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Level adaptive mods


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Oh and you do NOT need "trillions of credits" for these mods. If you've got one character at lvl 50 you're already making more than enough credits to sub a few alts so they can buy whatever armour/mods/enhancements they fail to get with planetary commendations.
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There could be 3 items of this kind.

1. hilt/barrel

2. implants

3. relics


Blue ones at that. I haven't seen any implants crafted with pure stats, they are all washed out with 50 diff stats with +2 on each for a level 48... Seeing as biochem doesn't care about making quality items, that market would not really be effected.


Number 1 and 3 would need to be blue items however, at least number 1.


Again, it could be items that scaled from 1-20 instead of 1-49, making them purple and would allow all items. No threat to crafters, and good money for bioware;)

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Not really ruin the game, but help it survive for those that do not like crafting and for those that hate it, but do NOT have trillions of credits to waste on overpriced mods, i know how dangerous it is to state your opinion, especially when it differs to other peoples' opinion, but the only reason that majority of the players are against this suggested feature is cause they will lose loads of profit, not because it would ruin the game.


I understand, trust me. The problem is that given the choice, not using these would be foolish and if everyone used them, much of the economy would be destroyed pre-50.

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I understand, trust me. The problem is that given the choice, not using these would be foolish and if everyone used them, much of the economy would be destroyed pre-50.


The problem with crafting as it is, is that you can buy a prototype item with mod, enhancement and armoring for the same price that the armoring in that piece costs.


That said, it is not the developers fault that the economy is a tad messed up... it is the players.

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The problem with crafting as it is, is that you can buy a prototype item with mod, enhancement and armoring for the same price that the armoring in that piece costs.


That said, it is not the developers fault that the economy is a tad messed up... it is the players.


That is true, though most players will have to pay to take out those mods, not that they cost much at sub-50 levels. No, this would cut into a lot of mapped out things like the planetary coms. Now I do agree that the birthright and inheritance gear should level up with you, but then again I also think that having those things bound to one class makes them pointless to a degree.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The would completely break 1-49 gearing. Bad idea be bad.


Do people actually craft anything in that range? cause so far, its either a 'no, not worth it' or '15k each or craft your own stuff' type of situation, i would rather pay real money for leveling mods, i do not like to craft, i hate it and majority of crafters just don't give a toss beyond their credit account.


I am thinking, that instead of purple, make them blue quality instead, that way, level 50 crafting (which is fully alive by the way) is not destroyed, it would just allow players to just level up, experience the story without worrying about gear every 5 levels or so and how much it will cost them.


Its the perfect solution.


I mean, they already have armor-sets available, that didn't destroy crafting, so this really wouldn't either....even though crafting is pretty much dead, unless you can afford the costs anyway.

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I kind of agree with the OP, and this is coming from someone who crafted his armoring from lvl 10+ with almost a full set of adaptive armor. ( I used the Valiant Jedi from the Cartel Market) It is very difficult to get enough mats to craft 8 different armorings and 9 mods every 3-5 levels, even with planetary commendations (which I used on hilts and enhancements.) Considering that a Prototype level item costs 4 of each material to be crafted, and you usually get only 2-6 mats for a 15-70 minute mission, many times you've leveled into the next set before you finish gearing the current set.


Especially since you need to RE in order to get the correct schematic.


Mathematically, to completely gear your adaptive armor you would need:


68 of each material, one of them from Underworld Trading, which is a ^&*^% to get a decent level of mats. A "rich" haul is 4 blues and 2 purples.

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Do people actually craft anything in that range? cause so far, its either a 'no, not worth it' or '15k each or craft your own stuff' type of situation, i would rather pay real money for leveling mods, i do not like to craft, i hate it and majority of crafters just don't give a toss beyond their credit account.


I am thinking, that instead of purple, make them blue quality instead, that way, level 50 crafting (which is fully alive by the way) is not destroyed, it would just allow players to just level up, experience the story without worrying about gear every 5 levels or so and how much it will cost them.


Its the perfect solution.


I mean, they already have armor-sets available, that didn't destroy crafting, so this really wouldn't either....even though crafting is pretty much dead, unless you can afford the costs anyway.

Yes, people do craft in that range, and it's VERY lucrative. All quality grades sell, even the greens, though blues have the biggest turnover. Most people have one or more lvl 50's these days, and with that: plenty credits to keep their lower level toons geared. Though it IS annoying enough already that people can easily get their comms from planet commendations. Gladly, those are generally endurance heavy, so there's still a good market for the primary stat heavy versions.


So yes, there are already several ways to aquire your modifications. Crafting, Planetary Commendations and at lvl 19 and lvl 39, through PvP as well. (The PvP gear will show as lvl 20/40, but the mods are 1 lvl below, so you can rip them out and put them into your own gear a lvl earlier already)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am very new to the game, maybe all 2 weeks old by now, and had managed to attain level 51. I eventually stumbled on the value of orange gear, not that the game did much to inform me about them.


When it got to upgrade the mods, once more it was a stumble, for the game took no effort in informing me, not even as a quip. So I discovered you could buy mods, and later trade them for planetary commendations which used to be locked to the planet you gained them, now they have been combined to a much more harmonious effect.


Perhaps because of my lack of information and therefore understanding of the game, I had no use for player crafted gear. Each time I go to the galactic trade house, and see the prices for just about anything, and considering that I usually struggle to have enough credits to pay for my skill training, that makes the idea of buying player crafted stuff even less plausible.


Another nail in the coffin against crafters, is since I am resource poor, and suspect the average player falls in that category as they try to level their first alt, is that I can buy my mods through commendations and supplement my acquisition through credits. I can buy mods at a vendor cheaper, much cheaper, than at the player's market; perhaps they may not be as fancy as the player made, but they are affordable.


It would seem to me, as a very experienced MMORPG player, that SWTOR's crafting environment is seriously broken, for there is no real market for crafters to peddle their wears, after all they are competing against free drops, and not that inferior vendor items. I usually don't go color struck and go: "Wow is purple, it has to be so good" Then I look at it and I find it not that much better than a normal drop.


From what I seen, crafting itself is not that difficult to actualy do, but it appears to be expensive to get oneself going, but frankly the way the game looks, it seems you will be crafting for yourself mainly.


Not sure how you fix this, with out breaking the game for others.


Since I just made level 51 and seems to not find any mod vendors for level 51, it may be the vaccum crafters need to fill, if only they could.



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I am very new to the game, maybe all 2 weeks old by now, and had managed to attain level 51. I eventually stumbled on the value of orange gear, not that the game did much to inform me about them.


Actually, the game informs you of the value of orange gear when you finish your class mission on the starter planet. When you do you get an orange lightsaber/gun and a separate mod and you are told to go visit a mod station to "upgrade" your lightsaber.

When you do that, you get an enhancement and a codex entry accompanied by red letters on the screen that read "Read the Game Rules" (or something to that extent). If I'm not mistaken you also get a tutorial pop-up that informs you about orange gear.


if after all this you didn't bother to even skim through the codex entry or read the tutorial, I'm pretty sure nothing would've made a difference


It would seem to me, as a very experienced MMORPG player, that SWTOR's crafting environment is seriously broken, for there is no real market for crafters to peddle their wears, after all they are competing against free drops, and not that inferior vendor items. I usually don't go color struck and go: "Wow is purple, it has to be so good" Then I look at it and I find it not that much better than a normal drop.


Endgame crafting is the part that's broken.

Everything else is working just fine.

You get rare drops that's true, but they are rare enough to not make you think twice about buying crafted modifications if you like the orange gear you're wearing and want to keep most of your gear up to date.


You can hope to get a few (2-3) modifications as drops but they are random and rare (i.e. for other classes, for lower levels etc) and therefore you can't rely on drops. You can also buy some with your commendations, but by the time you have enough commendations to fully update 1-2 pieces you outlevel the mods by far. Also, most of the time while leveling, I've found that modification commendation vendors, sell armorings/mods/enhancements that are not optimal for my class and role (for instance, they have too much endurance or too little power/crit).


As for purples, a purple level 20 drop is not supposed to be extremely more powerful than a blue one. A purple item is intended for those that like to have their toons as well-geared as possible and can afford to do so. 1-2 purple mods will not make much of a difference but having your toon in all purple gear will. Not by much, but it will.

They are in no way mandatory to level and that's backed by the fact that even Flashpoints and Equipment Vendors don't drop/sell purple gear, but orange gear with blue mods. They are more than fine for all pre-endgame levels. Purples are just a small step above them.


So all these purples you see on the GTN, are not going for these prices because they cost a lot to make.

They are being sold at these prices because crafters know that veteran players will pay a large amount of credits to have their toons in great gear. So, in a way, they are not for you.


We all leveled with greens and blues back when the game started - and trust me, it was much harder then, before all the perks, boosts etc. It was doable then and it's doable now.


From what I seen, crafting itself is not that difficult to actualy do, but it appears to be expensive to get oneself going, but frankly the way the game looks, it seems you will be crafting for yourself mainly.


Not sure how you fix this, with out breaking the game for others.


Since I just made level 51 and seems to not find any mod vendors for level 51, it may be the vaccum crafters need to fill, if only they could.




Crafting is all about reading the market. If you spread yourself too thing trying to craft everything your crew skill can make, you will lose more money than you'll make. But if you focus on a specific portion of your crafting and sell purples, blues, orange shells etc you can and will make a lot of credits.

And sometimes it's better not to craft, but sell your gathering crew skill mats on the GTN - it's not crafting I know, but it falls into trading in general.


For example, 2-3 months after the game launched crafting orange gear made you no credits. Everyone had alts or guildies who could make them stuff. So I sold mats. And made a LOT of credits doing that.

Then, when augmented gear was introduced (at first, you could only get an augmented piece through crafting since there were no augmentation kits), it was time to craft again.

Then that changed when augmentation kits became available and I had to shift my crafting to another part of my crew skill.

etc etc.


Crafting ebbs and flows the same way it does in real life. There are times when new things are introduced and people are willing to pay a lot of money (credits) to get them first and other times when it's better to just sell the materials and not the final products.

Edited by TheNahash
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Purple level mod you buy on cartel market that levels up as you level, so you buy a Resolve 1 Armoring Mod off cartel Market, place in armor and as you level it goes from Resolve 1 up to 22.


I for one would snatch these up for alts.


A good idea for us as players, a bad idea for the game's economy.... So I have to vote no on this.

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