release. They are rewarding ppl for nothing only bacause they bought preorder ealier for poor 5 bucks. They don't realize hundreds of thousands ppl who bought game later have the same rights. They should invite ppl by random and would be much less QQ.


Can someone tell me one logic reason why someone who don't wanna buy the game anyway (two from my friends bought pre-orders in July and they will NOT buy the game at all for sure - they changed mind after beta) are rewarded and are playing right now.

And I who have physical copy of the game beside me with 60d pre-paid card registered must watch how much fun they have, because I ordered in October (?) I bought the game with 90 days subscripton. And they are reward ppl who just spend 5 bucks ealier? (who made that idea of EGA? must be crazy guy) If I have 2 those friends in Europe, that must be many thousands overall.


They really should invite ppl by random roll.

So, you're entitled because you spent more? That doesn't make sense..not considering the Pre-Order is the same price for everyone and the pre-order is what gives the EGA as a bonus <- Yes, a bonus..not an entitlement...not a guarantee.


People that ordered early are less entitled to starting first than people that pre-ordered yesterday? By order date makes perfect sense..unless you're the person that didn't order early...because the most important person is you..of course.

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No matter how they handle it or what they do..people will complain. There's no learning curve involved. They did it the way it needed to be done and stuck to it. Let the whiners whine...they could have let everyone in and people would say there's a learning curve and they made the wrong decision because of wait queues to get in or unforeseen stability problems.


It's the exact opposite of doing the wrong thing. They did it right and people that don't see that don't understand how massive launches work.


The problem there is that waiting queues, crashes and bugs aren't 'unforseen', those are normal things that happen in an MMO launch. Those things, most people would be prepared for. This is something new altogether. Once again, not saying anyone on either side is 'right', but just saying that whining about people whining is just as unproductive as the whining itself and in this instance doesn't make sense given the small amount of info. Bioware has given us thus far.

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How about a wah burger with some french cries?




the way BW is doing it is just fine .. you just mad people beat you to the punch! You slacker :p LOL you snooze, you lose!!! that's life.. deal with it, we don't care!


He raises a valid point. They should give out invites by random rather than allocating them to those who pre-ordered in july first. At the end of the day, everyone pays the same price.

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From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showp...postcount=6438






To be clear, I am NOT defending whiners and haters.




I think they should have been able to foresee this reaction. Seems like poor judgement to me but again they are new to this so I expect they will learn quickly, as Blizzard did, to better manage expectations and make decisions with a knowledge of the nature of their player base (part of that nature being less than mature folks who cannot manage their own disappointment without turning themselves into victims).


That last part of the quote above just struck me as a bit funny - "Today's just the first step..." Well, if pissing people off is the first step, how long do you expect to be around? lol


It will get better folks, there is a learning curve and I believe they want to be successful so they will learn and adapt and make better decisions in the future.


Their first step seems like a stumble to me...


first i will say this is not a big "stumble" as it is one of those little things that occur and if it hadn't come in on the tail of the last issue people would probably be a lot less aggravated about it.


it does seem they are taking the number of players allowed in to an extremely low end and i have issues about the reasoning as i think it won't make things better in the long run as people do odd things (like the naming issue i knew someone who when game launched would go to every new server and fill it up with their name choices even though they would probably never play the character <yes this is an almost sociopathic action i think and i have no idea why>)


crap happens but this launch has been mired in the dung a few times but likewise there was warning you might have to wait for the "up to" part of the 5 days it is also odd that they are really taking along time to get to the end of july orders but who knows tomorrow they might lighten up too.


you have to wait and see or not play it is all up to you


i will also say to those who think to chase the naysayers away you WILL end up killing the game as you will turn the community toxic and people will resort to going to MMO site to complain and this is never in the best interest of a new MMO.

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These posts is like reading a book, entertaining and lots of drama, not to mention over 1000 pages. You have the Complaining faction and the supporters faction and neither side can win, but they don't stop posting their point of view because they MUST!!!! be heard. FYI I am a Bioware supporter I find the way they are doing it is very well done, but to be honest it doesn't matter because my side can't win but neither can all the complainers out there. Thank you for all the lawlness, I can only hope the next chapter can be as entertaining as this.


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Playing this game is not a right. It is a privilege bound by a EULA/ToS which BioWare gets to write. They have written it out and are abiding by it. Note: They get to and have decided what is fair. They get to, not you. Stop crying or return your pre-order. You haven't actually paid until the 20th.


actually they have taken my money out of my account so yes we have paid them already

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