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Kaliyo constiantly dieing


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Am currently on Alderian, (level 30) and even with constiant armor/weapon updates, My current companion, Kaliyo is constiantly dieing. I'm haveing to stop, heal fight and repeat. Alot of times she just dies all together. This class is either broke or is going to be deleted all together.:mad:
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Unfortunately, that's kind of what happens with any pure dps class using a tank around mid level, it's not just Kaliyo. The worst part about the Agent is the fact that you're stuck with no other option until after Alderaan. I assume you've got all her defensive abilities turned on and she's geared up with high endurance/defense/shield gear?


You'll get a healer companion on Taris, and when you do, gear him up and life will be a a breeze.

Edited by chuixupu
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If this is not your first toon then I would suggest getting on your main and hit the dailys real quick, like 300k in a little over 1.5 hours. Then go to the GTN and and pimp Kaliyo out. Im leveling a Sniper, Op and Sorc and about every 10-15 levels I will go back and hit the GTN and get my tank as much gear as possible. Youll find that the armorings and mods you can buy with your planet coms will keep them pretty geared. By doing this my tank has on average 30% more health than me and really good def and armor. Makes leveling so damn easy for dps classes.
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You'll get a healer companion on Taris, and when you do, gear him up and life will be a a breeze.


I will agree that having a geared healing companion is pretty much the stongest way to go. However for leveling I find that a geared tank can make leveling so much faster. For my Sniper, Kaliyo keeps everyone away and grouped up for some Frag and Plasma Probe action. For my Op Kaliyo will make sure I can easily access the backside of all my targets.

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Unfortunately, that's kind of what happens with any pure dps class using a tank around mid level, it's not just Kaliyo. The worst part about the Agent is the fact that you're stuck with no other option until after Alderaan. I assume you've got all her defensive abilities turned on and she's geared up with high endurance/defense/shield gear?


You'll get a healer companion on Taris, and when you do, gear him up and life will be a a breeze.




Tanking companions just seem to become really lackluster after the mid-late 20s. All classes (except healer/tank combos) end up in a similar situation. The tank companions just eat too much aggro and die too fast. It's better if you have a lot of presence from other toons hitting 50 and keep them well geared (but you could do this to any other companion and be in fine shape).

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If you have Lokin, use him with Med Watch on. Be sure to turn off the auto-cast on Carbonization thing, and his damage abilities if you're taking a little too much damage. As a DPSer, there really isn't any reason to not use a healing companion; the other guys are horribly sub-optimal.


Until then just mount-dismount your speeder or dismiss-summon to full heal Kaliyo. Mounting-dismounting is technically faster since you can keybind your speeder summon ability.

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If you have Lokin, use him with Med Watch on. Be sure to turn off the auto-cast on Carbonization thing, and his damage abilities if you're taking a little too much damage. As a DPSer, there really isn't any reason to not use a healing companion; the other guys are horribly sub-optimal.


Until then just mount-dismount your speeder or dismiss-summon to full heal Kaliyo. Mounting-dismounting is technically faster since you can keybind your speeder summon ability.

Dude is still on Alderaan. He doesn't have Lokin yet.


Yeah, burn some planet commendations and keep her gear upgraded. Remember, she uses Aim, Shield, and Defense. Also, little known fact about Kaliyo: as she is a mechanical copy of the Smuggler's Corso Riggs, she can use Blaster Rifles with Aim for a bit better performance (slightly lower peak damage, much higher minimum damage, so it evens out her damage output).

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I have to wonder if Kaliyo is bugged with her defenses. My sniper is level 33, and I have Kaliyo geared up in the best stuff I could afford. I went for heavy endurance with defense and shield stats, but her armor rating is only around 2400. My main is a Juggernaut, and he had over 4000 armor rating at that level. Hell, my sniper has over 1800 and he is wearing medium armor, and Vector seems to do just as well (or better) with sub-par gear and light armor.


I cant wait to get Lokin, and dump Kaliyo.

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Tank companions aren't useful until you can outfit them in real tank gear with real tank stats. This really doesn't happen until end game or if you spend a craptastic amount of creds from level 35 up to keep their gear on par with level and with tank stats.


At level 50 and with real tank grear (tionese and mix of better) they can tank some heroics and any solo content with ease.


Kaliyo is as tough as any other companion tank but her only weakness is a hole in threat through her rotation. If you want solid threat use Scorpio. I still like Kaliyo though because of her range and aoe at times but be aware all companion tanks have pbaoe defense powers so keeping out of melee range for long hurts them.

Edited by Tamanous
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meh... I leveled with her as an OP so it was much easier to keep her up, but it wasn't really expensive to keep her feeling tanky. Just buy a cheap orange set (the slave girl one only costs like 1,500 credits total). Then go Cybertech and keep her slotted with blue plating and mods at your level, using commendations for the enhancements and she's downright scary.


I kept her in dps mode unless I was soloing heroic quests and she was killing mobs faster than I was.

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You know, OP, I think you might be right.


Just got to Alderaan, and for on-level enemies Kaliyo does seem to be pretty squishy - on all previous planets I found her to be a great tank.


However, I do find that staying on top of interrupts and really bearing down on multiple opponents with a solid rotation helps keep her up. She seems to be pretty weak against DoTs as well, as I found out on Balmorra - not much you can do about those as a sniper.


By interrupting where I can, and keeping pulls manageable (ie no more than 2-3 silvers and a couple 2-shotable minions or 1 gold + weak minions) she doesn't really go below 1/4 health very often anymore.


I don't have her really well outfitted either, her shield I got from Mando Raiders, the rest is a mix of quest reward greens and a couple GTN blues - nothing really special

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Unfortunately, that's kind of what happens with any pure dps class using a tank around mid level, it's not just Kaliyo. The worst part about the Agent is the fact that you're stuck with no other option until after Alderaan. I assume you've got all her defensive abilities turned on and she's geared up with high endurance/defense/shield gear?


You'll get a healer companion on Taris, and when you do, gear him up and life will be a a breeze.


That is what is wrong with the combat system in this game.


If the character combo has a healer in it, you will have little or no issues at all, while others will have issues, some more then others, rendering non-healer companions as crew skill workers, the moment you get your healer, making it pointless for any of the companions to have their own stories to experience, since any fights you need to do for your level will be very difficult, unless you are a healer yourself.


They really need to make the companion choice to not make an impact on your overall performance in the field, like they said during development, where you can use any companion and not feel the difference in combat, which was true until they made the most stupidest choice ever and gave each companion specific roles, rendering non-healer companions useless beyond getting the healer companion.


In the end, its either use the healer companion or have issues, which is such a disappointment and a poor development choice and i really do hope they get some enlightenment and learn of their insanely stupid decision...but i know, i am likely going to see pigs flying in the sky before that will happen.

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meh... I leveled with her as an OP so it was much easier to keep her up, but it wasn't really expensive to keep her feeling tanky. Just buy a cheap orange set (the slave girl one only costs like 1,500 credits total). Then go Cybertech and keep her slotted with blue plating and mods at your level, using commendations for the enhancements and she's downright scary.


I kept her in dps mode unless I was soloing heroic quests and she was killing mobs faster than I was.


The flaw in that idea is that some people are not into crafting at all, which means they rely on others that are into crafting to do that and guess what, they don't craft anything pre-49/50 and if they did, they charge 400-500% over the worth of the item.

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