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Final Wave Sent!


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Why have they stopped letting people in? It makes no sense. They're guaranteed millions of dollars in a week. Millions! If my company released a new product, do we delay the sales or the access to those pre-ordered sales, so they can be released in an orderly fashion? People get upset over these things because they, Bioware/EA, are not putting in overtime to keep up with the demand.


When Rift launched, I waited an hour to get on. They added servers all day and night. They worked those long hours to guarantee that the people who wanted to play the game had access to it the day they said the game would be available. They put in those extra hours to stop madness like what is occurring now.


I'm still waiting, on the verge of losing patience, but adding another comment to their forums will not make much of a difference if the management at Bioware doesn't do something and listen to their customers. They said they would have early access on the 15th. Then another letter saying it would start on the 13th, adding an additional 2 days, which sounds awesome. But they should still be working hard adding additional servers throughout this entire day until everyone who pre-ordered is in the game. If that means working an 18 hr day, so be it. That is the way of keeping your customers happy. And right now, they're not keeping their customers happy.

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Stop being condescending or this conversation just ends right here. Thank you.


I apologise, I was completely out of line.


I do see what you are saying and I know they have a rough idea but all I am saying is I think the 20th is going to be a bad day.


So far they have not shown me anything amazing in letting in 5 waves in the space of a few hours and then giving up in the afternoon.


As it stands i'm a bit wary as to if they can handle the massive influx they are bound to have.


No one here can say they will be able to handle because no one here knows how they will handle it.


So far all we have to go off are 5 "waves" of invites and that is it.


Hardly a confidence inspiring start.


Again, i'm sorry for coming across like a numpty. Having multiple debates going on and I took my frustration out in your direction. My fault, I promise not to do it again.

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Wrong .. they haven't even finished July yet. Its upto about the 27th of July with wave 5.


Wow then that makes the estimation delayed?! Owe that hurts! that pushes my time line even further down the road! That means if you pre-ordered AFTER November you wont get into the EGA!

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I can wait till tomorrow I suppose but what I really dont get is that its midday in the US right now and they allready stopped with throwing waves outthere ??


I also wonder what the population online right now is. Earlier on it looked the estimation for all 5 waves was about 40 to 60% of the last stresstest.

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Could there be an official word on what date the cuttoff was?


And although i am glad we even have EA, i must add that i am suprised you stopped sending waves out so early in the day. It means that I will not be able to play until the afternoon tomorrow, whereas i had expected to get in today with a 31st of july preorder. A little more info a little earlier would have helped.

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Why have they stopped letting people in?


Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.' Stephen Reid.

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Before they ever started they said it would not be by "month" but by number of players at a time.


It isn’t hard to figure out, how many pre-orders were there in the first few days, and in the weeks of the next month, and the next.


of course the first waves will only cover a few days, and as Early access goes on the time frame will widen as pre-orders slowed down. Right now they are covering the tremendous spike that happened in the first couple of days of pre-order.


All is good, they are doing this the right way

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so we stop inviting because we expect people to get home after work and hammer the servers ?


Well in Europe we got home and hammerd the servers 6 hours ago so why stop now ?


Staggering access is great if you keep it going no stop till every preoder is in the game , but stopping and then making the rest of us wait over 12hours before you start again is stupid :mad:


If you think this is not stupid you are STUPID

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I bet all of aug and sept will be allowed in tomorrow. For now, i ordered in november and all i can do is have a mary jane rice krispy, a cocktail and play this stupid waste of money game called SKYRIM, that sucks for PC.


think we could all do with mary jane right now :(

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A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.' Stephen Reid.



A better recipe for MMO failure? Implement an irritating and elitist early access program to see how infuriated the player base can get. Then take bets on how many pre-orders get cancelled due to nerd rage.


I personally don't care all that much. If there is a new server the day I get in I'll be fine. However, if there are no new servers and the 19th comes along and I find myself not amongst the highest levels on my server (i'm a pretty hardcore powergamer and have this week off), i'll probably cancel. There won't be any rage, I will just lose interest.

Edited by Ralnity
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I was up this morning hoping to create some toons for names...

But i didn't get an email till 8:00am and was already at work.

Oh well.

Got my names before lunch.


I was a July 22 key enter.


it's all good I will be playing off and on until they kick me off.


My collectors edittion is shipping one day from amazon but it said i wouldn't get it until the 22nd.


I am sure you will get into this thing before the 15th so a 5 day headstart isn't that bad.

Edited by Gurrack
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Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.' Stephen Reid.


The demand is there. Check the forums. There are thousands of players wanting to play this game. Today. Not, tomorrow, not thursday, not friday. Now. How difficult is it to understand that the customers are needed to make this game thrive. Alienating them over a 12-18 hour period waiting to play the game is nonsense. No matter how you spin what Bioware says, the community and subscribers are who make the game live.

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