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SERVER TRANSFERS! Seriously why are we still waiting?


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Soon after 2.1.


MMORPG.com: Are for-pay server transfers coming? If so, when can players look forward to this service? Can you talk about any additional for-pay services players can look forward to?


Cory Butler: Paid Character Transfers were originally slated to be part of Game Update 2.1, but we ran into a few bugs with the new Legacy Achievement system. You can expect Paid Character Transfers to be coming in hot on the heels of Game Update 2.1. No new announcements for paid services to make at this time.


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I see people mention how there were problems with the PTS character copy, which I don't doubt. But when I transferred my characters in the first round of server merges (it was called "optional" free character transfers initially), it was so easy and so smooth for me. I simply went to the character transfers page in my account, made my selections, and bam! Just minutes later, my character was on her new server, with all her stuff and extra storage unlocks intact, and I received a confirmation email for each one. I think there were some issues with guilds in that round, and mail didn't transfer with you, and I'd guess that the cartel market unlocks might complicate matters a little. But this was last summer; it went so well I was sure they'd get a transfer service up soon!


Hopefully, it just got put on hold for the F2P conversion, and then they decided it would be wise to churn out some fun fluffy stuff to keep the masses happy before getting server transfers ready. I do wish a dev would post something in English to either confirm or deny what that German fansite says. Crossing my fingers that they start talking about it next week after 2.1 hits. :)



that was fixed on the PTS I think after two patches all transfer from live to PTS was fixed but it didn't really matter at that point , most of the testing they needed or wanted was done and the PTS was starting to die about then .

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weren't ranked warzones supposed to be released with 1.2 in april of 2012, then moved to 1.3 a couple months later? 10 months later we're still in the preseason. i don't understand bioware's priority system or what technical complications it is that they're really facing. i don't think they tell us that. i do know that voluntary server transfers is something that has continually had a strong presence on the forums since about a month or 2 after launch. i know the dev's have made various statements regarding transfers, all of which resulted in nothing being done (considering a forced merge is not what the community was asking for).


i honestly think if they really wanted to do this, they would have. instead their staff chose to focus on things like pvp bolster, fixing the problems with pvp bolster they found on the pts, fixing the bolster problems they released live, and patching their fix to the bolster system that went live. sounds to me like they would have had an extra 2 or 3 months of development towards transfers if they put off bolster a little longer. i'm pretty sure if they would have fixed this back in feb or march of 2012 instead of focusing on legacy that didn't work for those split across multiple dead servers, they wouldn't have had to devote so much development time to f2p, but that's just speculation.


i'm not optimistic yet.

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I made a character over on Shadowlands when I was F2P and hit limit on Jedi Covenant (then I went Preferred and then Subbed and subsequently kicked myself :p). I wouldn't even mind having to pay to transfer him over, honestly. So long as everything moves over properly, I've got no qualms.
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Good to hear! Soon after 2.1 implies that it will be before 2.2, which is slated for mid-June I believe (otherwise, why not say with or soon after 2.2?). Of course this is just me being optimistic again, which does not always work out. :p But it is nice to know that transfers are indeed coming. Here's hoping that they are coming sooner rather than Soon . . . I really want to transfer my higher level characters and Legacy over to my desired server.


Still would be nice to get a dev response to confirm this, or at least something posted about it somewhere on this website and in English.

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Good to hear! Soon after 2.1 implies that it will be before 2.2, which is slated for mid-June I believe (otherwise, why not say with or soon after 2.2?). Of course this is just me being optimistic again, which does not always work out. :p But it is nice to know that transfers are indeed coming. Here's hoping that they are coming sooner rather than Soon . . . I really want to transfer my higher level characters and Legacy over to my desired server.


Still would be nice to get a dev response to confirm this, or at least something posted about it somewhere on this website and in English.


That was my first thought, and then I remembered that we've been waiting almost a year...and then my thought was that since they didn't say in 2.2, it would be after 2.2 sometime, who knows when.

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Come on, APAC is barely alive, I have plenty of toons of different levels, I'm trying to chase the wz pops, even then... yesterday online for 8 hours.... 3 WZ's. WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR THIS IS REDICULOUS. Apac is generally pissed at what you decided to do with our servers but now with no e.t.a people are getting suicidal on the fleet. I see atleast 10-20 people jump over the barriers due to sheer boredom everyday now, it's a growing pandemic. We're lucky to get 50 people on the imp fleet at any one time.


Transfer us now before it's too late, or atleast give us an e.t.a


Having 7 50-55s on apac means im not exactly keen on rerolling, like others. Please don't let this end of like rwz and the mass delays we had there.

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Server transfers will come out before 222.2 as for the cost they will be 100000 CC with a subscriber discount to 99999 CC. But server selection will be random as it will be sold in a CM pack.


lmao, this describes the whole CM.

Edited by Jonoku
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If they said hot on the heels of 2.1 and not with 2.2, then you could assume (we know what that does anyway) that it would between the two. Having said that, we are well on our way to 2.2 so they should have some idea if that is going to happen. It would be super nice if a dev could give us some details. Things like will it actually be ready soon? What will it cost? What kinda of server freedom will we have, meaning can you go from a PVE to a RP PVE, etc etc (I know some games in the past you could only transfer from identical server types)?


If they are close (as in hot on the heels) they should know some of this stuff already? Letting some of that info out would not be Homeland Security Top Secret, it would be fan beneficial and maybe help them save some face.



My two cents.

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If they said hot on the heels of 2.1 and not with 2.2, then you could assume (we know what that does anyway) that it would between the two. Having said that, we are well on our way to 2.2 so they should have some idea if that is going to happen. It would be super nice if a dev could give us some details. Things like will it actually be ready soon? What will it cost? What kinda of server freedom will we have, meaning can you go from a PVE to a RP PVE, etc etc (I know some games in the past you could only transfer from identical server types)?


If they are close (as in hot on the heels) they should know some of this stuff already? Letting some of that info out would not be Homeland Security Top Secret, it would be fan beneficial and maybe help them save some face.



My two cents.


Considering the fact there is only one RP-PvP server and the people on that server would be trapped stuck on the server if that were the case and people unable to consolidate resulting in losing people. That's basically punishing people after bioware screwed up the merge forgetting that people were already rerolling which possibly segregates all their characters.

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If they said hot on the heels of 2.1 and not with 2.2, then you could assume (we know what that does anyway) that it would between the two. Having said that, we are well on our way to 2.2 so they should have some idea if that is going to happen. It would be super nice if a dev could give us some details. Things like will it actually be ready soon? What will it cost? What kinda of server freedom will we have, meaning can you go from a PVE to a RP PVE, etc etc (I know some games in the past you could only transfer from identical server types)?


If they are close (as in hot on the heels) they should know some of this stuff already? Letting some of that info out would not be Homeland Security Top Secret, it would be fan beneficial and maybe help them save some face.



My two cents.


That is what they implied when they said that, but it is not looking good so far. If it was coming before 2.2 they would have started giving us more info already.

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If they said hot on the heels of 2.1 and not with 2.2, then you could assume (we know what that does anyway) that it would between the two. Having said that, we are well on our way to 2.2 so they should have some idea if that is going to happen. It would be super nice if a dev could give us some details.

According to someone who talked with the Dev's at Friday's Dallas Cantina event, it is currently looking like after 2.2, but before 2.3:

In a chat with Eric, he also said server transfers are in the works and will be live not with 2.2 but soon after that, likely before "the next major patch afterwards."

With everything like this, any timeframe estimates they give are only their best guess - it was a bug cropping up that pushed it back from being released in 2.1, so I'd say until it's actually released it's important to remember nothing is set in stone.

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Why did they say 'hot on the heels of 2.1' then....sigh..



Hot on the heels implies "before" 2.2 or in 2.2 release and not 2.3 or later. IMO it is just frustrating to never really get a solid answer other than "soon" or "hot on the heels". :confused:

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