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Stacked PvP matches along with low lvl twinks


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Alright im submitting this post for the DEVS but i know that everyone will have something to say about it. Lately i have been doing some PvP an on most occasions i will get in a match that is stacked with people in there 40's or in the high 40's which i believe is very unbalanced for a PvP match when most of the time my team consists of low teens mid 20's and maybe a few 30's. I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl. I was just hoping all of you at bioware which i appreciate for making this game i loved your KOTOR's but i was hoping that you would fix the PvP matching system so that it puts you up against people at your lvl not high lvl people also look for the hacks a little better.




A huge fan of your games.

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Sounds like you have had your *** handed to you a few times and are whining. Lowbies that do too much damage as you say is probably due to the fact they know how to play. Stop wearing greens that are 10 levels old and learn to play and these complaints won't matter. Edited by Edgeup
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I love how edgeup immediately assumes that someone is wearing green armor just because they post something about twinked out players an yet he just ignored my main part about it which was making it so there are more balanced matches so if your in your teens or 20's your not going up against people in there 40's I hate to say it but maybe you should of read the whole post not skimmed through it
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I've never had a problem being in my 20s in pvp even against 40s you have to know your role and you can contribute to the team just fine. If they changed how grouping is done like it is now queues would be far to long until cross server pvp happens changes like this would increase wait times too much.
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Wait times have already increased so if they changed it there wouldn't be much of a difference in wait times so like I said this post was mainly for the devs but I knew ppl were gonna throw there 2 cents in an say the stuff that you did right out the bat so thank you for helping me prove a point
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Wait times have already increased so if they changed it there wouldn't be much of a difference in wait times so like I said this post was mainly for the devs but I knew ppl were gonna throw there 2 cents in an say the stuff that you did right out the bat so thank you for helping me prove a point


This doesn't follow. Just because wait times have already increased (have they?) does not mean that further changes won't make it longer. The more restrictions there are on matchmaking, the longer the queues will be.

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It would not be a restriction if they place teens with teens 20's with 20's an so on an so forth its already set where if your 50 your fighting other 50's so it would not be a restriction it would make it an even pvp match setup nothing would be restricted
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Alright im submitting this post for the DEVS but i know that everyone will have something to say about it. Lately i have been doing some PvP an on most occasions i will get in a match that is stacked with people in there 40's or in the high 40's which i believe is very unbalanced for a PvP match when most of the time my team consists of low teens mid 20's and maybe a few 30's. I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl. I was just hoping all of you at bioware which i appreciate for making this game i loved your KOTOR's but i was hoping that you would fix the PvP matching system so that it puts you up against people at your lvl not high lvl people also look for the hacks a little better.




A huge fan of your games.


and enjoy sitting in que all day

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My question for you, OP, is...why does it bother you so much if there is a, say lvl 27, with all artifact armorings, mods, and enhancments....and augments? Does that long time player not deserve to utilize their well developed infrastructure?


I realize it can be a pain, but try and understand that players, like myself, do this...not only becasue they can, but because they are paired against players sometimes 20-40+ lvls over them. I would take zero issue with a further breakdown of brackets....but that would not stop players from tricking out their toons. Giving them "way too much health and damage" as you put it. How much health and damage are they supposed to have btw?


I admit I am one of those low lvl "twinks"....because I already took my licks over the past year. I am not guilded, but I still took the time to patiently develop my personal infrastructure to the point where I can make the lives of subsequent toons better. Some would argue it is a waste....and to a degree they would be correct assuming these toons lvl like the rest. But they do not.


Because these specific toons lvl purely off PvP {in my case plus basic starter stories to get my ship} and opening of planet maps/datacrons {yes I will be that lvl 20 on Ilum opening the map and grabbing the datacrons [and likely dying a lot in the process lol]} it can go a lot slower....and they get more bang out of each "benchmark" for gear etc. I still refuse to use xp boosts or anything...so pure pvp lvling can take time. So why not make it as awesome as I can for myself {and by proxy the team I get placed with}?

Edited by Urantia
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I love how edgeup immediately assumes that someone is wearing green armor just because they post something about twinked out players an yet he just ignored my main part about it which was making it so there are more balanced matches so if your in your teens or 20's your not going up against people in there 40's I hate to say it but maybe you should of read the whole post not skimmed through it


I took the time to craft all purple mods, barrels, etc. for my lowbie. I gave him augments. I was stepping on 40s at 20 and could at least 1v1 every 49 I came across. am I that good? no. it's a gear thing. but I earned that gear. I grinded it out. max'd my crafts. so I really don't wanna hear QQ from someone who hasn't done that. incidentally, the gear thing solves most of the level imbalance. although I see no harm in a matching algorithm that tries to even out the total levels on opposing sides. more difficult in practice because of grps and available players in each faction, but reasonable.

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I took the time to craft all purple mods, barrels, etc. for my lowbie. I gave him augments. I was stepping on 40s at 20 and could at least 1v1 every 49 I came across. am I that good? no. it's a gear thing. but I earned that gear. I grinded it out. max'd my crafts. so I really don't wanna hear QQ from someone who hasn't done that. incidentally, the gear thing solves most of the level imbalance. although I see no harm in a matching algorithm that tries to even out the total levels on opposing sides. more difficult in practice because of grps and available players in each faction, but reasonable.


Exaclty. You worked your rear off and have every right to utilize it. I suspect the OP thinks it is a trivial matter that anyone can do, but should not....I encourage him to try. Perhaps then he will realize it is not so simple when, of course, the player does it all themselves without help.

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i'm fine with a gear gap at 50 but i've always thought lowbie pvp should be max 1-3% increase by gear. It should be a good training ground and a good place to get new people interested in pvp.


I recently semi-twinked my jug and my scoundrel (my other 6 i just used pve and pvp lvl'n gear no augs) and its just stupid. Killing ppl in a stunlock on my scoundrel and killing an entire group of ftp's with a couple over 5k smashes is just dumb. I know if I stunlock kill a new person a couple times in the same match they might say f this and that is something that developers should try to avoid.

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Quit whining about lowbie pvp and twinks. God forbid people use the crew skills that the game gives them to make armorings/mods/ enhancements etc etc. to have good gear. The game's been out for over a year now and people are bound to get better and have alot of schematics unlocked/ credits etc to play around with unlike the old days. Go with the flow or go home. The time you spent here complaining , you could be making armorings for "twinked" gear.
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I do craft but only on certain toons for instance artifice because i like to see the different crystals your able to make or sabers i have other toons that craft like my cybertech or armormech but i really dont pay a whole lot of attention to it i only craft certain things because I'm not worried about the other stuff on that note the last reply to this i was on here when i posted this while playing the game so i actually didnt waste anytime having this up on my phone to not only check my post but to also check was is coming out for the new update along with how many more days i have left on my account so don't immediately assume that someone wasted there time on here when they should of been playing the game where if you know how to do it you can multi-task an do more than one thing at one time I've learned this in my years of playing games no matter what they were on console or computer. An yes i do realize that crafting certain things does help you out in the long run but someone who has more health than a lvl 50 should be looked at or does more damage than a person that has that class an is lvl 50 with that toon. This was just my opinion on making the PvP matches so that you were put against ppl at your lvl just like they do when you hit 50. I know that it would make it harder or take longer to find a match but you would at least have a match that is a little bit fair.
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It's a good job you weren't here at the start of the game when you could be a lvl 10 against a lvl 50!


I have a lvl 19 Trooper (no advanced class yet) I have lvl'd since 10 with WZ I equip him with the best gear I can find and generally have around the high 13k Health Mark (a few purples makes sure of this). Without the Advanced Class and the bonuses that entails, I almost always get 8+ medals, Unless I get face rolled by a pre-made team.


WZ is about team work not LVL or Health, if your in a good team no matter what lvl, you can easily win against the Me me me teams. (which I'm assuming the original writer falls into)


If you understand your role and the objective you can do well, if everyone understood this though, WZ would be far to much hard work to invest the time in :)


On another note, if your attacked by 3 others with no support, it doesn't matter if they are lvl 10 or 49, the result will be the same.

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Quit whining about lowbie pvp and twinks. God forbid people use the crew skills that the game gives them to make armorings/mods/ enhancements etc etc. to have good gear. The game's been out for over a year now and people are bound to get better and have alot of schematics unlocked/ credits etc to play around with unlike the old days. Go with the flow or go home. The time you spent here complaining , you could be making armorings for "twinked" gear.


Because getting hit for 6K in lowbie PvP when you have 12-13k health is fun, amirite?

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Because getting hit for 6K in lowbie PvP when you have 12-13k health is fun, amirite?


Yes it's fun to hit people hard in lowbie pvp. It's your reward for having level 50s with the crew skills to make all the armorings, mods, etc. a lot of reverse engineering to learn schems plus mats gathering goes into it, but yea it's fun

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Yes it's fun to hit people hard in lowbie pvp. It's your reward for having level 50s with the crew skills to make all the armorings, mods, etc. a lot of reverse engineering to learn schems plus mats gathering goes into it, but yea it's fun


I said "getting hit". I doubt it is fun for people new to PvP and trying it out for the first time.


I shrug it off as someone who wants self-validation by stomping undergeared lowbies. I have been playing longer, though.


It isn't the best way to foster new players sticking it out until 50 and potentially subscribing.

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I see a trend, a member of the Republic makes a comment about PVP being broken, and every Imperial and his dog tells him he sucks...and should go PVE. So to the person who said the OP sucks, are you saying that PVPers are better players skill wise than people who don't? I have a feeling the guys and gals from Carnage Gaming would have a different view on that. I'm not in their guild but still, you can tell me that pvpers are better and not equal to pve'ers when you and your buddies down the dreadful entity in TFB in your warhero gear. Until then I'm going to assume PVP and PVE players are equal.


There is no need for you to berate, belittle, haggle, and pick on a guy who's having trouble in pvp. Don't tell him he sucks, for all you know he could be a really good player. Don't associate PVE with "bads" just b/c you think it's easier and requires no time skill or effort involved. You sir, ( the guy who told him he sucks and should just quit pvp based on the judgment that he sucks at it ) are a jerk and need some lessons in being a good person.


And to rebuttal to the troll that i know you will leave me anytime now... well i just don't give a rats A S S what you think.


If you guys want more people to pvp and want more people to get better spend some time giving tips in a constructive manner. This non-sense of calling out goods and bads is not helping your PVP community and is making everyone think that unless you're an elitest ****** you have no place in the pvp battleground. I know for a fact that some of the people i know who ONLY pvp are good people and some of you are just bad apples spoiling the pie. Take notes.

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I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl.




They have access to the same gear you do.

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I see a trend, a member of the Republic makes a comment about PVP being broken, and every Imperial and his dog tells him he sucks...and should go PVE. So to the person who said the OP sucks, are you saying that PVPers are better players skill wise than people who don't? I have a feeling the guys and gals from Carnage Gaming would have a different view on that. I'm not in their guild but still, you can tell me that pvpers are better and not equal to pve'ers when you and your buddies down the dreadful entity in TFB in your warhero gear. Until then I'm going to assume PVP and PVE players are equal.


There is no need for you to berate, belittle, haggle, and pick on a guy who's having trouble in pvp. Don't tell him he sucks, for all you know he could be a really good player. Don't associate PVE with "bads" just b/c you think it's easier and requires no time skill or effort involved. You sir, ( the guy who told him he sucks and should just quit pvp based on the judgment that he sucks at it ) are a jerk and need some lessons in being a good person.



Go ahead and call every PVPer a troll that knows the insides and outsides of the game. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and have validated it in this post.

Please leave the PVP forums as no one cares about your pve opinion

Every PVE player that has switched to PVP knows the top tier PVPers are way better then PVE'ers its pretty blatent.

I am not saying they could beat pve **** in their pvp gear, but I am saying if they had 63 PVE gear they could do it with minimal problems. There are videos that show the steps and repetitive fights that never change. They arent gonna throw a different strategy at you or make you react. To say the top pve players are as good as the top pvp players is just wrong.


I am not saying PVE endgame is not difficult or challenging, especially to the people who put these videos together or to run through these instances the first few times, but at this point of the game... you have no argument. There are many many guilds that clear all pve content even on my pvp server...


There are 3 guilds that clearly stand out with supreme teamwork and understanding of their roles in an 8v8 fight. There are about 8-10 guilds that que for ranked at all, because the other guilds that try it get so demolished and obliterated that they cant even begin to understand the concepts of what is happening. They just assume something is wrong, someone is cheating, or a class or spec is OP so they don't que for ranked anymore.


I have nothing against PVE'ers but when they call stuff out on the pvp forums and they have no idea what they are talking about because it was one of their only times PVPing it is just stupid. I don't go over to the PVE forums after I didnt finish HM TFB in my WH gear my first try and say THIS IS BULL WHY CAN I NOT HEAL MYSELF OVER THAT THING WITHOUT ANY GEAR RELATED TO THIS!!!?!?! Obviously I would be called a nub and told I wasn't doing a mechanic in the fight right or didn't have the right gear...


It is that simple why PVPers get mad at PVEers that just try pvp out then come here and complain about everything.

Edited by Crerin
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