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Gender Change Option


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i agree with this and i want to re name my character and maybe my face and that stuff


I could imagine Gender Change as a stand-alone option, but also bundled together with several other options, like face, hair, body customization. I'd think having it as a stand-alone option would be easier to implement though, like for instance, offer 5 pre-made character skins to choose from when the Gender Change was purchased.


For further implementation of the other customization options, I'd suggest, like many others have, the barber shop solution. We really need something like this in the game. :cool:


Seperating both options would be easier, I guess. :)

Edited by Lent_San
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I could imagine Gender Change as a stand-alone option, but also bundled together with several other options, like face, hair, body customization. I'd think having it as a stand-alone option would be easier to implement though, like for instance, offer 5 pre-made character skins to choose from when the Gender Change was purchased.


For further implementation of the other customization options, I'd suggest, like many others have, the barber shop solution. We really need something like this in the game. :cool:


Seperating both options would be easier, I guess. :)


I believe TERA (been awhile) had the option of Change Gender and then it came with complete character customication at one price, and a character customization but same gender at a cheaper price.


While I'd prefere the character customization to be a free thing in game bought with creds (not a lot and could have it be a paid for unlock for F2Pers), at least in TOR, I'm less likely to change how my character looks as often as I would in other MMOs, so it wouldnt bother me to be a CM purchase.


This is likely due to TOR having very limited character customization though. :p

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I believe TERA (been awhile) had the option of Change Gender and then it came with complete character customication at one price, and a character customization but same gender at a cheaper price.

While I'd prefere the character customization to be a free thing in game bought with creds (not a lot and could have it be a paid for unlock for F2Pers), at least in TOR, I'm less likely to change how my character looks as often as I would in other MMOs, so it wouldnt bother me to be a CM purchase.

This is likely due to TOR having very limited character customization though. :p

I'm unfamiliar with Tera, but for me it's an option that more or less belongs in an MMORPG eventually. I've played WoW and I've known people that played a char to 80 (back then) and finally decided to gender swap, because they simply got tired of their old char and wanted to try something new and the bigger the char is, you're less likely to simply reroll. Especially when it means you lose all your equip, mounts etc, in the process.


I agree that char customization should be an ingame solution, like that barber shop. Gender change I could see as a Cartel Market option though, because you're not gonna use it as often, but a profound change such as this one should cost you some amount of coins, so that people wouldn't change back and forth every other day.

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I'm unfamiliar with Tera, but for me it's an option that more or less belongs in an MMORPG eventually. I've played WoW and I've known people that played a char to 80 (back then) and finally decided to gender swap, because they simply got tired of their old char and wanted to try something new and the bigger the char is, you're less likely to simply reroll. Especially when it means you lose all your equip, mounts etc, in the process.


I agree that char customization should be an ingame solution, like that barber shop. Gender change I could see as a Cartel Market option though, because you're not gonna use it as often, but a profound change such as this one should cost you some amount of coins, so that people wouldn't change back and forth every other day.


Agreed! I'm actually surprised by TORs lack of character customization. I would have thought it would be an industry standard.


I understand there will be limits on one's ability to customize a character, but TORs came out very limited. :/ I feel I have more customization with TERA and I'm stuck with the same body type, but get facial sliders and better hair options.

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Agreed! I'm actually surprised by TORs lack of character customization. I would have thought it would be an industry standard.

I understand there will be limits on one's ability to customize a character, but TORs came out very limited. :/ I feel I have more customization with TERA and I'm stuck with the same body type, but get facial sliders and better hair options.

Well, there are just certain things that should be taken into consideration, when creating an MMO. People play the same characters for a long time. While in a single-player game you're eventually finished and could start a replay, in an MMO you're never really done, so it's really in the interest of the player to be able to change certain things after some time, a few months, a year, whatever. So Gender Change is just one of many options here, but to me a vital one.

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I had another look at the gender change option in WoW. It's part of the "Allround Character Customization" bundle and you can basically change gender, name, facial features, hair- and skin color plus all the things you can change in-game in the barber shop. They charge you around $20 for it.


For minor changes, such as hair color and earrings etc. you needn't use that option but can use the in-game barber shop alone.


While I don't know if that would be feasible for SWTOR, UI-wise, I kind of like that solution, as you're required to pay for the bigger changes but the minor changes are in-game content and free.

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I had another look at the gender change option in WoW. It's part of the "Allround Character Customization" bundle and you can basically change gender, name, facial features, hair- and skin color plus all the things you can change in-game in the barber shop. They charge you around $20 for it.


For minor changes, such as hair color and earrings etc. you needn't use that option but can use the in-game barber shop alone.


While I don't know if that would be feasible for SWTOR, UI-wise, I kind of like that solution, as you're required to pay for the bigger changes but the minor changes are in-game content and free.


the only thing they'd really have to decide is if they should or shouldn't allow a change in race.

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Also, back on topic, I support gender changes in-game, I made a female sith assassin that I'd much rather be a male now. And hell, sex changes are a real thing in real life, why are they not possible in star wars?


It's got nothing to do with real life stuff. Basically, if gender-swapped, you have a different char. It's not supposed to be the same char. I would create a new char and delete her, but since her equip, skills and mounts are bound, I'd lose them all, which sucks. So changing her into a guy via the CM would be practical. That's the only reason, really.

Edited by Lent_San
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Preferably, why not have both options? I'd prefer mounts and all that to be legacy bound, but that's not gonna happen soon. Plus, I've invested quite some time into her that would go to waste, so legacy bound stuff, great, but this gender-swap would be good on top, and it would make them some money. Edited by Lent_San
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A gender change option I think may be a bit hard. Since companions are currently not romancable with both genders, I'm not sure how it would affect them after getting married to them.


However if a gender change option is possible, I don't think it should be made through the Cartel Market but via an additional paid service on the site.

Edited by Vitas
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A gender change option I think may be a bit hard. Since companions are currently not romancable with both genders, I'm not sure how it would affect them after getting married to them.


However if a gender change option is possible, I don't think it should be made through the Cartel Market but via an additional paid service on the site.


I think either option would work just fine.


In fact, this may be a good way to get people to pay for it all twice! Change genders to reset companion storylines, then change back! I'm sure there's some people out there who would love to reset their companion storylines period, and everyone can point to this option, and make BW twice as much possibly!


Of course, you know, if BW wants to play that little money grab game.

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A gender change option I think may be a bit hard. Since companions are currently not romancable with both genders, I'm not sure how it would affect them after getting married to them.


There would be a conversation reset for romance and romanced companions which defaults it to "not done". As I mentioned above, if you are changing your female Warrior to a male Warrior and you have previously married Quinn, the married is not annulled, it is deleted. None of the romance conversations ever happened. The letters, if there are any, are removed from your inbox. Quinn no longer blows kisses to you as you enter the bridge.


The romances are reset.


The romances never happened.

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There would be a conversation reset for romance and romanced companions which defaults it to "not done". As I mentioned above, if you are changing your female Warrior to a male Warrior and you have previously married Quinn, the married is not annulled, it is deleted. None of the romance conversations ever happened. The letters, if there are any, are removed from your inbox. Quinn no longer blows kisses to you as you enter the bridge.


The romances are reset.


The romances never happened.


I suspect the best option for a gender change would be the complete redesign of a character. Perosnaly I know when/if they put in a species like Kel'dor or Gran I would rather restart and play through as that species and make the choices as I invisage that character would (as a RPer) however I can see a whole load of people who would not want to give up their gear titles and name just to play the species they wish they had created I assume the same goes for gender. In the end the character is our character and I know people would moan if their gran's eyes poked through a hood or a Kel'dor incorrectly called another Kel'dor ugly in the end its my character and my toon so I should be able to control what he/she looks like, how I control him and if he or she is straight bisexual or gay. I think a gender change should be included in the re-customisation of a character and its a lot less strange than changing a species.

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Izorii, are you saying that if I want to change my character's sex, I also need to change their species?


No what I am saying is its part of a complete character overhall. Basically you redesign the characters apperance rather than just a gender change.

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No what I am saying is its part of a complete character overhall. Basically you redesign the characters apperance rather than just a gender change.


I believe I already said that it would be part of a character design package, which included minor cosmetic changes (hair, make-up etc.)


Species change would be a step up in price and would be in a package with the above.

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No what I am saying is its part of a complete character overhall. Basically you redesign the characters apperance rather than just a gender change.


Race change could be part of the same bundle, so to speak, but optional, I guess that's what you meant. I have nothing against more customization options than the one mentioned, but for the sake of consistency, make gender and race change ones that are not too easily obtainable. I wouldn't wanna see chars change their race and gender every other day just to make a show, you know.


With gender change, I'm guessing that quite a few players have chars sitting on the shelves by now that they'd like to gender-swap probably once. With race change, I'm not sure but maybe that's a topic to debate in a different thread.

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When I saw the title I was initially against this, mainly just because of implementation, but there are some really good ideas in this thread. The only new thing I have to offer is I don't think you should get any new titles. You should lose your old title (but keep the achievement) and not get the new one. A small penalty, but one that makes sense to me.


Anyway, great post and ideas OP! And I'm pretty sure this thread has been cleaned up a bit, but everyone's ideas are quite constructive. Threads like this make me like the community. :)

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Darsik - I wouldn't be able to get ANY new titles after a gender change? Run NiM EV in under an hour, sorry you can't get 'The Infernal' because you were born a girl and now you're a boy? There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to begin.
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I think I know where Darslk is coming from. It shouldn't be an option that's too easily obtainable, like, walk into house on Coruscant a boy, come out as a girl. That would be kind of silly.


But to be honest, if it's an option I pay for (and I suggest getting charged for it, definitely, most if not all MMOs do that), I don't see the need for further punishment.


My wallet has already been punished. :D


So, not something easily obtainable, most definitely, but to be punished would keep people from using that option, so I can't say I'm for that.


Plus, I'm really proud of my "Founder" title and I wouldn't wanna lose it. :p

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One thing I haven't figured out yet is whether a gender-swap could have a negative effect on the Legacy, technically, I mean. That just dawned on me last night.


I'm no dev, as I said, but maybe the player would be asked to remove the char from the Legacy screen and re-add him/ her later, when the swap has happened.


Or the swap removes the char automatically, if a swap poses problems, that is.

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