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My hat off to people who play dedicated tanks


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Most people will experience tanking doing level 50 flashpoints, and its unfortunate that these flashpoints contain many mechanics that make a tanks life very difficult. It can turn new players off the role pretty quickly, and attract the ire of the group for something they have little power over.


I'm talking packs of trash mobs, with multiple ranged enemies spread far apart and excessive knockback and cc mechanics (which target highest on threat, the tank). Add to this bosses with hidden threat drops.


I weep for the tanks that went into boarding party with their socks pulled up only to get raged at by the group for not being able to tank the first droid boss (which is un-tankable during target acquired phase). In contrast, the newer operations are much more tank friendly.

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1.) You're my favorite kind of DPS!


2.) As a Guardian I will say that it can sometimes be difficult to maintain threat, particularly at the beginning of a fight. Long term, however, threat management is just fine.


Anyways, I certainly appreciate this thread! It's sometimes frustrating being a tank, but it's definitely worth it.


Here's the thing though, a dps that throttles back their dps is playing poorly. This is what taunts are for. Taunts will take the threat off the highest threat ally and then add another 10-30% to it and gives that total to you as the current leading threat. Meaning, if that dps is ahead of you in threat by a larger amount, your threat lead will be larger once you taunt off them.


Besides, assuming approximately equal gear, tank threat is superior, given equal player skill between the tank and a dps. If your tank is losing threat to someone who doesn't massively over gear you, then they are the ones at fault. Also, if they are that over geared, the mobs are probably dying quickly enough that they should have no issues tanking the damage for the mere seconds the target is attacking the DPS.


I'm a BIS geared sniper, 63's in every slot, all mods are exactly optimised to provide the most possible DPS for my spec and class. I can and do pull threat off any pug tank I come across, but I'm sure as hell not going to throttle my output to match the tank. I don't mind, and almost always the healer doesn't mind, having to heal a bit of extra damage as long as the run is being made 5-10 minutes shorter.


Also, stop putting guard on healers in flashpoints. There are cases in some operations content where guarding a healer is advantageous, it's never the case for flashpts.

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You make a valid point, and I think your experience is typical as it applies to tanking PUG FPs, especially if you're leveling a tank that way.


The sad thing is that if you do this as a healer, people tend to just adore you if you're any good at it, and you don't have the same problems feeling frustrated all the time. If you're a decent healer, you wind up with a very long friends list by the time you hit 50, and you will have PUG runs that end pretty often with one or two people chiming in to say "great healz" or "thx for heals." Yet healing is arguably a lot easier than tanking in PUGs, because as a healer all you have to do is be well geared and very good at your own job, and you can often save a terrible group from themselves, and keep them all alive long enough to muddle through.


As a tank though, you not only have to know the mobs and instances, and (try) to get things set up and keep them under control, but you also have to make sure everyone else knows what you're doing, and what they're supposed to do. Since there are tons of stupid and stubborn bads around, this means you're not only dealing with their stupidness, but also listening to their whining and ranting the whole time as they blame you for their own fail, after they refused to do the simple things you asked them to.


The only thing I can say that makes it easier is: try to tell people in PUGs what to do as little as possible, and only when really needed. I just ask at the start if everyone knows the fights, and if they all say yes, then I won't say anything unless problems come up, or I need to tell people what I'm going to do with the fight. Less is always more when it comes to telling people on the internets what to do, because it's more likely they might actually do it, and it makes you think about what matters vs. what just slows you down a bit.


The most directions I ever give are simple things like "pet first," "ignore the big droid; just kite him if he targets you," "kill adds when they pop," or setting a kill order for fights where it matters. That's about all you ever need to say for boss fights in any story mode FP you do while leveling. Trash fights don't need any direction at all in any case I can think of, assuming everyone is awake and at least facerolling their rotation. Even the hardmode FPs at 50 and story mode Tier 1 ops don't require much in the way of organizing just to get through them.


I don't bother to coach or direct people on little stuff like focus fire, knockbacks, aggro, or other basic raid know-how, except in extreme cases, or if they ask. The only time I will call people out for sucking is if (1) I tell a DPS to "stop pulling" once and they keep on doing it (and I don't even bother telling them to stop unless they're pulling stuff that could lead to actual wipes), or (2) someone queued up as heals in a DPS spec and doesn't bother to heal (assuming heals are really needed for the instance, and they either can't or won't heal at the level needed).


If a DPS goes off randomly pulling stuff or can't manage to focus fire, and they're the only one dying from it, then I just let them die. Either they figure it out or they don't, but unless it's causing the whole group to wipe, it's not worth my time. If a healer is not really keeping up with damage and I'm having to pop medpacks in every fight, but nobody is dying, I won't say anything; as long as they're at least trying, they're still contributing.


Usually if a healer is just not healing at all or a DPS is obviously causing wipes, someone else will already have started a vote to kick them. If not, then you just have to group quit and sit for the timeout. It's almost always less time wasted than trying to finish with someone who is wrecking the whole run.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Also, stop putting guard on healers in flashpoints. There are cases in some operations content where guarding a healer is advantageous, it's never the case for flashpts.

This might be valid if you're grinding FPs with a hilariously overgeared group (i.e., a DPS in 63 gear). If you're already geared at that level though, I am not sure why you're PUGing hardmodes anyway. Also, if everyone is that overgeared, then who gets guarded isn't going to matter, because you're going to roflstomp everything.


I guard healers because (1) if the healer dies, it's more likely to lead to a wipe than if a DPS goes down, and even if they're not close enough for the damage reduction to kick in, they still get the threat mitigation; and (2) on average, in random PUGs with people whose gearing and abilities you don't know, it's more likely that the healer will be working harder, and therefore generating more aggro, compared with any random DPS.


If there weren't so many bads in PUGs, then maybe this would not be true. But I'm not going to waste a guard on DPS that can't manage to focus fire or run away when they have a huge red rotating target at their feet for ten seconds before they get obliterated by the boss's special. Since DPS are probably close enough for the damage redirect on guard to work, guarding the average bad just makes it more likely that I will die at some point (and the group will wipe) because of their stupid mistakes.

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I gave up tanking in this game. In fact I deleted my original Juggernaut in a bit of a rage quit. I am re-leveling him now but I simple don't do Flashpoints. I'll wait until 50 then join a guild. Pugging in this game as a tank is an excercise in patience.


Yeah, try pugging after level 50. As a tank I see punting all the time, but now I simply throw a Guard on one dps and Guardian Leap the **** out of the other. Guess what? I retain aggro!

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This might be valid if you're grinding FPs with a hilariously overgeared group (i.e., a DPS in 63 gear). If you're already geared at that level though, I am not sure why you're PUGing hardmodes anyway. Also, if everyone is that overgeared, then who gets guarded isn't going to matter, because you're going to roflstomp everything.


I guard healers because (1) if the healer dies, it's more likely to lead to a wipe than if a DPS goes down, and even if they're not close enough for the damage reduction to kick in, they still get the threat mitigation; and (2) on average, in random PUGs with people whose gearing and abilities you don't know, it's more likely that the healer will be working harder, and therefore generating more aggro, compared with any random DPS.


If there weren't so many bads in PUGs, then maybe this would not be true. But I'm not going to waste a guard on DPS that can't manage to focus fire or run away when they have a huge red rotating target at their feet for ten seconds before they get obliterated by the boss's special. Since DPS are probably close enough for the damage redirect on guard to work, guarding the average bad just makes it more likely that I will die at some point (and the group will wipe) because of their stupid mistakes.


It's pretty easy to maintain threat as a tank now than it used to be. DPS' will take some heat. A healer shouldn't at all... unless you're not doing your job right or in a terrible group who attack a bunch of mobs but focus on one target and leave a couple undamaged just blasting away at the healer.


I usually guard melee DPS, especially if they're highly geared because they do huge amounts of damage so it's easy enough for them to take threat away from me. If I overgear the rest of the group, I'd put it on the lowest geared DPS who will do some damage and will take some heat on trash mobs, sometimes strongs - they'll go down easy if the healer isn't paying attention.


I suppose there are a few rare occurrences where the healer could take some damage, unrelated to threat. Such as bosses who just randomly target, AOE attacks, etc. That's the only instance where I'd put guard on a healer, but it's not often.


Also, the damage redirection ONLY works in PVP. So that's moot.

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To the guy who say tanks are never kicked. When i level on my healer i kick tanks. I give them warnings first ofc, but when i get agro on the first little heal i do, and the tank just tunnels on the big elite and ignore all adds, i´ll tell him to start tanking.


And ofc people who need on other peoples gear i´ll kick them too, even if they´re the tank. When a sniper rolls need on a cunning item and the jug tank also neds he´ll get the boot so fast he wont know what hit him. I´ll tell him why he gets kicked so that maybe he´ll learn.


Ofc sometimes the dps will keep me safe, but when there´s ex. 2 elites, 2 strongs and some weak mobs, i expect the tank to at least control the elites. If he cant do that i´ll kick him and let my companion tank.


There are terribad tanks out there. All the more reason for dps to make tanking enjoyable for the good tanks.

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I suppose there are a few rare occurrences where the healer could take some damage, unrelated to threat. Such as bosses who just randomly target, AOE attacks, etc. That's the only instance where I'd put guard on a healer, but it's not often.

With the typical hilariously undergeared DPS that don't even know what the word "rotation" means, it's unlikely that they need 25% threat mitigation to avoid pulling aggro. Most people who play healer classes in heal spec at least know that they have a job to do, and they try to do it most of the time that the fight is going on, meaning it's more likely that they're generating more actual aggro during the fight than the DPS who are running around like chickens with their legs cut off or just standing there afk.


And if the DPS are going off pulling mobs from other packs, shooting mobs that just got taunted or CC'ed, and doing everything else but shooting the thing they should be shooting, then nothing you do is going to save them from an untimely death.


You're also right about threat being easy to maintain; which is why guard for DPS doesn't matter in PUGs. I can keep ahead of 99% of PUG DPS without using taunts anyway, so there is no reason for me to guard them. I have seen DPS die because they went off pulling on their own, shot CC'ed mobs, or stood in the fire. I've never seen one die because they pulled aggro on something that I was trying to keep aggro on.


In cases where the group is good, people are well geared, and everyone does their jobs, guarding melee DPS is probably the best move. That's almost never the case in PUGs.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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I can and do pull threat off any pug tank I come across, but I'm sure as hell not going to throttle my output to match the tank. I don't mind, and almost always the healer doesn't mind, having to heal a bit of extra damage as long as the run is being made 5-10 minutes shorter.


I think you are missing valid points that have been posted throughout this thread. This is exactly the behavior that is not wanted in flashpoints. The mentality of, I don't give a crap and everyone else just has to deal with it just chases people off and gets you put on ignore lists. Perhaps you should step back and think about this.

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My hat off to people who play dedicated tanks. I have played mostly dps type classes throughout my mmo history but this time I decided to give a defense tree guardian a try. I am currently level 47 and I just have to say, it has been one of the most frustrating experiences leveling up with this character playing during flashpoints. Trying to get people to follow simple instructions whether it's with crowd control or asking people not to punt mobs away from me, it just seems that people really don't give a crap about trying to play decently.



I just finished a run through the red reaper and I put the whole group on ignore halfway though and toughed it out to finish the flashpoint. I had a commando and a shadow that kept using their punt skill to knock mobs away from me which in turn made it difficult to retain threat. I would mark targets on which to focus attack and they just flat out ignored it and were most likely using tab to target their next mob to attack.


You know that first area in Red Reaper which can be a tough nut if you aren't careful? Well I started out as usual and was trying to clear mobs from the side when the commando decided to just shoot the mobs in the middle which started the big mob spawn and rush. Death followed of course. It just went downhill from there. Even with the sage healer, it seemed she was more concerned with dpsing rather than healing me. I died several more times in some of the big pull areas after burning all of my oh crap cool down abilities and her force bar hardly didnt even have a scratch to it.


There are certain aspects of the old mmos that I miss like from Everquest. The game was very unforgiving of silly mistakes and tended to weed out the silly people fairly quickly. So to all you people who play tanks, thank you and I know exactly how you feel and why some of you give up to go play dps classes instead.



Meh, just another day at the office. ;p

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As someone who had never really tanked in an MMO prior to SWTOR, I disagree with this statement. For someone like me (who has never tanked before), having a companion and being a tank, you can learn how to tank and have no fear of being yelled at or kicked from a group for being a "newb". Yes, the mob killing is slower, but in my opinion, that is time well spent, if when you jump into a group you know what you are doing. And when you get your healer companion....you are INVINCIBLE!!!:D


Much true.


I leveled a Jugg with my wife a SM and it was a fun trip. Indeed once I got my healer, nothing could take me down. Although I have no desire to tank for groups (other than the two of us when we play a 50 combo), it was also a great learning experience and helped me reallly appreciate tanks in the game (especially when we did 4 person heroics at or above our level).


Although I concentrated on sheild and absorb and defense, I did try to sprinkle in some might and power and found that although I did not burn things down, I could actualy put out some decent dps which made the play even more fun.


LOL, I also play a sith sorc healer with my wife's SM and enjoy that combination almost as much. The same can be said about the learning experience and power in leveling. The biggest diffence is that when we accidently pull a group of mobs, the healer reaction is how do I survive this while the tank is come on in, the more the merrier.

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Here's the thing though, a dps that throttles back their dps is playing poorly. This is what taunts are for. Taunts will take the threat off the highest threat ally and then add another 10-30% to it and gives that total to you as the current leading threat. Meaning, if that dps is ahead of you in threat by a larger amount, your threat lead will be larger once you taunt off them.


Besides, assuming approximately equal gear, tank threat is superior, given equal player skill between the tank and a dps. If your tank is losing threat to someone who doesn't massively over gear you, then they are the ones at fault. Also, if they are that over geared, the mobs are probably dying quickly enough that they should have no issues tanking the damage for the mere seconds the target is attacking the DPS.


I'm a BIS geared sniper, 63's in every slot, all mods are exactly optimised to provide the most possible DPS for my spec and class. I can and do pull threat off any pug tank I come across, but I'm sure as hell not going to throttle my output to match the tank. I don't mind, and almost always the healer doesn't mind, having to heal a bit of extra damage as long as the run is being made 5-10 minutes shorter.


Also, stop putting guard on healers in flashpoints. There are cases in some operations content where guarding a healer is advantageous, it's never the case for flashpts.


Please don't ever raid. LOL


I've been leading raids, progression raiding for a very long time. You would last about two minutes in one of my raids as you are the classic example of what not to do, and how not to do it LOL. I'm going to further guess that you've never raided in any organized fashion and are simply a troublesome pug-monkey and that very dps that everyone tends to complain about.


Your lack of knowledge and understanding would not be bad in and of itself except for the arrogance that allows you to assume this wildly distorted belief is even close to correct in any raiding situation. I could give you a full page lecture as to what you are doing wrong, and why, but I'd be wasting my time because of that very attitude that allows you to be so bad. You are not "pro" LOL. You doing it exactly wrong.


....and no, that is not how taunt works in this game. *sigh*

Edited by Blackardin
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First, get out of the tank tree for leveling. The damage is horrendous in tank spec for Guardians, PT's and Assassins can pull it off. Because they have the dps in those trees, and aren't gimped by there resource.


And 2nd don't do pre-50 flashpoints, unless you are ready for pugs like you experienced. Not saying you wont still run into these types of players at 50, but they are few and far between.





Trust me when I say this, I have all 3 tanks class and I tank or have tanked with them all. assassins and powertechs are very much face roll when it comes to threat.

The only tank that has to work for threat is Guardian / Jugg, yes they can tank and keep threat. But they are the only tank class that has to jump through burning hoops.


And yes we have real time dps meters in this game.


I disagree. Level in the tank tree to learn your skills and class but focus on wearing more DPS gear while

Leveling up. You will be a beast and paired with a healer companion leveling should be a be a breeze.

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It was very kind and gracious of the original poster to thank tanks. As a healer and a tank I can appreciate the sentiment on both sides. Good tanks in this game are treasured. I played a healer first then leveled my tank. I play endgame content on both which I think makes me better in both roles. I think all tanks should play a healer at some point and vise-versa. But playing both roles makes me more appreciative of good players in their respective roles.
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Please don't ever raid. LOL


I've been leading raids, progression raiding for a very long time. You would last about two minutes in one of my raids as you are the classic example of what not to do, and how not to do it LOL. I'm going to further guess that you've never raided in any organized fashion and are simply a troublesome pug-monkey and that very dps that everyone tends to complain about.


Your lack of knowledge and understanding would not be bad in and of itself except for the arrogance that allows you to assume this wildly distorted belief is even close to correct in any raiding situation. I could give you a full page lecture as to what you are doing wrong, and why, but I'd be wasting my time because of that very attitude that allows you to be so bad. You are not "pro" LOL. You doing it exactly wrong.


....and no, that is not how taunt works in this game. *sigh*


Yes it *is* how taunt works in this game. You are doing it exactly wrong.


In an ops, there are enrage timers for a reason. DPS are not responsible for pandering to an inexperienced tank, or a tank that refuses to taunt. Playing the game at the highest level of progression requires 100% from every class at all times. I predict your raids hitting enrage, because of your terrible misunderstanding of threat mechanics, and expecting dps to help you hold threat. This doesn't fly in nightmare ops.


I would never want to raid with you if you don't even know how taunt works. You make massive assumptions about the class dynamics in this game which is, I suspect, carried over from another game. You should take the time to learn the specifics of the game you are playing. *You* are precisely what you accuse Sydexlic of being.


Besides, assuming approximately equal gear, tank threat is superior, given equal player skill between the tank and a dps.


The only thing I have issue with, is this misconception. Taking taunts out of the picture, an assassin is the only tank that is going to meet your expectation. Powertechs *may* need to taunt after their opener (a good burst should still rip it off them), and guardians must roll 2 or more taunts in order to gain a solid lead. As far as threat per second, 2 out of the 3 tank classes are *not* equal to the potential dps output of a well played, BiS sniper, mara, or pyro.


The best thing to keep in mind as a dps, is what tank classes you are playing with. A guardian is going to have significant trouble holding threat in the opening stages of any encounter where he has to kite or move a boss, or gain threat on separated ranged packs. Even a stationary tank and spank phase like writhing terror requires a pretty spot on opening burst in addition to well timed taunts for a guardian to hold it...


...What I really mean to say is, just feel bad for that guardian who's breaking his keyboard trying to hold threat for you.

Edited by Marb
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In my honest opinion, it's only worth tanking if you're a vanguard or power tech. People seem to prefer them more than guardians or juggs in flashpoints and operations. I've also noticed that its a HUGE pain in the *** if you're tanking in warzones unless you max out your HP to 26k or more...so it's always good to be in a good guild that gets you geared if you're looking to tank in warzones. As for PvE, it can be tough raiding with a guild if you're a fresh 50 because you only need 2 tanks at most for raids and alot of guilds aren't looking for tanks most of the time.
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In my honest opinion, it's only worth tanking if you're a vanguard or power tech. People seem to prefer them more than guardians or juggs in flashpoints and operations. I've also noticed that its a HUGE pain in the *** if you're tanking in warzones unless you max out your HP to 26k or more...so it's always good to be in a good guild that gets you geared if you're looking to tank in warzones. As for PvE, it can be tough raiding with a guild if you're a fresh 50 because you only need 2 tanks at most for raids and alot of guilds aren't looking for tanks most of the time.


I think you're forgetting that there are 3 tanks. Also, all three tanks are viable at endgame, Juggs/Guardians will likely just have a harder time of it.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Sydexlic View Post

I can and do pull threat off any pug tank I come across, but I'm sure as hell not going to throttle my output to match the tank. I don't mind, and almost always the healer doesn't mind, having to heal a bit of extra damage as long as the run is being made 5-10 minutes shorter.


I think you are missing valid points that have been posted throughout this thread. This is exactly the behavior that is not wanted in flashpoints. The mentality of, I don't give a crap and everyone else just has to deal with it just chases people off and gets you put on ignore lists. Perhaps you should step back and think about this.


yes, LordSkyKnight has it right imho. I can only speak as a Sentinel/DPS... (tho I have a 50 vanguard and understand tanking quite well) - and as a sent I know we play a support roll in groups we are not the whole show.


A tanks job is to keep as many bads as possible focused on him/her self.... it's a sents job to help them do that by taking out/burning down the trash asap and if some adds have focused the healer we take the pressure off them by killing or kiting the adds back to the tank so the healers can do their job.


then and only then do we start burning down the boss (there are exceptions to this of course but it is the base line/starting point strategy for any sentinel).


the only time I try to draw aggro is if I see the tank/healer combo is having trouble and I need to take the pressure off them for a few seconds while their cd's come back on line. then I hit 'force camo' back away, drop threat, and I'm ready to force leap back to continue the burns.


synergy - a good group has a synergy that compliments each class and does not compete.


bottom line? if ya want to play a tank then roll a tank. a good dps'er knows how to support the team not compete against it.

Edited by magecutter
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This might be valid if you're grinding FPs with a hilariously overgeared group (i.e., a DPS in 63 gear). If you're already geared at that level though, I am not sure why you're PUGing hardmodes anyway. Also, if everyone is that overgeared, then who gets guarded isn't going to matter, because you're going to roflstomp everything.


I guard healers because (1) if the healer dies, it's more likely to lead to a wipe than if a DPS goes down, and even if they're not close enough for the damage reduction to kick in, they still get the threat mitigation; and (2) on average, in random PUGs with people whose gearing and abilities you don't know, it's more likely that the healer will be working harder, and therefore generating more aggro, compared with any random DPS.


If there weren't so many bads in PUGs, then maybe this would not be true. But I'm not going to waste a guard on DPS that can't manage to focus fire or run away when they have a huge red rotating target at their feet for ten seconds before they get obliterated by the boss's special. Since DPS are probably close enough for the damage redirect on guard to work, guarding the average bad just makes it more likely that I will die at some point (and the group will wipe) because of their stupid mistakes.


You guard healers because you don't understand how healers generate threat. Healers generate 0.5 threat per effective healing done. Not only is this only .5 threat per 1 healing gnerated MUCH less threat than the DPS threat generation rates, the threat generated is divided by all the creatures the healer was noticed by. i.e, if there is a pull of 5 mobs, the healers threat will be divided 5 ways, each mob will gain only 0.1 threat per 1 point of healing. What does this mean? It basically means all you need to do is look at a mob sternly and it will ignore the healer. Any damage at all will most likely be enough to keep it off the healer, so if your healer is dying, it's pretty much the tanks fault with or without guard.


THIS is why you ALWAYS guard the DPS and NOT the healer.


Consider yourself edumacated.

Edited by Sydexlic
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Please don't ever raid. LOL


I've been leading raids, progression raiding for a very long time. You would last about two minutes in one of my raids as you are the classic example of what not to do, and how not to do it LOL. I'm going to further guess that you've never raided in any organized fashion and are simply a troublesome pug-monkey and that very dps that everyone tends to complain about.


Sorry, too late. I already have the Warstalker title and was 2nd in the world to clear EC NiM with my raid.


For proof of my claims, check out my youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrGryph78/videos?view=0&flow=grid


With that said, I'm quite confident in my assertion that I'd not want to go anywhere near your mediocre guild.

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I have always gone for the DPS role in MMO's and currently have a level 50 assassin but going to be working on a tank soon unsure of which.


Im not one of these idiots in flashpoints that you mention but I know where your coming from, I do like knowing that Im the one doing the most damage but I haven't done this sort of stuff. But I have seen it from a fellow dps in the group trying to show off and prove he can do everything as good as everyone else.


Any tank or healer has my appreciation, it's something I have always struggled to enjoy doing and when DPS run around like headless chickens I can understand how annoying it is, I have witnessed it first hand.


And also a little off topic has anyone else had a healer deciding they fancy getting stuck into the fight and being a have a go hero rather than healing their tank? I have had this 2 or 3 times over the last few days and has to be one of the most annoying things I have had. Wouldn't listen and just stick to healing, wanted to pull my hair out.

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i have one of each tank for Empire side and while i love tanking i rarely can stand to do anything with pugs... but i do it 3xday like a bad habit... I'm in a program now ....12 step for my sadistic addiction but it's a process...
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So many people do not understand the fundamental basics of threat in this game that it is a wonder tanks are given a hard time over holding aggro.


This isn't that faceroll game you may be used to, you know the one, where only half the group is needed to roll the bosses.


I suggest you go back to reading up on the developers responses to how the mechanics of threat work in this game. You will probably find out that you are wrong and misusing such simple things as your positioning in the fight.


As for guarding the healer, if they are too far from the tank, it is useless to do so, and you are better off guarding the higher dps.


In short, learn the mechanics of the game, all classes and roles, to better handle the situations. If you don't, then it's a good deal that you are in error.


And please, stop breaking the CC'd mobs, that's the tanks job.

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