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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SERVER TRANSFERS! Seriously why are we still waiting?


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Even more people will quit if the servers are allowed to go to all heck.. F2P has already had some impact on server balance.. Some servers are now imperial heavy.. Server transfers can make this worse..


It can also lead to under populated servers, which would ruin the LFG and PVP queueing system.. Not to mention destroy the crafting market..


I just feel that people need to at least consider the possible consequences of what they are asking for.. That is all I am saying.. :)


You can't force people to play on a given server. Delaying transfers just postpones the inevitable. If transfers don't become a reality at very least by this year, I'm fairly confidant any one who hasn't quit over this issue will just abandon their characters and reroll.

Edited by Knockerz
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Even more people will quit if the servers are allowed to go to all heck.. F2P has already had some impact on server balance.. Some servers are now imperial heavy.. Server transfers can make this worse..


It can also lead to under populated servers, which would ruin the LFG and PVP queueing system.. Not to mention destroy the crafting market..


I just feel that people need to at least consider the possible consequences of what they are asking for.. That is all I am saying.. :)


What exactly would the consequences be of allowing my alts that I do not play to switch to the server that I do play on, so that I can once again play those alts?

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Even more people will quit if the servers are allowed to go to all heck.. F2P has already had some impact on server balance.. Some servers are now imperial heavy.. Server transfers can make this worse..


It can also lead to under populated servers, which would ruin the LFG and PVP queueing system.. Not to mention destroy the crafting market..


I just feel that people need to at least consider the possible consequences of what they are asking for.. That is all I am saying.. :)


Its not about what the population of the other servers are, its about playing with friends, consilidating your characters, and having fun. Its all personal preference, you can't force people to be on certain servers, dictate=go to jail with those nazis. Theres already been over half a thousand threads about character transfers, bioware make money=good for game. mkay?


Note: Pretty much every game has unrestricted server transfers and they have it by launch already.

Edited by Jonoku
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You can't force people to play on a given server. Delaying transfers just postpones the inevitable. If transfers don't become a reality at very least by this year, I'm fairly confidant any one who hasn't quit over this issue will just abandon their characters and reroll.


Server Transfers looks to come out as soon as expansion comes out. If not right after.

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I have last month of my sub - if I cannot transfer to other server (hate my current PvP server, wanna move to PvE with good friendly role-playing community) - I quit game forever when my sub ends. I dont want pay new money for frustration of current playing. I play for fun, not frustration.


And I never return in games, which I once quit.

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What exactly would the consequences be of allowing my alts that I do not play to switch to the server that I do play on, so that I can once again play those alts?


Well, if you and your alts were the only person that wanted a transfer, then there are no consequences.. But that is the issue.. You are not the only person that plays this game that wants server transfers.. Hence not the only person that would transfer characters.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Server Transfers looks to come out as soon as expansion comes out. If not right after.


Based on what information?? It would be bad for the game to not deal with the server inbalance issue.. They spentdarn near 6 months balancing and condencing the servers last year... I serioiusly doubt they are just going to ignore all that work and let people go where they will.. :)

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You can't force people to play on a given server. Delaying transfers just postpones the inevitable. If transfers don't become a reality at very least by this year, I'm fairly confidant any one who hasn't quit over this issue will just abandon their characters and reroll.



There was a time where server transfers didn't exist, and people played on whatever server was available.. If people want to leave over this, that is their choice.. People should all be on a server type of their choice in a region of their choice.. If you are not, then you have nobody but yourself to blame.. If you have alts on multiple servers, then again, you have yourself to blame.. Bioware was perfectly honest about what they were doing when they condensed all the server and moved us all.. We all knew it was going to happen.. We all had the option to transfer ourselves and all our toons during the first set of transfers.. There was plenty of warning for all this..


It would make no sense for bioware to allow people to change servers that will and ruin the population on some of the servers.. Nobody wants to play on a low pop server.. You think the LFG que is bad now?? Wait till you see what happens to crafting on a low pop server.. How do you think the PVP que will be if the servers are grossly inbalance?? Good game play for all requires healthy servers with a balanced populations.. Pretty much what they are now.. Ruining that to allow some folks to transefer servers would simply be a bad idea.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Based on what information?? It would be bad for the game to not deal with the server inbalance issue.. They spentdarn near 6 months balancing and condencing the servers last year... I serioiusly doubt they are just going to ignore all that work and let people go where they will.. :)


I seriously doubt they would decline offered cash. Also from your previous post the way you are thinking makes little sense. Every server has their own little tight knit community that will never leave their server. Servers will be low pop if people start leaving because of no server transfers. If they don't do server transfers they are doomed, if they leave it the way it is now, they are doomed. Either way will lose population. Offer server transfers its a win win situation.


You think the population will be the same after people leave because of no server transfers? lol People won't stay on their server because of no transfers.......people are going to leave anyway.

Edited by Jonoku
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I seriously doubt they would decline offered cash. Also from your previous post the way you are thinking makes little sense. Every server has their own little tight knit community that will never leave their server. Servers will be low pop if people start leaving because of no server transfers. If they don't do server transfers they are doomed, if they leave it the way it is now, they are doomed. Either way will lose population. Offer server transfers its a win win situation.


You think the population will be the same after people leave because of no server transfers? lol People won't stay on their server because of no transfers.......people are going to leave anyway.


Well. You can believe what you want.. Bottom line as I have said.. They are not going to ruin servers to allow people to change servers.. They don't want a forum full of complaints about queue times again cause everyone wants to go to the same server and it is now over populated.. They don't want to listen to complaints about how crafting has crashed or that factions are off balance and the emperials or republic players can never win in PVP due to lack of good players on a server.. Not to mention queue times for LFG cause there are no people..


I simply don't think they would purposely ruin their own game by allowing people to change servers at will..


Yes, I do believe that paid server transfers are in the future.. But for a long way off and not until the server health issues are addressed and taken care of..


At the very least, they might allow specified transfers from one specific server and to a specific server.. They may also specify faction.. Beyond that?? I wouldn't count on it..


Again this is just my opinion.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Either way, the unrestricted paid transfers is coming soon so ;). Also the servers are steady right now, at least standard on all the servers at their prime times. So its clearly not an issue, the future isn't far for transfers, its already coming very soon, its stupid to turn down money at all. Picture a random guy offering you a grand for free, would you take it? Edited by Jonoku
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Server balance concerns or not, in factioned games, perfect balance is grasping for straws. The fact is, people who put months of work into characters end up on derpy servers that aren't where their friends are. Friends are what make MMOs.


And believe it or not, there are people that prefer smaller servers. Not everyone is going to flock to Populated-Server-1 because it's full. Not to mention any good auctioneer will know how to survive in a dead market. Trust me, I've been there. (Also, they could easily fix in in a manner CoX did by making AHs universal across all servers since we have a list of about the same size.) All it takes is patience. Doesn't mean it won't happen. So that's a moot point with me.


I've leveled all classes to 50 and played them enough. I cannot say it thrills me that I'm doing it again because I don't want to be on The Bastion when most of my friends are elsewhere. Not opening up transfers won't fix population issues either. Either people will cave and just start anew on a new server where their friends are or they will leave. It's plain as that.


The vehement defense of no transfers sounds like it's coming from someone who plays MMOs solo a lot. I'm sorry.

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Well. You can believe what you want.. Bottom line as I have said.. They are not going to ruin servers to allow people to change servers.. They don't want a forum full of complaints about queue times again cause everyone wants to go to the same server and it is now over populated.. They don't want to listen to complaints about how crafting has crashed or that factions are off balance and the emperials or republic players can never win in PVP due to lack of good players on a server.. Not to mention queue times for LFG cause there are no people..


I simply don't think they would purposely ruin their own game by allowing people to change servers at will..


Yes, I do believe that paid server transfers are in the future.. But for a long way off and not until the server health issues are addressed and taken care of..


At the very least, they might allow specified transfers from one specific server and to a specific server.. They may also specify faction.. Beyond that?? I wouldn't count on it..


Again this is just my opinion.. :)


What exactly makes you think that transfer will ruin the game? Do you seriously think THAT MANY people will transfer?


From my perspective, they are ruining the game by NOT having transfers.

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What exactly makes you think that transfer will ruin the game? Do you seriously think THAT MANY people will transfer?


From my perspective, they are ruining the game by NOT having transfers.


I want transfers as much as the next person. I think restricted transfers need to be implemented - maybe one character per two weeks or 2 or 3 max or whatever. What EA is worried about is that people on certain servers will pick up their entire legacy and move to another server. If you're on Jung Ma (an RP-PVP server) and you think the PvP sucks, and you want to do more, you'll pick up your whole legacy and move to Prophecy of the Five (a PvP only server) or so they worry. This could really disrupt the servers, and mess over the people that stay. So we need transfers, but some restrictions at first (or forever) to keep that from happening will be important. Beyond that, we need transfers of some sort at least, although by now I've pretty much rerolled all the characters I wanted to bring over anyway and don't really have a need to transfer. If they don't get the transfers soon, they won't be getting as much money because some people won't need their toons anymore. Why bring over a 50 jug from one server when you already have another 50 jug on your current server if it costs money to do so?


Honestly, I'm surprised EA is showing this much foresight. They're usually a measure never cut immediately kind of company when it comes to decisions. They must really think there will be an enormous negative impact for transfers if they're actually worried about the long term for once.

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I can only think that sever transfer is more difficult that we think it is. I can not see why or how but it does seem such an easy way to make cash. Now granted there is a fear that servers will be emptied while others will get huge wait time on them but if character trasnfer was expensive enough people wouldn't move 6 characters at 50 bucks each (well most people wouldn''t).


I can only assume that legacy makes moving chars more difficult with legacy rewards and unlocks etc. However a simple answer would be a) You choose to move your legacy is reset b) you paid to move all current unlocks are unlocked on your new server free of charge. Maybe have two seperate prices for option a and b.

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What exactly makes you think that transfer will ruin the game? Do you seriously think THAT MANY people will transfer?


From my perspective, they are ruining the game by NOT having transfers.


People will transfer off of the Asia pacific servers because of the issues there.. Which will make the population on those even worse.. People will move from PVP to PVE and visa versa.. Who know at what numbers.. People will move because they don't like the people on their server want to move to greener pastures... People will move because they have earned a rep on one server and want a clean slate on another..


On the opposite end of things, the servers that people are moving to, could start having login in queues.. Those would get get longer and longer and more frequent.. I know all the Asia pacific servers are low pop.. There have been a number of threads asking for Bioware to allow transfers so they can leave.. I don't know how many people that is, or what servers they will go to..


There is any number of reaason why people will move.. The question in what numbers?? Mostly people will move to the high pop server or servers.. Which will hurt the ones that are percieved as low pop.. Because as people leave, word gets around and more people leave, and more people leave, soon the server starts to feel low pop as everyone is gone and more people leave.. Then people start worrying about their character names and more people leave.. It all snowballs out of control..


As often as this topic comes up.. Yes, I believe that a good number of people will transfer.. Where they will transfer to or from is the issue.. I just think it is a risk Bioware doesn't wants to take.. :)


Anyone can search the net and find a site that shows the population of all servers.. Most people will move due to population issues.. Which will create the very problems I have mentioned..


To the person that said server transfers were hard?? No.. They are not hard, in fact they have already been done.. Every account has a button in their account called 'Character trasnfer'.. Many of us used that button last summer to change servers.. There is another button at the bottom called 'PTS Character Copy'.. So the technology is there.. I am guessing that if Bioware thought this was a good idea, they would have done it by now.. Requests for server transfers are truely as old as the game is.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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People will transfer off of the Asia pacific servers because of the issues there.. Which will make the population on those even worse.. People will move from PVP to PVE and visa versa.. Who know at what numbers.. People will move because they don't like the people on their server want to move to greener pastures... People will move because they have earned a rep on one server and want a clean slate on another..


Restrict it to PvP->PvP only then like WoW used to do.


On the opposite end of things, the servers that people are moving to, could start having login in queues.. Those would get get longer and longer and more frequent.. I know all the Asia pacific servers are low pop.. There have been a number of threads asking for Bioware to allow transfers so they can leave.. I don't know how many people that is, or what servers they will go to..


That's pretty dumb to move to a high pop server and then complain that the pop is high, don't you think?


There is any number of reaason why people will move.. The question in what numbers?? Mostly people will move to the high pop server or servers.. Which will hurt the ones that are percieved as low pop.. Because as people leave, word gets around and more people leave, and more people leave, soon the server starts to feel low pop as everyone is gone and more people leave.. Then people start worrying about their character names and more people leave.. It all snowballs out of control..


Other than the Apac servers, what servers are low pop after the consolidation? They all always appear about the same to me on my server select screen, judging for peak times in the different time zones.


As often as this topic comes up.. Yes, I believe that a good number of people will transfer.. Where they will transfer to or from is the issue.. I just think it is a risk Bioware doesn't wants to take.. :)


Most of them are people like me who, I don't want to say got screwed over, but who were adversely affected by what servers they chose to merge with others. It is not my fault that I am in this situation, it was just bad luck that they chose which servers to merge. Should I continue to be punished for that?


Anyone can search the net and find a site that shows the population of all servers.. Most people will move due to population issues.. Which will create the very problems I have mentioned..


OK, the problems which I just explained why I don't think they are problems.


To the person that said server transfers were hard?? No.. They are not hard, in fact they have already been done.. Every account has a button in their account called 'Character trasnfer'.. Many of us used that button last summer to change servers.. There is another button at the bottom called 'PTS Character Copy'.. So the technology is there.. I am guessing that if Bioware thought this was a good idea, they would have done it by now.. Requests for server transfers are truely as old as the game is.. :)


Those were manual transfers, this time they are supposedly waiting until they can put the automated tech in.


The PTS Copy button is there, but it does not work yet.


If Bioware DIDN'T think it was a good idea, they would not have said that transfers are 'coming soon'.

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People will transfer off of the Asia pacific servers because of the issues there.. Which will make the population on those even worse.. People will move from PVP to PVE and visa versa.. Who know at what numbers.. People will move because they don't like the people on their server want to move to greener pastures... People will move because they have earned a rep on one server and want a clean slate on another..


On the opposite end of things, the servers that people are moving to, could start having login in queues.. Those would get get longer and longer and more frequent.. I know all the Asia pacific servers are low pop.. There have been a number of threads asking for Bioware to allow transfers so they can leave.. I don't know how many people that is, or what servers they will go to..


There is any number of reaason why people will move.. The question in what numbers?? Mostly people will move to the high pop server or servers.. Which will hurt the ones that are percieved as low pop.. Because as people leave, word gets around and more people leave, and more people leave, soon the server starts to feel low pop as everyone is gone and more people leave.. Then people start worrying about their character names and more people leave.. It all snowballs out of control..


As often as this topic comes up.. Yes, I believe that a good number of people will transfer.. Where they will transfer to or from is the issue.. I just think it is a risk Bioware doesn't wants to take.. :)


I dont care.

Its all BW fails - one by one. Fail with only 2-side factions, imperial favoritism and as result faction imbalance.

Fail with PvP system - from common ridiculous wz 10-50 in start, then fail Ilum, fail class balance.

Fail with dividing servers to PvE, PvP, RP-PvE and RP-PvP... Server merges... failed ranked wz... too many fails.


If they dont want recognize and correct their own mistakes - they got bad business.

Already got it with 1.5 m subs who leave game.


If they will be continue these mistakes - they lose finally all. GG.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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This is the stupidest thing to suggest to add to the cartel market. If this becomes an addition to the market, I'm quitting. It should be free. We were told to expect it a LONG-FREAKING-TIME AGO!! It's overdue, and OWED to us.


I really don't appreciate this language. It would be nice if it was free, but as long as its not overpriced, myself and many others would be happy to pay for it, even though it is not our fault we need it.


I very much agree that it is overdue though. I expected these to be in place in August or September...

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People should all be on a server type of their choice in a region of their choice.. If you are not, then you have nobody but yourself to blame.. If you have alts on multiple servers, then again, you have yourself to blame..


I'd like to refute this assertion. Usually server transfers are a nice thing to have to be able to play with friends, or to find a server in your local time zone, or whatever. With SWTOR, the Legacy system drives the need more than anything else. The game system conveys some really great perks and advantages, but is restricted to alts on the same server. This is probably a technical limitation. At launch, there was no warning that Legacy might be coming and that rolling on different servers 'for fun' would in fact be detrimental. So it's not "our own fault" for wanting transfers to unite legacies.


If server imbalance is a major concern, find a way to make Legacy account-wide instead of server wide. Then I know my personal need for a transfer evaporates, and I suspect a sizeable percentage of others' needs as well.

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