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Advance Class change

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It is going to affect your game experience in a huge way.


And it really is no different than changing your inquisitor to a bounty hunter. Sorces and assassins ARE DIFFERENT CLASSES!


If they added paid class changes, I would give serious thoughts to unsubscribing.


Learning process though, I don't mind taking the time to learn an RDPS instead of my Sin tank. Plus I wouldn't be gimping anyone else if I have learned it. Doesn't even take long to get good and know a rotation at this game. Inquisitor uses light armor and uses Willpower, Bounty Hunter uses Aim and Heavy Armor.... So how is changing assassins (Willpower Stat) to Sorcs (Willpower) gonna be game breaking? You learn to adapt and why would you unsub? Cause people don't have the time to play the same class story over and they just want to do a switch? How is that affecting YOU, as a player? :rak_02:

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In my opinion, this should not be a cartel market item but available through the base game and the legacy system. However, it should have the requirement of a level 50 character of both advanced classes (either mirrored or the same). That way, everyone who sees any given character will know that they are at least sufficiently able to play their advanced class that they could reach level 50.


I would also be in favour of a limitation that it could be swapped no more than once per month.

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When you hit level 10 and select your AC, that becomes your new class. They are not the same, they are different. In some cases they are VERY different. In some cases you go from the potential to be a tank, to the potential to be a healer. In some cases, you go from a ranged DPS to a melee DPS.


Do you think it would be OK for other games to allow you to randomly change from a priest to a warrior? How would this even make sense from a story perspective?


This ability would be game breaking and, to use your words, you know it.


Going from tank to healer to dps is easy enough in Champions Online. And you can do it randomly! And it doesn't break the game!


Of course, it could possibly break TOR, no idea. But, there's a game (and a MMO) that allows it.


I could also mention Final Fantasy XI, which allowed you to be every class in game, but you had to level them up seperately. But still, there you could be, switching between classes.


Seeing as how this would likely not be a possible deal to do while mid combat or in a PvP event, I'm not so sure it would be game breaking.


I can already turn my Healer or Tank into DPS by picking up a different skill tree.


So where exactly is the game breaking coming in at?


Also, the people who did want to change back and forth constantly would also need to have multiple main hands/off hands on the ready.


Though, for this suggestion, I wouldn't be surprised to see this more in use by the "okay, this is the better AC during this round of buffs/nerfs" crowd and less by anyone else, though I'm sure there would be plenty who would use it for other reasons.


I know if I had the option, I'd likely switch my Sentinel to a Guardian, but that's just so I can match the cutscenes. I hate that my cutscenes have me act like I only have one lightsaber.


But to be fair, I hate that my IA's cutscene look like I have a blaster pistol equipped.

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In my opinion, this should not be a cartel market item but available through the base game and the legacy system. However, it should have the requirement of a level 50 character of both advanced classes (either mirrored or the same). That way, everyone who sees any given character will know that they are at least sufficiently able to play their advanced class that they could reach level 50.


I would also be in favour of a limitation that it could be swapped no more than once per month.


I'm not going to say this is the case with every class and maybe not even every game, but I know I've played on the accounts of people I know, playing a class I never rolled before, while they needed to step away and the character was needed.


Yeah...no one noticed. The game isn't so complicated you can't have a basic understanding of what to do once you've played awhile and took the time to watch others play. :p

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They are different Advanced Classes based off if the same Base Class. Yes their roles may be different and how they interact in a fight is different but they come from the same "parent" class if you will. Structurally they are the same exact think even though their exteriors may be different. I mean really people making the same argument that you are are just splitting hairs and you know it.


Why do people keep bringing the archtype into it?


When you select your class at level 10, you are no longer a Trooper. You are a Vanguard.


Next thing you're going to want is to go from Jedi Guardian to Sith Jugganaught.

Edited by Bomyne
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When you select your class at level 10, you are no longer a Trooper. You are a Vanguard.

This is incorrect. You are both a Trooper and a Vanguard. For purposes of the game, your class is Trooper. You get the trooper options in conversations, you get the trooper storyline, and so on.


If you ceased to be a Trooper, then any gear that had the requirement of "Trooper" would not work for you. The Legacy vendors, which have items restricted by class, would not sell anything usable by anyone past level 10 (assuming you're not one of those people that's leveling up a level 50 Trooper).


That's not to say that I agree with AC switching. But to say that you cease to be your base class is patently false.

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This is incorrect. You are both a Trooper and a Vanguard. For purposes of the game, your class is Trooper. You get the trooper options in conversations, you get the trooper storyline, and so on.


If you ceased to be a Trooper, then any gear that had the requirement of "Trooper" would not work for you. The Legacy vendors, which have items restricted by class, would not sell anything usable by anyone past level 10 (assuming you're not one of those people that's leveling up a level 50 Trooper).


That's not to say that I agree with AC switching. But to say that you cease to be your base class is patently false.


I am aware of that but in terms of pure mechanics.


Go to Ord Mantel and hover over a lowbie trooper then go to the fleet and hover over a Vanguard. THe tooltip makes no reference to trooper.

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But we dont want to change our class. :confused: We want to change our sub-class! :p


For the republic side..


Your sub class is: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, and Trooper..


Your advace class is: Sentinel-Guardian, Sage-Shadow, Scoundrel-Gunslinger, and Vanguard-Commando..




Bioware specifically said that it did not want a single class having the ability to both Tank and heal.. All classes would either tank and dps, or heal and dps.. There would be no class that could do both.. Swapping AC's breaks that mechanic.. It simply isn't going to happen..


The other issue is that some sub classes only have either tank or heals.. The Guardian can tank but the Sentinel is dps only.. Scoundrels can heal but the gunslinger is dps only.. So in that reguard, allowing AC swapping would cause the game to be unbalanced.. The only two sub classes worth making would be Consular and Trooper.. So yes.. It would break the game..



Edited by MajikMyst
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I'm on the fence about this... I think they are pretty clear with the warnings about not letting you change your AC. So in that sense, I wouldn't agree that we should be allowed to change.


However, I wish I knew about how some of the AC were ahead of time. I would even go as far as saying I regretted rolling a certain AC or two, and felt stuck. I know some might say "Well just re-roll and stop complaining". Well, I did, and thats why I have 5 50's now. But I'm just saying if we had a one-time chance as we were leveling, say around level 30 (just randomly picked a number) where we could use Cartel Coins to switch the AC, that would be great!

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WoW or.none of the other games have 2 AC's that do the same exact story arcs as one another, so your contention to that point is based off if a false premise.


WoW's 11 classes all have the same story, does that make them all the same class?

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Some good points made by many in this thread.


Common Theme seems to be most agree if it happens you should keep to your BASE CLASS. Its just the Advance Class we are talking about with the same story line for both. (See Subject Line)


Issues: Learning how to use your new class does present challenges as you didn't level up the character you would have a steep learning curve that could potentially hinder progress with others.


CAUSE: Repeat story lines is the crux of the problem. I rolled a Mara and Jugg in the Warrior class and was BORED out of my mind seeing the same story. Won't be doing that again, and that's why folks are asking for this.


REASON: Character Imbalance and/or dislike how the Adv Class turned out. Might be a little bit of both. I mean nobody really knows how well the class performs until they are raiding level 50 content (Then its a tad late). Noob tanks wouldn't know that certain tank classes out perform or have way more functionality than others. (Had I known, I'd have leveled a Assassin Tank or PT instead of my Jugg Tank, but that's not what's being discussed here). Personally I'd like to move my 2nd SORC to ASSASSIN to be a TANK (Wicked awesome tank - funny the JUGG should be the #1 Top Tank of all tank classes IMHO)

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CAUSE: Repeat story lines is the crux of the problem. I rolled a Mara and Jugg in the Warrior class and was BORED out of my mind seeing the same story. Won't be doing that again, and that's why folks are asking for this.


This is the only MMO I have ever played that has had different stories for every class. If you are bored out of your mind doing it TWICE in SWTOR...what would you have done in WoW with 11 classes all with the exact same story??


Factoring in the fact that SWTOR's story and leveling experience are about 10 times better than WoW's.


This argument, quite frankly, is dumb. If you want another class, reroll. If you don't want it enough to put in the work, you don't want it enough to put in the work.

Edited by Icebergy
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Totally disagree with this, as has been stated, you picked your class, you don't get to just change your class cos you're no longer happy with it .


Frankly i'm sick of people making out advance class has anything to do with pre level 10 class. You don't get to level a paladin then go, "can't be bothered to level a Death Knight, let me reroll my pally". You picked it, reroll or live with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love this... when I solo played I went Sentinel, now my wife plays and she is a healer... I would love to have a guardian, but dred not only repeting the story, but lose all i have invested in the sentinel since everyting is bound. Now that I play as a paired group, a tank would be much more practical, not my dps.


this should be limited to maybe ONE time only, per alt, so its not abused. Only changing the AC too, not the main class.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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This would be nice to have the option to do. Obviously it should be pricey enough that no one wants to do it too often, and probably have a cool down of some variety. Also should have way to reverse if you decide to change you mind after, but it should be a short time frame (like an hour). This would still trigger the long cooldown, and there would be no refund.


The complaints about not knowing the advanced class you switch to another one, big deal? It's not like there's some magical learning curve you can only get from the levelling process. I mean, the classes that already have more than one role deal with this all the time. Someone who levelled a Powertech DPS only doing quests can switch to Powertech Tank without ever having tanked before so have no idea how to do it when stepping into a Flashpoint at 50. If someone wants to do this, there are sites out there that tell you the basics of how to play a class.

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I get why people are interested in this, but I come down on the side of this being too game-breaking. The only thing I could see BW doing that I wouldn't be too unhappy with is attaching a 6-month cooldown to AC change for that character, so you're not just swapping AC's each week.


Having faster and easier respecs within your AC is something I think is needed. Going to the vendor isn't such a big deal, but overall the process is very clunky and time-consuming. WoW does this well in my opinion, allowing you to save two configurations that includes not only the talents and glyphs but buttons and hotkeys.


Also wouldn't hate a way to save gear sets for faster swapping.

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  • 1 month later...
It isn't asking too much to be able to switch from Guardian to Sentinel or vice versa, it really isn't. Once a Guardian is levelled to 50, I don't think you should have to go through the whole story again if you want to try a Sentinel, which is what I had to do. Just make things simpler and add it to the game. Edited by ChrisRedmond
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I agree. I had to reroll a few characters because I found out I didn't like DPS. Fortunately I was about Lvl 15. Come on, BioWare, at least a 1 time only? Give players a chance to see if they like the AC?


I rolled an AC that I wasn't terribly fond of, and had to re-roll. But it wasn't because of nerfs/buffs (as everything, over the course of a game, will be nerfed/buffed. People make more of it than necessary) it was because I was averse to the playstyle. I learned my lesson and did the research before choosing an advanced class with my other characters.


It's a permanent decision, and it's one the player should spend a bit of time considering. Further, you should play the AC that closely matches your preferred playstyle, not based on whatever AC is the flavor of the month/patch. Re-rolling provides you the opportunity to know how to play your class - if they allowed you to switch AC, you'd have a bunch of new sentinels (for example) running around without having a decent grasp on how to play that AC. You'd also have to re-earn your gear, presuming you learn your build and can get a group.


I don't know, it simply strikes me as a way to avoid putting any effort into a character. Leveling is extremely easy, and goes by ridiculously quick at this point. I've regretted the AC choice of a character or two, but then I just re-rolled. I put the effort in, and was rewarded - because I wanted it. If they just hand everything to us that used to take at least a little effort, then this game will lose even more of it's value.


Rather than changing on a whim as a result of Nerf Cries, why not adapt?

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I would only agree with this on one condition:


It is a 1 time only. Once you change, you can never go back, and the cost be around 3000 cartel coins.


Make it available, expensive, and final. No flipping back and forth.



I agree with this idea... I also want it, I have 8 toons and I prefer to tank, but I already have a 50 Sentinel that I would love to have as a guardian and since I played a juggernaut to 50, I can play that class. (This is for the ones that will say, but you have to LEARN the AC so no changing it.)


But like the poster I quoted, this should be once or very limited and not cheap to do....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Sentinel is a whole different beast than Guardian, as you would need to replace your whole equipment (heavy vs medium armor)

Also, if you want to "try" how the class plays, I suggest rolling a opposite faction alt that is exact mirror to what you want (so if you want to know how Sentinel is played, roll a Warrior Marauder). You will experience a whole different story (warrior is pretty good from what I keep hearing), and you will see how that class is played.

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Sentinel is a whole different beast than Guardian, as you would need to replace your whole equipment (heavy vs medium armor)

Also, if you want to "try" how the class plays, I suggest rolling a opposite faction alt that is exact mirror to what you want (so if you want to know how Sentinel is played, roll a Warrior Marauder). You will experience a whole different story (warrior is pretty good from what I keep hearing), and you will see how that class is played.


I did do this. The result being that I have an Operative that I love and a Gunslinger that I hate, currently levelling a Scoundrel.


Oh how I wish I could just change Gunslinger to scoundrel, I know I'd love it...(dreams of fluffy kittens)

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Reposted from another one of these threads.

Key word Advanced CLASSES. You never swap a class for another in an MMO short of rerolling. That's the rule. Don't like it? Make your own MMO with an ability to swap classes and play that. Them's the rules. Deal with it and move on, man. [/Quote]

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